One pilot left cockpit, then got locked out; can be heard trying to break the door down before crash

Well, well.

Seems that one pilot left the cockpit for a moment. And when he tried to go back in, he apparently found the door locked.

He can be heard on the recorder, trying to break the door down, before the crash.

I guess I have just one question:
Was the other pilot (who remained in the cockpit and apparently locked the first pilot out), Islamic?


Report France jet audio shows pilot locked out of cockpit - Yahoo News

Report: France jet audio shows pilot locked out of cockpit

Associated Press
3 hours ago

SEYNE-LES-ALPES, France (AP) — The first half of Germanwings Flight 9525 was chilling in its normalcy. It took off from Barcelona en route to Duesseldorf, climbing up over the Mediterranean and turning over France. The last communication was a routine request to continue on its route.

Minutes later, at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, the Airbus A320 inexplicably began to descend. Within 10 minutes it had plunged from its cruising altitude of 38,000 feet to just over 6,000 feet and slammed into a remote mountainside.

To find out why, investigators have been analyzing the mangled black box that contains an audio recording from the cockpit. Remi Jouty, the head of France's accident investigation bureau BEA, said Wednesday that it has yielded sounds and voices, but so far not the "slightest explanation" of why the plane crashed, killing all 150 on board.

A newspaper report, however, suggests the audio contains intriguing information at the least: One of the pilots is heard leaving the cockpit, then banging on the door with increasing urgency in an unsuccessful attempt to get back in.

"The guy outside is knocking lightly on the door and there is no answer," The New York Times quotes an unidentified investigator as saying. "And then he hits the door stronger and no answer. There is never an answer."

Eventually, the newspaper quotes the investigator as saying: "You can hear he is trying to smash the door down."

The investigator, whom the newspaper said could not be identified because the investigation is continuing, said officials don't know why the pilot left. He also does not speculate on why the other pilot didn't open the door or make contact with ground control before the crash.

Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, airlines in the U.S. don't leave one pilot alone in the cockpit. The standard operating procedure is that if one of the pilots leaves — for example to use the bathroom — a flight attendant takes their spot in the cockpit. It was not immediately clear if European airlines have adopted the same practice.

The names of the pilots have not been released.
So you believe the other pilot is Muslim because....why?
well, all appearances are that it was a mass murder suicide....and in this era, most (not all) mass murder suicides are performed by radical Islamic terrorists. Take into consideration that airplanes have been identified as a weapon of mass destruction used by radical Islamic terrorists and further take into consideration public warnings by radical Islamic terrorists that they will be using aircraft as weapons of mass murder......there is good reason to believe that such is the case in this situation.

It would be irresponsible to not consider other possibilities...but even more irresponsible to not consider this possibility.

That answer your question?
I've been flying for a really long time and have never once seen a pilot leave the cockpit, especially post 911.

Not one single time.

This story is total bullshit
Pilots never go to the bathroom?

Is that what your extensive experience tells you?

(Did someone mention "total bullshit"?)
I think some planes are built with a head in the cockpit. (that sounded dirty). But some of these planes are decades old.
I hope the irony of the locked cockpit door isn't lost on anyone. For the pilot that must have been some last minutes knowing what was going to happen.
And not responding to the captain rapping at the door.
Walls keep things in as well as out. In this case, 150 people died because you guys wanted locks on the doors.
I bet the captains will start carrying their own keys. It only took people dying to learn such a simple solution.
I've been flying for a really long time and have never once seen a pilot leave the cockpit, especially post 911.

Not one single time.

This story is total bullshit
Pilots never go to the bathroom?

Is that what your extensive experience tells you?

(Did someone mention "total bullshit"?)

Since 911 I've never seen a single pilot walking to the head during a flight

Not one single time
And not responding to the captain rapping at the door.
Please don't feed the trolls.

Back to the subject:
Even more dangerous than the Islamic terrorists who are killing people across the globe, is the recalcitrant news media and other cowardly people who won't call a spade a spade, and don't dare to even mention the connection between radical Islamic militants and most of these frequent mass murders.
I bet the captains will start carrying their own keys. It only took people dying to learn such a simple solution.
Will they be issued signs to tape to their own backs, saying "Hit this person on the head to get keys to the cockpit door"?

Or should they provide their own?
I bet the captains will start carrying their own keys. It only took people dying to learn such a simple solution.
Will they be issued signs to tape to their own backs, saying "Hit this person on the head to get keys to the cockpit door"?

Or should they provide their own?
You're right. Let's just do nothing and let things like this keep happening.
I hope the irony of the locked cockpit door isn't lost on anyone. For the pilot that must have been some last minutes knowing what was going to happen.
And not responding to the captain rapping at the door.
Walls keep things in as well as out. In this case, 150 people died because you guys wanted locks on the doors.
I bet the captains will start carrying their own keys. It only took people dying to learn such a simple solution.
If he has keys, anyone can take them and get in, and there likely are no keys, that would defeat the purpose.
I've been flying for a really long time and have never once seen a pilot leave the cockpit, especially post 911.

Not one single time.

This story is total bullshit
Pilots never go to the bathroom?

Is that what your extensive experience tells you?

(Did someone mention "total bullshit"?)

Since 911 I've never seen a single pilot walking to the head during a flight

Not one single time
For that you'd have to be in first class, and take long flights.
And not responding to the captain rapping at the door.
Please don't feed the trolls.

Back to the subject:
Even more dangerous than the Islamic terrorists who are killing people across the globe, is the recalcitrant news media and other cowardly people who won't call a spade a spade, and don't dare to even mention the connection between radical Islamic militants and most of these frequent mass murders.
Terrorism doesn't fit either, or not easily. Why didn't Johnny Jihad scream "Allah Akbar" or something knowing the CVR would record it for everlasting posterity? These Muzzies love to announce their martyrdom for all to hear, lest their act be misunderstood for something else.
I hope the irony of the locked cockpit door isn't lost on anyone. For the pilot that must have been some last minutes knowing what was going to happen.
And not responding to the captain rapping at the door.
Walls keep things in as well as out. In this case, 150 people died because you guys wanted locks on the doors.
I bet the captains will start carrying their own keys. It only took people dying to learn such a simple solution.
If he has keys, anyone can take them and get in, and there likely are no keys, that would defeat the purpose.
So....two votes for make-no-changes.
I hope the irony of the locked cockpit door isn't lost on anyone. For the pilot that must have been some last minutes knowing what was going to happen.
And not responding to the captain rapping at the door.
Walls keep things in as well as out. In this case, 150 people died because you guys wanted locks on the doors.
I bet the captains will start carrying their own keys. It only took people dying to learn such a simple solution.
If he has keys, anyone can take them and get in, and there likely are no keys, that would defeat the purpose.
So....two votes for make-no-changes.
There should always be two people in the cockpit.

If a pilot leaves, an attendant should be present, and that attendant trained in use of the auto-pilot, just in case of a heart attack or stroke.

Not much can be done if one of the pilots is a murderer though.
Not much can be done if one of the pilots is a murderer though.
And there you go, life is risky. One hell of a way to go though. The lawsuit potential for this just made every trial lawyer in Spain and Germany change their underwear.
Not much can be done if one of the pilots is a murderer though.
And there you go, life is risky. One hell of a way to go though. The lawsuit potential for this just made every trial lawyer in Spain and Germany change their underwear.
In this country, if someone disappears to a foreign country for several weeks they're going to be interviewed by the FBI, especially before boarding a plane. But still, nobody can answer the question, why no Allah Akbar?
In this country, if someone disappears to a foreign country for several weeks they're going to be interviewed by the FBI, especially before boarding a plane.
I went to China for three weeks a few years ago. And boarded a plane immediately afterward.

Nobody interviewed me. Not the FBI or anyone else.

So much for that "theory".

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