One Of California’s Favorite Escapes May Never Be The Same Because Of Climate Change

From the guy who votes for the American Communist candidate in every election, LOL. Then you say you aren't hard left and aren't a Communist ... while you repeatedly vote for their candidate.

Keep calling OTHER people dumb, moron

That you vote for communists is LITERALLY true. You vote for the American Communist candidate LITERALLY every time, the Democrat. So do Communists know who is the communist running? I think they do.

The only one who doesn't know you're a Marxist is ... you ...
Left wing communist fags think we can stop this from occurring:


Are you Communist Cucks really that arrogant?
Nice animated map. But it is not accurate, because the Earth was smaller in ancient times and has continued to grow, even to now. This growth broke up the single continent that once was. In the 1st 1/2 of the 20th Century a German man took a ballon and drew the then current continents on the ballon.
Then he slowly let the pressure out and the continents mostly went back to one continent.
What part of the word "cyclical" do enviro-whackos find so challenging?

Can they not understand that had climate change hadn't killed the dinosaurs they would probably:

NOT be alive today?

If they WERE alive, it would be only until their friendly neighborhood dinosaur's gut rumbled in hunger?

Sorry, but not true.
It was not climate that killed off most of the dinosaurs, but more likely and asteroid collision, egg eating rodents, and disease.
There are still some dinosaurs left alive, the birds.
Feathers evolved before flight, so were likely an adaptation for cold.
Flying reptiles could better protect their eggs.
Yep. Again, there are two major things that we could be doing to reduce emissions, nuclear and fracking for natural gas, and Rye Catcher opposes them both.

Of course per our prior conversation, he'll say no, he doesn't oppose those. Then he'll head out the door to vote for Democrats who do

Nuclear would be nice, but fusion would be even better, if they ever get it to work.
Fracking I do not like much.
It contaminated ground water, and just makes us run out of natural gas sooner than we would if we bought cheap import gas now, and saved ours for later, when it will be 5 times the price.
Nor does fracking reduce global warming.
We however could do bio fuel, such as running diesel engines on palm oil?
That would be negative emissions.
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Nice animated map. But it is not accurate, because the Earth was smaller in ancient times and has continued to grow, even to now. This growth broke up the single continent that once was. In the 1st 1/2 of the 20th Century a German man took a ballon and drew the then current continents on the ballon.
Then he slowly let the pressure out and the continents mostly went back to one continent.

Conversely, geophysical global cooling was the hypothesis that various features could be explained by Earth contracting. Although it was suggested historically, since the recognition of plate tectonics in the 1970s, scientific consensus has rejected any significant expansion or contraction of Earth.

Pangea broke up due to magma currents beneath it, not from any expansion.
Left wing communist fags think we can stop this from occurring:


Are you Communist Cucks really that arrogant?

No one wants to interfere with normal climate or geological changes.
But the normal climate cycle is about 110k years long, and should be just a little bit into the start of cooling.
So we started already near the hottest part of the cycle, and are artificially adding an additional heating cycle on top of that.
Resulting in a double heating that has not happened in over 100 million years.

But by the way, the break up of Pangea into smaller continents had nothing to do with climate. It was plate tectonics instead.
It has to do with the fact the thin crust is floating on molten magma.
Mauna Loa CO2 readings disagree with your "the industrial revolution had created a change in our weather if not the climate. I'm very sure that human activity contributes to the weather when each year the aggregate temperature has risen creating more evaporation leading to more powerful hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and rising seas" assessment

Maybe time for a new theory?


Mauna Loa verifies that the CO2 concentration increase is caused by humans, and it then is causing global warming.
If there was nothing artificial going on, then each year you would see seasonal spikes and dips, but they would return to an even and steady repeating cycle.
The constant rise means there is something unnatural causing that shift.
And we know it is the accumulating 5 trillion tons of carbon we are adding to the atmosphere every year.
Nominated for the longest ad hominem of the year ^^^ (thus far).

The Great Smog of London, lethal smog that covered the city of London for five days (December 5–9) in 1952, caused by a combination of industrial pollution and high-pressure weather conditions. This combination of smoke and fog brought the city to a near standstill and resulted in thousands of deaths.

I'm not sure but I suspect this Great Smog was a warning that the industrial revolution had created a change in our weather if not the climate. I'm very sure that human activity contributes to the weather when each year the aggregate temperature has risen creating more evaporation leading to more powerful hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and rising seas.

BTW, we've camped on the west shore of Lake Tahoe a number of times and one thing not considered in the link was the Animal Life. Several summers ago the animals in the forest fled the flames west of the lake, and we observed smaller animals [we saw a bobcat crossing the highway) being chased from their territory as Bears and Mountain Lions fled the flames. Hundreds of birds, smaller mammals and species of plants were destroyed making food for the animals ranging far away from their usual habitat.

What are the factors that contribute to forest fires? Lightening and PG&E seems to be the problem.
Not clearing.the brush is by far the biggest problem. If I have to explain then you are a retard
Mauna Loa verifies that the CO2 concentration increase is caused by humans, and it then is causing global warming.
If there was nothing artificial going on, then each year you would see seasonal spikes and dips, but they would return to an even and steady repeating cycle.
The constant rise means there is something unnatural causing that shift.
And we know it is the accumulating 5 trillion tons of carbon we are adding to the atmosphere every year.


No, really. Look at the chart


No, really. Look at the chart


Yes, really, the red chart show the seasonal dips where plant grown reduced CO2 in the summer, but then in the winter the plants die, decompose, and return the CO2 to the sky. The seasonal plant cycle that is normal and natural is easily seen in the red. But the over all average, that you see in the black, obvious is NOT natural or normal. There is a constant artificial increase in CO2 that can only be explained by humans digging up and burning millions of years worth of concentrated plant material, in the form of oil, gas, and coal. There is nothing natural that would be dumping so much carbon into the atmosphere.

The problem is even more obvious if you look over a much longer period of time.
The increase in carbon is accelerating.
Nothing natural could do that.

Not clearing.the brush is by far the biggest problem. If I have to explain then you are a retard

You're stupid. Is this your idea of a forest fire or something Trump said. Dumb Donald has made a large number of stupid comments that biddable fools believe!
Yes, really, the red chart show the seasonal dips where plant grown reduced CO2 in the summer, but then in the winter the plants die, decompose, and return the CO2 to the sky. The seasonal plant cycle that is normal and natural is easily seen in the red. But the over all average, that you see in the black, obvious is NOT natural or normal. There is a constant artificial increase in CO2 that can only be explained by humans digging up and burning millions of years worth of concentrated plant material, in the form of oil, gas, and coal. There is nothing natural that would be dumping so much carbon into the atmosphere.

The problem is even more obvious if you look over a much longer period of time.
The increase in carbon is accelerating.
Nothing natural could do that.

CrusaderFrank is as dumb as dumb Donald.
You're stupid. Is this your idea of a forest fire or something Trump said. Dumb Donald has made a large number of stupid comments that biddable fools believe!
You're stupid. Weather happened before "CLimate Change". You blame everything on climate change.....that's lazy and stupid

Temp in California are not that much higher if they are.......and I'm still waiting to see the coast lines dissappear....been hearing that since the early 80s......hey look, they are still there......
You're stupid. Weather happened before "CLimate Change". You blame everything on climate change.....that's lazy and stupid

Temp in California are not that much higher if they are.......and I'm still waiting to see the coast lines dissappear....been hearing that since the early 80s......hey look, they are still there......

That is a very good question, since ocean levels have not changed that much.
What I read suggests that the deep ocean currents, the polar and mountain top ice, slow down the change by being big heat sinks.
But you have a good point.
Nuclear would be nice, but fusion would be even better, if they ever get it to work.

Fusion is a type of nuclear, but sure, we agree

Fracking I do not like much.
It contaminated ground water

So you just believe Democrat propaganda even when the EPA calls fake news, huh?

, and just makes us run out of natural gas sooner than we would if we bought cheap import gas now, and saved ours for later, when it will be 5 times the price.
Nor does fracking reduce global warming.
We however could do bio fuel, such as running diesel engines on palm oil?
That would be negative emissions.

We're the middle east of natural gas, we aren't running out for a long, long time. But you want to hoard natural gas. So you are against fighting global warming, got it.

So do you think global warming is a crock of shit from the left or you just don't really care?
Ass Clowns in California are draining reservoirs for "Mother Nature" and then telling Farmers they cannot irrigate their crops, which then lowers the overall humidity in the region.

To further aggravate the situation, The Rich and Elite in California build their Million Dollar Mansions in Ecologically sensitive areas further putting a strain on the local ecological areas.

Climate Change has nothing to do with Idiots feeling they have privileges that they feel you should pay for while they absolve themselves of all responsibility.

California does not need rain.

It needs a lobotomy.

When Enviro Ass Clowns refuse to allow dead wood to be cleared from a forest, then Enviro Ass Clowns get to watch their Million Dollar Mansions Burn to the ground and then the Ass Clowns ask thtaxpayers to rebuild them.
California Scheming.
California has settled tens of millions of people in a desert far in excess of the numbers the aquaduct system was designed to support. Now the government wonders why there isn’t enough water to support its teeming population. Cut California’s population back to what it was in 1960 and most of its problems go away.
There is this thing called solar that many people put on their roofs and then sell off the excess power back to the utility company. Before that there was a program to buy your energy from clean sources. I paid for that before I had solar.
It really be nice if the government made the power company buy your excess power at the same rate they charge you for the power you buy from them. Instead they allow them to pay far less. One thing I really didn’t like was that the power company forced me to install a Automatic shut off so that in the event of an outage I can’t draw on the power from my solar cells to power my own house. Their excuse is their afraid of backflow energizing the grid and endangering their relain personnel.
Why does a tourist essay about lake Tahoe end up on the political forum?

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