One mother complains and annual Kindergarten trip to see Santa cancelled

Why should the children NOT walk over to the coffee shop and talk to Santa?

Because it offends your lib sensibilities?
Because it's up to the parent whether they want their kid to talk to Santa and ask him for presents.

All Field trips require parents permission.

What is your real reason?
That is my real reason. This is an inappropriate field trip, having no educational purpose, and usurping the parents authority to decide whether their kids ought to be sitting on "Santa's" lap asking for presents.


Some field trips about more about fun, especially in Freaking Kindergarten! There was nothing inappropriate about it.

And all field trips require parent permission. Parental Authority was not usurped.

Now that you have been reassured about that, I guess you are changing your position? Since that was your real reason...
You haven't reassured me of anything. I have yet to see evidence that there were permission slips for a walk to the coffee shop.
Why should the children NOT walk over to the coffee shop and talk to Santa?

Because it offends your lib sensibilities?
Tell us, if one of the parents objected to Santa, there are some, would that have made a difference? What if they believed, strongly, that you should not lie to children?

One of the parents did object.

Are you asking if there were MORE that objected?
Say that there was more than one, would that have made a difference? And what about the parent who opposes lying to children? Where do you draw the line?

No, it would not make a difference. The fact that even "some" of the parents might not celebrate Christmas does not give them a reason or the right to ruin it for everyone else.

Parents who have a bug up their ass about lying to children can NOT lie to their children and then tell their children to keep their mouths shut to not ruin it for the other children.

Line? I draw the line between Assholes and NOn-assholes.

A woman that feels a need to ruin a field trip to see Santa? Asshole.
And when the Jews leave the room, to do something fun or interesting while the others don't, or the Muslims, or the Hindus, you say to these small children what exactly?

And, give us your opinion on this: Mean ACLU Sues Teacher For Trying To Shame Atheist Child Into Heaven

Your parents don't celebrate (insert jewish holiday or whatever) so we are going to stay here and play "insert fun game here".

Kids are resilient. THey will probably survive the trauma.
Bingo, one room of kiddos was treated correctly.

"Talia's daughter's class instead held their own holiday party, where parents from eight cultures described their customs.

School officials said no offense was intended and that they strive for inclusion for all beliefs.

“Our biggest commitment is inclusion. This isn’t about Santa,” said Superintendent Carrie Andrews."
Tell us, if one of the parents objected to Santa, there are some, would that have made a difference? What if they believed, strongly, that you should not lie to children?

One of the parents did object.

Are you asking if there were MORE that objected?
Say that there was more than one, would that have made a difference? And what about the parent who opposes lying to children? Where do you draw the line?

No, it would not make a difference. The fact that even "some" of the parents might not celebrate Christmas does not give them a reason or the right to ruin it for everyone else.

Parents who have a bug up their ass about lying to children can NOT lie to their children and then tell their children to keep their mouths shut to not ruin it for the other children.

Line? I draw the line between Assholes and NOn-assholes.

A woman that feels a need to ruin a field trip to see Santa? Asshole.
And when the Jews leave the room, to do something fun or interesting while the others don't, or the Muslims, or the Hindus, you say to these small children what exactly?

And, give us your opinion on this: Mean ACLU Sues Teacher For Trying To Shame Atheist Child Into Heaven

Your parents don't celebrate (insert jewish holiday or whatever) so we are going to stay here and play "insert fun game here".

Kids are resilient. THey will probably survive the trauma.
You (insert word for dummy) never raised children.
Why should the children NOT walk over to the coffee shop and talk to Santa?

Because it offends your lib sensibilities?
Because it's up to the parent whether they want their kid to talk to Santa and ask him for presents.

All Field trips require parents permission.

What is your real reason?
That is my real reason. This is an inappropriate field trip, having no educational purpose, and usurping the parents authority to decide whether their kids ought to be sitting on "Santa's" lap asking for presents.


Some field trips about more about fun, especially in Freaking Kindergarten! There was nothing inappropriate about it.

And all field trips require parent permission. Parental Authority was not usurped.

Now that you have been reassured about that, I guess you are changing your position? Since that was your real reason...
You haven't reassured me of anything. I have yet to see evidence that there were permission slips for a walk to the coffee shop.

If there were permission slips would you then change your position?
One of the parents did object.

Are you asking if there were MORE that objected?
Say that there was more than one, would that have made a difference? And what about the parent who opposes lying to children? Where do you draw the line?

No, it would not make a difference. The fact that even "some" of the parents might not celebrate Christmas does not give them a reason or the right to ruin it for everyone else.

Parents who have a bug up their ass about lying to children can NOT lie to their children and then tell their children to keep their mouths shut to not ruin it for the other children.

Line? I draw the line between Assholes and NOn-assholes.

A woman that feels a need to ruin a field trip to see Santa? Asshole.
And when the Jews leave the room, to do something fun or interesting while the others don't, or the Muslims, or the Hindus, you say to these small children what exactly?

And, give us your opinion on this: Mean ACLU Sues Teacher For Trying To Shame Atheist Child Into Heaven

Your parents don't celebrate (insert jewish holiday or whatever) so we are going to stay here and play "insert fun game here".

Kids are resilient. THey will probably survive the trauma.
You (insert word for dummy) never raised children.

YOur assumption is incorrect. If My child had a problem with other kids going off to do something that she was not a part of, I would talk to her about it and explain why.

Indeed, I would not hesitate to explain that to any child.
Because it's up to the parent whether they want their kid to talk to Santa and ask him for presents.

All Field trips require parents permission.

What is your real reason?
That is my real reason. This is an inappropriate field trip, having no educational purpose, and usurping the parents authority to decide whether their kids ought to be sitting on "Santa's" lap asking for presents.


Some field trips about more about fun, especially in Freaking Kindergarten! There was nothing inappropriate about it.

And all field trips require parent permission. Parental Authority was not usurped.

Now that you have been reassured about that, I guess you are changing your position? Since that was your real reason...
You haven't reassured me of anything. I have yet to see evidence that there were permission slips for a walk to the coffee shop.

If there were permission slips would you then change your position?
Probably not, because I am a troll.
Say that there was more than one, would that have made a difference? And what about the parent who opposes lying to children? Where do you draw the line?

No, it would not make a difference. The fact that even "some" of the parents might not celebrate Christmas does not give them a reason or the right to ruin it for everyone else.

Parents who have a bug up their ass about lying to children can NOT lie to their children and then tell their children to keep their mouths shut to not ruin it for the other children.

Line? I draw the line between Assholes and NOn-assholes.

A woman that feels a need to ruin a field trip to see Santa? Asshole.
And when the Jews leave the room, to do something fun or interesting while the others don't, or the Muslims, or the Hindus, you say to these small children what exactly?

And, give us your opinion on this: Mean ACLU Sues Teacher For Trying To Shame Atheist Child Into Heaven

Your parents don't celebrate (insert jewish holiday or whatever) so we are going to stay here and play "insert fun game here".

Kids are resilient. THey will probably survive the trauma.
You (insert word for dummy) never raised children.

YOur assumption is incorrect. If My child had a problem with other kids going off to do something that she was not a part of, I would talk to her about it and explain why.

Indeed, I would not hesitate to explain that to any child.
Neither would I but treating kids as equals, which they are, in this case is a far better idea. Her classroom got it right. The other parents pulled a typical American Taliban stunt, for the cameras no less.
If that bitch didn't want her kid to go, fine. Keep the kid at home that day.
She just wanted to cause a ruckus. Shame on the school for being pussies.
All Field trips require parents permission.

What is your real reason?
That is my real reason. This is an inappropriate field trip, having no educational purpose, and usurping the parents authority to decide whether their kids ought to be sitting on "Santa's" lap asking for presents.


Some field trips about more about fun, especially in Freaking Kindergarten! There was nothing inappropriate about it.

And all field trips require parent permission. Parental Authority was not usurped.

Now that you have been reassured about that, I guess you are changing your position? Since that was your real reason...
You haven't reassured me of anything. I have yet to see evidence that there were permission slips for a walk to the coffee shop.

If there were permission slips would you then change your position?
Probably not, because I am a troll.

No, because you are a liberal, and you see Christians and Christianity as your enemy.
No, it would not make a difference. The fact that even "some" of the parents might not celebrate Christmas does not give them a reason or the right to ruin it for everyone else.

Parents who have a bug up their ass about lying to children can NOT lie to their children and then tell their children to keep their mouths shut to not ruin it for the other children.

Line? I draw the line between Assholes and NOn-assholes.

A woman that feels a need to ruin a field trip to see Santa? Asshole.
And when the Jews leave the room, to do something fun or interesting while the others don't, or the Muslims, or the Hindus, you say to these small children what exactly?

And, give us your opinion on this: Mean ACLU Sues Teacher For Trying To Shame Atheist Child Into Heaven

Your parents don't celebrate (insert jewish holiday or whatever) so we are going to stay here and play "insert fun game here".

Kids are resilient. THey will probably survive the trauma.
You (insert word for dummy) never raised children.

YOur assumption is incorrect. If My child had a problem with other kids going off to do something that she was not a part of, I would talk to her about it and explain why.

Indeed, I would not hesitate to explain that to any child.
Neither would I but treating kids as equals, which they are, in this case is a far better idea. Her classroom got it right. The other parents pulled a typical American Taliban stunt, for the cameras no less.

Not being a part of something doesn't mean anyone is not equal.

Her school got is completely exactly wrong.

The woman that complained is the one who was playing Taliban.

THe others parents were playing Stand Up for your Rights.
No. Christians are not my enemy. Santa isn't Christianity. Santa is secular. The reality is I just think that the concept of having kids sit on Santa's lap and ask him for presents is not what school is about. Parents who don't believe in the practice of their kids asking a mythical being for presents should not have to opt out.

Drawing Santa, having him visit the class and tell them a story about the meaning of Christmas ... those are fun educational activities that can be part of something that respects the students who do not celebrate Christmas. But having the kids engage in the practice of asking Santa for presents goes too far and has no educational purpose.

The permission slip issue is irrelevant to that.
No. Christians are not my enemy. Santa isn't Christianity. Santa is secular. The reality is I just think that the concept of having kids sit on Santa's lap and ask him for presents is not what school is about. Parents who don't believe in the practice of their kids asking a mythical being for presents should not have to opt out.

Drawing Santa, having him visit the class and tell them a story about the meaning of Christmas ... those are fun educational activities that can be part of something that respects the students who do not celebrate Christmas. But having the kids engage in the practice of asking Santa for presents goes too far and has no educational purpose.

The permission slip issue is irrelevant to that.

Odd, a moment ago it was all about the school usurping the parents authority.

NOw, it's not.

DId you find out that there permission slips were required as I said?

And yes, Christians and Christianity is your enemy. They and it often are impediments to your lib agenda.

And as a leftist you don't want any competitors for the All Powerful State you worship.
Field trips in general probably should be stopped.

WHO KNOWS when one of the kids accidentally sees some Christmas or Christian symbol somewhere.

Holy shit, the kid could have a stroke.

No more field trips, for the children!

Wow that's true !
Very good possibility while they are out feeding the homeless, it's quite possible Christmas lights, a wreath, etc might be spotted !!!
Imagine the therapy sessions needed after such trauma !!
We stood in line for a candy cane and a hug. And nowhere does the story above state they are going to ask for presents. At our school he did ask if we were being good and how it was important to mind our parents and teachers. No mention of presents, other than we were giving to others less fortunate. The whole visit for the school was maybe an hour, and they were off to the next elementary in the district.
Heck, when I was in elementary school, the Marines wouldfly Santa onto the playground by helicopter and we would get to visit with Santa, and gave toys to the Marines for toys for tots. We learned to give as well as got to get a candycane and hug from Santa
Visit as a group, or were you one by one sitting on his lap and asking for presents?

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