One of the 3 Democrats in Tennessee in protest is allowed to keep his seat (the only white one)

Can ignorant left wing victims of the failed education system even spell hypocrite? They are currently attacking a black Justice of the Supreme Court, Clarence Thomas, with unverified smear tactics while pretending that Tennessee republican are racist.
I don't live in Tennessee, I'm not doing anything, nor am I issuing warnings to anonymous internet keyboard jockeys that I'm watching them. That would be you. I would be the one pointing out to everyone your apparent desire to take the law into your own hands over political differences. It is to shake my head sadly at you.
I'm not issuing any warnings to you or anyone. Its the racists whites in Tennessee that used the force of law to remove Black advocates as they did in the past to other advocates marching and sitting at counter tops decades past. This racism is blatant and will backfire as poorly today as it did back then.
I'm not issuing any warnings to you or anyone. Its the racists whites in Tennessee that used the force of law to remove Black advocates as they did in the past to other advocates marching and sitting at counter tops decades past. This racism is blatant and will backfire as poorly today as it did back then.
Wouldn't it be proper to invite the mistreated brother to a Saturday night Klan meeting to address his complaints?

They may prosper, time will tell.
But it should not have been the purview of the Tennessee House to eject them for a 'disturbance' limited to just that body.

Censure them? Oh sure. Fine 'em? Oh sure.
Take away committee assignments? Oh, sure.
Give 'em uncomfortable chairs or signal in many myriad ways the body's unhappiness with their actions? Why not?

But....importantly, the House members didn't elect these two men to their positions. The people of their districts did. And the most legitimate way to remove them is to vote them out.

I ain't a Tennessean, but......but this was handle badly for Tennessee. Forget the nuance of the white legislator having better manners than the two black legislators. The reality is....they are black. She is white. She stays. They go.
Hell yes, optics matter.

Tennessee looks bad....or, at minimum, the Tennessee House looks, at minimum, racist.
Should not does not count. It was their purview. The rules of conduct are high in the chamber for the elected members than for the public at large. It has to be or else nothing gets done, on the whim of individuals at any time. Those jerks won't be missed. I suppose they can run again, but if elected, they will know to maintain their self discipline, if they expect to represent their constituents on the house floor. If you were an employee in civilian work, you'd probably get fired for bringing a bull to the board room to shout down the other supervisory/management staff, but at a later date, you might apply and get your old job back, but know your limits in the office.
All three are morons

Why cant schools get the same police protection that judges and mayors get?

The same limited access doors, metal detectors and armed police who search everyone before entering?
Security in public schools and metal detecting equipment has been addressed and recently went into many schools in TN and here where I live in Madison County. Since the recent mass shooting event legislation is underway to look at some kind of grants or low interest financing that might be extended to larger private and church related schools, but remember state funds do not generally support privately owned schools in this state or any other.
They will probably prosper in Tennessee or elsewhere, but two of them will not prosper in our House of Representatives, after proving they have no respect for the dignity of that chamber, by their actions to disrupt.
What are the odds of them being reelected by large margins in the Special Election? Fairly good, I'd imagine. I mean, it was the will of the people that the house thwarted here, right?It is a bad look...stripping them of all committee positions and Censuring them might have been the better move.
But you're right. It is your Monkey House--run it as you see fit~
Wouldn't it be proper to invite the mistreated brother to a Saturday night Klan meeting to address his complaints?
What's going to happen is his district is going to send him right back. Like much of GOP politics not only is it ineffectual, its poor messaging. All they really accomplished was getting themselves compared to Bull Connor, if you can call that an accomplishment.

Majority of Nashville Council members vow to reappoint Justin Jones to the state House
Amen! I've been watching it all day.

Occupy Democrats
Literally the stupidest people on earth.
Security in public schools and metal detecting equipment has been addressed and recently went into many schools in TN and here where I live in Madison County. Since the recent mass shooting event legislation is underway to look at some kind of grants or low interest financing that might be extended to larger private and church related schools, but remember state funds do not generally support privately owned schools in this state or any other.
The lib gun grabbers are using the shooting in a private school to pass laws that take guns away from everyone
What are the odds of them being reelected by large margins in the Special Election? Fairly good, I'd imagine. I mean, it was the will of the people that the house thwarted here, right?It is a bad look...stripping them of all committee positions and Censuring them might have been the better move.
But you're right. It is your Monkey House--run it as you see fit~
At least one is from Memphis, it is quite possible, especially if they don't mind the fact that their actions cost those particular taxpayers the financial and actual work and logistics of mounting a special election, when they could have acted as they were supposed to, instead of like assholes on a political internet message board, trying to rule the room, until somebody calls the Mods.
At least one is from Memphis, it is quite possible, especially if they don't mind the fact that their actions cost those particular taxpayers the financial and actual work and logistics of mounting a special election, when they could have acted as they were supposed to, instead of like assholes on a political internet message board, trying to rule the room, until somebody calls the Mods.

They will be voted back in. That's part of the process that the expulsion doesn't ban them from running again.
Sounds a little like a President that we all know.

They want Trump to run because they think it will mobilize their base, moderates, and Never Trumpers more than it mobilizes Trumps supporters. They may be right, but god help them if they are wrong.

I'd rather have DeSantis. DeSantis should promise Trump he will investigate anything Trump asks him to if Trump bows out.
All three of them should have been ousted. But in Lib land white female democrats are a more protected class than black males. So oh reap what you sow.

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