One of the 3 Democrats in Tennessee in protest is allowed to keep his seat (the only white one)

They will probably prosper in Tennessee or elsewhere, but two of them will not prosper in our House of Representatives, after proving they have no respect for the dignity of that chamber, by their actions to disrupt.

You don't think they could be reelected - assuming they want to be? They are two very articulate and smart black guys!
Pretty good optics if you are a Tennessean, as I am. The one that did not get kicked out off the floor of our House of Representative was not the one that brought a bullhorn on the the Floor of our (not your) state House of representatives, while they were conducting our (not your) business. If you read the Nashville papers (not your national reporting) and Nashville local TV media coverage of the protest, you would know it was peaceful and stayed outside the chambers, except for the trio of elected representative, using their position as elected representatives to bring a bull horn into chamber, that they might succumb to shouting out their own protest, instead of conducting themselves in civilized, orderly, parliamentary manner, as befits the presumed dignity of there representative status. As far as I know, the one that did not get the boot, only stood with the booted during the trios attempt to disrupt, did not use the bullhorn and made a better more impassioned plea of her case when it was her turn to speak in her own defense for her actions, than her lesser spoken compatriots and appealed to the better nature of the majority of that body. So let it be written. So let it be done.
You Dipshits are your own worst enemies. 😄 Its incidents like these we use to push the entire American culture left.
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Maybe it had something to do about 2 black "legislators" grabbing bullhorns and leading a bunch of lawbreaking misfits in loudmouth gobbltygoop protesting. Running them flappy mouths. The house leaders should have had them dragged out of the chamber by the hair. Who here has ever seen such a childish display in a legislative body while conducting official state business. The two "lawmakers" should also face charges. The KKK didn't have a thing to do with that childish temper tantrum.

And you overlook the White "Legislator" that also did the same thing and was voted to stay while the other 2 were omitted. Yes, the KKK is active in Tennessee and owns the State Government.
The TN state House refuses to be treated like a gay area walgreen's.... no looting, no mayhem, no chimpouts.... and most of all - NO INSURRECTIONS

Follow the rules.... or fuck around and find out.

Back to the carwash or stealing catalytic converters for the guilty mother fuckers. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
You Dipshits are your own worst enemies. 😄 Its incidents like these we use to push the entire American culture left.
Well spend your tourist dollars elsewhere and if you do visit, spend your money and leave. You remind me of some northern Yankees that somehow in their minds determined their fkd up place and lack of freedoms and values, that come down from overpriced, overtaxed huge cities with the frequent destructive riots, radical ideologies, autonomous zones, massive homeless hoards taking over public streets, attracted to places where they are tolerated by state government politicians more worried about their next election than, than seeing to decent government, serving the constructive, working, building, productive segments of their state and communities. We chuckle at their ideas and get along well with them, welcoming them into our tourist areas, but the difference between a Yankee and a damned Yankee, is the damned Yankee comes with their ideas, planning to stay. Those often aren't happy here, because Tennessee is for Tennesseans, and we don't change, so they do or they leave, thankfully. Thank you for your input. :cool:
Hasn't affected my sleep any.
Does anything when you're so much nearer the end Gramps? Sounds like you're just practicing. And while I can see why the impending extinction of white wing culture might not be of much concern for someone advanced in their sleep cycle as you are, the younger cuck whites might mind. 😄
Well spend your tourist dollars elsewhere and if you do visit, spend your money and leave. You remind me of some northern Yankees that somehow in their minds determined their fkd up place and lack of freedoms and values, that come down from overpriced, overtaxed huge cities with the frequent destructive riots, radical ideologies, autonomous zones, massive homeless hoards taking over public streets, attracted to places where they are tolerated by state government politicians more worried about their next election than, than seeing to decent government, serving the constructive, working, building, productive segments of their state and communities. We chuckle at their ideas and get along well with them, welcoming them into our tourist areas, but the difference between a Yankee and a damned Yankee, is the damned Yankee comes with their ideas, planning to stay. Those often aren't happy here, because Tennessee is for Tennesseans, and we don't change, so they do or they leave, thankfully. Thank you for your input. :cool:
I didn't read any of that. No one cares. Some teenager will make a 15 sec TikTok and American culture will move more to the left in response. 😄
I didn't read any of that. No one cares. Some teenager will make a 15 sec TikTok and American culture will move more to the left in response. 😄
Not here. Have a nice life,... eh,... somewhere else. :cool:
Not here. Have a nice life,... eh,... somewhere else. :cool:
You plan on being the last bastian of bigotry in the United States? Last mutant culture hold out? Maybe we can rope you off and sell you like a tourist attraction when the time comes. You'll be our 21 century carnie act. 😄

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