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One of the following MUST be true about God


Forms his own opinions
May 13, 2010
1) God doesn't exist
2) God is incompetent
3) God doesn't give a shit

One of the three above statements must be true. Take a scenario that seems unexplainable when it comes to "Why would God do ____________?" Or 'Why would God allow _______"?

Children dying of cancer
Women being raped
Mass Genocide
The Holocaust

None of these events make any sense and would leave any sane person wondering how God plays a part in those events occurring. The answer is one of the above three options.

So which do you think is correct? 1, 2, 3?
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1) God doesn't exist
2) God is incompetent
3) God doesn't give a shit

One of the three above statements must be true. Take a scenario that seems unexplainable when it comes to "Why would God do ____________?" Or 'Why would God allow _______"?

Children dying of cancer
Women being raped
Mass Genocide
The Holocaust

None of these events make any sense and would leave any sane person wondering how God plays a part in those events occurring. The answer is one of the above three options.

So which do you think is correct? 1, 2, 3?

None of the above. You answered the question yourself. None of these events make any sense and would leave any sane person wondering how God plays a part in those events occuring. You answered it! ( Are you sane? )

He doesn't!

Had you read your bible you'd know Satan is the one who causes sickness, murder, death, disease, not God! God is a healer! I am the LORD that healeth thee! - Exodus

Satan is the one who requested permission from God to touch Jobs body - Job had a hedge of protection around him. God allowed Satan to test his servant but not kill him. In the end Job was rewarded double fold for his trouble and affliction.

Your problem here is that you are blaming the wrong one. Blame Satan. He is the one who has come to steal ( your health ) Kill ( murder ) destroy ( chaos ) in your life. Understand? Read your bible.

- Jeremiah
Satan is the one who requested permission from God to touch Jobs body - Job had a hedge of protection around him. God allowed Satan to test his servant but not kill him. In the end Job was rewarded double fold for his trouble and affliction.

Why would Satan have to ASK to do ANYTHING? See, this is what bugs me. And makes me feel guilty all at the same time for being unfaithful enough to even wonder about it.
Why would God let Job suffer so much? Just to prove a point? Did He not love Job and want to protect him? Would you let someone torture one of your pets just to prove your pet still loves YOU even though YOU allowed that person to torture it? But pets don't think like that, do they. Humans do. Or do they?

And why does Satan have so much power to cause all this evilness? Is not God the most Powerful? So why not rid us of Satan and just love us?

See? This is why I am so confused. So many whys. No answers.
1) God doesn't exist
2) God is incompetent
3) God doesn't give a shit

Children dying of cancer might not make sense to you or I (from a human perspective in the field), but that doesn't necessarily mean that it does not make sense.

As a spiritual person, I realize that there are so many incredible layers to our existence (in this dimension and the next); to claim to understand it all is incredibly foolish.

Plus, also want to note that everything is relative. If everything in this world was perfect and happy, would we even realize it? How are you to understand what it means to feel good if you've never felt bad before? How are you to know joy without knowing suffering first?

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I don't think RDD is intentionally limited the options to those three choices. i think he sincerely believes those are the only options. My guess is because he has not looked at the situation from the Eternal Perspective and instead is looking through things in Mortal eyes.

When you recognie that we are Immortal beings having a mortal experience and the Lord has paid the price to ensure we can overcome our sins and our physical deaths, you begin to see things as the Lord does.

"My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes." (D&C 121:7-8)

One of what I consider the most beautiful passages of scripture talks about the very subject of this thread:

"If thou art called to pass through tribulation; if thou art in perils among false brethren; if thou art in perils among robbers; if thou art in perils by land or by sea;

If thou art accused with all manner of false accusations; if thine enemies fall upon thee; if they tear thee from the society of thy father and mother and brethren and sisters; and if with a drawn sword thine enemies tear thee from the bosom of thy wife, and of thine offspring, and thine elder son, although but six years of age, shall cling to thy garments, and shall say, My father, my father, why can’t you stay with us? O, my father, what are the men going to do with you? and if then he shall be thrust from thee by the sword, and thou be dragged to prison, and thine enemies prowl around thee like wolves for the blood of the lamb;

And if thou shouldst be cast into the pit, or into the hands of murderers, and the sentence of death passed upon thee; if thou be cast into the deep; if the billowing surge conspire against thee; if fierce winds become thine enemy; if the heavens gather blackness, and all the elements combine to hedge up the way; and above all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.

The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he? (D&C 122:5-8)

If mortality was all there was, I think RDD might have a point. But thankfully our death is not the end of our lives, but the beginning of the next stage of our life. Every wrong we have experienced, can and will teach us if we let it. Every think we suffer can lift us to a higher point.

It is through our suffering that we often become humble. That we learn about ourselves.

If we go to the gym and lift weights, we will break up our muscles and rebuild them stronger. We will experience pain, but grow strength doing so. Our experiences in mortality can be a teacher and give us wisdom.

Or we can moan and complain about them getting absolutely nothing out of our suffering.

It's our choice.
1) God doesn't exist
2) God is incompetent
3) God doesn't give a shit

One of the three above statements must be true. Take a scenario that seems unexplainable when it comes to "Why would God do ____________?" Or 'Why would God allow _______"?

Children dying of cancer
Women being raped
Mass Genocide
The Holocaust

None of these events make any sense and would leave any sane person wondering how God plays a part in those events occurring. The answer is one of the above three options.

So which do you think is correct? 1, 2, 3?

I don't see why those are the only three options. How about, because God is letting us learn how to deal with things ourselves rather than fixing it for us? When I taught my kids how to ride a bike, there came a time when I just had to step back and watch.
Satan is the one who requested permission from God to touch Jobs body - Job had a hedge of protection around him. God allowed Satan to test his servant but not kill him. In the end Job was rewarded double fold for his trouble and affliction.

Why would Satan have to ASK to do ANYTHING? See, this is what bugs me. And makes me feel guilty all at the same time for being unfaithful enough to even wonder about it.
Why would God let Job suffer so much? Just to prove a point? Did He not love Job and want to protect him? Would you let someone torture one of your pets just to prove your pet still loves YOU even though YOU allowed that person to torture it? But pets don't think like that, do they. Humans do. Or do they?

And why does Satan have so much power to cause all this evilness? Is not God the most Powerful? So why not rid us of Satan and just love us?

See? This is why I am so confused. So many whys. No answers.

What if the answer is "Shit happens"?

Maybe God isn't and Luck, both good and bad, is truly random in how it manifests....
Maybe God is and Luck is how the 'chosen ones' are separated from the average Monkey herd.​
I have asked the same question...over and over again . The plain simple truth is: it doesn’t matter one way or the other. How you live your life NOW is all that matters.
I have asked the same question...over and over again . The plain simple truth is: it doesn’t matter one way or the other. How you live your life NOW is all that matters.

Very good point. Humankind needs to be more concerned about this world and not about an afterlife that no human can confirm even exists. It really has no bearing whether you believe in God or not to be a decent person.

Humanity's obsession with which religion is correct has been responsible for more suffering in this world than any other source.
Satan is the one who requested permission from God to touch Jobs body - Job had a hedge of protection around him. God allowed Satan to test his servant but not kill him. In the end Job was rewarded double fold for his trouble and affliction.

Why would Satan have to ASK to do ANYTHING? See, this is what bugs me. And makes me feel guilty all at the same time for being unfaithful enough to even wonder about it.
Why would God let Job suffer so much? Just to prove a point? Did He not love Job and want to protect him? Would you let someone torture one of your pets just to prove your pet still loves YOU even though YOU allowed that person to torture it? But pets don't think like that, do they. Humans do. Or do they?

And why does Satan have so much power to cause all this evilness? Is not God the most Powerful? So why not rid us of Satan and just love us?

See? This is why I am so confused. So many whys. No answers.

You are a really precious woman, Gracie. God loves you. He doesn't mind if you are wondering or have questions. I don't believe for a second he sees you as unfaithful because you have questions.

Satan had to ask Gods permission because Job wasn't getting on Satans territory. Job was a righteous man that prayed faithfully to the LORD, he even prayed over his children each day that if any of them had sinned - they'd be forgiven, he was in constant communion with God and stayed out of sin.

Satan has to ask God to remove the hedge of protection around Job first and also ask permission to touch him because when we are in communion with God and walking with Him daily? Gods hedge of protection stands like a tower about us. Satan can't get in!! We are protected.

Now Job wasn't about to sin against God and Satan knew that. That is why he told God take the hedge of protection down from him because you have blessed his life - let me afflict him and we will see how long he stays faithful to you! Satans accused God of having to basically buy love that it wouldn't come any other way - Satan was proven in the end for the liar he is ) Satan has been watching each one of us from the day we were born - you can learn alot about someone by studying them - Satan is searching for weak spots - Job didn't have any weak spots and when Satan tested him? He came forth like pure Gold. He glorified God mightily by passing that test Satan put on him with flying colors! Oh yes he did! To God be the Glory. He passed the test and never once blamed God for His sufferings. Job was a righteous man God loved him deeply and he is enjoying a tremendous reward eternally even now as I write this! He's up there having a big time!

I don't know what pets do and do not do - I believe God I'll see mine that have passed on again in heaven one day. As to the question of our sufferings? The truth is there is a real enemy out there. His name is Satan, he has a kingdom, he has his principalities and powers and rulers of darkness working for him - he despises you and I because he has eternally lost his chance to ever see heaven again. He knows full well what he lost! We don't really quite know because neither of us have been to heaven yet. ( but it is off the charts amazing I hear )

Satan is the one causing all the misery, sickness, death, disease, famine, murders, rapes, mutilations, child sex trafficking, wherever diabolical evil goes on? He's there and that is his turf. Anyone on the devils turf is open season and he has grounds to attack them.

Lucifer ( Satan ) was a beautiful angel - that worshiped God and due to pride entering his heart he fell and lost his place after raising up an insurrection against God in which he took a third of the angels with him ( who are now demonic principalities over regions - such as See Daniel 10:12 and read about the angels warfare with the Prince of Persia which delayed him 21 days in answering that prayer and coming to Daniel - that really happened )

Daniel was in distress at that time and needed to hear from God and the angel assured him that the Lord had heard his prayer from the very first day but due to that battle with that principality ( Prince of persia is still a stronghold over Iran today - demons and principalities do not die as humans do.) he had been delayed 21 days. Just think, Gracie.

Gabrielle the angel has been doing warfare since the beginning of time in this battle Imagine how happy he will be when this battle is over, Gracie! Won't we all be happy! Oh yes we will!

About suffering that you may wonder such as we read of Christians being tortured for the gospel, etc. This is what I know....

If we share in the fellowship of Christs sufferings we shall also share in His resurrection. That is a bible scripture and it is a promise that WE WILL share in his resurrection. That is why the Apostle Paul talked about these afflictions we suffer are momentary compared to the eternal weight of Gods Glory! Who can imagine what God has prepared for those who love him and are doing His will here on earth? Eye has not seen nor ear heard what He has prepared for us.

People love to talk about the resurrection but no one wants to talk about suffering for Jesus. It definitely is a sermon you'll never hear from most pulpits because that wouldn't sit well with many within the church today. That type don't like hearing any unpleasant news.

They don't want to suffer for Jesus, which is why they won't put themselves out there for anything that would require risk on their part. I do believe one must be called to the mission field - I'm not talking about that kind of suffering.

I'm talking about suffering on your job because you are the only christian and you're the target - suffering under a communist government because you have no freedom of religion - suffering with family members or in laws who are atheists / communists and want to make your life hell - whatever the case may be Christians do share in Christs sufferings and that is a fact of life.

Now we can mature in Christ as believers in time - it does take time -that suffering sifts us, crushes us, creates us into a Christ like attitude and image then we become broken bread and poured out wine to the multitudes. Because truthfully, Gracie, if we do not tell them, how will they know? That is why it is written how beautiful are the feet of those who share the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Good news. Jesus is Alive. And He loves you greatly.

- Jeremiah
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Satan is the one who requested permission from God to touch Jobs body - Job had a hedge of protection around him. God allowed Satan to test his servant but not kill him. In the end Job was rewarded double fold for his trouble and affliction.

Why would Satan have to ASK to do ANYTHING? See, this is what bugs me. And makes me feel guilty all at the same time for being unfaithful enough to even wonder about it.
Why would God let Job suffer so much? Just to prove a point? Did He not love Job and want to protect him? Would you let someone torture one of your pets just to prove your pet still loves YOU even though YOU allowed that person to torture it? But pets don't think like that, do they. Humans do. Or do they?

And why does Satan have so much power to cause all this evilness? Is not God the most Powerful? So why not rid us of Satan and just love us?

See? This is why I am so confused. So many whys. No answers.

There are answers. But you have to seek them in the book, rather than just piss and moan that there are no answers.

Satan has no power except that which is allowed by God.
Satan answers to God. God has but to say the word, and Satan is thrown into the pit. And God will say the word, when the time is right. Satan knows this.

We cause suffering. God created a perfect world for us, and we listened to the serpent, who told us that God was holding out on us. We coveted. We continue to covet. And we will continue to suffer. Look at is as tempering. And keep in mind this...Eve listened to the serpent, who told her that God lied to her, and that everything would be better if she ate of the apple...

As it turns out...the serpent was the liar, and life became a misery for all mankind because of it. Yet people still listen to the serpent. Go figure.
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Satan is the one who requested permission from God to touch Jobs body - Job had a hedge of protection around him. God allowed Satan to test his servant but not kill him. In the end Job was rewarded double fold for his trouble and affliction.

Why would Satan have to ASK to do ANYTHING? See, this is what bugs me. And makes me feel guilty all at the same time for being unfaithful enough to even wonder about it.
Why would God let Job suffer so much? Just to prove a point? Did He not love Job and want to protect him? Would you let someone torture one of your pets just to prove your pet still loves YOU even though YOU allowed that person to torture it? But pets don't think like that, do they. Humans do. Or do they?

And why does Satan have so much power to cause all this evilness? Is not God the most Powerful? So why not rid us of Satan and just love us?

See? This is why I am so confused. So many whys. No answers.

What if the answer is "Shit happens"?

Maybe God isn't and Luck, both good and bad, is truly random in how it manifests....
Maybe God is and Luck is how the 'chosen ones' are separated from the average Monkey herd.​

Providence is real and acts in the lives of men. It's the Invisible Hand Adam Smith talked about.
I have asked the same question...over and over again . The plain simple truth is: it doesn’t matter one way or the other. How you live your life NOW is all that matters.

There are answers to the questions though. The Holy Spirit can reveal all truth.
I have asked the same question...over and over again . The plain simple truth is: it doesn’t matter one way or the other. How you live your life NOW is all that matters.

Very good point. Humankind needs to be more concerned about this world and not about an afterlife that no human can confirm even exists. It really has no bearing whether you believe in God or not to be a decent person.

Humanity's obsession with which religion is correct has been responsible for more suffering in this world than any other source.

I humbly disagree. The dual evils of Fascism/Communism is their various forms caused more death and suffering in the 20th century than lived for most of human existance. and they have nothing to do with which religion is correct.
Satan has no power at all. It's you that has the power. Evil is the absence of good the way dark is the absence of light. When God leaves evil is what's left behind. That's your evil. God is quite courteous and doesn't hang around when He isn't wanted.
There are answers. But you have to seek them in the book, rather than just piss and moan that there are no answers.

Satan has no power except that which is allowed by God.
Satan answers to God. God has but to say the word, and Satan is thrown into the pit. And God will say the word, when the time is right. Satan knows this.

We cause suffering. God created a perfect world for us, and we listened to the serpent, who told us that God was holding out on us. We coveted. We continue to covet. And we will continue to suffer. Look at is as tempering. And keep in mind this...Eve listened to the serpent, who told her that God lied to her, and that everything would be better if she ate of the apple...

As it turns out...the serpent was the liar, and life became a misery for all mankind because of it. Yet people still listen to the serpent. Go figure.

I agree that there are answers. But seeking them in the Bible alone will not produce them. The Bible will certainly help guide man to the answers and if man followed the principles taught therein, he would realize that that answers come from one source: The Lord.

That is why He repeatedly tells us to ask so that we may recieve and seek so that we may find. That is why He has told us that any of us who lack wisdom, may ask of Him. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him as of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not. And it shall be given unto him."

These promises are true. The Lord promised us the Gift of the Holy Ghost. If we recieve that sacred gift we can truly know the truth of all things. Past, Present, and Future.

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