One mother complains and annual Kindergarten trip to see Santa cancelled

She's an American Jew, she's very likely a Dimocrat.
This is something liberals continually do anyway. They work daily to trash and tear down our traditions.


Except there is no evidence of her being a liberal, only Jewish. Take your Jewish bigotry, and shove it up your a$$.
Apparently to DD, the only good Jew is one that lives far away in Israel and can be used as a tool by the GOP.

Cry me a river will you please ?!
Jews are WAY over represented in this country when it comes to how everything is ran.
They virtually run our monetary system, and all of Wall Street, as well as Hollywood and our entire media structure.
You would make a damn good Nazi.

Lol !
The truth hurts doesn't it ?
I don't want anyone hurt, I'm just not going to get upset if an American Jewish woman gets her feelings hurt.
Jews are the single most privileged group in this country, they'll be just fine even if the majority gets to continue their holiday traditions.
And it continues. Anyone wonder why the average American Jew isn't fooled by the "claims" by RW "christians" that they support them?
In my town JEHOVAH WITNESS people have similar objections For my part the idea of walking a kindergarten class to a local café is REALLY IDIOTIC-----in my kindergarten years-------the FATTEST JANITOR (who happened ---btw ---to be a jew) dressed up in his santa costume-----complete with cotton puff beard stuck on his chin -----AND HO HO HO HO'ed his way thru the kindergarten and first grade
classes and all the kids shouted " HI, MR. TAYLOR" we all had a good time,
protestants, catholics, and jews
All the JW I know won't participate but they don't ruin things for everyone else.
The "major problem" as you put it goes way beyond Christianity.
In America, Christmas celebrations are in our country's DNA. Whether you are religious or not, the vast majority of us have always celebrated everything about it from our own homes, workplaces, schools, stores, everywhere.
More and more we see asshole liberals attempting to tear our traditions down. You are so afraid someone may be offended, you demand a society that if all groups cannot be recognized, then no group should.
Problem is, you people forget that you're offending us. Why aren't you concerned about that ?
Visiting Santa, sitting on his lap, and asking him for presents is a family activity, not a school activity. I don't agree with the woman that this is wrong because it promotes Christianity. It doesn't. Santa isn't Christianity. But she's right for the wrong reasons. Having kids ask "Santa" for presents is not an appropriate,school activity.

In this case, it has been a tradition for this schools Kindergarten going back about 10 years, and it's the sort of thing that is all part of traditional American society.
a 10 year tradition? how will they ever survive without it?

They'll survive just fine, but it's unfortunate this asshole woman ruined what was something the little kids were probably looking forward to.
Some of the little kids were going to ask "Santa" for a present they weren't going to get. Those little kids would have been looking forward to getting those things. It should be up to the parents to decide whether they want their kids to be asking Santa for presents.
I admit, that was a strange field trip. Santa came to our classroom with candy canes for us, wished us a HO HO HO Merry Christmas and skiddaddled with the cookies we gave him. But maybe that school doesn't have a jolly guy willing to dress up in a Santa suit for the little ones.
I'll never understand why these idiots just don't keep their kids at home rather than fucking things up for everyone

Because jews think life revolves around them.
True. See Jillian

And here we have two more Jew haters.

Telling the truth, just because they called this nation Judeo Christian when they got Israel, does not mean we need to bow down to them. They have a country, go and live there. They are what 2% of our pop and the maj. of them are atheist.
Ahhhhhh, the fake 'war on christmas' continues to be hyped.

70% of the population is self described as 'christian' so apparently Americans wage war on themselves once a year at this time.

You know, the time when Jesus speaks of peace on Earth.

One lib complained and the spineless School administrators cancelled the trip for a classroom full of children.

This isn't American Christians waging war of themselves, this is Godless Liberals waging war on their fellow Citizens.
"Godless Liberals"? So the Jewish mom was a "godless liberal"?

Almost certainly.
Santa Clause in particular is entirely an American tradition. It's just a shame that little kids are getting jerked around by adults looking for something to be offended by... Why not think about the kido's? I don't care what religion you practice, kidos know about Santa and I really don't think most of them equate it to a religion :/ I certainly don't, and I'm an agnostic adult. Santa is about kidos to me, nothing more, nothing less.
Europe would be surprised to hear that.

I meant the modern version; red suit, reindeer, "asking" him what you wanted, letters to the North Pole, etc.

I get that the roots are EU, and even that there was a religious component to it, but these days... idk, the whole Santa thing has just never struck me as a religious figure or practice. ~shrug~
IMO, this is why most American Jews continue to be Liberal and vote Democrat....because as soon as they don't "go along" with the "christian" majority, those "christians" turn on them asap.

She ruined it for everyone else. They didn't turn on her, she turned on them.
The "major problem" as you put it goes way beyond Christianity.
In America, Christmas celebrations are in our country's DNA. Whether you are religious or not, the vast majority of us have always celebrated everything about it from our own homes, workplaces, schools, stores, everywhere.
More and more we see asshole liberals attempting to tear our traditions down. You are so afraid someone may be offended, you demand a society that if all groups cannot be recognized, then no group should.
Problem is, you people forget that you're offending us. Why aren't you concerned about that ?
Visiting Santa, sitting on his lap, and asking him for presents is a family activity, not a school activity. I don't agree with the woman that this is wrong because it promotes Christianity. It doesn't. Santa isn't Christianity. But she's right for the wrong reasons. Having kids ask "Santa" for presents is not an appropriate,school activity.

In this case, it has been a tradition for this schools Kindergarten going back about 10 years, and it's the sort of thing that is all part of traditional American society.
a 10 year tradition? how will they ever survive without it?

They'll survive just fine, but it's unfortunate this asshole woman ruined what was something the little kids were probably looking forward to.
The parents' job....another one that a public school has to pick up apparently. So you support lazy parents.

What a load of crap.

This was a nice little thing the school did for the kids. And some lib bitch had to ruin it.

The parents job? Like you give a fuck about that.

Let's take them one by one:

Abortion - make whatever choice you want with your body but don't expect others to fund it for you

Same Sex Marriage - funny how those who say they want the choice to marry someone of the same sex because they want equality quite often oppose the concept of someone marrying a close relative as unnatural.

Atheists - an atheist can say they think murder is wrong for whatever reason and its applauded but a Christian can have the same belief with the reason being because they believe what the Bible says about it and be considered as pushing their beliefs on someone else.

Art - You mean like the Bible in a toilet being considered art but a Koran in the toilet being considered being hateful?

There is a difference between expecting others to let you have choices in life to do what you want and expecting others to sit down and shut up when they have an opinion when they disagree. The atheists, homos, abortion supporters, etc. expect that. They don't have a problem is you disagree as long as you don't SAY you disagree. When you do, terms like bigot, homophobe, etc. are used toward those who do. If you disagree, you don't keep your mouth shut so why do you expect the rest of us to do so when we do?
Oh? And you have evidence of that? Links please.

Are you claiming that those who support same sex marriage don't use the term homophobe toward those that think it's wrong?

Are you claiming that the who support abortion as a choice don't use phrases like "what a woman does with her body is her choice alone" when someone says something about it being wrong?

Those two alone are all the evidence I need to support my claim. If you say those things don't happen, you're a fucking moron. Now, use some term toward me because I called an idiot a moron.
What's worse? The idiot that complained instead of keeping her brat at home, or the school that folded for her?

My vote is the school. They should have told her to stick her complaint up her twat. And meant it.
What's worse? The idiot that complained instead of keeping her brat at home, or the school that folded for her?

My vote is the school. They should have told her to stick her complaint up her twat. And meant it.

A difficult question...

No doubt both are assholes, but which is the bigger asshole...?

The more I think about it, the more I think that both of them are enormous assholes.

But I can't decide which is worse.

Maybe both Tied as in both MAXIMUM ASSHOLES?
All the school had to say was "sorry. This is what we do and have done for many many years and we don't plan to change it any time soon. We recommend you keep little johnny/jane home because it IS going to happen. Merry Christmas!"

But they didn't. They punished all the other kids. I keep my vote for the fucked up school.
All the school had to say was "sorry. This is what we do and have done for many many years and we don't plan to change it any time soon. We recommend you keep little johnny/jane home because it IS going to happen. Merry Christmas!"

But they didn't. They punished all the other kids. I keep my vote for the fucked up school.

But if you want to rank the jerks, consider the woman who was offended by children having fun.

AND what about the libs who deny that this stuff happens?

OR pretend that the other parents are the bad guys.
IMO, this is why most American Jews continue to be Liberal and vote Democrat....because as soon as they don't "go along" with the "christian" majority, those "christians" turn on them asap.

No its because they are mainly atheist, and like SSM, gay and lesbian rights, abortion on demand, and Christians are anti all of that. They have a country now they can go and live as liberal unmoral life's as they choose. Its one thing to be ok with SSM, but its another to have it on every comedy show on TV and push it on our society.
wow that really brought out some negative shit could have been many different religions that object to the focus on one religions holiday...i think she should have just kept her daughter home but then the child misses day of school....that is a penalty to many....i would think 3 or 4 days of christmas is a bit much......but instead of damping one holiday why not just ask for equal the jewish thing...the pagan thing....the festivus....kwanzaa and all the rest....

My mother has an employee that was Jewish that would complain that the employer was closed on Christmas Eve and Day yet didn't recognize any of the Jewish religious holidays. Each year it was the same whining. My mother finally told her that she could pick two of her Jewish religious holidays and have them off but she was going to work both of the other days. That ended the whining.

What made this such a funny situation is that the place of employment was a private, CHRISTIAN university.
I grew up in the NY Metro area. There are more Jews residing there than in all of Israel.
By that virtue, all of the schools were closed on the highest of Jewish holy days. No one complained.
When the Hannuka ( sp) always fell during the Christmas Recess so it didn't matter. If the first day of Hannuka fell before the Recess began, kids of Jewish faith were permitted to take the day and not be given an unexcused absence. They were permitted to make up any work missed and take any tests/quizzes as well.
Again, nobody complained.
Once I started working, I noticed the more devout Jews would take their holidays off while the rest of us went to work.
Again, nobody complained.

Did those same Jews take the day off on holidays specifically toward a religion they didn't follow? If they took the Jewish holidays, shouldn't they have worked the others?
What's worse? The idiot that complained instead of keeping her brat at home, or the school that folded for her?

My vote is the school. They should have told her to stick her complaint up her twat. And meant it.
What a nice attitude you have, you must be a Christian.

Where is your concern for the children who that has their little field trip ruined?

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