One mother complains and annual Kindergarten trip to see Santa cancelled

Heck, when I was in elementary school, the Marines wouldfly Santa onto the playground by helicopter and we would get to visit with Santa, and gave toys to the Marines for toys for tots. We learned to give as well as got to get a candycane and hug from Santa

Why should the children NOT walk over to the coffee shop and talk to Santa?

Because it offends your lib sensibilities?
Because it's up to the parent whether they want their kid to talk to Santa and ask him for presents.

All Field trips require parents permission.

What is your real reason?
That is my real reason. This is an inappropriate field trip, having no educational purpose, and usurping the parents authority to decide whether their kids ought to be sitting on "Santa's" lap asking for presents.

Field trips require signed parental permission slips, you're building a straw man
I'll never understand why these idiots just don't keep their kids at home rather than fucking things up for everyone

Bingo! :clap2:

They have to suffer everybody has to suffer along with them! :evil:
Those damn ______s, wanting their kids to be treated as equals. They suck...

There is no inequality in letting others celebrate a Holiday that you don't celebrate.
I see. So, Max, the Muslim, James, the Jew, and Angie, the Agnostic, stay in the classroom while the rest go to eat cookies and sing Jesus Loves Me in the gym by the Christmas tree? Sure, no problems there.
What's worse? The idiot that complained instead of keeping her brat at home, or the school that folded for her?

My vote is the school. They should have told her to stick her complaint up her twat. And meant it.
What a nice attitude you have, you must be a Christian.

You know I'm a life long RC who is now rather agnostic. I still retain the morals I was taught. I also have Christian family and friends and grandchildren. Santa is part of Christmas, if that jew lady liked it or not. She does not get a say, she can stay home, who does she think she is, A Jew?? F....K Jews..
Christians need not make an apology for celebrating Christmas.
Hitler was a Catholic who became rather agnostic. He hated Jews too and wanted them out of "his" country.

Well he probably had a point. They want to force their immoral lifes on us. Just who does this woman think she is? Read my signature.
I can't read signatures. You saying Hitler had a point puts you in a very negative light. How is this woman forcing her "immorality" on anyone? Parents are free to take their children to sit on Santa's lap on their own time. It's not an appropriate school activity.

Why should the children NOT walk over to the coffee shop and talk to Santa?

Because it offends your lib sensibilities?
Tell us, if one of the parents objected to Santa, there are some, would that have made a difference? What if they believed, strongly, that you should not lie to children?

One of the parents did object.

Are you asking if there were MORE that objected?
Say that there was more than one, would that have made a difference? And what about the parent who opposes lying to children? Where do you draw the line?

No, it would not make a difference. The fact that even "some" of the parents might not celebrate Christmas does not give them a reason or the right to ruin it for everyone else.

Parents who have a bug up their ass about lying to children can NOT lie to their children and then tell their children to keep their mouths shut to not ruin it for the other children.

Line? I draw the line between Assholes and NOn-assholes.

A woman that feels a need to ruin a field trip to see Santa? Asshole.

Why should the children NOT walk over to the coffee shop and talk to Santa?

Because it offends your lib sensibilities?
Because it's up to the parent whether they want their kid to talk to Santa and ask him for presents.

All Field trips require parents permission.

What is your real reason?
That is my real reason. This is an inappropriate field trip, having no educational purpose, and usurping the parents authority to decide whether their kids ought to be sitting on "Santa's" lap asking for presents.

Field trips require signed parental permission slips, you're building a straw man
Can you prove that this one had a permission slip? Also, of what you said was true, why didn't this mother simply not grant permission? Doesn't seem to me that was an option for her. These kids were going and the parents had no say, so she complained.
Heck, when I was in elementary school, the Marines wouldfly Santa onto the playground by helicopter and we would get to visit with Santa, and gave toys to the Marines for toys for tots. We learned to give as well as got to get a candycane and hug from Santa
Visit as a group, or were you one by one sitting on his lap and asking for presents?
Here's an idea.

Instead of running the risk of "offending" a parent or committing (gawd forbid) a micro-aggression, we can equip all children who may be damaged by the sight of Santa with a PC-approved visual protection device:



Why should the children NOT walk over to the coffee shop and talk to Santa?

Because it offends your lib sensibilities?
Because it's up to the parent whether they want their kid to talk to Santa and ask him for presents.

All Field trips require parents permission.

What is your real reason?
That is my real reason. This is an inappropriate field trip, having no educational purpose, and usurping the parents authority to decide whether their kids ought to be sitting on "Santa's" lap asking for presents.


Some field trips about more about fun, especially in Freaking Kindergarten! There was nothing inappropriate about it.

And all field trips require parent permission. Parental Authority was not usurped.

Now that you have been reassured about that, I guess you are changing your position? Since that was your real reason...
Field trips in general probably should be stopped.

WHO KNOWS when one of the kids accidentally sees some Christmas or Christian symbol somewhere.

Holy shit, the kid could have a stroke.

No more field trips, for the children!
I didn't day that at all. I object specifically to them sitting on Santa's lap and asking for presents. Here's something you didn't consider. What if this "Santa" is a sick pedophile. Parents had no opportunity to see him and judge for themselves whether they wanted their kid sitting on him.
Here's an idea.

Instead of running the risk of "offending" a parent or committing (gawd forbid) a micro-aggression, we can equip all children who may be damaged by the sight of Santa with a PC-approved visual protection device:


I have no objection to the children seeing Santa. Straw man fallacy.

Why should the children NOT walk over to the coffee shop and talk to Santa?

Because it offends your lib sensibilities?
Tell us, if one of the parents objected to Santa, there are some, would that have made a difference? What if they believed, strongly, that you should not lie to children?

One of the parents did object.

Are you asking if there were MORE that objected?
Say that there was more than one, would that have made a difference? And what about the parent who opposes lying to children? Where do you draw the line?

No, it would not make a difference. The fact that even "some" of the parents might not celebrate Christmas does not give them a reason or the right to ruin it for everyone else.

Parents who have a bug up their ass about lying to children can NOT lie to their children and then tell their children to keep their mouths shut to not ruin it for the other children.

Line? I draw the line between Assholes and NOn-assholes.

A woman that feels a need to ruin a field trip to see Santa? Asshole.
And when the Jews leave the room, to do something fun or interesting while the others don't, or the Muslims, or the Hindus, you say to these small children what exactly?

And, give us your opinion on this: Mean ACLU Sues Teacher For Trying To Shame Atheist Child Into Heaven
Life isn't always fair. And that is a lesson within itself. It's a reality. The parent can explain why they don't want them to participate, rather than all the other parents having to explain why one parents opinion is more important than the other 29. One dictating to the other 29 is known as a dictatorship.
I'll never understand why these idiots just don't keep their kids at home rather than fucking things up for everyone

Bingo! :clap2:

They have to suffer everybody has to suffer along with them! :evil:
Those damn ______s, wanting their kids to be treated as equals. They suck...

There is no inequality in letting others celebrate a Holiday that you don't celebrate.
I see. So, Max, the Muslim, James, the Jew, and Angie, the Agnostic, stay in the classroom while the rest go to eat cookies and sing Jesus Loves Me in the gym by the Christmas tree? Sure, no problems there.
Oy. What IF that particular santa was a pedo? Oy.

If a frog had wings it wouldn't bump its ass as it hopped.
What's worse? The idiot that complained instead of keeping her brat at home, or the school that folded for her?

My vote is the school. They should have told her to stick her complaint up her twat. And meant it.
What a nice attitude you have, you must be a Christian.

You know I'm a life long RC who is now rather agnostic. I still retain the morals I was taught. I also have Christian family and friends and grandchildren. Santa is part of Christmas, if that jew lady liked it or not. She does not get a say, she can stay home, who does she think she is, A Jew?? F....K Jews..
Christians need not make an apology for celebrating Christmas.
Hitler was a Catholic who became rather agnostic. He hated Jews too and wanted them out of "his" country.

Well he probably had a point. They want to force their immoral lifes on us. Just who does this woman think she is? Read my signature.
I can't read signatures. You saying Hitler had a point puts you in a very negative light. How is this woman forcing her "immorality" on anyone? Parents are free to take their children to sit on Santa's lap on their own time. It's not an appropriate school activity.

I disagree, its a kindergarten class and they walk to the coffee shop and drink choc milk and sit on Santa's lap. Shame on the school for cancelling the trip. I'm sure her dtr will be very popular with the other kids now (not). This Is not about WWII, if you want go there lets.

Parents and kids stage school walkout after Santa trip canceled following complaint by Jewish mom

Parents at a California elementary school took their kids out of class after their annual trip to visit Santa Claus was canceled following a complaint from a Jewish mom.

About 30 students were taken to see St. Nick by their parents who were furious that the Sartorette Elementary School in San Jose canceled their trip.

The mom — named only as Talia — was accused of a “war on Christmas” by other parents angry that the annual trip was called off, reported NBC Bay Area.

Talia wrote a letter to the school because she did not want her daughter to go on the trip where the children write letters to Santa then deliver them and sit on his lap.

School walkout after controversy over canceled Santa trip

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