One mother complains and annual Kindergarten trip to see Santa cancelled

Lol !
The truth hurts doesn't it ?
I don't want anyone hurt, I'm just not going to get upset if an American Jewish woman gets her feelings hurt.
Jews are the single most privileged group in this country, they'll be just fine even if the majority gets to continue their holiday traditions.
And it continues. Anyone wonder why the average American Jew isn't fooled by the "claims" by RW "christians" that they support them?

Oh no, I see you've been offended. At this point I'm supposed to care.
You seem to think I was offended. :lol: You carry on your anti-semitic bad self.

Pointing out that in the U.S. Jews as a group are very privileged, is somehow anti-semitic !
You so funny ! :biggrin:
Indeed it is. You carry on, Adolph.

What a fucking idiot.
What's worse? The idiot that complained instead of keeping her brat at home, or the school that folded for her?

My vote is the school. They should have told her to stick her complaint up her twat. And meant it.
What a nice attitude you have, you must be a Christian.

Where is your concern for the children who that has their little field trip ruined?
Where is our concern for the poor parents who are expected now to take their own kids to see Santa.....Oh the HUMANITY!!!!

IMO, this is why most American Jews continue to be Liberal and vote Democrat....because as soon as they don't "go along" with the "christian" majority, those "christians" turn on them asap.

No its because they are mainly atheist, and like SSM, gay and lesbian rights, abortion on demand, and Christians are anti all of that. They have a country now they can go and live as liberal unmoral life's as they choose. Its one thing to be ok with SSM, but its another to have it on every comedy show on TV and push it on our society.

You judge Jews as atheists. :lol: Says more about you, really.

I am stating a fact. Christmas is none of their business and they do not have to participate, but leave Christians alone. Every year its the same thing.
What's worse? The idiot that complained instead of keeping her brat at home, or the school that folded for her?

My vote is the school. They should have told her to stick her complaint up her twat. And meant it.
Another anti-semite.
Bite me.

What's worse? The idiot that complained instead of keeping her brat at home, or the school that folded for her?

My vote is the school. They should have told her to stick her complaint up her twat. And meant it.
What a nice attitude you have, you must be a Christian.

Where is your concern for the children who that has their little field trip ruined?
Where is our concern for the poor parents who are expected now to take their own kids to see Santa.....Oh the HUMANITY!!!!

IMO, this is why most American Jews continue to be Liberal and vote Democrat....because as soon as they don't "go along" with the "christian" majority, those "christians" turn on them asap.

No its because they are mainly atheist, and like SSM, gay and lesbian rights, abortion on demand, and Christians are anti all of that. They have a country now they can go and live as liberal unmoral life's as they choose. Its one thing to be ok with SSM, but its another to have it on every comedy show on TV and push it on our society.

You judge Jews as atheists. :lol: Says more about you, really.

I am stating a fact. Christmas is none of their business and they do not have to participate, but leave Christians alone. Every year its the same thing.
Libs like to demand everyone comply with their wishes. They like making everyone as miserable as they are.
In my town JEHOVAH WITNESS people have similar objections For my part the idea of walking a kindergarten class to a local café is REALLY IDIOTIC-----in my kindergarten years-------the FATTEST JANITOR (who happened ---btw ---to be a jew) dressed up in his santa costume-----complete with cotton puff beard stuck on his chin -----AND HO HO HO HO'ed his way thru the kindergarten and first grade
classes and all the kids shouted " HI, MR. TAYLOR" we all had a good time,
protestants, catholics, and jews
All the JW I know won't participate but they don't ruin things for everyone else.

what EVIDENCE to you have that this JEWISH MOTHER "RUINED" things FOR EVERYONE ELSE? She probably just wrote to the teacher that she did not want her kid to participate------ie "excuse my child from this activity" You have some information that she DEMANDED that "SANTAS" be removed from department stories and "downtown cafes"?
I'll never understand why these idiots just don't keep their kids at home rather than fucking things up for everyone

Because jews think life revolves around them.
True. See Jillian

And here we have two more Jew haters.

Telling the truth, just because they called this nation Judeo Christian when they got Israel, does not mean we need to bow down to them. They have a country, go and live there. They are what 2% of our pop and the maj. of them are atheist.

telling the truth-----your comment is typical of illiterate white trash whores with legs spread in the gutter. That this country is described as JUDEO-CHRISTIAN harkens back to the founding fathers llike Thomas Jefferson who was completely literate in Hebrew (just like Jesus) Who asked a bitch like you to bow? YOU STILL RESENT YOUR PIMP and the catechism whore who sucked priest cock?
In my town JEHOVAH WITNESS people have similar objections For my part the idea of walking a kindergarten class to a local café is REALLY IDIOTIC-----in my kindergarten years-------the FATTEST JANITOR (who happened ---btw ---to be a jew) dressed up in his santa costume-----complete with cotton puff beard stuck on his chin -----AND HO HO HO HO'ed his way thru the kindergarten and first grade
classes and all the kids shouted " HI, MR. TAYLOR" we all had a good time,
protestants, catholics, and jews
All the JW I know won't participate but they don't ruin things for everyone else.

what EVIDENCE to you have that this JEWISH MOTHER "RUINED" things FOR EVERYONE ELSE? She probably just wrote to the teacher that she did not want her kid to participate------ie "excuse my child from this activity" You have some information that she DEMANDED that "SANTAS" be removed from department stories and "downtown cafes"?
She contacted the school board and the superintendent ...said she didn't like her kid writing letters to the North Pole, dressing as a reindeer and would refuse to let her participate because she was offended and felt they were not practicing "inclusion".
Last edited:
The bitch even went to the coffee shop and tried to get them to ban Santa until after school hours. They told her no.
In my town JEHOVAH WITNESS people have similar objections For my part the idea of walking a kindergarten class to a local café is REALLY IDIOTIC-----in my kindergarten years-------the FATTEST JANITOR (who happened ---btw ---to be a jew) dressed up in his santa costume-----complete with cotton puff beard stuck on his chin -----AND HO HO HO HO'ed his way thru the kindergarten and first grade
classes and all the kids shouted " HI, MR. TAYLOR" we all had a good time,
protestants, catholics, and jews
All the JW I know won't participate but they don't ruin things for everyone else.

what EVIDENCE to you have that this JEWISH MOTHER "RUINED" things FOR EVERYONE ELSE? She probably just wrote to the teacher that she did not want her kid to participate------ie "excuse my child from this activity" You have some information that she DEMANDED that "SANTAS" be removed from department stories and "downtown cafes"?
She contacted the school board and said she didn't like her kid writing letters to the North Pole, dressing as a reindeer and would refuse to let her participate because she was offended and felt they were not practicing "inclusion".

she did right-----she did not stop anyone from engaging in those idiotic activities----she simply did not want HER kid to be exposed to your filth. I was once a five year old kid in a town with shit like you. I was a very shy kid ------I interacted so well with the Christian neighbors that I got invited to just about every one of the activities of -----"Christians" I had absolutely no education in Judaism other than that which I observed in the homes of other jews and the kind of "lifestyle" which was the livestyle of my relatives. At age five I knew that the santa clause thing and the easter bunny thing was just stuff that very stupid people believed. ------I kept quiet and tolerated it. I will agree that stinking shit like you did not give a damn as to how they were alienating bright kids like me--------I did survive. Marching to SANTA at the age of five or six for a bright kid as I was------would be a very unpleasant experience-------I hated pretending that it made sense. I even attendes sunday school with a Christian playmate-------I was quiet as a mouse during those idiot sessions. I wish my mother had protected me from you filth---imposed on me by beer swilling presbyterian sluts who did the "CHRISTIAN" thing.
In my town JEHOVAH WITNESS people have similar objections For my part the idea of walking a kindergarten class to a local café is REALLY IDIOTIC-----in my kindergarten years-------the FATTEST JANITOR (who happened ---btw ---to be a jew) dressed up in his santa costume-----complete with cotton puff beard stuck on his chin -----AND HO HO HO HO'ed his way thru the kindergarten and first grade
classes and all the kids shouted " HI, MR. TAYLOR" we all had a good time,
protestants, catholics, and jews
All the JW I know won't participate but they don't ruin things for everyone else.

what EVIDENCE to you have that this JEWISH MOTHER "RUINED" things FOR EVERYONE ELSE? She probably just wrote to the teacher that she did not want her kid to participate------ie "excuse my child from this activity" You have some information that she DEMANDED that "SANTAS" be removed from department stories and "downtown cafes"?
She contacted the school board and said she didn't like her kid writing letters to the North Pole, dressing as a reindeer and would refuse to let her participate because she was offended and felt they were not practicing "inclusion".

she did right-----she did not stop anyone from engaging in those idiotic activities----she simply did not want HER kid to be exposed to your filth. I was once a five year old kid in a town with shit like you. I was a very shy kid ------I interacted so well with the Christian neighbors that I got invited to just about every one of the activities of -----"Christians" I had absolutely no education in Judaism other than that which I observed in the homes of other jews and the kind of "lifestyle" which was the livestyle of my relatives. At age five I knew that the santa clause thing and the easter bunny thing was just stuff that very stupid people believed. ------I kept quiet and tolerated it. I will agree that stinking shit like you did not give a damn as to how they were alienating bright kids like me--------I did survive. Marching to SANTA at the age of five or six for a bright kid as I was------would be a very unpleasant experience-------I hated pretending that it made sense. I even attendes sunday school with a Christian playmate-------I was quiet as a mouse during those idiot sessions. I wish my mother had protected me from you filth---imposed on me by beer swilling presbyterian sluts who did the "CHRISTIAN" thing.
Wow. I don't recall you ever posting like this before. You ok?
In my town JEHOVAH WITNESS people have similar objections For my part the idea of walking a kindergarten class to a local café is REALLY IDIOTIC-----in my kindergarten years-------the FATTEST JANITOR (who happened ---btw ---to be a jew) dressed up in his santa costume-----complete with cotton puff beard stuck on his chin -----AND HO HO HO HO'ed his way thru the kindergarten and first grade
classes and all the kids shouted " HI, MR. TAYLOR" we all had a good time,
protestants, catholics, and jews
All the JW I know won't participate but they don't ruin things for everyone else.

what EVIDENCE to you have that this JEWISH MOTHER "RUINED" things FOR EVERYONE ELSE? She probably just wrote to the teacher that she did not want her kid to participate------ie "excuse my child from this activity" You have some information that she DEMANDED that "SANTAS" be removed from department stories and "downtown cafes"?
She contacted the school board and said she didn't like her kid writing letters to the North Pole, dressing as a reindeer and would refuse to let her participate because she was offended and felt they were not practicing "inclusion".

she did right-----she did not stop anyone from engaging in those idiotic activities----she simply did not want HER kid to be exposed to your filth. I was once a five year old kid in a town with shit like you. I was a very shy kid ------I interacted so well with the Christian neighbors that I got invited to just about every one of the activities of -----"Christians" I had absolutely no education in Judaism other than that which I observed in the homes of other jews and the kind of "lifestyle" which was the livestyle of my relatives. At age five I knew that the santa clause thing and the easter bunny thing was just stuff that very stupid people believed. ------I kept quiet and tolerated it. I will agree that stinking shit like you did not give a damn as to how they were alienating bright kids like me--------I did survive. Marching to SANTA at the age of five or six for a bright kid as I was------would be a very unpleasant experience-------I hated pretending that it made sense. I even attendes sunday school with a Christian playmate-------I was quiet as a mouse during those idiot sessions. I wish my mother had protected me from you filth---imposed on me by beer swilling presbyterian sluts who did the "CHRISTIAN" thing.
Yes she did stop everyone else from engaging. She got the school to cancel the field trip. Duh.
In my town JEHOVAH WITNESS people have similar objections For my part the idea of walking a kindergarten class to a local café is REALLY IDIOTIC-----in my kindergarten years-------the FATTEST JANITOR (who happened ---btw ---to be a jew) dressed up in his santa costume-----complete with cotton puff beard stuck on his chin -----AND HO HO HO HO'ed his way thru the kindergarten and first grade
classes and all the kids shouted " HI, MR. TAYLOR" we all had a good time,
protestants, catholics, and jews
All the JW I know won't participate but they don't ruin things for everyone else.

what EVIDENCE to you have that this JEWISH MOTHER "RUINED" things FOR EVERYONE ELSE? She probably just wrote to the teacher that she did not want her kid to participate------ie "excuse my child from this activity" You have some information that she DEMANDED that "SANTAS" be removed from department stories and "downtown cafes"?
She contacted the school board and said she didn't like her kid writing letters to the North Pole, dressing as a reindeer and would refuse to let her participate because she was offended and felt they were not practicing "inclusion".

she did right-----she did not stop anyone from engaging in those idiotic activities----she simply did not want HER kid to be exposed to your filth. I was once a five year old kid in a town with shit like you. I was a very shy kid ------I interacted so well with the Christian neighbors that I got invited to just about every one of the activities of -----"Christians" I had absolutely no education in Judaism other than that which I observed in the homes of other jews and the kind of "lifestyle" which was the livestyle of my relatives. At age five I knew that the santa clause thing and the easter bunny thing was just stuff that very stupid people believed. ------I kept quiet and tolerated it. I will agree that stinking shit like you did not give a damn as to how they were alienating bright kids like me--------I did survive. Marching to SANTA at the age of five or six for a bright kid as I was------would be a very unpleasant experience-------I hated pretending that it made sense. I even attendes sunday school with a Christian playmate-------I was quiet as a mouse during those idiot sessions. I wish my mother had protected me from you filth---imposed on me by beer swilling presbyterian sluts who did the "CHRISTIAN" thing.
Yes she did stop everyone else from engaging. She got the school to cancel the field trip. Duh.

good----it represent a silly bias. A ***FIELD TRIP**** is a big event for kids in schoo-----they get out of the stuffy class -----and SEE something. Such events should not be addressed to the "culture" of only some of the students. Having some person "HO HO HO" in school on the last day before Christmas break is
MORE THAN ENOUGH-------a 'SCHOOL TRIP' is actually costs the money from
the school budget-----it should be something more than visiting a fat guy in a red costume
In my town JEHOVAH WITNESS people have similar objections For my part the idea of walking a kindergarten class to a local café is REALLY IDIOTIC-----in my kindergarten years-------the FATTEST JANITOR (who happened ---btw ---to be a jew) dressed up in his santa costume-----complete with cotton puff beard stuck on his chin -----AND HO HO HO HO'ed his way thru the kindergarten and first grade
classes and all the kids shouted " HI, MR. TAYLOR" we all had a good time,
protestants, catholics, and jews
All the JW I know won't participate but they don't ruin things for everyone else.

what EVIDENCE to you have that this JEWISH MOTHER "RUINED" things FOR EVERYONE ELSE? She probably just wrote to the teacher that she did not want her kid to participate------ie "excuse my child from this activity" You have some information that she DEMANDED that "SANTAS" be removed from department stories and "downtown cafes"?
She contacted the school board and said she didn't like her kid writing letters to the North Pole, dressing as a reindeer and would refuse to let her participate because she was offended and felt they were not practicing "inclusion".

she did right-----she did not stop anyone from engaging in those idiotic activities----she simply did not want HER kid to be exposed to your filth. I was once a five year old kid in a town with shit like you. I was a very shy kid ------I interacted so well with the Christian neighbors that I got invited to just about every one of the activities of -----"Christians" I had absolutely no education in Judaism other than that which I observed in the homes of other jews and the kind of "lifestyle" which was the livestyle of my relatives. At age five I knew that the santa clause thing and the easter bunny thing was just stuff that very stupid people believed. ------I kept quiet and tolerated it. I will agree that stinking shit like you did not give a damn as to how they were alienating bright kids like me--------I did survive. Marching to SANTA at the age of five or six for a bright kid as I was------would be a very unpleasant experience-------I hated pretending that it made sense. I even attendes sunday school with a Christian playmate-------I was quiet as a mouse during those idiot sessions. I wish my mother had protected me from you filth---imposed on me by beer swilling presbyterian sluts who did the "CHRISTIAN" thing.
Wow. I don't recall you ever posting like this before. You ok?

I am fine-----I am presenting the perspective of a kid like me-----not brought up to the filth of your Nazism-----but ALSO not inculcated with your idiot myths
In my town JEHOVAH WITNESS people have similar objections For my part the idea of walking a kindergarten class to a local café is REALLY IDIOTIC-----in my kindergarten years-------the FATTEST JANITOR (who happened ---btw ---to be a jew) dressed up in his santa costume-----complete with cotton puff beard stuck on his chin -----AND HO HO HO HO'ed his way thru the kindergarten and first grade
classes and all the kids shouted " HI, MR. TAYLOR" we all had a good time,
protestants, catholics, and jews
All the JW I know won't participate but they don't ruin things for everyone else.

what EVIDENCE to you have that this JEWISH MOTHER "RUINED" things FOR EVERYONE ELSE? She probably just wrote to the teacher that she did not want her kid to participate------ie "excuse my child from this activity" You have some information that she DEMANDED that "SANTAS" be removed from department stories and "downtown cafes"?
She contacted the school board and said she didn't like her kid writing letters to the North Pole, dressing as a reindeer and would refuse to let her participate because she was offended and felt they were not practicing "inclusion".

she did right-----she did not stop anyone from engaging in those idiotic activities----she simply did not want HER kid to be exposed to your filth. I was once a five year old kid in a town with shit like you. I was a very shy kid ------I interacted so well with the Christian neighbors that I got invited to just about every one of the activities of -----"Christians" I had absolutely no education in Judaism other than that which I observed in the homes of other jews and the kind of "lifestyle" which was the livestyle of my relatives. At age five I knew that the santa clause thing and the easter bunny thing was just stuff that very stupid people believed. ------I kept quiet and tolerated it. I will agree that stinking shit like you did not give a damn as to how they were alienating bright kids like me--------I did survive. Marching to SANTA at the age of five or six for a bright kid as I was------would be a very unpleasant experience-------I hated pretending that it made sense. I even attendes sunday school with a Christian playmate-------I was quiet as a mouse during those idiot sessions. I wish my mother had protected me from you filth---imposed on me by beer swilling presbyterian sluts who did the "CHRISTIAN" thing.
So kids can opt out and the school is not being 'inclusive', and you Engaged in these 'idiotic' activities and you felt alienated because it was so stoooopid and you weren't protected from this 'filth'. Interesting. In other words everyone matters but the kids and their families who happen to enjoy seeing Santa, so f**k them. Great.
All the JW I know won't participate but they don't ruin things for everyone else.

what EVIDENCE to you have that this JEWISH MOTHER "RUINED" things FOR EVERYONE ELSE? She probably just wrote to the teacher that she did not want her kid to participate------ie "excuse my child from this activity" You have some information that she DEMANDED that "SANTAS" be removed from department stories and "downtown cafes"?
She contacted the school board and said she didn't like her kid writing letters to the North Pole, dressing as a reindeer and would refuse to let her participate because she was offended and felt they were not practicing "inclusion".

she did right-----she did not stop anyone from engaging in those idiotic activities----she simply did not want HER kid to be exposed to your filth. I was once a five year old kid in a town with shit like you. I was a very shy kid ------I interacted so well with the Christian neighbors that I got invited to just about every one of the activities of -----"Christians" I had absolutely no education in Judaism other than that which I observed in the homes of other jews and the kind of "lifestyle" which was the livestyle of my relatives. At age five I knew that the santa clause thing and the easter bunny thing was just stuff that very stupid people believed. ------I kept quiet and tolerated it. I will agree that stinking shit like you did not give a damn as to how they were alienating bright kids like me--------I did survive. Marching to SANTA at the age of five or six for a bright kid as I was------would be a very unpleasant experience-------I hated pretending that it made sense. I even attendes sunday school with a Christian playmate-------I was quiet as a mouse during those idiot sessions. I wish my mother had protected me from you filth---imposed on me by beer swilling presbyterian sluts who did the "CHRISTIAN" thing.
Wow. I don't recall you ever posting like this before. You ok?

I am fine-----I am presenting the perspective of a kid like me-----not brought up to the filth of your Nazism-----but ALSO not inculcated with your idiot myths
Wow. What the hell has happened to you, Irosie???
All the JW I know won't participate but they don't ruin things for everyone else.

what EVIDENCE to you have that this JEWISH MOTHER "RUINED" things FOR EVERYONE ELSE? She probably just wrote to the teacher that she did not want her kid to participate------ie "excuse my child from this activity" You have some information that she DEMANDED that "SANTAS" be removed from department stories and "downtown cafes"?
She contacted the school board and said she didn't like her kid writing letters to the North Pole, dressing as a reindeer and would refuse to let her participate because she was offended and felt they were not practicing "inclusion".

she did right-----she did not stop anyone from engaging in those idiotic activities----she simply did not want HER kid to be exposed to your filth. I was once a five year old kid in a town with shit like you. I was a very shy kid ------I interacted so well with the Christian neighbors that I got invited to just about every one of the activities of -----"Christians" I had absolutely no education in Judaism other than that which I observed in the homes of other jews and the kind of "lifestyle" which was the livestyle of my relatives. At age five I knew that the santa clause thing and the easter bunny thing was just stuff that very stupid people believed. ------I kept quiet and tolerated it. I will agree that stinking shit like you did not give a damn as to how they were alienating bright kids like me--------I did survive. Marching to SANTA at the age of five or six for a bright kid as I was------would be a very unpleasant experience-------I hated pretending that it made sense. I even attendes sunday school with a Christian playmate-------I was quiet as a mouse during those idiot sessions. I wish my mother had protected me from you filth---imposed on me by beer swilling presbyterian sluts who did the "CHRISTIAN" thing.
Yes she did stop everyone else from engaging. She got the school to cancel the field trip. Duh.

good----it represent a silly bias. A ***FIELD TRIP**** is a big event for kids in schoo-----they get out of the stuffy class -----and SEE something. Such events should not be addressed to the "culture" of only some of the students. Having some person "HO HO HO" in school on the last day before Christmas break is
MORE THAN ENOUGH-------a 'SCHOOL TRIP' is actually costs the money from
the school budget-----it should be something more than visiting a fat guy in a red costume
It's Christmas, it's kindergarten kids, ffs.
All the JW I know won't participate but they don't ruin things for everyone else.

what EVIDENCE to you have that this JEWISH MOTHER "RUINED" things FOR EVERYONE ELSE? She probably just wrote to the teacher that she did not want her kid to participate------ie "excuse my child from this activity" You have some information that she DEMANDED that "SANTAS" be removed from department stories and "downtown cafes"?
She contacted the school board and said she didn't like her kid writing letters to the North Pole, dressing as a reindeer and would refuse to let her participate because she was offended and felt they were not practicing "inclusion".

she did right-----she did not stop anyone from engaging in those idiotic activities----she simply did not want HER kid to be exposed to your filth. I was once a five year old kid in a town with shit like you. I was a very shy kid ------I interacted so well with the Christian neighbors that I got invited to just about every one of the activities of -----"Christians" I had absolutely no education in Judaism other than that which I observed in the homes of other jews and the kind of "lifestyle" which was the livestyle of my relatives. At age five I knew that the santa clause thing and the easter bunny thing was just stuff that very stupid people believed. ------I kept quiet and tolerated it. I will agree that stinking shit like you did not give a damn as to how they were alienating bright kids like me--------I did survive. Marching to SANTA at the age of five or six for a bright kid as I was------would be a very unpleasant experience-------I hated pretending that it made sense. I even attendes sunday school with a Christian playmate-------I was quiet as a mouse during those idiot sessions. I wish my mother had protected me from you filth---imposed on me by beer swilling presbyterian sluts who did the "CHRISTIAN" thing.
Wow. I don't recall you ever posting like this before. You ok?

I am fine-----I am presenting the perspective of a kid like me-----not brought up to the filth of your Nazism-----but ALSO not inculcated with your idiot myths
So, I'm a nazi and have idiot myths? Are you jewish?
In my town JEHOVAH WITNESS people have similar objections For my part the idea of walking a kindergarten class to a local café is REALLY IDIOTIC-----in my kindergarten years-------the FATTEST JANITOR (who happened ---btw ---to be a jew) dressed up in his santa costume-----complete with cotton puff beard stuck on his chin -----AND HO HO HO HO'ed his way thru the kindergarten and first grade
classes and all the kids shouted " HI, MR. TAYLOR" we all had a good time,
protestants, catholics, and jews
All the JW I know won't participate but they don't ruin things for everyone else.

what EVIDENCE to you have that this JEWISH MOTHER "RUINED" things FOR EVERYONE ELSE? She probably just wrote to the teacher that she did not want her kid to participate------ie "excuse my child from this activity" You have some information that she DEMANDED that "SANTAS" be removed from department stories and "downtown cafes"?
She contacted the school board and said she didn't like her kid writing letters to the North Pole, dressing as a reindeer and would refuse to let her participate because she was offended and felt they were not practicing "inclusion".

she did right-----she did not stop anyone from engaging in those idiotic activities----she simply did not want HER kid to be exposed to your filth. I was once a five year old kid in a town with shit like you. I was a very shy kid ------I interacted so well with the Christian neighbors that I got invited to just about every one of the activities of -----"Christians" I had absolutely no education in Judaism other than that which I observed in the homes of other jews and the kind of "lifestyle" which was the livestyle of my relatives. At age five I knew that the santa clause thing and the easter bunny thing was just stuff that very stupid people believed. ------I kept quiet and tolerated it. I will agree that stinking shit like you did not give a damn as to how they were alienating bright kids like me--------I did survive. Marching to SANTA at the age of five or six for a bright kid as I was------would be a very unpleasant experience-------I hated pretending that it made sense. I even attendes sunday school with a Christian playmate-------I was quiet as a mouse during those idiot sessions. I wish my mother had protected me from you filth---imposed on me by beer swilling presbyterian sluts who did the "CHRISTIAN" thing.
So kids can opt out and the school is not being 'inclusive', and you Engaged in these 'idiotic' activities and you felt alienated because it was so stoooopid and you weren't protected from this 'filth'. Interesting. In other words everyone matters but the kids and their families who happen to enjoy seeing Santa, so f**k them. Great.

wrong------religious culture should not be IMPOSED on children. Kids in school feel alienated if they do not do WHAT THE OTHER DO. The educated people of the US have generally adapted to that issue. It takes some time for people to catch up.
During my childhood we did not EXPECT people to give a damn-----now sensitivity to "other cultures" has become the MODE. I survived SANTA and the EASTER BUNNY-----but I can understand MODERN OBJECTIONS to forcing kids
not associated with that culture to be made to feel like "THE OUTSIDER"

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