One quick question

Trump has lied about a bunch of stuff. I don't see how that can even be argued with honesty..
The thing is, ALL of them have. Every President, every FBI director, every Congressperson. So that means that the issue now becomes the legal definition of liar, that being a convicted perjurer.

Trump is quickly lowering himself to Obama's level and is becoming very untrustworthy and that IS an issue. He will be best served to go into the White House, do his job and keep his mouth shut.
Why is everyone jumping to the conclusion that Comey, who was a registered Republican most of his life and is now an Independent, a flaming Democrat? He was one of the factors that blew the election for the Democrats. You can have your bone to pick with the man, but he's not "in the Democrats' corner," imo.

I don't believe that Comey seriously affected the outcome just because he said he was reopening the case on Hillary. Hillary had been under investigation the whole time she was running and if people hadn't already made their minds up, they never were.
We need to remember what the other excuses were as well. On top of comey, we had Russia, misogyny, probably a racism somewhere in there, the DNC and Netflix :lol:
Trump has lied about a bunch of stuff. I don't see how that can even be argued with honesty..
The thing is, ALL of them have. Every President, every FBI director, every Congressperson. So that means that the issue now becomes the legal definition of liar, that being a convicted perjurer.

Trump is quickly lowering himself to Obama's level and is becoming very untrustworthy and that IS an issue. He will be best served to go into the White House, do his job and keep his mouth shut.
Dang right they do! It almost seems like a requirement, doesn't it?
Trump has lied about a bunch of stuff. I don't see how that can even be argued with honesty..
The thing is, ALL of them have. Every President, every FBI director, every Congressperson. So that means that the issue now becomes the legal definition of liar, that being a convicted perjurer.

Trump is quickly lowering himself to Obama's level and is becoming very untrustworthy and that IS an issue. He will be best served to go into the White House, do his job and keep his mouth shut.
Dang right they do! It almost seems like a requirement, doesn't it?
You would think, but apparently, the advisors around Trump aren't doing very much of that.

It is the job of his advisors to tell him when what he is about to say could be wrong, to advise him to shut the hell up.
Trump has lied about a bunch of stuff. I don't see how that can even be argued with honesty..
The thing is, ALL of them have. Every President, every FBI director, every Congressperson. So that means that the issue now becomes the legal definition of liar, that being a convicted perjurer.

Trump is quickly lowering himself to Obama's level and is becoming very untrustworthy and that IS an issue. He will be best served to go into the White House, do his job and keep his mouth shut.

Then to function as president he has to be held to a higher standard than any other presidents while not being allowed to do what all other presidents find they must do in order to function as a president?
Why is everyone jumping to the conclusion that Comey, who was a registered Republican most of his life and is now an Independent, a flaming Democrat? He was one of the factors that blew the election for the Democrats. You can have your bone to pick with the man, but he's not "in the Democrats' corner," imo.

I don't believe that Comey seriously affected the outcome just because he said he was reopening the case on Hillary. Hillary had been under investigation the whole time she was running and if people hadn't already made their minds up, they never were.
We need to remember what the other excuses were as well. On top of comey, we had Russia, misogyny, probably a racism somewhere in there, the DNC and Netflix :lol:

Don't forget the Full Corn Moon.
Trump has lied about a bunch of stuff. I don't see how that can even be argued with honesty..
The thing is, ALL of them have. Every President, every FBI director, every Congressperson. So that means that the issue now becomes the legal definition of liar, that being a convicted perjurer.

Trump is quickly lowering himself to Obama's level and is becoming very untrustworthy and that IS an issue. He will be best served to go into the White House, do his job and keep his mouth shut.

Then to function as president he has to be held to a higher standard than any other presidents while not being allowed to do what all other presidents find they must do in order to function as a president?
Well, your mileage may vary.

I can live with lies that protect the country. I cringe at most other lies, but when weighed against the next opponent in an election may or may not matter. A direct lie to the Ameircan people pretty much makes it a deal breaker.

Now a lie to the media should be permitted. After all, they seem to be permitted to lie about the President.
The Clintons and Obama set the bar low for honesty, if the left doesn't like it they should not have defended the lies their side told. Now they have no cred to judge president Trump, zero.
It is Comey's job to investigate. He presents the conclusions. It was Lynch's job to decide to prosecute.

1). Comey made that decision for her. He usurped her authority.

2). Changing the terminology is changing the conclusions. That is tampering with the evidence and altering the investigation!

but then,




The Obama people are one fucked up lot! We keep looking under rocks for malfeasance, meantime there is a pile of it ten feet high sitting right out in the cornfield!!!
OBAMA NEVER ASKED COMEY FOR A LOYALTY OATH OR TOLD HIM TO DROP AN INVESTIGATION, so maybe he didn't feel he had to take notes. Lynch had already told the nation that she was going to take the "advice" of the FBI because of the damaging "optics" of the Meeting on the Tarmac.
Maybe that's why?

But if Comey had assured Trump, on what? 3 occaisions, that he was not under investigation.......what is there to drop?
The investigation on Flynn, not him. I said above.....Flynn's only offenses were to lie or misrepresent himself......while not good for him, it's not a criminal act. They said he didn't collude or have anything to do with influencing the election. There is still nothing

Why is everyone jumping to the conclusion that Comey, who was a registered Republican most of his life and is now an Independent, a flaming Democrat? He was one of the factors that blew the election for the Democrats. You can have your bone to pick with the man, but he's not "in the Democrats' corner," imo.

I don't agree that Comey coming forward just before the election had anything to do with Hillary's loss. He didn't really say anything that would keep her supporters from voting for her.......I know if he'd done the same with Trump at the time or anyone else in the wouldn't be enough to change my vote.
It is Comey's job to investigate. He presents the conclusions. It was Lynch's job to decide to prosecute.

1). Comey made that decision for her. He usurped her authority.

2). Changing the terminology is changing the conclusions. That is tampering with the evidence and altering the investigation!

but then,




The Obama people are one fucked up lot! We keep looking under rocks for malfeasance, meantime there is a pile of it ten feet high sitting right out in the cornfield!!!
OBAMA NEVER ASKED COMEY FOR A LOYALTY OATH OR TOLD HIM TO DROP AN INVESTIGATION, so maybe he didn't feel he had to take notes. Lynch had already told the nation that she was going to take the "advice" of the FBI because of the damaging "optics" of the Meeting on the Tarmac.
Maybe that's why?
Your bolded statement was just disproven by Comey today, moron.
I think I've already asked nicely about that because I wasn't finding anything about him disclaiming that. If you have a link, I'd appreciate it. I didn't have time to watch the whole thing and won't until late tonight.
Since lynch asked comey to change terminology on his investigation, would that be considered trying to influence the election?
I am surprised Comey said anything during the election.

I got the impression that he wanted Hillary to fail.

If there was a necessity to say something back then at the time I would have opted for a comment on each of Hillary and on Trump as candidates. Not just Hillary.

I did not vote for either of them however.

The PBS Frontline expose on both Hillary and on Trump together was enough to tell me I was not going to vote for either of them. Comey was just the icing on the cake.
I can live with lies that protect the country. I cringe at most other lies, but when weighed against the next opponent in an election may or may not matter. A direct lie to the Ameircan people pretty much makes it a deal breaker.

You mean like being told if I like my doctor I can keep it, or that I will save $2500 a year.

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