One Of California’s Favorite Escapes May Never Be The Same Because Of Climate Change

You're so full of shit; posting a personal attack ("mindless Democrat") wrapped in a damn lie is why I added Idiot-gram to my signature line - for people like you.

There are no Marxists on any ballot I've voted on and I've voted in CA since November 1968. If you have an example to prove such an initiative, recall, referendum or person to seek to overturn our democracy for Marxism, please provide probative facts.

As for Climate Change, we have put solar panels on our roof, we own two Electric Cars (Tesla and Bolt). We sort our trash, and put clean plastics into the recycle bin, I vote for People over Profits; we removed our lawns, front and back, and replaced them with drought resistant plants watered by a well using a drip system; And, more importantly I don't vote for any Republican, Libertarian, neo Nazi or Trump Supporter - those who seek to destroy democracy in America.
"There are no Marxists on any ballot I've voted on and I've voted in CA since November 1968."

There are plenty of the them. Just translate the label "Democrat" to "Marxist" and you can identify them.
As for Climate Change, we have put solar panels on our roof, we own two Electric Cars (Tesla and Bolt). We sort our trash, and put clean plastics into the recycle bin, I vote for People over Profits; we removed our lawns, front and back, and replaced them with drought resistant plants watered by a well using a drip system; And, more importantly I don't vote for any Republican, Libertarian, neo Nazi or Trump Supporters.

I doubt you crossed paths with me on a different board, and we don't have a maid - you're nothing more than a liar, a damn liar and a faux conservative. Amen.
Voting for people over profits would mean voting to cut taxes, not increase them.
There is this thing called solar that many people put on their roofs and then sell off the excess power back to the utility company. Before that there was a program to buy your energy from clean sources. I paid for that before I had solar.
My neighbor had two 50 foot black rubber hoses he used for the sun to heat the water in his pool.
My neighbor had two 50 foot black rubber hoses he used for the sun to heat the water in his pool.

My dad did the exact same thing. We had replaced our garage door and so he put the old one on stilts in our backyard, tilted it a bit and then made two large coils of black hose on top of the garage door and mounted corrugated fiberglass over the two coils of black hose.

We also kept a solar cover on top of the pool so the water would reach the upper 90s on the hottest days...honestly it made the pool unbearable on some days but was great at night.
You're so full of shit; posting a personal attack ("mindless Democrat") wrapped in a damn lie is why I added Idiot-gram to my signature line - for people like you.

There are no Marxists on any ballot I've voted on and I've voted in CA since November 1968. If you have an example to prove such an initiative, recall, referendum or person to seek to overturn our democracy for Marxism, please provide probative facts.

As for Climate Change, we have put solar panels on our roof, we own two Electric Cars (Tesla and Bolt). We sort our trash, and put clean plastics into the recycle bin, I vote for People over Profits; we removed our lawns, front and back, and replaced them with drought resistant plants watered by a well using a drip system; And, more importantly I don't vote for any Republican, Libertarian, neo Nazi or Trump Supporter - those who seek to destroy democracy in America.
Honestly, Mindless Democrats Deserve that Moniker.

The Democrats of California so far have spent $100 Billion on a High Speed Rail system they still cannot get to work in an Earthquake zone, when they needed to improve their water delivery systems and build a few reservoirs and dams in a Semi Arid Climate to serve their agricultural industries and The People.

Stupid Is As Stupid Does.

Just a quick question for you commie dumb fucks.

How, exactly, are you going to stop the planet from changing?

They have no interest in stopping anything. The entire climate industry is all about the $$$$. Look at Rye Catcher on this thread. His carbon footprint is enormous compared to most Americans, but here he is lecturing the rest of us. They're a joke.
BuzzFeed News

One Of California’s Favorite Escapes May Never Be The Same Because Of Climate Change​

Stephanie K. Baer
Fri, September 10, 2021, 7:14 PM·10 min read

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, California — Brian Hunter hadn’t yet been ordered to leave his South Lake Tahoe home. But, thinking back to how a wildfire tore through the town of Paradise three years ago and killed 85 people, he didn’t want to risk it. As flames crept toward the Tahoe Basin, he and his partner loaded the car with their belongings, their dog, and two cats, and drove off into the haze. Behind them, a wall of thick brown smoke bore down on the city.

“It looked like death,” Hunter, a 38-year-old freelance writer, said. “You couldn’t see sky.”

So, again. Just to point out. This is all the left's fault, right? Let me review again.

The left insist it is all man made global warming. (They call it climate change as we know now to make certain every single weather event can be included. Including blizzards.)

They claim it is the knuckle dragging flat earther mouth breathers like me that don't believe in the effects of man made climate change, and because of the few like me, the earth is doomed.

So, in their woke for thee but not for me manner that they go through life, they never actually do what they are calling all of us to do.

They want higher taxes they claim. Right? Yes, they do. Do they voluntarily pay more taxes? No, they don't. They all take tax cuts and hide their money and most on the left are the cheapest people on earth.

They hate icky oil and all things that rely on fossil fuels. Yet, they are all free in this country to live as the Amish (who theoretically don't use fossil fuels) but none of them do. In fact the Millennials, who have been in the loudest about all of this global warming climate change stuff over the last 20 years are the biggest consumers of fossil fuels in the history of the world.

Remember when their hero dicaprio made a speech at the un (AT THE UN) about THE global warming (which is now climate change as we know) and immediately after he rented a 300 foot yacht from an oil tycoon from Saudi Arabia, sailed down to Brazil and threw orgy parties.

Yes, the left, if they lived as they preached, would actually cure this so called man made climate change.


As they continue to live along the coasts that are rising rapidly, their righteousness doesn't pass the smell test of hypocrisy.

I will admit righteousness surpassing hypocrisy is a challenge. I too fail miserably in that regard in many ways.

So, having said that. Is the man made global warming and impending doom the left's fault?


Tahoe was never a fun escape for this Californian. Now that it is partially burned I love it.
Scientists studied and shared their findings on west coast wildfires years ago. The cause is stupid shit humans running around stamping out every fire nature starts. Nature managed the process of burning off dead debris for millions of years by regularly starting fires and burning off the small layer of debris, this did not harm trees they evolved to handle it.

Then stupid shit humans decided to put out every fire nature started and the dead debris built up to several feet thick over decades. Now when there's a fire it burns so hot it kills the trees and everything in its path.
"There are no Marxists on any ballot I've voted on and I've voted in CA since November 1968."

There are plenty of the them. Just translate the label "Democrat" to "Marxist" and you can identify them.
Your ignorance is noted.
Honestly, Mindless Democrats Deserve that Moniker.

The Democrats of California so far have spent $100 Billion on a High Speed Rail system they still cannot get to work in an Earthquake zone, when they needed to improve their water delivery systems and build a few reservoirs and dams in a Semi Arid Climate to serve their agricultural industries and The People.

Stupid Is As Stupid Does.

Liars as liars do:

These hypocrites never walk the walk. Rye Catcher has already revealed his carbon footprint is vastly larger than most Americans.

Yep. Again, there are two major things that we could be doing to reduce emissions, nuclear and fracking for natural gas, and Rye Catcher opposes them both.

Of course per our prior conversation, he'll say no, he doesn't oppose those. Then he'll head out the door to vote for Democrats who do
Anyone remember when I asked the leftists here if they purchased carbon credits from al gore?

Never got an answer.

Well, leftists. Did you?

Come on admit it.

Not how it works.
Carbon credits were just a proposal, and never actually existed.
Nor could individual get or buy them.
They were to be traded between countries.
Nominated for the longest ad hominem of the year ^^^ (thus far).

The Great Smog of London, lethal smog that covered the city of London for five days (December 5–9) in 1952, caused by a combination of industrial pollution and high-pressure weather conditions. This combination of smoke and fog brought the city to a near standstill and resulted in thousands of deaths.

I'm not sure but I suspect this Great Smog was a warning that the industrial revolution had created a change in our weather if not the climate. I'm very sure that human activity contributes to the weather when each year the aggregate temperature has risen creating more evaporation leading to more powerful hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and rising seas.

BTW, we've camped on the west shore of Lake Tahoe a number of times and one thing not considered in the link was the Animal Life. Several summers ago the animals in the forest fled the flames west of the lake, and we observed smaller animals [we saw a bobcat crossing the highway) being chased from their territory as Bears and Mountain Lions fled the flames. Hundreds of birds, smaller mammals and species of plants were destroyed making food for the animals ranging far away from their usual habitat.

What are the factors that contribute to forest fires? Lightening and PG&E seems to be the problem.

I live in the Tahoe basin. Environmentalist morons are the single biggest cause of these fires. They won't let you clear out deadwood, they will sue you if you try.
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Okay, it's not ignorance, it is a damn lie. I was being kind to you, it must be a pity to be as dumb as you appear to be.

From the guy who votes for the American Communist candidate in every election, LOL. Then you say you aren't hard left and aren't a Communist ... while you repeatedly vote for their candidate.

Keep calling OTHER people dumb, moron

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