One sure way for Rep. Gohmert to remain "safe"

The hypocrisy of politicians knows no limits, especially when it comes to hyper-statist nimrods like Sanders, this is the same guy that made his name trashing Wall Street and "the Rich" and then turns around endorses Her Grace, the Marchioness of Wall Street for President

Hey, you think that wall street is not happier that Trump got elected over Clinton?

Who is knocking down Dodd-Franks that posed some limited restrictions on the gamblers on wall street?
The hypocrisy of politicians knows no limits, especially when it comes to hyper-statist nimrods like Sanders, this is the same guy that made his name trashing Wall Street and "the Rich" and then turns around endorses Her Grace, the Marchioness of Wall Street for President

Hey, you think that wall street is not happier that Trump got elected over Clinton?

Who is knocking down Dodd-Franks that posed some limited restrictions on the gamblers on wall street?
Any Clinton - The hildabeast would be loved by Wall Street you stupid ass motherfucker…
Town halls never solve anything... single term limits are much more effective
Objection your honor! Town Halls do offer a solution to one problem, to wit;

While these foaming at the mouth, dingbats are attending town halls and screaming obscenities at their Congress Critters they're NOT out setting fire to other peoples property, harassing innocent citizens and blocking traffic.

"Always look on the bright side of life
if life seems jolly rotten,
There's something you've forgotten
" -- Monty Python, Life of Brian
While these foaming at the mouth, dingbats are attending town halls and screaming obscenities at their Congress

How true.......a mother who objects to the repealing of the ACA that is saving her child from death, to fuck heads like you is considered a "foaming at the mouth, dingbat".........
The hypocrisy of politicians knows no limits, especially when it comes to hyper-statist nimrods like Sanders, this is the same guy that made his name trashing Wall Street and "the Rich" and then turns around endorses Her Grace, the Marchioness of Wall Street for President

Hey, you think that wall street is not happier that Trump got elected over Clinton?
LOL, What makes you think I care if Wall Street is "happier" or not? That's your gig and it doesn't change the fact that Sanders is a hypocrite for endorsing Clinton.....

DEFLECTION ATTEMPT FAILED insert another buck and a half to try again.

Who is knocking down Dodd-Franks that posed some limited restrictions on the gamblers on wall street?
Unfortunately nobody is actually for "knocking it down" both sides are content with that fine piece of legislation written by the Wall Street Bankers it was supposed to "regulate".

"when debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser" -- Socrates

LOL, What makes you think I care if Wall Street is "happier" or not? That's your gig and it doesn't change the fact that Sanders is a hypocrite for endorsing Clinton.....

DEFLECTION ATTEMPT FAILED insert another buck and a half to try again.

No, idiot ...Given the choice between Clinton and an orange demagogue, Sanders held his nose an backed Clinton.......So we got Trump......Wall Street is happier and morons like you are also least for a while.
Had to laugh my ass off last night.

Sanders was on CNN, talking about the cowards being chased offstage

Sanders event shut down by protesters - CNN Video
The hypocrisy of politicians knows no limits, especially when it comes to hyper-statist nimrods like Sanders, this is the same guy that made his name trashing Wall Street and "the Rich" and then turns around and endorses Her Grace, the Marchioness of Wall Street for President. :disbelief:
...but the thing is, many on the Left do not see the distortions. They buy into Sander's BS.
While these foaming at the mouth, dingbats are attending town halls and screaming obscenities at their Congress

How true.......a mother who objects to the repealing of the ACA that is saving her child from death, to fuck heads like you is considered a "foaming at the mouth, dingbat".........

Yep the bitch should be screaming at Me instead of her clueless Congress Critter because I'm really the one that doesn't want to pay for her health care anymore; call me crazy but I'm kind of sick and tired of being robbed at the point of a government gun so foaming at the mouth, dingbats can have their wants satisfied at my expense while they bitch, whine and set shit on fire.

... but if you care about her and her rugrat so much, feel free to put your money where you mouth is and foot her bills on your own, I'm sure she'll really appreciate your "generosity". :rolleyes:

"He who does not work, neither shall he eat" -- John Smith
Louie is a coward. Always has been. This time it is political cowardice in refusing to face those have finally had it with him.
LOL, What makes you think I care if Wall Street is "happier" or not? That's your gig and it doesn't change the fact that Sanders is a hypocrite for endorsing Clinton.....

DEFLECTION ATTEMPT FAILED insert another buck and a half to try again.

No, idiot ...Given the choice between Clinton and an orange demagogue, Sanders held his nose an backed Clinton........
Yeah, that's what I said, he's a HYPOCRITE , apparently it hasn't occurred to that tiny, hyper-partisan, propaganda soaked thing between your ears that he had the option of endorsing neither one of these elitist buffoons.

Apparently you're so enmeshed in being a hypocrite yourself you no longer recognize another hypocrite when you see one.
Yep the bitch should be screaming at Me instead of her clueless Congress Critter because I'm really the one that doesn't want to pay for her health care anymore; call me crazy but I'm kind of sick and tired of being robbed at the point of a government gun so foaming at the mouth, dingbats can have their wants satisfied at my expense while they bitch, whine and set shit on fire.

... but if you care about her and her rugrat so much, feel free to put your money where you mouth is and foot her bills on your own, I'm sure she'll really appreciate your "generosity"

Well, fuck must be a real "survivalist" who does NOT use public highways and puts out his own fucking fires....since you must object to ANY tax on your existence.....Well, moron, fuck you and your selfish, miserable existence.....You DO NOT matter......LOL
He's a great representative.
Many people who were represented for a number of years disagree.

He is a crazy far righter who is anti-democracy in belief.

His refusal to meet with constituents who disagree with him proves that point.
Well, fuck must be a real "survivalist" who does NOT use public highways and puts out his own fucking fires....since you must object to ANY tax on your existence
STRAW MAN ALERT! Unlike you I'm happy to pay for whatever I get and don't want anything I haven't earned via my own labor.

.....Well, moron, fuck you and your selfish, miserable existence.....You DO NOT matter......LOL
ROFLMAO! You want to be "generous" with MY money at the point of a government gun and I'M the greedy one? I realize that your "generosity" only extends as far as the fruits of other peoples labor and that you get the government to do your stealing for you because you don't have the balls to do it yourself but you've gone well beyond the ludicrous with that one.

BTW exactly when did morality, common decency and reason cease to exist on the Planet you live on?

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QUIT !!!

The Texan coward has decided to NOT hold town hall meetings because he is "scared" to face angered constituents.......If one openly admits that he or she CANNOT any longer represents constituents' feedback and chooses to simply be a lap dog for the current administration, that individual should simply QUIT!!!
.....And to use Giffords' example for Gohmert to hide, adds to his cowardice.

Fomer Congresswoman Gabby Giffords calls on Rep. Louie Gohmert to hold town halls

Fomer Congresswoman Gabby Giffords calls on Rep. Louie Gohmert to hold town halls -
Of course he's a coward.
QUIT !!!

The Texan coward has decided to NOT hold town hall meetings because he is "scared" to face angered constituents.......If one openly admits that he or she CANNOT any longer represents constituents' feedback and chooses to simply be a lap dog for the current administration, that individual should simply QUIT!!!
.....And to use Giffords' example for Gohmert to hide, adds to his cowardice.

Fomer Congresswoman Gabby Giffords calls on Rep. Louie Gohmert to hold town halls

Fomer Congresswoman Gabby Giffords calls on Rep. Louie Gohmert to hold town halls -
More and more we find republicans cancelling town hall meetings. They just can't face their constituents.
QUIT !!!

The Texan coward has decided to NOT hold town hall meetings because he is "scared" to face angered constituents.......If one openly admits that he or she CANNOT any longer represents constituents' feedback and chooses to simply be a lap dog for the current administration, that individual should simply QUIT!!!
.....And to use Giffords' example for Gohmert to hide, adds to his cowardice.

Fomer Congresswoman Gabby Giffords calls on Rep. Louie Gohmert to hold town halls

Fomer Congresswoman Gabby Giffords calls on Rep. Louie Gohmert to hold town halls -
More and more we find republicans cancelling town hall meetings. They just can't face their constituents.
Marsha Blackburn was the most creative when she stated that most of the people in her meeting were coming from out of state. Of course she had no facts to back this up
Yes, republicans run EVERYTHING now.........and the responsibility of being in charge is what is going to be a real bitch for them.......and, apparently.....they can't handle that responsibility and seem to opt to hide in their bunkers you know who did before the inevitable demise.

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