One Super Simple Chart Shines Light On Obama's Lies About The Sequester


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Even hardened Obama drones can't deny that the air traffic controller furloughs are a scam now.

One Super Simple Chart Shines Light On Obama's Lies About The Sequester

There's only a 1% difference between the two numbers, despite the fact that the chart is made to create the impression of a much larger difference.
There's only a 1% difference between the two numbers, despite the fact that the chart is made to create the impression of a much larger difference.

YOU are NOT addressing the issue!

The difference is the FAA budget INCREASED by $225 million!

The National Air Traffic Controllers Association, the union that represents about 15,000 civilian controllers employed at FAA facilities,
confirmed on Sunday that the furloughs had begun. The budget cuts required by the federal sequester
led the FAA to require controllers to take one day off without pay for every 10 work days.
FAA Cuts Threaten to Worsen Air Delays -

One day out of 10 is equal to 1,500 controllers.
At $100,000/year salary that equals $150 million or about 10% of Obama's $1.4 billion cost to tax payers!!!

Simply increasing the FAA budget by $75 million would have covered the $150 million in furloughed controllers!
On the spending issue, what president didn't lie? Not much question the last five or six presidents have been scum. At least the sequester claims to cut the velocity of increases in spending.

In my humble opinion all these service cuts are specifically intended to get attention on Main Street by inconveniencing as many respected high profile regular folks as possible; for example, regional business leaders, teachers, and so on. It is difficult for me to believe any president can influence policy that far downstream. More likely agency and department grade folks are hoping the public will demand more spending to prevent permanent cuts and layoffs, etc.

And that tactic appears to be working in some instances.

We simply have to hope that Obama keeps the sequester in place and lets the chips fall where they fall until additional cuts can be made and the cycle of inconvenience starts all over again.
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There's only a 1% difference between the two numbers, despite the fact that the chart is made to create the impression of a much larger difference.

Whew.... And people wonder why both sides hate each other so much. Whelp, see people like you are the reason both sides can't find common ground... a sheer lack of honestly, no accountability yet people like you have over abundance of courage when it comes to supplying misleading information or just flat out provide and endless cycle of re-hashed lies.

So Obama had to stop flights because he claims cuts were made, yet the cuts were actually a gain, just not a massive gain.... See how that lack of accountability and honesty can lead to you defending Obama canceling flights for political gain? Political gain that is based on people political ignorance? Thanks for being a part of that lie, Obama was counting on you, literally.
There's only a 1% difference between the two numbers, despite the fact that the chart is made to create the impression of a much larger difference.

The chart shows that the FAA received more funding than Obama requested, DESPITE THE SEQUESTER.

The furloughs were entirely unnecessary.
There's only a 1% difference between the two numbers, despite the fact that the chart is made to create the impression of a much larger difference.

Whew.... And people wonder why both sides hate each other so much. Whelp, see people like you are the reason both sides can't find common ground... a sheer lack of honestly, no accountability yet people like you have over abundance of courage when it comes to supplying misleading information or just flat out provide and endless cycle of re-hashed lies.

So Obama had to stop flights because he claims cuts were made, yet the cuts were actually a gain, just not a massive gain.... See how that lack of accountability and honesty can lead to you defending Obama canceling flights for political gain? Political gain that is based on people political ignorance? Thanks for being a part of that lie, Obama was counting on you, literally.

I wonder how NY would change the scaling of the chart until it looked like there were cuts.
There's only a 1% difference between the two numbers, despite the fact that the chart is made to create the impression of a much larger difference.

Can you believe it? I thought their budget must be tripled from the title. The Chart only makes it look doubled and the OP said "one simple chart". The OP must be "simple".
There's only a 1% difference between the two numbers, despite the fact that the chart is made to create the impression of a much larger difference.

Can you believe it? I thought their budget must be tripled from the title. The Chart only makes it look doubled and the OP said "one simple chart". The OP must be "simple".

So Obama claimed the sequester cut spending. And the chart shows there was more spending in that particular area. And you understood that.
I'd say the title was spot on.
There's only a 1% difference between the two numbers, despite the fact that the chart is made to create the impression of a much larger difference.

Can you believe it? I thought their budget must be tripled from the title. The Chart only makes it look doubled and the OP said "one simple chart". The OP must be "simple".

So Obama claimed the sequester cut spending. And the chart shows there was more spending in that particular area. And you understood that.
I'd say the title was spot on.

When you are talking about that much money with a difference of 1%, who knows? Bush lost 9 billion in Iraq in a single day, and yet, that was only a drop in the bucket in a war that was supposed to cost less than 200 million. And, the sequester was written by congress and Republicans thought it was a "good idea". Now there good idea is shit, it must be Obama's fault.

Reminds me of "we got 98% of everything we wanted" then the downgrade was Obama's fault. Huh?
There's only a 1% difference between the two numbers, despite the fact that the chart is made to create the impression of a much larger difference.

Whew.... And people wonder why both sides hate each other so much. Whelp, see people like you are the reason both sides can't find common ground... a sheer lack of honestly, no accountability yet people like you have over abundance of courage when it comes to supplying misleading information or just flat out provide and endless cycle of re-hashed lies.

So Obama had to stop flights because he claims cuts were made, yet the cuts were actually a gain, just not a massive gain.... See how that lack of accountability and honesty can lead to you defending Obama canceling flights for political gain? Political gain that is based on people political ignorance? Thanks for being a part of that lie, Obama was counting on you, literally.

How do you know it was a gain if inflation is not reflected in the chart?
Can you believe it? I thought their budget must be tripled from the title. The Chart only makes it look doubled and the OP said "one simple chart". The OP must be "simple".

So Obama claimed the sequester cut spending. And the chart shows there was more spending in that particular area. And you understood that.
I'd say the title was spot on.

When you are talking about that much money with a difference of 1%, who knows? Bush lost 9 billion in Iraq in a single day, and yet, that was only a drop in the bucket in a war that was supposed to cost less than 200 million. And, the sequester was written by congress and Republicans thought it was a "good idea". Now there good idea is shit, it must be Obama's fault.

Reminds me of "we got 98% of everything we wanted" then the downgrade was Obama's fault. Huh?

What does the Iraq War have to do with the FAA? Nothing. Quit deflecting. The chart exposes Obama's lie about cutting spending.
The cuts in the Obama FAA budget were to be offset by higher fees at individual airports.

btw, what was the point of this thread? Can anyone explain that?
The cuts in the Obama FAA budget were to be offset by higher fees at individual airports.

btw, what was the point of this thread? Can anyone explain that?

That Obama lied about the sequester causing lower spending. It didnt. Or are you so fixated on Obama's large Negro penis that you can't concentrate on anything else?
The cuts in the Obama FAA budget were to be offset by higher fees at individual airports.

btw, what was the point of this thread? Can anyone explain that?

That Obama lied about the sequester causing lower spending. It didnt. Or are you so fixated on Obama's large Negro penis that you can't concentrate on anything else?

Obama signed the sequester bill you moron.
There's only a 1% difference between the two numbers, despite the fact that the chart is made to create the impression of a much larger difference.

The fact is that even after the FAA absorbed the sequester cuts, their budget was still larger than what was requested by Obama in his budget request. And, that means that the pain created at the airports was contrived and unnecessary.

The sequester assigned $1.1 billion in cuts to the budget of the Transportation Department. Although the FAA is only 10% of the Transportation Department, it was assigned over half, $600 million of the cuts. Air traffic control is less than 10% of the FAA budget, but was assigned all of the FAA budget cuts. All $600 million of that cut could have easily been taken out of a portion of the FAA budget called grants to airports. There are $billions in those give away accounts.

Less than 1% of the Transportation Department was assigned over half of the cuts. This was a deliberate act by dishonest administration flunkies to maximize pain and attempt to prove that any budget cuts were impossible.
there's only a 1% difference between the two numbers, despite the fact that the chart is made to create the impression of a much larger difference.

the fact is that even after the faa absorbed the sequester cuts, their budget was still larger than what was requested by obama in his budget request. And, that means that the pain created at the airports was contrived and unnecessary.

The sequester assigned $1.1 billion in cuts to the budget of the transportation department. Although the faa is only 10% of the transportation department, it was assigned over half, $600 million of the cuts. Air traffic control is less than 10% of the faa budget, but was assigned all of the faa budget cuts. All $600 million of that cut could have easily been taken out of a portion of the faa budget called grants to airports. There are $billions in those give away accounts.

Less than 1% of the transportation department was assigned over half of the cuts. This was a deliberate act by dishonest administration flunkies to maximize pain and attempt to prove that any budget cuts were impossible.


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