One of the 3 Democrats in Tennessee in protest is allowed to keep his seat (the only white one)

Yes, until they switched parties. They're Republicans now. Google it...
They hate it when you show them similarities because between today's electoral maps and KKK-era electoral maps.
Have you seen an electoral map in modern times and an electoral map in the KKK era? What does the South do nearly all the time?
Exactly. What switch? White conservatives in the South have always been racist pieces of shits. They're probably the most consistent voting group in American history. They've always stood opposed to Black people voting or participating in government.
Fuck the house.

I don't care what color any of the people involved are, this is a blatant abuse of power. Why even have a vote if the current people in power can simply eject opposing members.

If the democrats had opened this Pandora's box then the right would be screaming bloody fucking murder.

It requires a supermajority to do, and all legislative bodies have the ability to eject members who don't follow the rules.

The check on this is the people represented by these morons can vote them right back into office.
They will probably prosper in Tennessee or elsewhere, but two of them will not prosper in our House of Representatives, after proving they have no respect for the dignity of that chamber, by their actions to disrupt.

They broke the rules of the chamber. I would have outed all three, but I guess two of them using the bullhorns to egg on the crowd was the final dealbreaker.
The optics of this can't be worse for the Republican party.
In the state the KKK was born (Tennessee), two black lawmakers are ejected: The black ones.

"After surviving her vote, Johnson, who is White, was asked why there was a difference in the outcome for her and Jones, who is Black-Filipino.”It might have to do with the color of our skin,” she said."
Why would you refer to her as a man in your thread title?

You're a tranny, aintcha.
I'm thinking the right needs to cancel Thomas Jefferson.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Where were you little shitheads on 1/6 when Americans were protesting a stolen election by the Democrat filth?

We see Uppity Negro Insurections all the time. Every few years the assholes burn something down. Back in 2020 they assholes spent six months burning, rioting, murdering and looting and the Democrats told the police to stand down.
Where were you little shitheads on 1/6 when Americans were protesting a stolen election by the Democrat filth?

Read the Jan 6th thread. While it was happening I said I supported the people's right to protest. I didn't support what they were protesting over though.

The lies of a poor loser man/boy.

We see Uppity Negro Insurections all the time. Every few years the assholes burn something down. Back in 2020 they assholes spent six months burning, rioting, murdering and looting and the Democrats told the police to stand down.

And we have made some positive changes since then.
I have to say....I watched a little of this yesterday....While my first thought was that expulsion was harsh, I do agree that respect for the chamber should be respected. We know that progressive liberals have no respect for any of our symbols, or decorum, or institutions....

In the times we live in today, it is hard to look at the actions of these people and not think to some degree that traitorous motives come to mind...In this case, I think it was people with a lack of understanding taking their protest too far....Now, should they be expelled for that? Should their districts have their votes for these people wiped out? I don't know, I'm not a politician...But my gut says no....Fore, if we start down that road we become like them....
The optics of this can't be worse for the Republican party.
In the state the KKK was born (Tennessee), two black lawmakers are ejected: The black ones.

"After surviving her vote, Johnson, who is White, was asked why there was a difference in the outcome for her and Jones, who is Black-Filipino.”It might have to do with the color of our skin,” she said."
And she'd be right. And the young of Tennessee are watching.
Maybe it had something to do about 2 black "legislators" grabbing bullhorns and leading a bunch of lawbreaking misfits in loudmouth gobbltygoop protesting. Running them flappy mouths. The house leaders should have had them dragged out of the chamber by the hair. Who here has ever seen such a childish display in a legislative body while conducting official state business. The two "lawmakers" should also face charges. The KKK didn't have a thing to do with that childish temper tantrum.
Grabbing bullhorns.....THE HORROR!!!!!!

And "running them flappy mouths"? WE see you.
The optics of this can't be worse for the Republican party.
In the state the KKK was born (Tennessee), two black lawmakers are ejected: The black ones.

"After surviving her vote, Johnson, who is White, was asked why there was a difference in the outcome for her and Jones, who is Black-Filipino.”It might have to do with the color of our skin,” she said."

Insurrectionists need to go. Color is unimportant.

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