One of the 3 Democrats in Tennessee in protest is allowed to keep his seat (the only white one)

This again brother

There is no white lives matter….

Tons of racism against whites in the media, college and job places.

Get back to us when there are no Job quotas by race.

I don’t know why you believe our country or even Tennessee is racist …

Most blacks and whites are cool…the problem is the racist media and corporations.

You are a racist piece of garbage. There is no discrimination against whites. Republicans are racists so Tennessee is racist. Republicans are also supporting the slaughter going on in schools.
You are a racist piece of garbage. There is no discrimination against whites. Republicans are racists so Tennessee is racist. Republicans are also supporting the slaughter going on in schools.
There are practically no racists in America white or black …except blm leaders and much of the legacy media.

Your living a lie….colleges and corporations having racist hiring quotas…

Have a nice night.
Maybe it had something to do about 2 black "legislators" grabbing bullhorns and leading a bunch of lawbreaking misfits in loudmouth gobbltygoop protesting. Running them flappy mouths. The house leaders should have had them dragged out of the chamber by the hair. Who here has ever seen such a childish display in a legislative body while conducting official state business. The two "lawmakers" should also face charges. The KKK didn't have a thing to do with that childish temper tantrum.

They were not breaking the law. You are the criminal. They were exercising their free speech rights. I notice that you pieces of garbage are defending Jan 6 which was violent. Racist Republicans are at fault and that includes you filthy white rednecks.
The optics of this can't be worse for the Republican party.
In the state the KKK was born (Tennessee), two black lawmakers are ejected: The black ones.

"After surviving her vote, Johnson, who is White, was asked why there was a difference in the outcome for her and Jones, who is Black-Filipino.”It might have to do with the color of our skin,” she said."
It actually has more to do with being white and Democrat.
They will probably prosper in Tennessee or elsewhere, but two of them will not prosper in our House of Representatives, after proving they have no respect for the dignity of that chamber, by their actions to disrupt.

Republicans have taken the dignity out of the Tennessee legislature.
There are practically no racists in America white or black …except blm leaders and much of the legacy media.

Your living a lie….colleges and corporations having racist hiring quotas…

Have a nice night.

You are the lying weasel. There are no racist hiring quotas.
Well spend your tourist dollars elsewhere and if you do visit, spend your money and leave. You remind me of some northern Yankees that somehow in their minds determined their fkd up place and lack of freedoms and values, that come down from overpriced, overtaxed huge cities with the frequent destructive riots, radical ideologies, autonomous zones, massive homeless hoards taking over public streets, attracted to places where they are tolerated by state government politicians more worried about their next election than, than seeing to decent government, serving the constructive, working, building, productive segments of their state and communities. We chuckle at their ideas and get along well with them, welcoming them into our tourist areas, but the difference between a Yankee and a damned Yankee, is the damned Yankee comes with their ideas, planning to stay. Those often aren't happy here, because Tennessee is for Tennesseans, and we don't change, so they do or they leave, thankfully. Thank you for your input. :cool:

You right wing rednecks are attacking this country. Once garbage like you dies, the Republican Party will be finished.
They were not breaking the law. You are the criminal. They were exercising their free speech rights. I notice that you pieces of garbage are defending Jan 6 which was violent. Racist Republicans are at fault and that includes you filthy white rednecks.
Why don't you do some squat jumps on a fire hydrant?
Maybe it had something to do about 2 black "legislators" grabbing bullhorns and leading a bunch of lawbreaking misfits in loudmouth gobbltygoop protesting. Running them flappy mouths. The house leaders should have had them dragged out of the chamber by the hair. Who here has ever seen such a childish display in a legislative body while conducting official state business. The two "lawmakers" should also face charges. The KKK didn't have a thing to do with that childish temper tantrum.
Decorum is dead and your political tribe killed it. Embrace the suck!
You right wing rednecks are attacking this country. Once garbage like you dies, the Republican Party will be finished.
Great, just great!:th_waiting: Now, suddenly, I'm a right wing Republican being attacked by the warm and fuzzy folks on the left coast.:yapyapyapf:
And she'd be right. And the young of Tennessee are watching.
No, she would not be correct. Instead, it would be a lie.

The difference was in the actions they took. But no one wants to tell their audience that, race whoring is so much more profitable.
Leave it to the MAGAts to pretend the blatant racism isn't racism. Wave that Race Card Card.
And leave it to the left to ignore anything that is not race.

You look exactly like those you deride.
But the dems did open this box, maybe not through expulsion, but through the party in power removing repubs from committee assignments.

I disagree with the expulsion, but at the same time, im not going to get bent out of shape over it. This is an example of the democrats tactics coming back on them, and lo and behold, they don’t like it.
And I was against that idiocy too. For the exact same reason as well to be quite frank. I even said it would lead to the republicans doing it but just doing it better.

Fucking prophetic.

And here we are, republicans doing it too, just more. And you think this ends here? That the democrats will not simply raise this to the next level? That would be naïve. It is the tacit acceptance when it is your side doing it that leads directly to the other side abusing the shit out of their power on the next available opportunity. At least it is small time right now, this is a state legislative body rather than a federal one, but everything is national in politics now and this does not end here if the right backs it.

And they will.

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