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One Term Donnie

Poor Soleimani, never did nuffin.

didn't say that did i? saddam hussein did plenty too but he didn't slam into our WTC, pentagon & take flight 93. W tried using an 'imminent threat' doctrine too - & how did that work out?
Well yeah, you did. You should reread your own post. Amnesias?

oh by all mean - cough up the post - any post that would prove you right. GO!
here, read it carefully, because it's obvious you got amnesia after posting it.

QUOTE="playtime, post: 23829033, member: 55512"]
That’s absurd. Donnie’s likely to do more cold blooded killing, and you will support it.

these stupid fuck motherfuckers worship him so much they dont care WHAT atrocities he commits,he could murder a baby right in front of their OWN eyes and they would STILL cheer him on.
It’s really unfortunate. They used to condemn Obama lovers for being cock sucking sycophants. Now they do the exact same thing with Dumb Don.

I really thought cons were more honest and intelligent than libs, but they are just as bad.

Orange man doesn't want war. W and O did. You're mad because we took out a terrorist who had plotted the murder of thousands. That's disturbing.

where's the proof he plotted anything 'eh? you privvy to intel the rest of americans aren't?

you dummy - the conversation & what i have been saying all along that it was claimed he was an IMMINENT THREAT. & there is NO PROOF HE WAS PLOTTING TO DO ANYTHING - - - hence the outright LIE that he was an IMMINENT THREAT.

you came to this thread mid stream, so stfu with your bullshit now. of course he was a bad evil animal; but if he wasn't an IMMINENT THREAT, & there is NO PROOF HE WAS PLOTTING ANYTHING, then guess what? donny fucked up & you are bending over & grabbing yer ankles to cheer lead for him.[/QUOTE]

the efforts you all go through to be anti american is truly amazing. He killed over 600 Americans, and our embassy was attacked by him, he was fifteen miles from that embassy and tensions were high, 3000 troops were coming to the embassy to defend it, how much more imminent do you need? just curious.
what you don't give a fuck about is the constitution.

Killing a terrorist doesn't violate the Constitution, even if it makes you cry.

it does when it's not followed - just like how donny skated around it.

nice try, doesn't fly.

Killing a terrorist doesn't violate the Constitution.

well repeating something over & over doesn't make it fact. you & donny need to learn that.

repeating something over & over again is also straight outa goebel's book of propaganda - donny sucks at it & so do you.

well repeating something over & over doesn't make it fact.

Feel free to post your proof that it violated the Constitution.

The Constitution of the United States divides the war powers of the federal government between the Executive and Legislative branches: the President is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces (Article II, section 2), while Congress has the power to make declarations of war, and to raise and support the armed forces (Article I, section 8). Over time, questions arose as to the extent of the President's authority to deploy U.S. armed forces into hostile situations abroad without a declaration of war or some other form of Congressional approval. Congress passed the War Powers Resolution in the aftermath of the Vietnam War to address these concerns and provide a set of procedures for both the President and Congress to follow in situations where the introduction of U.S. forces abroad could lead to their involvement in armed conflict.

Conceptually, the War Powers Resolution can be broken down into several distinct parts. The first part states the policy behind the law, namely to "insure that the collective judgment of both the Congress and the President will apply to the introduction of United States Armed Forces into hostilities," and that the President's powers as Commander in Chief are exercised only pursuant to a declaration of war, specific statutory authorization from Congress, or a national emergency created by an attack upon the United States (50 USC Sec. 1541).

The second part requires the President to consult with Congress before introducing U.S. armed forces into hostilities or situations where hostilities are imminent, and to continue such consultations as long as U.S. armed forces remain in such situations (50 USC Sec. 1542). The third part sets forth reporting requirements that the President must comply with any time he introduces U.S. armed forces into existing or imminent hostilities (50 USC Sec. 1543); section 1543(a)(1) is particularly significant because it can trigger a 60 day time limit on the use of U.S. forces under section 1544(b).
War Powers | Law Library of Congress

donny was REQUIRED to notify congress with in 48 hrs of that strike

he did not

donny was required to give a specific reason with verifiable evidence

he did not

only that it was an 'imminent threat'

it was determined that it was not & he et al have since backed off that 'reason'

going so far as to tell those congress critters that they should not question the order.

& hopefully there will be a joint resolution limiting donny's impulsive destructive behavior.
Now Don’s a god damned fascist. WTF!

"Iraq’s elected parliament voted very clearly for the removal of America’s military presence in the interests of its own sovereignty, and Trump has stated, in his typical accidentally-honest way, that America will not honor that vote."

& has double downed on perhaps committing a war crime. cultural sites? who would stand for the washington monument or mt rushmore or the golden gate bridge getting blown up?
Yet you had no problem with your beloved Muslim terrorists destroying Christian cultural and religious sites. STFU. By the way idiot, when you hide rockets and other weapons anywhere, it is now a military target. War crime? Pulled that out of your fat ass didn’t you? Zero chance you get that. You get dumber by the day.

beloved???? <---- right there you prove to be just how much a poorly educated basket dweller that trump loves long time you are. when the taliban destroyed them thar mountainside carvings, they were condemned world wide & rightly so. when ISIS destroyed centuries old artifacts - they were condemned worldwide as well.

war crime? you bet yer ass it is - oh you think i make shit up? nonononooooooooooooo au CONtraire - that's the job of fake fox news, oxyboy limbaugh, & donny's lapdog hannity. apparently they love to keep you in the dark otherwise you might wise up & see just how fucking duped you are. why don't you read? why don't you try to learn things? why didn't you try to look that up, research if what i said is FACT instead of ASSuming such a ridiculous thing b4 you make yerself look even more poorly educated? is it cause it's easier to stay stupid? does learning hurt yer brain?

Trump retreats from threat to attack Iranian cultural sites

Targeting cultural sites is a war crime under the 1954 Hague Convention for their protection. Separately, in 2017, the U.N. Security Council unanimously passed a resolution condemning the destruction of heritage sites. Attacks by the Islamic State group and other armed factions in Syria and Iraq prompted that vote.

Trump retreats from threat to attack Iranian cultural sites

why do you think donny backed off of that? cause somebody finally educated him. you would think a 'president' would know such a thing given the 'power' he has when waging war. but not donny - oh nooooooooooooo - he's just as stupid as his base by shooting off that orange pie hole of his without knowing wtf he is talking about. typical deplorable.

& don't tell me to stfu, you little internet warrior - go enlist & have yourself go over to fight capt bone spur's war. will you be crying to mommy when you can't afford $5 a gallon of gas?

Go fuck yourself you lying terrorist loving POS. There was no war crime committed and you would know that if you weren’t an illiterate sheep. Again you jackass, when you beloved terrorists hide weapons and fire them from “religious” or “cultural” sites you have forfeited any protections offered. Try reading and learning something you ignorant toad. I’ll tell you to STFU all I want you terrorist lover. Right to your fat face if you had any guts. I didn’t my time you ignorant twat. Now that you’ve been bitch slapped again, go cry to mommy. Go join your beloved Iranians you moron. Make sure you tell them how stupid you are. And get right in the front lines you coward.

:blahblah: your dotarded prez never made that caveat when he opened his orange anus shaped piehole as was bloviating thru his tweet ranting. speaking of bloviating rants -

you funny. :71:

You’re crying because you got your terrorist loving face bitch slapped again. Notice NO response, just crying. You’re not funny, you’re pathetic. Try again lifelong loser.:fu:
but but HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



You brought up her "ignorantly spewing and bragging about her war crimes".

nyet. seems you lack reading comprehension skills, you little poorly educated deplorable you..........

but she woulda never been so stuuuuuupid to go about it the way capt bone spur did, nor would ignorantly spew & brag about committing a war crime.

Right here.....you whiney little twat.

WOULDA NEVER means what?

NOR means what?

go back to school. fool.

She would have never committed a war crime nor bragged about it.

Does that sum up your claims?

i can't say she would or not - but certainly knows what a war crime is. donny is stuuuuuuuuuuuuupid & didn't know that hitting civilian cultural targets is a bozo nono according the the hague.
Killing a terrorist doesn't violate the Constitution, even if it makes you cry.

it does when it's not followed - just like how donny skated around it.

nice try, doesn't fly.

Killing a terrorist doesn't violate the Constitution.

well repeating something over & over doesn't make it fact. you & donny need to learn that.

repeating something over & over again is also straight outa goebel's book of propaganda - donny sucks at it & so do you.

well repeating something over & over doesn't make it fact.

Feel free to post your proof that it violated the Constitution.

The Constitution of the United States divides the war powers of the federal government between the Executive and Legislative branches: the President is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces (Article II, section 2), while Congress has the power to make declarations of war, and to raise and support the armed forces (Article I, section 8). Over time, questions arose as to the extent of the President's authority to deploy U.S. armed forces into hostile situations abroad without a declaration of war or some other form of Congressional approval. Congress passed the War Powers Resolution in the aftermath of the Vietnam War to address these concerns and provide a set of procedures for both the President and Congress to follow in situations where the introduction of U.S. forces abroad could lead to their involvement in armed conflict.

Conceptually, the War Powers Resolution can be broken down into several distinct parts. The first part states the policy behind the law, namely to "insure that the collective judgment of both the Congress and the President will apply to the introduction of United States Armed Forces into hostilities," and that the President's powers as Commander in Chief are exercised only pursuant to a declaration of war, specific statutory authorization from Congress, or a national emergency created by an attack upon the United States (50 USC Sec. 1541).

The second part requires the President to consult with Congress before introducing U.S. armed forces into hostilities or situations where hostilities are imminent, and to continue such consultations as long as U.S. armed forces remain in such situations (50 USC Sec. 1542). The third part sets forth reporting requirements that the President must comply with any time he introduces U.S. armed forces into existing or imminent hostilities (50 USC Sec. 1543); section 1543(a)(1) is particularly significant because it can trigger a 60 day time limit on the use of U.S. forces under section 1544(b).
War Powers | Law Library of Congress

donny was REQUIRED to notify congress with in 48 hrs of that strike

he did not

donny was required to give a specific reason with verifiable evidence

he did not

only that it was an 'imminent threat'

it was determined that it was not & he et al have since backed off that 'reason'

going so far as to tell those congress critters that they should not question the order.

& hopefully there will be a joint resolution limiting donny's impulsive destructive behavior.
trump declared war? on what country?
You brought up her "ignorantly spewing and bragging about her war crimes".

nyet. seems you lack reading comprehension skills, you little poorly educated deplorable you..........

but she woulda never been so stuuuuuupid to go about it the way capt bone spur did, nor would ignorantly spew & brag about committing a war crime.

Right here.....you whiney little twat.

WOULDA NEVER means what?

NOR means what?

go back to school. fool.

She would have never committed a war crime nor bragged about it.

Does that sum up your claims?

i can't say she would or not - but certainly knows what a war crime is. donny is stuuuuuuuuuuuuupid & didn't know that hitting civilian cultural targets is a bozo nono according the the hague.
and how is it you'd know all of this?
didn't say that did i? saddam hussein did plenty too but he didn't slam into our WTC, pentagon & take flight 93. W tried using an 'imminent threat' doctrine too - & how did that work out?
Well yeah, you did. You should reread your own post. Amnesias?

oh by all mean - cough up the post - any post that would prove you right. GO!
here, read it carefully, because it's obvious you got amnesia after posting it.

QUOTE="playtime, post: 23829033, member: 55512"]
these stupid fuck motherfuckers worship him so much they dont care WHAT atrocities he commits,he could murder a baby right in front of their OWN eyes and they would STILL cheer him on.
It’s really unfortunate. They used to condemn Obama lovers for being cock sucking sycophants. Now they do the exact same thing with Dumb Don.

I really thought cons were more honest and intelligent than libs, but they are just as bad.

Orange man doesn't want war. W and O did. You're mad because we took out a terrorist who had plotted the murder of thousands. That's disturbing.

where's the proof he plotted anything 'eh? you privvy to intel the rest of americans aren't?

you dummy - the conversation & what i have been saying all along that it was claimed he was an IMMINENT THREAT. & there is NO PROOF HE WAS PLOTTING TO DO ANYTHING - - - hence the outright LIE that he was an IMMINENT THREAT.

you came to this thread mid stream, so stfu with your bullshit now. of course he was a bad evil animal; but if he wasn't an IMMINENT THREAT, & there is NO PROOF HE WAS PLOTTING ANYTHING, then guess what? donny fucked up & you are bending over & grabbing yer ankles to cheer lead for him.

the efforts you all go through to be anti american is truly amazing. He killed over 600 Americans, and our embassy was attacked by him, he was fifteen miles from that embassy and tensions were high, 3000 troops were coming to the embassy to defend it, how much more imminent do you need? just curious.[/QUOTE]

well, since donny et al has backed off of that claim because there is no proof they can cough up as to what that IMMINENT THREAT was, i guess it wasn't. it's not just me sweetcakes - but some really far right (R)s are too.
Well yeah, you did. You should reread your own post. Amnesias?

oh by all mean - cough up the post - any post that would prove you right. GO!
here, read it carefully, because it's obvious you got amnesia after posting it.

QUOTE="playtime, post: 23829033, member: 55512"]
It’s really unfortunate. They used to condemn Obama lovers for being cock sucking sycophants. Now they do the exact same thing with Dumb Don.

I really thought cons were more honest and intelligent than libs, but they are just as bad.

Orange man doesn't want war. W and O did. You're mad because we took out a terrorist who had plotted the murder of thousands. That's disturbing.

where's the proof he plotted anything 'eh? you privvy to intel the rest of americans aren't?

you dummy - the conversation & what i have been saying all along that it was claimed he was an IMMINENT THREAT. & there is NO PROOF HE WAS PLOTTING TO DO ANYTHING - - - hence the outright LIE that he was an IMMINENT THREAT.

you came to this thread mid stream, so stfu with your bullshit now. of course he was a bad evil animal; but if he wasn't an IMMINENT THREAT, & there is NO PROOF HE WAS PLOTTING ANYTHING, then guess what? donny fucked up & you are bending over & grabbing yer ankles to cheer lead for him.

the efforts you all go through to be anti american is truly amazing. He killed over 600 Americans, and our embassy was attacked by him, he was fifteen miles from that embassy and tensions were high, 3000 troops were coming to the embassy to defend it, how much more imminent do you need? just curious.

well, since donny et al has backed off of that claim because there is no proof they can cough up as to what that IMMINENT THREAT was, i guess it wasn't. it's not just me sweetcakes - but some really far right (R)s are too.[/QUOTE]
first off link?

second off:

the efforts you all go through to be anti american is truly amazing. He killed over 600 Americans, and our embassy was attacked by him, he was fifteen miles from that embassy and tensions were high, 3000 troops were coming to the embassy to defend it, how much more imminent do you need? just curious
& has double downed on perhaps committing a war crime. cultural sites? who would stand for the washington monument or mt rushmore or the golden gate bridge getting blown up?
Yet you had no problem with your beloved Muslim terrorists destroying Christian cultural and religious sites. STFU. By the way idiot, when you hide rockets and other weapons anywhere, it is now a military target. War crime? Pulled that out of your fat ass didn’t you? Zero chance you get that. You get dumber by the day.

beloved???? <---- right there you prove to be just how much a poorly educated basket dweller that trump loves long time you are. when the taliban destroyed them thar mountainside carvings, they were condemned world wide & rightly so. when ISIS destroyed centuries old artifacts - they were condemned worldwide as well.

war crime? you bet yer ass it is - oh you think i make shit up? nonononooooooooooooo au CONtraire - that's the job of fake fox news, oxyboy limbaugh, & donny's lapdog hannity. apparently they love to keep you in the dark otherwise you might wise up & see just how fucking duped you are. why don't you read? why don't you try to learn things? why didn't you try to look that up, research if what i said is FACT instead of ASSuming such a ridiculous thing b4 you make yerself look even more poorly educated? is it cause it's easier to stay stupid? does learning hurt yer brain?

Trump retreats from threat to attack Iranian cultural sites

Targeting cultural sites is a war crime under the 1954 Hague Convention for their protection. Separately, in 2017, the U.N. Security Council unanimously passed a resolution condemning the destruction of heritage sites. Attacks by the Islamic State group and other armed factions in Syria and Iraq prompted that vote.

Trump retreats from threat to attack Iranian cultural sites

why do you think donny backed off of that? cause somebody finally educated him. you would think a 'president' would know such a thing given the 'power' he has when waging war. but not donny - oh nooooooooooooo - he's just as stupid as his base by shooting off that orange pie hole of his without knowing wtf he is talking about. typical deplorable.

& don't tell me to stfu, you little internet warrior - go enlist & have yourself go over to fight capt bone spur's war. will you be crying to mommy when you can't afford $5 a gallon of gas?

Go fuck yourself you lying terrorist loving POS. There was no war crime committed and you would know that if you weren’t an illiterate sheep. Again you jackass, when you beloved terrorists hide weapons and fire them from “religious” or “cultural” sites you have forfeited any protections offered. Try reading and learning something you ignorant toad. I’ll tell you to STFU all I want you terrorist lover. Right to your fat face if you had any guts. I didn’t my time you ignorant twat. Now that you’ve been bitch slapped again, go cry to mommy. Go join your beloved Iranians you moron. Make sure you tell them how stupid you are. And get right in the front lines you coward.

:blahblah: your dotarded prez never made that caveat when he opened his orange anus shaped piehole as was bloviating thru his tweet ranting. speaking of bloviating rants -

you funny. :71:

You’re crying because you got your terrorist loving face bitch slapped again. Notice NO response, just crying. You’re not funny, you’re pathetic. Try again lifelong loser.:fu:

it does when it's not followed - just like how donny skated around it.

nice try, doesn't fly.

Killing a terrorist doesn't violate the Constitution.

well repeating something over & over doesn't make it fact. you & donny need to learn that.

repeating something over & over again is also straight outa goebel's book of propaganda - donny sucks at it & so do you.

well repeating something over & over doesn't make it fact.

Feel free to post your proof that it violated the Constitution.

The Constitution of the United States divides the war powers of the federal government between the Executive and Legislative branches: the President is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces (Article II, section 2), while Congress has the power to make declarations of war, and to raise and support the armed forces (Article I, section 8). Over time, questions arose as to the extent of the President's authority to deploy U.S. armed forces into hostile situations abroad without a declaration of war or some other form of Congressional approval. Congress passed the War Powers Resolution in the aftermath of the Vietnam War to address these concerns and provide a set of procedures for both the President and Congress to follow in situations where the introduction of U.S. forces abroad could lead to their involvement in armed conflict.

Conceptually, the War Powers Resolution can be broken down into several distinct parts. The first part states the policy behind the law, namely to "insure that the collective judgment of both the Congress and the President will apply to the introduction of United States Armed Forces into hostilities," and that the President's powers as Commander in Chief are exercised only pursuant to a declaration of war, specific statutory authorization from Congress, or a national emergency created by an attack upon the United States (50 USC Sec. 1541).

The second part requires the President to consult with Congress before introducing U.S. armed forces into hostilities or situations where hostilities are imminent, and to continue such consultations as long as U.S. armed forces remain in such situations (50 USC Sec. 1542). The third part sets forth reporting requirements that the President must comply with any time he introduces U.S. armed forces into existing or imminent hostilities (50 USC Sec. 1543); section 1543(a)(1) is particularly significant because it can trigger a 60 day time limit on the use of U.S. forces under section 1544(b).
War Powers | Law Library of Congress

donny was REQUIRED to notify congress with in 48 hrs of that strike

he did not

donny was required to give a specific reason with verifiable evidence

he did not

only that it was an 'imminent threat'

it was determined that it was not & he et al have since backed off that 'reason'

going so far as to tell those congress critters that they should not question the order.

& hopefully there will be a joint resolution limiting donny's impulsive destructive behavior.
trump declared war? on what country?

it is also for any kind of military strike that involves our military over seas.
nyet. seems you lack reading comprehension skills, you little poorly educated deplorable you..........

but she woulda never been so stuuuuuupid to go about it the way capt bone spur did, nor would ignorantly spew & brag about committing a war crime.

Right here.....you whiney little twat.

WOULDA NEVER means what?

NOR means what?

go back to school. fool.

She would have never committed a war crime nor bragged about it.

Does that sum up your claims?

i can't say she would or not - but certainly knows what a war crime is. donny is stuuuuuuuuuuuuupid & didn't know that hitting civilian cultural targets is a bozo nono according the the hague.
and how is it you'd know all of this?

i learn things. donny is incapable of learning & tweets shit out without consultation from those that do know. but don't ferget - he said he knows more than his generals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :auiqs.jpg::113:
Killing a terrorist doesn't violate the Constitution.

well repeating something over & over doesn't make it fact. you & donny need to learn that.

repeating something over & over again is also straight outa goebel's book of propaganda - donny sucks at it & so do you.

well repeating something over & over doesn't make it fact.

Feel free to post your proof that it violated the Constitution.

The Constitution of the United States divides the war powers of the federal government between the Executive and Legislative branches: the President is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces (Article II, section 2), while Congress has the power to make declarations of war, and to raise and support the armed forces (Article I, section 8). Over time, questions arose as to the extent of the President's authority to deploy U.S. armed forces into hostile situations abroad without a declaration of war or some other form of Congressional approval. Congress passed the War Powers Resolution in the aftermath of the Vietnam War to address these concerns and provide a set of procedures for both the President and Congress to follow in situations where the introduction of U.S. forces abroad could lead to their involvement in armed conflict.

Conceptually, the War Powers Resolution can be broken down into several distinct parts. The first part states the policy behind the law, namely to "insure that the collective judgment of both the Congress and the President will apply to the introduction of United States Armed Forces into hostilities," and that the President's powers as Commander in Chief are exercised only pursuant to a declaration of war, specific statutory authorization from Congress, or a national emergency created by an attack upon the United States (50 USC Sec. 1541).

The second part requires the President to consult with Congress before introducing U.S. armed forces into hostilities or situations where hostilities are imminent, and to continue such consultations as long as U.S. armed forces remain in such situations (50 USC Sec. 1542). The third part sets forth reporting requirements that the President must comply with any time he introduces U.S. armed forces into existing or imminent hostilities (50 USC Sec. 1543); section 1543(a)(1) is particularly significant because it can trigger a 60 day time limit on the use of U.S. forces under section 1544(b).
War Powers | Law Library of Congress

donny was REQUIRED to notify congress with in 48 hrs of that strike

he did not

donny was required to give a specific reason with verifiable evidence

he did not

only that it was an 'imminent threat'

it was determined that it was not & he et al have since backed off that 'reason'

going so far as to tell those congress critters that they should not question the order.

& hopefully there will be a joint resolution limiting donny's impulsive destructive behavior.
trump declared war? on what country?

it is also for any kind of military strike that involves our military over seas.
and that is being done. the Pres got ~700 billion I believe in 2019. So you think 3.6 billion is going to hurt us abroad. you're insane. Just saying.
oh by all mean - cough up the post - any post that would prove you right. GO!
here, read it carefully, because it's obvious you got amnesia after posting it.

QUOTE="playtime, post: 23829033, member: 55512"]
Orange man doesn't want war. W and O did. You're mad because we took out a terrorist who had plotted the murder of thousands. That's disturbing.

where's the proof he plotted anything 'eh? you privvy to intel the rest of americans aren't?

you dummy - the conversation & what i have been saying all along that it was claimed he was an IMMINENT THREAT. & there is NO PROOF HE WAS PLOTTING TO DO ANYTHING - - - hence the outright LIE that he was an IMMINENT THREAT.

you came to this thread mid stream, so stfu with your bullshit now. of course he was a bad evil animal; but if he wasn't an IMMINENT THREAT, & there is NO PROOF HE WAS PLOTTING ANYTHING, then guess what? donny fucked up & you are bending over & grabbing yer ankles to cheer lead for him.

the efforts you all go through to be anti american is truly amazing. He killed over 600 Americans, and our embassy was attacked by him, he was fifteen miles from that embassy and tensions were high, 3000 troops were coming to the embassy to defend it, how much more imminent do you need? just curious.

well, since donny et al has backed off of that claim because there is no proof they can cough up as to what that IMMINENT THREAT was, i guess it wasn't. it's not just me sweetcakes - but some really far right (R)s are too.
first off link?


rand paul & mike lee.

here, read it carefully, because it's obvious you got amnesia after posting it.

QUOTE="playtime, post: 23829033, member: 55512"]where's the proof he plotted anything 'eh? you privvy to intel the rest of americans aren't?

you dummy - the conversation & what i have been saying all along that it was claimed he was an IMMINENT THREAT. & there is NO PROOF HE WAS PLOTTING TO DO ANYTHING - - - hence the outright LIE that he was an IMMINENT THREAT.

you came to this thread mid stream, so stfu with your bullshit now. of course he was a bad evil animal; but if he wasn't an IMMINENT THREAT, & there is NO PROOF HE WAS PLOTTING ANYTHING, then guess what? donny fucked up & you are bending over & grabbing yer ankles to cheer lead for him.

the efforts you all go through to be anti american is truly amazing. He killed over 600 Americans, and our embassy was attacked by him, he was fifteen miles from that embassy and tensions were high, 3000 troops were coming to the embassy to defend it, how much more imminent do you need? just curious.

well, since donny et al has backed off of that claim because there is no proof they can cough up as to what that IMMINENT THREAT was, i guess it wasn't. it's not just me sweetcakes - but some really far right (R)s are too.
first off link?

rand paul & mike lee.

Why Obama, Bush, and Bibi All Passed on Killing Soleimani
Yet you had no problem with your beloved Muslim terrorists destroying Christian cultural and religious sites. STFU. By the way idiot, when you hide rockets and other weapons anywhere, it is now a military target. War crime? Pulled that out of your fat ass didn’t you? Zero chance you get that. You get dumber by the day.

beloved???? <---- right there you prove to be just how much a poorly educated basket dweller that trump loves long time you are. when the taliban destroyed them thar mountainside carvings, they were condemned world wide & rightly so. when ISIS destroyed centuries old artifacts - they were condemned worldwide as well.

war crime? you bet yer ass it is - oh you think i make shit up? nonononooooooooooooo au CONtraire - that's the job of fake fox news, oxyboy limbaugh, & donny's lapdog hannity. apparently they love to keep you in the dark otherwise you might wise up & see just how fucking duped you are. why don't you read? why don't you try to learn things? why didn't you try to look that up, research if what i said is FACT instead of ASSuming such a ridiculous thing b4 you make yerself look even more poorly educated? is it cause it's easier to stay stupid? does learning hurt yer brain?

Trump retreats from threat to attack Iranian cultural sites

Targeting cultural sites is a war crime under the 1954 Hague Convention for their protection. Separately, in 2017, the U.N. Security Council unanimously passed a resolution condemning the destruction of heritage sites. Attacks by the Islamic State group and other armed factions in Syria and Iraq prompted that vote.

Trump retreats from threat to attack Iranian cultural sites

why do you think donny backed off of that? cause somebody finally educated him. you would think a 'president' would know such a thing given the 'power' he has when waging war. but not donny - oh nooooooooooooo - he's just as stupid as his base by shooting off that orange pie hole of his without knowing wtf he is talking about. typical deplorable.

& don't tell me to stfu, you little internet warrior - go enlist & have yourself go over to fight capt bone spur's war. will you be crying to mommy when you can't afford $5 a gallon of gas?

Go fuck yourself you lying terrorist loving POS. There was no war crime committed and you would know that if you weren’t an illiterate sheep. Again you jackass, when you beloved terrorists hide weapons and fire them from “religious” or “cultural” sites you have forfeited any protections offered. Try reading and learning something you ignorant toad. I’ll tell you to STFU all I want you terrorist lover. Right to your fat face if you had any guts. I didn’t my time you ignorant twat. Now that you’ve been bitch slapped again, go cry to mommy. Go join your beloved Iranians you moron. Make sure you tell them how stupid you are. And get right in the front lines you coward.

:blahblah: your dotarded prez never made that caveat when he opened his orange anus shaped piehole as was bloviating thru his tweet ranting. speaking of bloviating rants -

you funny. :71:

You’re crying because you got your terrorist loving face bitch slapped again. Notice NO response, just crying. You’re not funny, you’re pathetic. Try again lifelong loser.:fu:


Your unconditional surrender is noted. Your lifelong losing streak remains intact.

you dummy - the conversation & what i have been saying all along that it was claimed he was an IMMINENT THREAT. & there is NO PROOF HE WAS PLOTTING TO DO ANYTHING - - - hence the outright LIE that he was an IMMINENT THREAT.

you came to this thread mid stream, so stfu with your bullshit now. of course he was a bad evil animal; but if he wasn't an IMMINENT THREAT, & there is NO PROOF HE WAS PLOTTING ANYTHING, then guess what? donny fucked up & you are bending over & grabbing yer ankles to cheer lead for him.

the efforts you all go through to be anti american is truly amazing. He killed over 600 Americans, and our embassy was attacked by him, he was fifteen miles from that embassy and tensions were high, 3000 troops were coming to the embassy to defend it, how much more imminent do you need? just curious.

well, since donny et al has backed off of that claim because there is no proof they can cough up as to what that IMMINENT THREAT was, i guess it wasn't. it's not just me sweetcakes - but some really far right (R)s are too.
first off link?

rand paul & mike lee.

Why Obama, Bush, and Bibi All Passed on Killing Soleimani[/QUOTE]

LOL - you didn't even bother to watch, did ya? you asked a specific question: a link.

i gave them to you. now you give me a non sequitur, but that's ok - it doesn't change the fact that at least 2 (R)s will be voting with the (D)s to curb donny's impulsive destructive behavior.
you dummy - the conversation & what i have been saying all along that it was claimed he was an IMMINENT THREAT. & there is NO PROOF HE WAS PLOTTING TO DO ANYTHING - - - hence the outright LIE that he was an IMMINENT THREAT.

you came to this thread mid stream, so stfu with your bullshit now. of course he was a bad evil animal; but if he wasn't an IMMINENT THREAT, & there is NO PROOF HE WAS PLOTTING ANYTHING, then guess what? donny fucked up & you are bending over & grabbing yer ankles to cheer lead for him.

the efforts you all go through to be anti american is truly amazing. He killed over 600 Americans, and our embassy was attacked by him, he was fifteen miles from that embassy and tensions were high, 3000 troops were coming to the embassy to defend it, how much more imminent do you need? just curious.

well, since donny et al has backed off of that claim because there is no proof they can cough up as to what that IMMINENT THREAT was, i guess it wasn't. it's not just me sweetcakes - but some really far right (R)s are too.
first off link?

rand paul & mike lee.

Why Obama, Bush, and Bibi All Passed on Killing Soleimani

LOL - you didn't even bother to watch, did ya? you asked a specific question: a link.

i gave them to you. now you give me a non sequitur, but that's ok - it doesn't change the fact that at least 2 (R)s will be voting with the (D)s to curb donny's impulsive destructive behavior.[/QUOTE]
BTW, you said the president backed off. I didn't see that link. I don't give a shit what two senators say. really I don't. I didn't vote for them. I voted for the pres, and he is commander and chief. and when those two senators win that title, they can do whatever they wish to do as commander and chief. You've heard that word before right? fifteen miles from our embassy, I say that's imminent.
beloved???? <---- right there you prove to be just how much a poorly educated basket dweller that trump loves long time you are. when the taliban destroyed them thar mountainside carvings, they were condemned world wide & rightly so. when ISIS destroyed centuries old artifacts - they were condemned worldwide as well.

war crime? you bet yer ass it is - oh you think i make shit up? nonononooooooooooooo au CONtraire - that's the job of fake fox news, oxyboy limbaugh, & donny's lapdog hannity. apparently they love to keep you in the dark otherwise you might wise up & see just how fucking duped you are. why don't you read? why don't you try to learn things? why didn't you try to look that up, research if what i said is FACT instead of ASSuming such a ridiculous thing b4 you make yerself look even more poorly educated? is it cause it's easier to stay stupid? does learning hurt yer brain?

Trump retreats from threat to attack Iranian cultural sites

Targeting cultural sites is a war crime under the 1954 Hague Convention for their protection. Separately, in 2017, the U.N. Security Council unanimously passed a resolution condemning the destruction of heritage sites. Attacks by the Islamic State group and other armed factions in Syria and Iraq prompted that vote.

Trump retreats from threat to attack Iranian cultural sites

why do you think donny backed off of that? cause somebody finally educated him. you would think a 'president' would know such a thing given the 'power' he has when waging war. but not donny - oh nooooooooooooo - he's just as stupid as his base by shooting off that orange pie hole of his without knowing wtf he is talking about. typical deplorable.

& don't tell me to stfu, you little internet warrior - go enlist & have yourself go over to fight capt bone spur's war. will you be crying to mommy when you can't afford $5 a gallon of gas?

Go fuck yourself you lying terrorist loving POS. There was no war crime committed and you would know that if you weren’t an illiterate sheep. Again you jackass, when you beloved terrorists hide weapons and fire them from “religious” or “cultural” sites you have forfeited any protections offered. Try reading and learning something you ignorant toad. I’ll tell you to STFU all I want you terrorist lover. Right to your fat face if you had any guts. I didn’t my time you ignorant twat. Now that you’ve been bitch slapped again, go cry to mommy. Go join your beloved Iranians you moron. Make sure you tell them how stupid you are. And get right in the front lines you coward.

:blahblah: your dotarded prez never made that caveat when he opened his orange anus shaped piehole as was bloviating thru his tweet ranting. speaking of bloviating rants -

you funny. :71:

You’re crying because you got your terrorist loving face bitch slapped again. Notice NO response, just crying. You’re not funny, you’re pathetic. Try again lifelong loser.:fu:


Your unconditional surrender is noted. Your lifelong losing streak remains intact.

delusions suit you as well as trump's cheap chinese swat shop made suits.
Go fuck yourself you lying terrorist loving POS. There was no war crime committed and you would know that if you weren’t an illiterate sheep. Again you jackass, when you beloved terrorists hide weapons and fire them from “religious” or “cultural” sites you have forfeited any protections offered. Try reading and learning something you ignorant toad. I’ll tell you to STFU all I want you terrorist lover. Right to your fat face if you had any guts. I didn’t my time you ignorant twat. Now that you’ve been bitch slapped again, go cry to mommy. Go join your beloved Iranians you moron. Make sure you tell them how stupid you are. And get right in the front lines you coward.

:blahblah: your dotarded prez never made that caveat when he opened his orange anus shaped piehole as was bloviating thru his tweet ranting. speaking of bloviating rants -

you funny. :71:

You’re crying because you got your terrorist loving face bitch slapped again. Notice NO response, just crying. You’re not funny, you’re pathetic. Try again lifelong loser.:fu:


Your unconditional surrender is noted. Your lifelong losing streak remains intact.

delusions suit you as well as trump's cheap chinese swat shop made suits.
you're still looking for the facts right?
Go fuck yourself you lying terrorist loving POS. There was no war crime committed and you would know that if you weren’t an illiterate sheep. Again you jackass, when you beloved terrorists hide weapons and fire them from “religious” or “cultural” sites you have forfeited any protections offered. Try reading and learning something you ignorant toad. I’ll tell you to STFU all I want you terrorist lover. Right to your fat face if you had any guts. I didn’t my time you ignorant twat. Now that you’ve been bitch slapped again, go cry to mommy. Go join your beloved Iranians you moron. Make sure you tell them how stupid you are. And get right in the front lines you coward.

:blahblah: your dotarded prez never made that caveat when he opened his orange anus shaped piehole as was bloviating thru his tweet ranting. speaking of bloviating rants -

you funny. :71:

You’re crying because you got your terrorist loving face bitch slapped again. Notice NO response, just crying. You’re not funny, you’re pathetic. Try again lifelong loser.:fu:


Your unconditional surrender is noted. Your lifelong losing streak remains intact.

delusions suit you as well as trump's cheap chinese swat shop made suits.

No delusion surrender monkey. You haven’t refuted a damn thing anybody has said. Just scream about Trump and post stupid shit. You are a loser. FACT. You are a coward. FACT. You are a terrorist lover. FACT. Now STFU before you embarrass yourself further.

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