One move that can save the American middle class.

One thing I do miss about being self-employed is the tax breaks, credits, and refunds.....
Feel free to immigrate to a country with state controlled economy, where you will sure to be happier, and best of luck to you.
I love my country and hate seeing it bend to the will of oil executives. I hate seeing the oil industry hold us hostage time after time. They make trillions and still get subsidies and tax breaks. They own part of the Democratic party and all of the republicans, and they are using that influence to literally destroy the planet. You know, the place we live.

It would be different if they were run responsibly, but the fact is they aren't, and their very existence is detrimental to our wellbeing.
What does the US government subsidize the most?

How Do Government Subsidies Help an Industry?

The U.S. government heavily subsidizes the domestic agricultural sector. It also subsidizes oil and energy producers, some housing, automakers, and some healthcare (e.g. Medicare).

How Do Government Subsidies Help an Industry? - Investopedia

Without subsidies some businesses would collapse, or not exist at all. The banking industry also keeps many businesses afloat that would otherwise collapse.
Without subsidies some businesses would collapse, or not exist at all.
As long as a need exists...someone will find a way to supply it.

Government should not be in the position of picking winners and losers. That leads to bribes and what we have now.

This was never meant to be under the constitution.
As long as a need exists...someone will find a way to supply it.

Government should not be in the position of picking winners and losers. That leads to bribes and what we have now.

This was never meant to be under the constitution.
It changed after the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are individuals.

Co. v. Riggs (203 U.S. 243 (1906)), the Court accepted that corporations are for legal purposes "persons", but still ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment was not a bar to many state laws which effectively limited a corporation's right to contract business as it pleased.

Corporate personhood - Wikipedia​

I love my country and hate seeing it bend to the will of oil executives. I hate seeing the oil industry hold us hostage time after time. They make trillions and still get subsidies and tax breaks. They own part of the Democratic party and all of the republicans, and they are using that influence to literally destroy the planet. You know, the place we live.

It would be different if they were run responsibly, but the fact is they aren't, and their very existence is detrimental to our wellbeing.
I filled up yesterday for $3.09/Gal and had a happy feeling of wellbeing as I drove out of town last night.

If it makes you feel better, I do agree the oil industry does not deserve subsides and/or tax breaks at this time of record profits.
I filled up yesterday for $3.09/Gal and had a happy feeling of wellbeing as I drove out of town last night.

If it makes you feel better, I do agree the oil industry does not deserve subsides and/or tax breaks at this time of record profits.
They are screwing us royally.
I filled up yesterday for $3.09/Gal and had a happy feeling of wellbeing as I drove out of town last night.

If it makes you feel better, I do agree the oil industry does not deserve subsides and/or tax breaks at this time of record profits.
$3.90 here, and we unusually run well below the national average.

Where did you fill up?
No. One thing to save the Middle Class is continue to work in the middle class earning jobs that got them to the middle class, while upgrading skills and continuing to invest.
Not that my wife and I are personally worried ....we're both healthy (62 and 61)still working full-time .....I'm drawing Social Security now and she will be next year so we're on easy street now. Our 8 acres and house paid for. Awesome well water, working a new jam room....

Best of both worlds.

You guys go take your China vaccines and try to be happy too.... just trying to be helpful.

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