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One Term Donnie

Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

So what was an Iranian general doing in Iraq?
Attending the funeral of the 25 Iraqi militia soldiers murdered by your government. He also was to meet the president of Iraq, to discuss a peace plan involving all parties in Iraq.

Why donā€™t you know this?

Attending the funeral of the 25 Iraqi militia soldiers murdered by your government.

He was a regular humanitarian, eh?

How many military bases does Iran have, that encircle the USA? What sanctions has Iran imposed on the USA that are dramatically harming itā€™s economy? How many nations has Iran invaded over the last 100 years? How many civilians has and military personnel has Iran murdered in the past 100 years? Has Iran threatened the USA with nuclear annihilation?

Please read Stockmanā€™s column and refute what you can? Please?

How the Donald Assassinated America First - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Stated differently, Iranā€™s extremely modest military capacities are not remotely about an offensive threat to the American homeland. They are overwhelmingly about defending itself in its own neighborhood, where Washington has been intervening and occupying with massive firepower and hostile intent for decades.

How many military bases does Iran have, that encircle the USA?

Exactly! Iran is super awesome!!!!

Who cares about their support for terrorism?

Please read Stockmanā€™s column

What's that whiney twat whining about now?
Itā€™s funny how some Americans know little tiny Iran with itā€™s puny military commits terrorism on an enormous scale, but they canā€™t see the terrorism committed by their government. How is this possible?
Puny military? You Dolt, they are the most powerful country we have had tensions with since the Korean War, getting direct aide from China and Russia!

Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

Watching your head explode is going to be amusing.
I guess you arenā€™t a free thinker. If only you were the exception. Sadly, there are way too many close minded non-thinkers on this forum.

Oh, I am a free thinker, and I have watched iran spread terror, and death throughout the world.

I worked and lived in the countries they have harmed so have direct experience of their disdain for humanity.

Attending the funeral of the 25 Iraqi militia soldiers murdered by your government. He also was to meet the president of Iraq, to discuss a peace plan involving all parties in Iraq.

Why donā€™t you know this?

Why would he be attending funerals for Iraqis?

He was there to lead the riot against our embassy and attempt to turn it into another Benghazi.

ā€œPeace negotiationsā€, uh huh.
Come on. Get informed or stop posting.

Iran taunted President Trump, saying ā€œYou canā€™t do anythingā€, referring to the attacks on the embassy orchestrated by Iran.

Why would they say that if they were innocent of wrongdoing in Iraq?

Come on dudes! Refute this or admit being a dupe for Donnie.

The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser
The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser

In reality thereā€™s no evidence for any of the reasons weā€™ve been offered for why Iran needed to be provoked into an almost inevitable retaliation that Trump is currently tweeting will result in all-out war:

  • The claim that Soleimani posed an ā€œimminent threatā€ is completely without evidence, rumored to be ā€œrazor thinā€œ, and entirely debunked in this excellent essay by Craig Murray.
  • Mike Penceā€™s claim that Soleimani assisted 9/11 terrorists is so ridiculous that even the war-loving Washington Post dismissed it.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani directed the strike that allegedly killed a US contractor, or that that contractor even existed.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani was involved in any ā€œattackā€ on any US embassy, leaving aside the obvious fact that a little graffiti on the walls wouldnā€™t justify his assassination if he did.
  • The ā€œhundreds of American deathsā€ line you hear regurgitated by everyone from Trump to Elizabeth Warren actually refers to Iraqis defending themselves from an illegal US invasion with some training from Iran. The claim that Iran was behind Iraqi bombs is withoutevidence and wouldnā€™t matter if it were true; claiming the inhabitants of an invaded nation donā€™t have the right to defend themselves is absurd, regardless of where they got their weaponry.
  • The claim that Soleimani was ā€œa terroristā€ is only made because the branch of the Iranian military he commanded was arbitrarily designated a terrorist organization by the US government last year, a designation that any foreign government could just as easily make for any branch of the US military. He was actually a fearsome enemy of ISIS and al-Qaeda and played a massive role in halting the spread of ISIS.

they know they are dupes cause they KNOW they cant refute as proven in this whole thread..LOL same as misterbeal,you gave them a MAJOR ass beating.:2up:

Dream on Trump haters...dream on....
The problem here is simply double standards. Folks refuse to see how stupid they are being, they refuse to see through the lies, propaganda and fog of war.

Folks in America think that if you are from an intelligence agency of the West, Russia, or China, then you are legitimate.

OTH, if you are from an intelligence agency from a second world nation trying to defend your nation using asymmetrical warfare? Well, then, you don't get to dictate the terms of international law. The powerful get to call anyone they want a terrorist, yet, their own folks are "intelligence assets."





Why are the CIA and FSB not terrorist organizations, yet the Quds force is? Simple, double standards based on political goals only. Anything that the Quds has done, Mossad, FSB, MI6, and the CIA have done tenfold.

Only the dumb and blind that cannot parse out the goals of propaganda, and do not see what is obvious.

you are making wayyyy too much sense for the brainwashed trump worshippers to comprehend here, you are overloading their brains with so many pesky facts and evidence they have no answers for, that expect them to go into meltdown mode any second now and have a heart attack after being overloaded with way too much pesky evidence and facts.:lmao::lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

I dont these sheep have a clue whatsoever how the media is controlled by the deep state or how evil the CIA and FBI really are or how corruot our school system in american history classes either.:lmao::lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao:

they have NO ANSWERS for any of this evidence you and Gipper keep taking them top school on so in frustration of defeat,they go into insult mode EVERYTIME,NEVER FAILS:lmao::laughing0301:

So right. Is it any wonder this country is so fucked up? Dupes are everywhere.

very accurate description of the trump worshippers indeed.LOL:2up:
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I donā€™t watch any. Iā€™m just a lot smarter than you.
lol weā€™ll see.

OTH. ..

This all could be one giant elaborate ruse of Trump's to outsmart the Deep State and the Military?

If after it is all done, if Gipper IS right, and the Iranians show restraint, and the U.S. ends up having to leave, not only Iraq, but Syria and possibly Afghanistan as well, doesn't Trump get what he has always wanted, over and above, Israel, the Military, the Deep State and all the generals? :71:

After U.S. Strike On Iraqi Forces Its Troops Will (Again) Have To Leave
MoA - After U.S. Strike On Iraqi Forces Its Troops Will (Again) Have To Leave

". . . There are some 5,000 U.S. soldiers in Iraq in bases which also house 10,000nds of Iraqi soldiers and PMF troops. Revenge attacks are now inevitable:

In the aftermath of the American strikes, Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi said, ā€œWe have already confirmed our rejection of any unilateral action by coalition forces or any other forces inside Iraq. We consider it a violation of Iraqā€™s sovereignty and a dangerous escalation that threatens the security of Iraq and the region,ā€ according to a statement released on Iraqi state television.
Abdul-Mahdi now finds himself facing the nightmare possibility of Iranian-linked paramilitaries, whose political wings hold enormous sway over his government, going to war with American forces on Iraqi territory, which would compound a disastrous few months in which the deaths of hundreds of protestors have been laid at his feet, prompting him to hand in his resignation to parliament.

The coming days and weeks will answer a number of questions about how this perilous situation will play out, primarily how far are the paramilitaries willing to act upon their rhetoric which has endlessly stated that the American presence in Iraq is a continuation of the occupation, in addition to their readiness to take military action in order to force out the Americans, ā€œonce againā€.

The U.S. and Israel have already killed hundreds of Iraqi forces that are aligned with Iran. But these were the most egregious strikes. There is no doubt. The U.S. forces will have to (again) leave Iraq:

Brasco_Aad @Brasco_Aad - 19:55 UTC Ā· Dec 29, 2019
Iraqi PMU Asai'b Ahl al-Haq statement on the American attack on Iraq tonight:
''The American military presence has become a burden for the State and a source of aggression against our forces and therefore it has become mandatory for all of us to expel them from Iraq.''
U.S. President Donald Trump had declared that he wants U.S. troops to leave the Middle East. But the 'deep state', the Pentagon and State Department bureaucracy, have resisted any such move:

Pompeo, Esper and Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, flew to Palm Beach, Florida, after the operation to brief President Donald Trump.
Esper said they discussed with Trump ā€œother options that are availableā€ to respond to Iran.
Trump was at Mar-a-Lago but did not appear with his top national security officials. After Pompeo and Esper spoke, the president traveled to his private golf club in West Palm Beach. The White House did not immediately say why Trump returned to the club after spending nearly six hours there earlier Sunday.

Yesterday's attacks guarantee that all U.S. troops will have to leave Iraq and will thereby also lose their supply lines to Syria.

One wonders if that was the real intent of those strikes."
Thatā€™s a very optimistic theory. I hope itā€™s right, but fear it isnā€™t. I donā€™t believe Donnie is that smart.

I agree.

More than likely, the gang of eight had always known about this, since Israel gave the coordinates of the assassination.

It is my suspicion, that this is the true reason these articles of impeachment have been held up. Blackmail? Trump has made clear he doesn't have an interest in more war, so how do you get him to engage in nation building and being like previous presidents? Perhaps he was always lying, but he was so consistent throughout Obama and Bush. How do you get him to do the bidding of the dogs of war? It seems to be the exact reverse of everything he has criticized the previous administrations for. It is a complete continuation of establishment policy and a reversal of everything he has said for 30 years.

This antagonism has been planned. However, I just don't think Iran will take the bait.


Sure. FDR knew about Pearl Harbor in advance and Lee Harvey Oswald was a fall guy.

You nailed it.:2up:

common knowledge,only a stupid fuck moron would think otherwise after all these decades later .:lmao::laughing0301:

only the people who incredibly all these years later, STILL think this is a free country,that we elect our presidents and put them in office,that our government is here to serve us, politicians dont get away with crimes all the time we go to jail for including murder,, AND the CIA,FBI and the FED are not evil organizations and are looking out for us, are the only stupid fucks who still believe in THOSE two fairy tales invented by the government you mentioned although i am beginning to believe from the posts of the trump worshippers here THEY think that as well.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

another one that is comedy gold is Bill Clinton did not murder anybody as governor of arkansas,that all these arkansas state troopers risked their lives so they could make up a story like that which was untrue or that Bush did not lie,that there were WMD's in Iraq..:abgg2q.jpg: i am embarrassed to say i actually knew someone in real life like that over 20 years ago,thank god that moron is out of my life now.

He is the ONLY stupid fuck i have ever met in my life that SERIOUSLY thinks there is no different laws for politicians than there is for us. I am thinking by the posts of many here,that sadly he is not alone in that thinking of his.:abgg2q.jpg::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
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You do realize the general you seem to respect is responsible for the cowardly killing of hundreds of American?

Your mistake is thinking that any of us who think that killing Soleimani was the dumbest thing Trump has done, in a short sad history of really stupid things, don't oppose the killing because we respect or admire Soleimani.

When the USA declared the "War on Terror", there were a small handful of violent jihadists. Now there are thousands. In killing Soleimani, you have created a matryr, and hundreds more will die avenging his death, and more terrorists are created. Over 100,000 Iraqi's died in W's War on Terror. Tens of thousands more died in Syria, Libya, and Eygpt in the power vaccuum wars which followed. Millions more became refugees, fleeing the wars and violence.

Is the world a safer place for all of this death and violence? Are there fewer terrorists in the world? When are Americans going to stop trying to rule the Middle East, and stop the killing people who consider now consider Americans to be the terrorists?

When the USA declared the "War on Terror", there were a small handful of violent jihadists.

And every other Muslim was peaceful?
Just wanted to buy the world a Coke?
How many military bases does Iran have, that encircle the USA? What sanctions has Iran imposed on the USA that are dramatically harming itā€™s economy?
Good God, Gipper, you've slipped another mental cog. France has H-bombs but we don't surround them with bases! Russia has enormous destructive power but we know they are a responsible nation. IRAN ABSOLUTELY REFUSES TO ABANDON THEIR HOSTILE, PROVOCATIVE HISTORY OF REPRESSION, AGGRESSION AND TERROR around the world, their death threats against us, their promises to destroy us, making them too much of a potential threat to just "leave alone" and hope for the best.

How many nations has Iran invaded over the last 100 years?
Many. They invade by proxy with sponsored terror cells.

How many civilians has and military personnel has Iran murdered in the past 100 years?
Thousands? Did you even read my post at all?

Has Iran threatened the USA with nuclear annihilation?
Where have you been for 40 years? They would nuke us ion a heartbeat the minute they had the capability.
Youā€™re delusional. Stop believing the lying government and media. To think Iran a threat to the American people, is to not think.

delusional is the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.LOL
at least you admit you are.

thanks for proving what a troll you are ignoring WHO it was addressed to.:beer:
I can only call a spade a spade
lol weā€™ll see.

OTH. ..

This all could be one giant elaborate ruse of Trump's to outsmart the Deep State and the Military?

If after it is all done, if Gipper IS right, and the Iranians show restraint, and the U.S. ends up having to leave, not only Iraq, but Syria and possibly Afghanistan as well, doesn't Trump get what he has always wanted, over and above, Israel, the Military, the Deep State and all the generals? :71:

After U.S. Strike On Iraqi Forces Its Troops Will (Again) Have To Leave
MoA - After U.S. Strike On Iraqi Forces Its Troops Will (Again) Have To Leave

". . . There are some 5,000 U.S. soldiers in Iraq in bases which also house 10,000nds of Iraqi soldiers and PMF troops. Revenge attacks are now inevitable:

In the aftermath of the American strikes, Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi said, ā€œWe have already confirmed our rejection of any unilateral action by coalition forces or any other forces inside Iraq. We consider it a violation of Iraqā€™s sovereignty and a dangerous escalation that threatens the security of Iraq and the region,ā€ according to a statement released on Iraqi state television.
Abdul-Mahdi now finds himself facing the nightmare possibility of Iranian-linked paramilitaries, whose political wings hold enormous sway over his government, going to war with American forces on Iraqi territory, which would compound a disastrous few months in which the deaths of hundreds of protestors have been laid at his feet, prompting him to hand in his resignation to parliament.

The coming days and weeks will answer a number of questions about how this perilous situation will play out, primarily how far are the paramilitaries willing to act upon their rhetoric which has endlessly stated that the American presence in Iraq is a continuation of the occupation, in addition to their readiness to take military action in order to force out the Americans, ā€œonce againā€.

The U.S. and Israel have already killed hundreds of Iraqi forces that are aligned with Iran. But these were the most egregious strikes. There is no doubt. The U.S. forces will have to (again) leave Iraq:

Brasco_Aad @Brasco_Aad - 19:55 UTC Ā· Dec 29, 2019
Iraqi PMU Asai'b Ahl al-Haq statement on the American attack on Iraq tonight:
''The American military presence has become a burden for the State and a source of aggression against our forces and therefore it has become mandatory for all of us to expel them from Iraq.''
U.S. President Donald Trump had declared that he wants U.S. troops to leave the Middle East. But the 'deep state', the Pentagon and State Department bureaucracy, have resisted any such move:

Pompeo, Esper and Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, flew to Palm Beach, Florida, after the operation to brief President Donald Trump.
Esper said they discussed with Trump ā€œother options that are availableā€ to respond to Iran.
Trump was at Mar-a-Lago but did not appear with his top national security officials. After Pompeo and Esper spoke, the president traveled to his private golf club in West Palm Beach. The White House did not immediately say why Trump returned to the club after spending nearly six hours there earlier Sunday.

Yesterday's attacks guarantee that all U.S. troops will have to leave Iraq and will thereby also lose their supply lines to Syria.

One wonders if that was the real intent of those strikes."
Thatā€™s a very optimistic theory. I hope itā€™s right, but fear it isnā€™t. I donā€™t believe Donnie is that smart.

I agree.

More than likely, the gang of eight had always known about this, since Israel gave the coordinates of the assassination.

It is my suspicion, that this is the true reason these articles of impeachment have been held up. Blackmail? Trump has made clear he doesn't have an interest in more war, so how do you get him to engage in nation building and being like previous presidents? Perhaps he was always lying, but he was so consistent throughout Obama and Bush. How do you get him to do the bidding of the dogs of war? It seems to be the exact reverse of everything he has criticized the previous administrations for. It is a complete continuation of establishment policy and a reversal of everything he has said for 30 years.

This antagonism has been planned. However, I just don't think Iran will take the bait.


Sure. FDR knew about Pearl Harbor in advance and Lee Harvey Oswald was a fall guy.

You nailed it.:2up:

common knowledge,only a stupid fuck moron would think otherwise after all these decades later .:lmao::laughing0301:

only the people who incredibly all these years later, STILL think this is a free country,that we elect our presidents and put them in office,that our government is here to serve us, politicians dont get away with crimes all the time we go to jail for including murder,, AND the CIA,FBI and the FED are not evil organizations and are looking out for us, are the only stupid fucks who still believe in THOSE two fairy tales invented by the government you mentioned although i am beginning to believe from the posts of the trump worshippers here THEY think that as well.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

another one that is comedy gold is Bill Clinton did not murder anybody as governor of arkansas,that all these arkansas state troopers risked their lives so they could make up a story like that which was untrue or that Bush did not lie,that there were WMD's in Iraq..:abgg2q.jpg: i am embarrassed to say i actually knew someone in real life like that over 20 years ago,thank god that moron is out of my life now.

He is the ONLY stupid fuck i have ever met in my life that SERIOUSLY thinks there is no different laws for politicians than there is for us. I am thinking by the posts of many here,that sadly he is not alone in that thinking of his.:abgg2q.jpg::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Vince Foster . The suicide with two bullets in his head . Too fking funny
Good God Gipper, get a gripper on yourself. Here again we see a beautiful example of the radical black and white polarized thinking of the cognitive dissonant resorting again to Godwin's Law. Now in a day, we have forgotten who we are dealing with and taken the bad people in all of this and transformed them into the victim somehow while overnight making Trump out to be "Adolf Hitler" because he has done the one thing which might end all of this conflict and hostility instead of keeping it alive another 40 years:

ACTUALLY FLOUT THE OPTION OF REAL WAR in the face of the Iranians at a cost they cannot pay instead of just another tit for tat conflagrating never ending police action that all of the progressive "civilized peace-lovers" of the world so proudly hold dear even as it has lead to almost a half century of unresolved hostility and conflict.

Can anyone here actually just keep their dick in their pocket for 5 minutes first before panicking to see how this all plays out?

Let's not forget who we are dealing with here, the Iranians have:
  1. Seized and attacked our embassies.
  2. Taken our people prisoner.
  3. Conducted suicide bombings.
  4. Attacked our military in their bases.
  5. Mined the Persian Gulf.
  6. Done severe damage to many of our vessels.
  7. Sponsored terror organizations all over.
  8. Facilitated the 9/11 hijackers.
  9. Killed hundreds and hundreds of our diplomats, civilians and especially military.
  10. Arrested and detained many of our people without cause or charge sometimes for decades.
  11. Attempted to carry out an assassination right in Washington DC.
  12. Attacked US interests worldwide.
  13. Charged our ships for no apparent cause.
  14. Seized our ships for no cause.
  15. Carried out surveillance of our bases and airports in preparation to attack Americans.
  16. Infiltrated our country with spies.
  17. Made specific death threats against our leaders and country.
  18. Persistently and stubbornly resisted and violated all efforts to monitor and limit their nuclear development.
And all for what? BECAUSE THEY ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO ABANDON THEIR HOSTILE, PROVOCATIVE HISTORY OF REPRESSION, AGGRESSION AND TERROR, making them too much of a potential threat to just "leave alone" and hope for the best.

Instead, we are diluting this all with conspiracy theories and chomping on our own leg. The VERY BEST THING that Iran could hope for right now as they unify into one cause is exactly what the Left is giving them: attacks on Trump, vilification of America as being the bad guy here, and especially, talk of reigning in Trump's ability to execute military campaigns. The Iranians would like nothing better here than to see America like all western countries pull back in self-doubt and self-imposed impotence yet again, thus reassuring them of our image as a paper tiger unlikely to ever really strike.

View attachment 298851
How many military bases does Iran have, that encircle the USA? What sanctions has Iran imposed on the USA that are dramatically harming itā€™s economy? How many nations has Iran invaded over the last 100 years? How many civilians has and military personnel has Iran murdered in the past 100 years? Has Iran threatened the USA with nuclear annihilation?

Please read Stockmanā€™s column and refute what you can? Please?

How the Donald Assassinated America First - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Stated differently, Iranā€™s extremely modest military capacities are not remotely about an offensive threat to the American homeland. They are overwhelmingly about defending itself in its own neighborhood, where Washington has been intervening and occupying with massive firepower and hostile intent for decades.
which country is the power country? who shot at us first? Why is it you give up your patriotism for a country of terrorists? I don't get it.

Gripper has it in for America ever since the government forced him off food stamps years ago and made him look for a job, then when he tried to apply with the Postal Service as a letter carrier, they deemed him too unreliable and incompetent.
Retired and living the good life. No doubt my net worth is way more than yours. Iā€™m also exponentially smarter than you.

Only a really dumb statist would believe the governmentā€™s 9/11 story. You have my sympathies.

man Gipper,i knew this guy was a stupid fuck, but i did not know he was THAT much of a stupid fuck that he believes the governments version of 9/11 ignoring all the eye witnesses testimonys of many people that PROVED the government was lying.:iyfyus.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

since he believes eveything the government tells him,he probably believes in the magic bullet theory of the warren commissions as well that oswald was the lone assassin, you just KNOW he does.:lmao::laughing0301:
Letā€™s hear your version
How many military bases does Iran have, that encircle the USA? What sanctions has Iran imposed on the USA that are dramatically harming itā€™s economy? How many nations has Iran invaded over the last 100 years? How many civilians has and military personnel has Iran murdered in the past 100 years? Has Iran threatened the USA with nuclear annihilation?

Please read Stockmanā€™s column and refute what you can? Please?

How the Donald Assassinated America First - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Stated differently, Iranā€™s extremely modest military capacities are not remotely about an offensive threat to the American homeland. They are overwhelmingly about defending itself in its own neighborhood, where Washington has been intervening and occupying with massive firepower and hostile intent for decades.
which country is the power country? who shot at us first? Why is it you give up your patriotism for a country of terrorists? I don't get it.

Gripper has it in for America ever since the government forced him off food stamps years ago and made him look for a job, then when he tried to apply with the Postal Service as a letter carrier, they deemed him too unreliable and incompetent.
Retired and living the good life. No doubt my net worth is way more than yours. Iā€™m also exponentially smarter than you.

Only a really dumb statist would believe the governmentā€™s 9/11 story. You have my sympathies.
yeah cause on an internet message board everyone is who they say they are right? too fking funny. you lost all credibility you earned over the years. what a fking tool.

BTW, anytime you want to debate, I'm open big guy!!!

we know you have lost all credibiliyt,no need to brag about it.LOL you cant debate,like all cowards that have come on here and attacked him,you cowardly ran off with your tail between your legs when misterbeal took everyone to school the media was lying as they always do on page 6 i think it was where he proved trump was a murderer.a link NOBODY here has been able to counter.:rolleyes:
I go nowhere. I stand and fight, ask anyone on here. Gippshits lost
Thank you Congresswoman Ihlan Omar!

BTW, that was from 1992!
The year matters not. Profound statements are timeless.


Good God Gipper, get a gripper on yourself. Here again we see a beautiful example of the radical black and white polarized thinking of the cognitive dissonant resorting again to Godwin's Law. Now in a day, we have forgotten who we are dealing with and taken the bad people in all of this and transformed them into the victim somehow while overnight making Trump out to be "Adolf Hitler" because he has done the one thing which might end all of this conflict and hostility instead of keeping it alive another 40 years:

ACTUALLY FLOUT THE OPTION OF REAL WAR in the face of the Iranians at a cost they cannot pay instead of just another tit for tat conflagrating never ending police action that all of the progressive "civilized peace-lovers" of the world so proudly hold dear even as it has lead to almost a half century of unresolved hostility and conflict.

Can anyone here actually just keep their dick in their pocket for 5 minutes first before panicking to see how this all plays out?

Let's not forget who we are dealing with here, the Iranians have:
  1. Seized and attacked our embassies.
  2. Taken our people prisoner.
  3. Conducted suicide bombings.
  4. Attacked our military in their bases.
  5. Mined the Persian Gulf.
  6. Done severe damage to many of our vessels.
  7. Sponsored terror organizations all over.
  8. Facilitated the 9/11 hijackers.
  9. Killed hundreds and hundreds of our diplomats, civilians and especially military.
  10. Arrested and detained many of our people without cause or charge sometimes for decades.
  11. Attempted to carry out an assassination right in Washington DC.
  12. Attacked US interests worldwide.
  13. Charged our ships for no apparent cause.
  14. Seized our ships for no cause.
  15. Carried out surveillance of our bases and airports in preparation to attack Americans.
  16. Infiltrated our country with spies.
  17. Made specific death threats against our leaders and country.
  18. Persistently and stubbornly resisted and violated all efforts to monitor and limit their nuclear development.
And all for what? BECAUSE THEY ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO ABANDON THEIR HOSTILE, PROVOCATIVE HISTORY OF REPRESSION, AGGRESSION AND TERROR, making them too much of a potential threat to just "leave alone" and hope for the best.

Instead, we are diluting this all with conspiracy theories and chomping on our own leg. The VERY BEST THING that Iran could hope for right now as they unify into one cause is exactly what the Left is giving them: attacks on Trump, vilification of America as being the bad guy here, and especially, talk of reigning in Trump's ability to execute military campaigns. The Iranians would like nothing better here than to see America like all western countries pull back in self-doubt and self-imposed impotence yet again, thus reassuring them of our image as a paper tiger unlikely to ever really strike.

View attachment 298851
How many military bases does Iran have, that encircle the USA? What sanctions has Iran imposed on the USA that are dramatically harming itā€™s economy? How many nations has Iran invaded over the last 100 years? How many civilians has and military personnel has Iran murdered in the past 100 years? Has Iran threatened the USA with nuclear annihilation?

Please read Stockmanā€™s column and refute what you can? Please?

How the Donald Assassinated America First - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Stated differently, Iranā€™s extremely modest military capacities are not remotely about an offensive threat to the American homeland. They are overwhelmingly about defending itself in its own neighborhood, where Washington has been intervening and occupying with massive firepower and hostile intent for decades.

I know,everytime i ask these clowns how it is possible that Iran a a threat to the world as the media says it is when they have all these US missile surrounding them, everywhere,how is it possible they are a threat,they always go into insult mode evading the question or change the subject EVERYTIME. they NEVER look at the REAL evidence that Israel is the real threat to the world.

Jesus God, you blind stupid, blockheaded dumbfuck, :bang3: you have the brain of a turnip. One guy living estranged in a fucking cave with a few of his buddies pulled off the biggest terror strike in history, and you wonder how the country of Iran could be dangerous? :bang3:

View attachment 300167

:bang3: :bang3: :bang3: :bang3: :bang3:


The year matters not. Profound statements are timeless.


Good God Gipper, get a gripper on yourself. Here again we see a beautiful example of the radical black and white polarized thinking of the cognitive dissonant resorting again to Godwin's Law. Now in a day, we have forgotten who we are dealing with and taken the bad people in all of this and transformed them into the victim somehow while overnight making Trump out to be "Adolf Hitler" because he has done the one thing which might end all of this conflict and hostility instead of keeping it alive another 40 years:

ACTUALLY FLOUT THE OPTION OF REAL WAR in the face of the Iranians at a cost they cannot pay instead of just another tit for tat conflagrating never ending police action that all of the progressive "civilized peace-lovers" of the world so proudly hold dear even as it has lead to almost a half century of unresolved hostility and conflict.

Can anyone here actually just keep their dick in their pocket for 5 minutes first before panicking to see how this all plays out?

Let's not forget who we are dealing with here, the Iranians have:
  1. Seized and attacked our embassies.
  2. Taken our people prisoner.
  3. Conducted suicide bombings.
  4. Attacked our military in their bases.
  5. Mined the Persian Gulf.
  6. Done severe damage to many of our vessels.
  7. Sponsored terror organizations all over.
  8. Facilitated the 9/11 hijackers.
  9. Killed hundreds and hundreds of our diplomats, civilians and especially military.
  10. Arrested and detained many of our people without cause or charge sometimes for decades.
  11. Attempted to carry out an assassination right in Washington DC.
  12. Attacked US interests worldwide.
  13. Charged our ships for no apparent cause.
  14. Seized our ships for no cause.
  15. Carried out surveillance of our bases and airports in preparation to attack Americans.
  16. Infiltrated our country with spies.
  17. Made specific death threats against our leaders and country.
  18. Persistently and stubbornly resisted and violated all efforts to monitor and limit their nuclear development.
And all for what? BECAUSE THEY ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO ABANDON THEIR HOSTILE, PROVOCATIVE HISTORY OF REPRESSION, AGGRESSION AND TERROR, making them too much of a potential threat to just "leave alone" and hope for the best.

Instead, we are diluting this all with conspiracy theories and chomping on our own leg. The VERY BEST THING that Iran could hope for right now as they unify into one cause is exactly what the Left is giving them: attacks on Trump, vilification of America as being the bad guy here, and especially, talk of reigning in Trump's ability to execute military campaigns. The Iranians would like nothing better here than to see America like all western countries pull back in self-doubt and self-imposed impotence yet again, thus reassuring them of our image as a paper tiger unlikely to ever really strike.

View attachment 298851
How many military bases does Iran have, that encircle the USA? What sanctions has Iran imposed on the USA that are dramatically harming itā€™s economy? How many nations has Iran invaded over the last 100 years? How many civilians has and military personnel has Iran murdered in the past 100 years? Has Iran threatened the USA with nuclear annihilation?

Please read Stockmanā€™s column and refute what you can? Please?

How the Donald Assassinated America First - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Stated differently, Iranā€™s extremely modest military capacities are not remotely about an offensive threat to the American homeland. They are overwhelmingly about defending itself in its own neighborhood, where Washington has been intervening and occupying with massive firepower and hostile intent for decades.

I know,everytime i ask these clowns how it is possible that Iran a a threat to the world as the media says it is when they have all these US missile surrounding them, everywhere,how is it possible they are a threat,they always go into insult mode evading the question or change the subject EVERYTIME. they NEVER look at the REAL evidence that Israel is the real threat to the world.

Jesus God, you blind stupid, blockheaded dumbfuck, :bang3: you have the brain of a turnip. One guy living estranged in a fucking cave with a few of his buddies pulled off the biggest terror strike in history, and you wonder how the country of Iran could be dangerous? :bang3:

View attachment 300167

:bang3: :bang3: :bang3: :bang3: :bang3:


How do you think steel is made?
Good God Gipper, get a gripper on yourself. Here again we see a beautiful example of the radical black and white polarized thinking of the cognitive dissonant resorting again to Godwin's Law. Now in a day, we have forgotten who we are dealing with and taken the bad people in all of this and transformed them into the victim somehow while overnight making Trump out to be "Adolf Hitler" because he has done the one thing which might end all of this conflict and hostility instead of keeping it alive another 40 years:

ACTUALLY FLOUT THE OPTION OF REAL WAR in the face of the Iranians at a cost they cannot pay instead of just another tit for tat conflagrating never ending police action that all of the progressive "civilized peace-lovers" of the world so proudly hold dear even as it has lead to almost a half century of unresolved hostility and conflict.

Can anyone here actually just keep their dick in their pocket for 5 minutes first before panicking to see how this all plays out?

Let's not forget who we are dealing with here, the Iranians have:
  1. Seized and attacked our embassies.
  2. Taken our people prisoner.
  3. Conducted suicide bombings.
  4. Attacked our military in their bases.
  5. Mined the Persian Gulf.
  6. Done severe damage to many of our vessels.
  7. Sponsored terror organizations all over.
  8. Facilitated the 9/11 hijackers.
  9. Killed hundreds and hundreds of our diplomats, civilians and especially military.
  10. Arrested and detained many of our people without cause or charge sometimes for decades.
  11. Attempted to carry out an assassination right in Washington DC.
  12. Attacked US interests worldwide.
  13. Charged our ships for no apparent cause.
  14. Seized our ships for no cause.
  15. Carried out surveillance of our bases and airports in preparation to attack Americans.
  16. Infiltrated our country with spies.
  17. Made specific death threats against our leaders and country.
  18. Persistently and stubbornly resisted and violated all efforts to monitor and limit their nuclear development.
And all for what? BECAUSE THEY ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO ABANDON THEIR HOSTILE, PROVOCATIVE HISTORY OF REPRESSION, AGGRESSION AND TERROR, making them too much of a potential threat to just "leave alone" and hope for the best.

Instead, we are diluting this all with conspiracy theories and chomping on our own leg. The VERY BEST THING that Iran could hope for right now as they unify into one cause is exactly what the Left is giving them: attacks on Trump, vilification of America as being the bad guy here, and especially, talk of reigning in Trump's ability to execute military campaigns. The Iranians would like nothing better here than to see America like all western countries pull back in self-doubt and self-imposed impotence yet again, thus reassuring them of our image as a paper tiger unlikely to ever really strike.

View attachment 298851
How many military bases does Iran have, that encircle the USA? What sanctions has Iran imposed on the USA that are dramatically harming itā€™s economy? How many nations has Iran invaded over the last 100 years? How many civilians has and military personnel has Iran murdered in the past 100 years? Has Iran threatened the USA with nuclear annihilation?

Please read Stockmanā€™s column and refute what you can? Please?

How the Donald Assassinated America First - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Stated differently, Iranā€™s extremely modest military capacities are not remotely about an offensive threat to the American homeland. They are overwhelmingly about defending itself in its own neighborhood, where Washington has been intervening and occupying with massive firepower and hostile intent for decades.
which country is the power country? who shot at us first? Why is it you give up your patriotism for a country of terrorists? I don't get it.

Gripper has it in for America ever since the government forced him off food stamps years ago and made him look for a job, then when he tried to apply with the Postal Service as a letter carrier, they deemed him too unreliable and incompetent.
Retired and living the good life. No doubt my net worth is way more than yours.
I bet. I own a $200,000 stereo. Want to see pictures? Tell me what yours is worth.
Iā€™m also exponentially smarter than you.
I'm sure you are. I went to Carnegie Institute in the 5th grade, skipped 7th grade, went to private high school 2 years, graduated in the Who's Who and went to Penn State University on a state scholarship and have been CEO of two S-Corps. You? I'm sure your curriculum vitae is jaw dropping.
Why must you always lie? You live in grandmaā€™s basement watching Fox News on a 13ā€ Sony Trinitron from 1980.
Last edited:
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US
"You can speak with American people from Tehran too and we will do that," said Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.
Jake Johnson, staff writer
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US

Trump Administration Blocks Iranā€™s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had sought to give a speech condemning the U.S. assassination of Qassem Suleimani.
Trump Administration Blocks Iranā€™s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council

"The Trump administration is barring Iranā€™s top diplomat from entering the United States this week to address the United Nations Security Council about the U.S. assassination of Iranā€™s top military official in Baghdad, violating the terms of a 1947 headquarters agreement requiring Washington to permit foreign officials into the country to conduct U.N. business, according to three diplomatic sources.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif requested a visa a ā€œfew weeks agoā€ to enter the United States to attend a Jan. 9 Security Council meeting on the importance of upholding the U.N. Charter, according to a diplomatic source familiar with the matter. The Thursday meeting was to provide Tehranā€™s top diplomat with his first opportunity to directly address the world community since U.S. President Donald Trump ordered the Jan. 3 drone strike that killed Maj. Gen. Qassem Suleimani, a top Iraqi militia leader, among others. . . . "

The American Deep State does not want peaceful resolution, it only wants war.

In war, truth is the first casualty. Folks should watch behavior, not propaganda.
Itā€™s amazing to me that youā€™ll take the word of an Iranian diplomat as gospel even though we know full fucking well that the deep state has controlled that country for decades since the Shah was removed. You people are losing your minds over the NWO. Your brains are completely fried.
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US
"You can speak with American people from Tehran too and we will do that," said Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.
Jake Johnson, staff writer
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US

Trump Administration Blocks Iranā€™s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had sought to give a speech condemning the U.S. assassination of Qassem Suleimani.
Trump Administration Blocks Iranā€™s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council

"The Trump administration is barring Iranā€™s top diplomat from entering the United States this week to address the United Nations Security Council about the U.S. assassination of Iranā€™s top military official in Baghdad, violating the terms of a 1947 headquarters agreement requiring Washington to permit foreign officials into the country to conduct U.N. business, according to three diplomatic sources.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif requested a visa a ā€œfew weeks agoā€ to enter the United States to attend a Jan. 9 Security Council meeting on the importance of upholding the U.N. Charter, according to a diplomatic source familiar with the matter. The Thursday meeting was to provide Tehranā€™s top diplomat with his first opportunity to directly address the world community since U.S. President Donald Trump ordered the Jan. 3 drone strike that killed Maj. Gen. Qassem Suleimani, a top Iraqi militia leader, among others. . . . "

The American Deep State does not want peaceful resolution, it only wants war.

In war, truth is the first casualty. Folks should watch behavior, not propaganda.
Itā€™s amazing to me that youā€™ll take the word of an Iranian diplomat as gospel even though we know full fucking well that the deep state has controlled that country for decades since the Shah was removed. You people are losing your minds over the NWO. Your brains are completely fried.
The deep state controls Iran? Can you please offer evidence of this?
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US
"You can speak with American people from Tehran too and we will do that," said Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.
Jake Johnson, staff writer
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US

Trump Administration Blocks Iranā€™s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had sought to give a speech condemning the U.S. assassination of Qassem Suleimani.
Trump Administration Blocks Iranā€™s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council

"The Trump administration is barring Iranā€™s top diplomat from entering the United States this week to address the United Nations Security Council about the U.S. assassination of Iranā€™s top military official in Baghdad, violating the terms of a 1947 headquarters agreement requiring Washington to permit foreign officials into the country to conduct U.N. business, according to three diplomatic sources.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif requested a visa a ā€œfew weeks agoā€ to enter the United States to attend a Jan. 9 Security Council meeting on the importance of upholding the U.N. Charter, according to a diplomatic source familiar with the matter. The Thursday meeting was to provide Tehranā€™s top diplomat with his first opportunity to directly address the world community since U.S. President Donald Trump ordered the Jan. 3 drone strike that killed Maj. Gen. Qassem Suleimani, a top Iraqi militia leader, among others. . . . "

The American Deep State does not want peaceful resolution, it only wants war.

In war, truth is the first casualty. Folks should watch behavior, not propaganda.
Itā€™s amazing to me that youā€™ll take the word of an Iranian diplomat as gospel even though we know full fucking well that the deep state has controlled that country for decades since the Shah was removed. You people are losing your minds over the NWO. Your brains are completely fried.
The deep state controls Iran? Can you please offer evidence of this?
I offer you people nothing. I donā€™t debate with you anymore. If you want to straggle back with the left as being the last fucking people left in this country to wake up then by all means, make fools of yourselves.
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US
"You can speak with American people from Tehran too and we will do that," said Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.
Jake Johnson, staff writer
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US

Trump Administration Blocks Iranā€™s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had sought to give a speech condemning the U.S. assassination of Qassem Suleimani.
Trump Administration Blocks Iranā€™s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council

"The Trump administration is barring Iranā€™s top diplomat from entering the United States this week to address the United Nations Security Council about the U.S. assassination of Iranā€™s top military official in Baghdad, violating the terms of a 1947 headquarters agreement requiring Washington to permit foreign officials into the country to conduct U.N. business, according to three diplomatic sources.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif requested a visa a ā€œfew weeks agoā€ to enter the United States to attend a Jan. 9 Security Council meeting on the importance of upholding the U.N. Charter, according to a diplomatic source familiar with the matter. The Thursday meeting was to provide Tehranā€™s top diplomat with his first opportunity to directly address the world community since U.S. President Donald Trump ordered the Jan. 3 drone strike that killed Maj. Gen. Qassem Suleimani, a top Iraqi militia leader, among others. . . . "

The American Deep State does not want peaceful resolution, it only wants war.

In war, truth is the first casualty. Folks should watch behavior, not propaganda.
Itā€™s amazing to me that youā€™ll take the word of an Iranian diplomat as gospel even though we know full fucking well that the deep state has controlled that country for decades since the Shah was removed. You people are losing your minds over the NWO. Your brains are completely fried.
The deep state controls Iran? Can you please offer evidence of this?
I offer you people nothing. I donā€™t debate with you anymore. If you want to straggle back with the left as being the last fucking people left in this country to wake up then by all means, make fools of yourselves.
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US
"You can speak with American people from Tehran too and we will do that," said Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.
Jake Johnson, staff writer
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US

Trump Administration Blocks Iranā€™s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had sought to give a speech condemning the U.S. assassination of Qassem Suleimani.
Trump Administration Blocks Iranā€™s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council

"The Trump administration is barring Iranā€™s top diplomat from entering the United States this week to address the United Nations Security Council about the U.S. assassination of Iranā€™s top military official in Baghdad, violating the terms of a 1947 headquarters agreement requiring Washington to permit foreign officials into the country to conduct U.N. business, according to three diplomatic sources.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif requested a visa a ā€œfew weeks agoā€ to enter the United States to attend a Jan. 9 Security Council meeting on the importance of upholding the U.N. Charter, according to a diplomatic source familiar with the matter. The Thursday meeting was to provide Tehranā€™s top diplomat with his first opportunity to directly address the world community since U.S. President Donald Trump ordered the Jan. 3 drone strike that killed Maj. Gen. Qassem Suleimani, a top Iraqi militia leader, among others. . . . "

The American Deep State does not want peaceful resolution, it only wants war.

In war, truth is the first casualty. Folks should watch behavior, not propaganda.
Itā€™s amazing to me that youā€™ll take the word of an Iranian diplomat as gospel even though we know full fucking well that the deep state has controlled that country for decades since the Shah was removed. You people are losing your minds over the NWO. Your brains are completely fried.
The deep state controls Iran? Can you please offer evidence of this?
I offer you people nothing. I donā€™t debate with you anymore. If you want to straggle back with the left as being the last fucking people left in this country to wake up then by all means, make fools of yourselves.
You made a huge accusation, but offered no proof. Now you refuse to offer proof. Do you fail to see how silly that is?
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US
"You can speak with American people from Tehran too and we will do that," said Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.
Jake Johnson, staff writer
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US

Trump Administration Blocks Iranā€™s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had sought to give a speech condemning the U.S. assassination of Qassem Suleimani.
Trump Administration Blocks Iranā€™s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council

"The Trump administration is barring Iranā€™s top diplomat from entering the United States this week to address the United Nations Security Council about the U.S. assassination of Iranā€™s top military official in Baghdad, violating the terms of a 1947 headquarters agreement requiring Washington to permit foreign officials into the country to conduct U.N. business, according to three diplomatic sources.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif requested a visa a ā€œfew weeks agoā€ to enter the United States to attend a Jan. 9 Security Council meeting on the importance of upholding the U.N. Charter, according to a diplomatic source familiar with the matter. The Thursday meeting was to provide Tehranā€™s top diplomat with his first opportunity to directly address the world community since U.S. President Donald Trump ordered the Jan. 3 drone strike that killed Maj. Gen. Qassem Suleimani, a top Iraqi militia leader, among others. . . . "

The American Deep State does not want peaceful resolution, it only wants war.

In war, truth is the first casualty. Folks should watch behavior, not propaganda.
Itā€™s amazing to me that youā€™ll take the word of an Iranian diplomat as gospel even though we know full fucking well that the deep state has controlled that country for decades since the Shah was removed. You people are losing your minds over the NWO. Your brains are completely fried.
The deep state controls Iran? Can you please offer evidence of this?
I offer you people nothing. I donā€™t debate with you anymore. If you want to straggle back with the left as being the last fucking people left in this country to wake up then by all means, make fools of yourselves.
You made a huge accusation, but offered no proof. Now you refuse to offer proof. Do you fail to see how silly that is?
What I fail to see is how you arenā€™t capable of seeing that the Iranians are empowered to fight for their freedom from their oppressive regime for the first time in decades. This is what theyā€™ve been waiting for. Itā€™s been well known that those people have been ripe for revolution and that all it wouldā€™ve taken was a little assistance on our part to provide them with the security they would need to be able to pull it off, but we never did anything. All we ever did was use that horrible regime as a fear ploy to scare our own citizens into accepting more war. Weā€™re clearly seeing that we donā€™t need to go to war with Iran, but that instead their own people can revolt and take control of their own country. Turn the corporate news off, itā€™s rotting your brain so much that youā€™re literally turning into a liberal right before our eyes on this board. I donā€™t know if youā€™re drinking excessive amounts of fluoride laden water or what, but youā€™ve literally become exactly what you used to rail against and you either donā€™t even realize it or donā€™t care. Either way itā€™s pathetic.
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US
"You can speak with American people from Tehran too and we will do that," said Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.
Jake Johnson, staff writer
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US

Trump Administration Blocks Iranā€™s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had sought to give a speech condemning the U.S. assassination of Qassem Suleimani.
Trump Administration Blocks Iranā€™s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council

"The Trump administration is barring Iranā€™s top diplomat from entering the United States this week to address the United Nations Security Council about the U.S. assassination of Iranā€™s top military official in Baghdad, violating the terms of a 1947 headquarters agreement requiring Washington to permit foreign officials into the country to conduct U.N. business, according to three diplomatic sources.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif requested a visa a ā€œfew weeks agoā€ to enter the United States to attend a Jan. 9 Security Council meeting on the importance of upholding the U.N. Charter, according to a diplomatic source familiar with the matter. The Thursday meeting was to provide Tehranā€™s top diplomat with his first opportunity to directly address the world community since U.S. President Donald Trump ordered the Jan. 3 drone strike that killed Maj. Gen. Qassem Suleimani, a top Iraqi militia leader, among others. . . . "

The American Deep State does not want peaceful resolution, it only wants war.

In war, truth is the first casualty. Folks should watch behavior, not propaganda.
Itā€™s amazing to me that youā€™ll take the word of an Iranian diplomat as gospel even though we know full fucking well that the deep state has controlled that country for decades since the Shah was removed. You people are losing your minds over the NWO. Your brains are completely fried.
The deep state controls Iran? Can you please offer evidence of this?
I offer you people nothing. I donā€™t debate with you anymore. If you want to straggle back with the left as being the last fucking people left in this country to wake up then by all means, make fools of yourselves.

Paulie, I am getting damn tired of repeating myself.

The only folks that get what is going on, or those who understand and; ONE oppose this carbon tax shit, and TWO oppose war for oil, are those who understand what under-girds the entire system of international finance, the petro-dollar. If you DO UNDERSTAND this all, and are logically consistent? You naturally oppose both.

If you DO NOT GET that these two issues are inter-related and both are connected to the petro-dollar, you just don't get it.

As I posted in another thread, it is all about the oily gorilla in the room that no one wants to talk about.

I am getting tired of repeating myself. No one, on the left, or on the right, will do any thinking.

Americans KNOW this.

How do we know?

Here is the oily gorilla in the room that EVERYONE knows is there.

What You Should Know About Petrodollars

Trump isn't even bothering to hide the agenda;

US Troops Staying in Syria to 'Keep the Oil' Have Already Killed Hundreds

Trump OKs wider Syria oil mission, raising legal questions

Trumpā€™s Baffling Plan to Pillage Syriaā€™s Oil

No matter how much you indoctrinate folks in schools and in the corporate/government media, folks can only be dumbed down so much.


Who Signs Up to Fight? Makeup of U.S. Recruits Shows Glaring Disparity
Who Signs Up to Fight? Makeup of U.S. Recruits Shows Glaring Disparity

Facts don't lie, no matter how much bullshit you parrot from your social networks, conservative radio, liberal MSM, CFR-government colluded think tanks or TEE VEE.

They need to fight wars to stabilize the petro dollar. They need to tax energy to prop up the petro dollar.

EVERYTHING is about the petro dollar.

Forget all the propaganda they tell you on the radio, in your social media, from the U.N., on the TEE VEE, it is always about the international banking cabal and the petro dollars. . . .



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