One mother complains and annual Kindergarten trip to see Santa cancelled

No kid goes anywhere OFF school grounds WITHOUT A PERMISSION SLIP FROM THE PARENT. Period. Anyone that says otherwise is a liar.
Bitch only had to refuse to sign it. School would have had kid read in the library or something, along with other denied permission slips until the class got back. End of story.
Bitch refused to sign, then complained anyway.

School acted like a fucking pansy. End of THAT story.

People only do to you what you LET them do to you. Keep that in mind.
We stood in line for a candy cane and a hug. And nowhere does the story above state they are going to ask for presents. At our school he did ask if we were being good and how it was important to mind our parents and teachers. No mention of presents, other than we were giving to others less fortunate. The whole visit for the school was maybe an hour, and they were off to the next elementary in the district.
Heck, when I was in elementary school, the Marines wouldfly Santa onto the playground by helicopter and we would get to visit with Santa, and gave toys to the Marines for toys for tots. We learned to give as well as got to get a candycane and hug from Santa
Visit as a group, or were you one by one sitting on his lap and asking for presents?
The story says the kids would sit on Santa's lap. What do kids sit on Santa's lap to do? (rhetorical question )
Schools will not do anything without a permission slip. The lawyers make certain of that. And how did the parent find out about the trip, if not for that?
Why should the children NOT walk over to the coffee shop and talk to Santa?

Because it offends your lib sensibilities?
Because it's up to the parent whether they want their kid to talk to Santa and ask him for presents.

All Field trips require parents permission.

What is your real reason?
That is my real reason. This is an inappropriate field trip, having no educational purpose, and usurping the parents authority to decide whether their kids ought to be sitting on "Santa's" lap asking for presents.


Some field trips about more about fun, especially in Freaking Kindergarten! There was nothing inappropriate about it.

And all field trips require parent permission. Parental Authority was not usurped.

Now that you have been reassured about that, I guess you are changing your position? Since that was your real reason...
You haven't reassured me of anything. I have yet to see evidence that there were permission slips for a walk to the coffee shop.
No. Christians are not my enemy. Santa isn't Christianity. Santa is secular. The reality is I just think that the concept of having kids sit on Santa's lap and ask him for presents is not what school is about. Parents who don't believe in the practice of their kids asking a mythical being for presents should not have to opt out.

Drawing Santa, having him visit the class and tell them a story about the meaning of Christmas ... those are fun educational activities that can be part of something that respects the students who do not celebrate Christmas. But having the kids engage in the practice of asking Santa for presents goes too far and has no educational purpose.

The permission slip issue is irrelevant to that.

Odd, a moment ago it was all about the school usurping the parents authority.

NOw, it's not.

DId you find out that there permission slips were required as I said?

And yes, Christians and Christianity is your enemy. They and it often are impediments to your lib agenda.

And as a leftist you don't want any competitors for the All Powerful State you worship.
False on me wanting the state worshiped.
False on Christians being my enemy.

I concede on the permission slip.

It is about forcing a kid to be singled out and ostracized if the parent doesn't want them visiting Santa.

I'm a little more mixed feelings about this than I was before, but I still don't like the activity. I don't think schools should be taking kids somewhere to have one on one Santa visits, which should be an activity kids do with their families, not at school.
Oh, bull. Everyone is welcome. If it offends them, then don't attend. Period.
Not being a part of something doesn't mean anyone is not equal.
In that setting, it absolutely does. It's the same has having a work Christmas party during the workday, but not including the Jews and the Muslims.
The attending is not the issue, the inclusion and the invitations are. Her classroom did it right, in the end.
We stood in line for a candy cane and a hug. And nowhere does the story above state they are going to ask for presents. At our school he did ask if we were being good and how it was important to mind our parents and teachers. No mention of presents, other than we were giving to others less fortunate. The whole visit for the school was maybe an hour, and they were off to the next elementary in the district.
Heck, when I was in elementary school, the Marines wouldfly Santa onto the playground by helicopter and we would get to visit with Santa, and gave toys to the Marines for toys for tots. We learned to give as well as got to get a candycane and hug from Santa
Visit as a group, or were you one by one sitting on his lap and asking for presents?
I totally approve of that.
Does it scare you? Maybe that is what they hope for. Everyone bow down to their wishes, or give the threat of an or else. Sorry, you aren't going to change our culture because it doesn't agree with yours. PC can go to hell. When we do bow down more liberties are taken by them, from us to head us to their way, rather than our own.
Not being a part of something doesn't mean anyone is not equal.
In that setting, it absolutely does. It's the same has having a work Christmas party during the workday, but not including the Jews and the Muslims.

Well we all know what happened at the San Berdardino Christmas party when a muzzie showed up
Maybe inclusion, or the lack thereof, was the problem?
Does it scare you? Maybe that is what they hope for. Everyone bow down to their wishes, or give the threat of an or else. Sorry, you aren't going to change our culture because it doesn't agree with yours. PC can go to hell. When we do bow down more liberties are taken by them, from us to head us to their way, rather than our own.
Not being a part of something doesn't mean anyone is not equal.
In that setting, it absolutely does. It's the same has having a work Christmas party during the workday, but not including the Jews and the Muslims.

Well we all know what happened at the San Berdardino Christmas party when a muzzie showed up
Maybe inclusion, or the lack thereof, was the problem?
You'd probably better get used to it.

Our society is going be sanitized of all that may be offensive to certain people.

A blank slate.

If you don't like that, they don't care.
This woman even complained about the kids making reindeer with red and green paper. She is a trouble maker, or a scaredy cat. I don't know which.
Only, if we continue to let them.
Does it scare you? Maybe that is what they hope for. Everyone bow down to their wishes, or give the threat of an or else. Sorry, you aren't going to change our culture because it doesn't agree with yours. PC can go to hell. When we do bow down more liberties are taken by them, from us to head us to their way, rather than our own.
Not being a part of something doesn't mean anyone is not equal.
In that setting, it absolutely does. It's the same has having a work Christmas party during the workday, but not including the Jews and the Muslims.

Well we all know what happened at the San Berdardino Christmas party when a muzzie showed up
Maybe inclusion, or the lack thereof, was the problem?
You'd probably better get used to it.

Our society is going be sanitized of all that may be offensive to certain people.

A blank slate.

If you don't like that, they don't care.
Only, if we continue to let them.
Does it scare you? Maybe that is what they hope for. Everyone bow down to their wishes, or give the threat of an or else. Sorry, you aren't going to change our culture because it doesn't agree with yours. PC can go to hell. When we do bow down more liberties are taken by them, from us to head us to their way, rather than our own.
In that setting, it absolutely does. It's the same has having a work Christmas party during the workday, but not including the Jews and the Muslims.

Well we all know what happened at the San Berdardino Christmas party when a muzzie showed up
Maybe inclusion, or the lack thereof, was the problem?
You'd probably better get used to it.

Our society is going be sanitized of all that may be offensive to certain people.

A blank slate.

If you don't like that, they don't care.
The thing is, they'll be able to do this constitutionally. In other words, using your own freedoms against you.

This is payback time, and it's just getting started.
I don't think so-
The Endorsement Test advocated by Justice O’Connor in the Lynch case played a critical role in the Allegheny case. And in her concurring Allegheny opinion, she stressed what she meant in Lynch.

“In my view, the central issue in Lynch was whether the city of Pawtucket had endorsed Christianity by displaying a creche as part of a larger exhibit of traditional secular symbols of the Christmas holiday season. In Lynch, I concluded that the city’s display of a creche in its larger holiday exhibit in a private park in the commercial district had neither the purpose nor the effect of conveying a message of government endorsement of Christianity or disapproval of other religions. The purpose of including the creche in the larger display was to celebrate the public holiday through its traditional symbols, not to promote the religious content of the crèche.”

After the rulings in Lynch and Allegheny, the Court has mostly stayed out of cases involving the holiday season. It declined to hear cases involving a Menorah displayed by itself at a city park; a Menorah and crèche combined with Frosty the Snowman and Santa Claus; an attempt to have Christmas decertified as a federal holiday; and efforts to allow Christmas music to be played over the intercom at public schools.

Only, if we continue to let them.
Does it scare you? Maybe that is what they hope for. Everyone bow down to their wishes, or give the threat of an or else. Sorry, you aren't going to change our culture because it doesn't agree with yours. PC can go to hell. When we do bow down more liberties are taken by them, from us to head us to their way, rather than our own.
Well we all know what happened at the San Berdardino Christmas party when a muzzie showed up
Maybe inclusion, or the lack thereof, was the problem?
You'd probably better get used to it.

Our society is going be sanitized of all that may be offensive to certain people.

A blank slate.

If you don't like that, they don't care.
The thing is, they'll be able to do this constitutionally. In other words, using your own freedoms against you.

This is payback time, and it's just getting started.
Not being a part of something doesn't mean anyone is not equal.
In that setting, it absolutely does. It's the same has having a work Christmas party during the workday, but not including the Jews and the Muslims.

No, it doesn't.

If Diversity and Multiculturalism have ANY hope of being ANYTHING but Hell, then people have to accept that other people will being practicing cultural activities and beliefs that are NOT shared by them.

Because otherwise, it's going to be Hell.

I've never seen an office Christimas "party" where Jews or Muslims did not have the opportunity to participate or not.
Ahhhhhh, the fake 'war on christmas' continues to be hyped.

70% of the population is self described as 'christian' so apparently Americans wage war on themselves once a year at this time.

You know, the time when Jesus speaks of peace on Earth.

One lib complained and the spineless School administrators cancelled the trip for a classroom full of children.

This isn't American Christians waging war of themselves, this is Godless Liberals waging war on their fellow Citizens.
"Godless Liberals"? So the Jewish mom was a "godless liberal"?

Almost certainly.
Another one who believes that the Jewish faith doesn't count.
No. Christians are not my enemy. Santa isn't Christianity. Santa is secular. The reality is I just think that the concept of having kids sit on Santa's lap and ask him for presents is not what school is about. Parents who don't believe in the practice of their kids asking a mythical being for presents should not have to opt out.

Drawing Santa, having him visit the class and tell them a story about the meaning of Christmas ... those are fun educational activities that can be part of something that respects the students who do not celebrate Christmas. But having the kids engage in the practice of asking Santa for presents goes too far and has no educational purpose.

The permission slip issue is irrelevant to that.

Odd, a moment ago it was all about the school usurping the parents authority.

NOw, it's not.

DId you find out that there permission slips were required as I said?

And yes, Christians and Christianity is your enemy. They and it often are impediments to your lib agenda.

And as a leftist you don't want any competitors for the All Powerful State you worship.
False on me wanting the state worshiped.
False on Christians being my enemy.

I concede on the permission slip.

It is about forcing a kid to be singled out and ostracized if the parent doesn't want them visiting Santa.

I'm a little more mixed feelings about this than I was before, but I still don't like the activity. I don't think schools should be taking kids somewhere to have one on one Santa visits, which should be an activity kids do with their families, not at school.

The Kid was not ostracized.

Even at 5 the child should be able to understand that as a Jew he does not celebrate Christman. The other children should be able to understand that too.

Punishing the other children because the Jewish Kid's mom had a hissy fit is NOT teaching tolerance, but the exact opposite.

THe kid might be ostracized NOW, depending on how much the kids have picked up on this.

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