One of the 3 Democrats in Tennessee in protest is allowed to keep his seat (the only white one)

At least one is from Memphis, it is quite possible, especially if they don't mind the fact that their actions cost those particular taxpayers the financial and actual work and logistics of mounting a special election, when they could have acted as they were supposed to, instead of like assholes on a political internet message board, trying to rule the room, until somebody calls the Mods.
Civil disobedience expects arrests. That's the price for stiring trouble and bringing issues of marginalized constituents to the forefront. MLK and even elected Representatives like John Lewis would engage it what he called "good trouble" and racked up many nights in jail and numerous fines, a small price to pay in the fight for social change. If they had been arrested for civil disobedience no one would of batted an eye. Stripping them of the seats that voters put them in however, and for bringing the voice of those voters to the chambers no less, is nothing short of outrageous and the world is watching what you bigots do and how you comport yourselves.
The optics of this can't be worse for the Republican party.

True. because most people, as you have just demonstrated with your own words, are incapable of critical thought and seeing past the nose on their face. My understanding is that the "white one" apologized to the assembly for her actions while the other two did not and even after that she only barely survived by one or two votes I believe.

But even if she had been expelled along with them, you still would have made it a race issue because that's what you people have been programmed to do. You're non-player characters.
All three of them should have been ousted. But in Lib land white female democrats are a more protected class than black males. So oh reap what you sow.
You're calling the floor of the Tennessee House "Lib land"?
But yeah, in Tennessee, any white person is a more privileged class. Whether they even want it or not.
The reaping what you sow might want to think of that~
Fuck the house.

I don't care what color any of the people involved are, this is a blatant abuse of power. Why even have a vote if the current people in power can simply eject opposing members.

If the democrats had opened this Pandora's box then the right would be screaming bloody fucking murder.

But the dems did open this box, maybe not through expulsion, but through the party in power removing repubs from committee assignments.

I disagree with the expulsion, but at the same time, im not going to get bent out of shape over it. This is an example of the democrats tactics coming back on them, and lo and behold, they don’t like it.
You're calling the floor of the Tennessee House "Lib land"?
But yeah, in Tennessee, any white person is a more privileged class. Whether they even want it or not.
The reaping what you sow might want to think of that~
No. I’m saying she is part of your protected “equity” class. She escaped by one vote. Hense…why are you whining?
Civil disobedience expects arrests. That's the price for stiring trouble and bringing issues of marginalized constituents to the forefront. MLK and even elected Representatives like John Lewis would engage it what he called "good trouble" and racked up many nights in jail and numerous fines, a small price to pay in the fight for social change. If they had been arrested for civil disobedience no one would of batted an eye. Stripping them of the seats that voters put them in however, and for bringing the voice of those voters to the chambers no less, is nothing short of outrageous and the world is watching what you bigots do and how you comport yourselves.
Leftest filth love "civil disobedience" when they do it and hate it when the Right does it.
The optics of this can't be worse for the Republican party.
In the state the KKK was born (Tennessee), two black lawmakers are ejected: The black ones.

"After surviving her vote, Johnson, who is White, was asked why there was a difference in the outcome for her and Jones, who is Black-Filipino.”It might have to do with the color of our skin,” she said."
You are sooo stupid. You’re another sheep/retarded baboon crossbreed democrat.
Look at the numbers. I know that’s asking a lot of a retarded baboon democrat but look at the numbers. 65 to 69 to 72.
The fat ding bat Moon Bat bitch argued in her defense that the only thing she did was walk up to the podium. She did not say anything or use the bull horn.

Enough Republicans accepted her defense that she managed to keep her seat by one vote.

How is that racist?
If you were an employee in civilian work, you'd probably get fired
Oh, you are quite right. I agree completely. I'd fire 'em myself if I was running your hypothetical Board.

However, the 'boss' of these three members would be their constituents....not the House Republican Caucus. And, as said by others.......there were myriad ways the House could have signaled to them that what they did was bad juju.....and there will be consequences.

Nonetheless, having said that......this makes Tennessee look bad, it makes the Republican House look bad. The Republican Caucus should have looked beyond their petty vindictiveness and looked at the 'public perception' of their action to expel.
It is a sad and unfortunate look for Tennessee. As you can readily see in the news coverage ----Tennessee is being dumped on.

Bad juju, indeed!

The lib gun grabbers are using the shooting in a private school to pass laws that take guns away from everyone
No they are not.
To state such runs the risk of appearing hysterical.
Don't do that.
It is a bad look for any adult.

...... but through the party in power removing repubs from committee assignments.
If the 'party-in-power' is the Democrat party.....well, duh!....of course, that is how it works, and that is why elections have consequences.

"Parties-in-power" they Republican, take over committees, and downgrade Democrats, if not eject them off of various committees.

If the P.I.P. would be Democrats....then Republicans get the downgrades an reassignments.

It is the American way of legislative protocols. Nothing new about it.
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The fat ding bat Moon Bat bitch argued in her defense
And there is the voice from QMAGA-istan.

Why do MAGA-Q's habitually...and definingly...make their political movement look so godawful?
It's no wonder they are widely viewed as fringies.

So the thinker and law follower did not get the boot.
Heard this from a conservative the other day and Loved it-“They are trying to accuse us of causing their chosen feelings Holocaust”
No they are not.
To state such runs the risk of appearing hysterical.
Don't do that.
It is a bad look for any adult.
They refuse to give school children the same protection they give each other

And instead want to take guns away from law abiding citizens

If noticing that makes me hysterical in your eyes so be it
I'm not issuing any warnings to you or anyone. Its the racists whites in Tennessee that used the force of law to remove Black advocates as they did in the past to other advocates marching and sitting at counter tops decades past. This racism is blatant and will backfire as poorly today as it did back then.

Your fellow DemoKKKrats perpetrated an insurrection. This is how we treat insurrectionists. You wanted this.
Your fellow DemoKKKrats perpetrated an insurrection. This is how we treat insurrectionists. You wanted this.
You're insurrectionists are in prison. These gentlemen will be back as soon as their district assemblies can convene to nominate them to serve in the interim.
Civil disobedience expects arrests. That's the price for stiring trouble and bringing issues of marginalized constituents to the forefront. MLK and even elected Representatives like John Lewis would engage it what he called "good trouble" and racked up many nights in jail and numerous fines, a small price to pay in the fight for social change. If they had been arrested for civil disobedience no one would of batted an eye. Stripping them of the seats that voters put them in however, and for bringing the voice of those voters to the chambers no less, is nothing short of outrageous and the world is watching what you bigots do and how you comport yourselves.
Nah, heck Adam Clayton Powell and New Gingrich were basically kicked out of Washington. When elected officials are assholes especially in public they do sometime get the grease.
Oh, you are quite right. I agree completely. I'd fire 'em myself if I was running your hypothetical Board.

However, the 'boss' of these three members would be their constituents....not the House Republican Caucus. And, as said by others.......there were myriad ways the House could have signaled to them that what they did was bad juju.....and there will be consequences.

Nonetheless, having said that......this makes Tennessee look bad, it makes the Republican House look bad. The Republican Caucus should have looked beyond their petty vindictiveness and looked at the 'public perception' of their action to expel.
It is a sad and unfortunate look for Tennessee. As you can readily see in the news coverage ----Tennessee is being dumped on.

Bad juju, indeed!


No they are not.
To state such runs the risk of appearing hysterical.
Don't do that.
It is a bad look for any adult.

If the 'party-in-power' is the Democrat party.....well, duh!....of course, that is how it works, and that is why elections have consequences.

"Parties-in-power" they Republican, take over committees, and downgrade Democrats, if not eject them off of various committees.

If the P.I.P. would be Democrats....then Republicans get the downgrades an reassignments.

It is the American way of legislative protocols. Nothing new about it.
I live here. To me it makes them look bad. It is not how you represent your constituents on the floor of the house.
And there is the voice from QMAGA-istan.

Why do MAGA-Q's habitually...and definingly...make their political movement look so godawful?
It's no wonder they are widely viewed as fringies.


What do you know about "Q"

you mention that a lot.

what do you actually know?

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