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One Term Donnie

'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US
"You can speak with American people from Tehran too and we will do that," said Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.
Jake Johnson, staff writer
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US

Trump Administration Blocks Iran’s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had sought to give a speech condemning the U.S. assassination of Qassem Suleimani.
Trump Administration Blocks Iran’s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council

"The Trump administration is barring Iran’s top diplomat from entering the United States this week to address the United Nations Security Council about the U.S. assassination of Iran’s top military official in Baghdad, violating the terms of a 1947 headquarters agreement requiring Washington to permit foreign officials into the country to conduct U.N. business, according to three diplomatic sources.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif requested a visa a “few weeks ago” to enter the United States to attend a Jan. 9 Security Council meeting on the importance of upholding the U.N. Charter, according to a diplomatic source familiar with the matter. The Thursday meeting was to provide Tehran’s top diplomat with his first opportunity to directly address the world community since U.S. President Donald Trump ordered the Jan. 3 drone strike that killed Maj. Gen. Qassem Suleimani, a top Iraqi militia leader, among others. . . . "

The American Deep State does not want peaceful resolution, it only wants war.

In war, truth is the first casualty. Folks should watch behavior, not propaganda.
It’s amazing to me that you’ll take the word of an Iranian diplomat as gospel even though we know full fucking well that the deep state has controlled that country for decades since the Shah was removed. You people are losing your minds over the NWO. Your brains are completely fried.
The deep state controls Iran? Can you please offer evidence of this?
I offer you people nothing. I don’t debate with you anymore. If you want to straggle back with the left as being the last fucking people left in this country to wake up then by all means, make fools of yourselves.
You made a huge accusation, but offered no proof. Now you refuse to offer proof. Do you fail to see how silly that is?
What I fail to see is how you aren’t capable of seeing that the Iranians are empowered to fight for their freedom from their oppressive regime for the first time in decades. This is what they’ve been waiting for. It’s been well known that those people have been ripe for revolution and that all it would’ve taken was a little assistance on our part to provide them with the security they would need to be able to pull it off, but we never did anything. All we ever did was use that horrible regime as a fear ploy to scare our own citizens into accepting more war. We’re clearly seeing that we don’t need to go to war with Iran, but that instead their own people can revolt and take control of their own country. Turn the corporate news off, it’s rotting your brain so much that you’re literally turning into a liberal right before our eyes on this board. I don’t know if you’re drinking excessive amounts of fluoride laden water or what, but you’ve literally become exactly what you used to rail against and you either don’t even realize it or don’t care. Either way it’s pathetic.
What I see is a government dupe. Don’t be a dupe.
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US
"You can speak with American people from Tehran too and we will do that," said Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.
Jake Johnson, staff writer
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US

Trump Administration Blocks Iran’s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had sought to give a speech condemning the U.S. assassination of Qassem Suleimani.
Trump Administration Blocks Iran’s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council

"The Trump administration is barring Iran’s top diplomat from entering the United States this week to address the United Nations Security Council about the U.S. assassination of Iran’s top military official in Baghdad, violating the terms of a 1947 headquarters agreement requiring Washington to permit foreign officials into the country to conduct U.N. business, according to three diplomatic sources.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif requested a visa a “few weeks ago” to enter the United States to attend a Jan. 9 Security Council meeting on the importance of upholding the U.N. Charter, according to a diplomatic source familiar with the matter. The Thursday meeting was to provide Tehran’s top diplomat with his first opportunity to directly address the world community since U.S. President Donald Trump ordered the Jan. 3 drone strike that killed Maj. Gen. Qassem Suleimani, a top Iraqi militia leader, among others. . . . "

The American Deep State does not want peaceful resolution, it only wants war.

In war, truth is the first casualty. Folks should watch behavior, not propaganda.
It’s amazing to me that you’ll take the word of an Iranian diplomat as gospel even though we know full fucking well that the deep state has controlled that country for decades since the Shah was removed. You people are losing your minds over the NWO. Your brains are completely fried.
The deep state controls Iran? Can you please offer evidence of this?
I offer you people nothing. I don’t debate with you anymore. If you want to straggle back with the left as being the last fucking people left in this country to wake up then by all means, make fools of yourselves.

Paulie, I am getting damn tired of repeating myself.

The only folks that get what is going on, or those who understand and; ONE oppose this carbon tax shit, and TWO oppose war for oil, are those who understand what under-girds the entire system of international finance, the petro-dollar. If you DO UNDERSTAND this all, and are logically consistent? You naturally oppose both.

If you DO NOT GET that these two issues are inter-related and both are connected to the petro-dollar, you just don't get it.

As I posted in another thread, it is all about the oily gorilla in the room that no one wants to talk about.

I am getting tired of repeating myself. No one, on the left, or on the right, will do any thinking.

Americans KNOW this.

How do we know?

Here is the oily gorilla in the room that EVERYONE knows is there.

What You Should Know About Petrodollars

Trump isn't even bothering to hide the agenda;

US Troops Staying in Syria to 'Keep the Oil' Have Already Killed Hundreds

Trump OKs wider Syria oil mission, raising legal questions

Trump’s Baffling Plan to Pillage Syria’s Oil

No matter how much you indoctrinate folks in schools and in the corporate/government media, folks can only be dumbed down so much.


Who Signs Up to Fight? Makeup of U.S. Recruits Shows Glaring Disparity
Who Signs Up to Fight? Makeup of U.S. Recruits Shows Glaring Disparity

Facts don't lie, no matter how much bullshit you parrot from your social networks, conservative radio, liberal MSM, CFR-government colluded think tanks or TEE VEE.

They need to fight wars to stabilize the petro dollar. They need to tax energy to prop up the petro dollar.

EVERYTHING is about the petro dollar.

Forget all the propaganda they tell you on the radio, in your social media, from the U.N., on the TEE VEE, it is always about the international banking cabal and the petro dollars. . . .


Yep. It all comes down to the petro dollar.
It’s amazing to me that you’ll take the word of an Iranian diplomat as gospel even though we know full fucking well that the deep state has controlled that country for decades since the Shah was removed. You people are losing your minds over the NWO. Your brains are completely fried.
The deep state controls Iran? Can you please offer evidence of this?
I offer you people nothing. I don’t debate with you anymore. If you want to straggle back with the left as being the last fucking people left in this country to wake up then by all means, make fools of yourselves.
You made a huge accusation, but offered no proof. Now you refuse to offer proof. Do you fail to see how silly that is?
What I fail to see is how you aren’t capable of seeing that the Iranians are empowered to fight for their freedom from their oppressive regime for the first time in decades. This is what they’ve been waiting for. It’s been well known that those people have been ripe for revolution and that all it would’ve taken was a little assistance on our part to provide them with the security they would need to be able to pull it off, but we never did anything. All we ever did was use that horrible regime as a fear ploy to scare our own citizens into accepting more war. We’re clearly seeing that we don’t need to go to war with Iran, but that instead their own people can revolt and take control of their own country. Turn the corporate news off, it’s rotting your brain so much that you’re literally turning into a liberal right before our eyes on this board. I don’t know if you’re drinking excessive amounts of fluoride laden water or what, but you’ve literally become exactly what you used to rail against and you either don’t even realize it or don’t care. Either way it’s pathetic.
What I see is a government dupe. Don’t be a dupe.

Paulie thinks Iranians are going to become Christian Democrats. . . . :71:
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US
"You can speak with American people from Tehran too and we will do that," said Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.
Jake Johnson, staff writer
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US

Trump Administration Blocks Iran’s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had sought to give a speech condemning the U.S. assassination of Qassem Suleimani.
Trump Administration Blocks Iran’s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council

"The Trump administration is barring Iran’s top diplomat from entering the United States this week to address the United Nations Security Council about the U.S. assassination of Iran’s top military official in Baghdad, violating the terms of a 1947 headquarters agreement requiring Washington to permit foreign officials into the country to conduct U.N. business, according to three diplomatic sources.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif requested a visa a “few weeks ago” to enter the United States to attend a Jan. 9 Security Council meeting on the importance of upholding the U.N. Charter, according to a diplomatic source familiar with the matter. The Thursday meeting was to provide Tehran’s top diplomat with his first opportunity to directly address the world community since U.S. President Donald Trump ordered the Jan. 3 drone strike that killed Maj. Gen. Qassem Suleimani, a top Iraqi militia leader, among others. . . . "

The American Deep State does not want peaceful resolution, it only wants war.

In war, truth is the first casualty. Folks should watch behavior, not propaganda.
It’s amazing to me that you’ll take the word of an Iranian diplomat as gospel even though we know full fucking well that the deep state has controlled that country for decades since the Shah was removed. You people are losing your minds over the NWO. Your brains are completely fried.
The deep state controls Iran? Can you please offer evidence of this?
I offer you people nothing. I don’t debate with you anymore. If you want to straggle back with the left as being the last fucking people left in this country to wake up then by all means, make fools of yourselves.

Paulie, I am getting damn tired of repeating myself.

The only folks that get what is going on, or those who understand and; ONE oppose this carbon tax shit, and TWO oppose war for oil, are those who understand what under-girds the entire system of international finance, the petro-dollar. If you DO UNDERSTAND this all, and are logically consistent? You naturally oppose both.

If you DO NOT GET that these two issues are inter-related and both are connected to the petro-dollar, you just don't get it.

As I posted in another thread, it is all about the oily gorilla in the room that no one wants to talk about.

I am getting tired of repeating myself. No one, on the left, or on the right, will do any thinking.

Americans KNOW this.

How do we know?

Here is the oily gorilla in the room that EVERYONE knows is there.

What You Should Know About Petrodollars

Trump isn't even bothering to hide the agenda;

US Troops Staying in Syria to 'Keep the Oil' Have Already Killed Hundreds

Trump OKs wider Syria oil mission, raising legal questions

Trump’s Baffling Plan to Pillage Syria’s Oil

No matter how much you indoctrinate folks in schools and in the corporate/government media, folks can only be dumbed down so much.


Who Signs Up to Fight? Makeup of U.S. Recruits Shows Glaring Disparity
Who Signs Up to Fight? Makeup of U.S. Recruits Shows Glaring Disparity

Facts don't lie, no matter how much bullshit you parrot from your social networks, conservative radio, liberal MSM, CFR-government colluded think tanks or TEE VEE.

They need to fight wars to stabilize the petro dollar. They need to tax energy to prop up the petro dollar.

EVERYTHING is about the petro dollar.

Forget all the propaganda they tell you on the radio, in your social media, from the U.N., on the TEE VEE, it is always about the international banking cabal and the petro dollars. . . .


The petrodollar system is over. That you can’t see that isn’t my fault and all the links and pics you post about it from sky is falling NWO sites aren’t going to change that. You simply believe he’s bad because you want to. Even though your own 2 eyes should clearly be showing you that something drastically different from typical NWO business is happening literally all over the world, you still see impending doom. Never in the history of the NWO did they EVER operate by waking people up to truth, corruption, conspiracies, etc but yet all of those are what we see happening. All they had to do is put Hillary in and that was it, it was game over. The 16 year Obama/Hillary plan to destroy the republic was set. Bringing in trump to tell the people the truth about the deep state, get millions of people storming state houses to demand no mandatory vaccinations, no confiscation of guns, etc was the absolute LAST thing they ever would’ve wanted. I fail to see how Donald trumps presidency in ANY WAY helps advance the NWO agenda. An awakened population is, was, and always will be their biggest threat. So go ahead and search the internet for every confirmed bias you can find that paints him in a bad light.. I’ll continue using my own 2 eyes and my intuition that tell me otherwise. Enjoy that miserable existence.
The deep state controls Iran? Can you please offer evidence of this?
I offer you people nothing. I don’t debate with you anymore. If you want to straggle back with the left as being the last fucking people left in this country to wake up then by all means, make fools of yourselves.
You made a huge accusation, but offered no proof. Now you refuse to offer proof. Do you fail to see how silly that is?
What I fail to see is how you aren’t capable of seeing that the Iranians are empowered to fight for their freedom from their oppressive regime for the first time in decades. This is what they’ve been waiting for. It’s been well known that those people have been ripe for revolution and that all it would’ve taken was a little assistance on our part to provide them with the security they would need to be able to pull it off, but we never did anything. All we ever did was use that horrible regime as a fear ploy to scare our own citizens into accepting more war. We’re clearly seeing that we don’t need to go to war with Iran, but that instead their own people can revolt and take control of their own country. Turn the corporate news off, it’s rotting your brain so much that you’re literally turning into a liberal right before our eyes on this board. I don’t know if you’re drinking excessive amounts of fluoride laden water or what, but you’ve literally become exactly what you used to rail against and you either don’t even realize it or don’t care. Either way it’s pathetic.
What I see is a government dupe. Don’t be a dupe.

Paulie thinks Iranians are going to become Christian Democrats. . . . :71:
You’re such an idiot. The vast majority of Muslims want to live in peace just like the rest of the vast majority of the world. The NWO was going to usher in a new world religion called Chrislam which was based on Aleister Crowley’s Thelema.. “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”. It’s luciferian in principle. They’ve been playing Muslims, jews, and Christians against each other so they could ignite hate to the point of being able to bring in their “solution” to the problem. By freeing people of religious oppression, this agenda dies. And it’s such a shame that you can’t see that because all you see is NWO everywhere. Guess what my friend.. there are only a small fraction of bad people in this world. The overwhelming majority of people do not want religious oppression, war, etc. It only takes 3% of a population to overthrow oppression. We have exponentially more than that in countless counties now. The world is waking up. If you can’t see that then I really don’t know what to tell you.
Make your own case Beale. All you ever do is link to NWO is bad sites. For once use your own fucking words and describe what you think is happening. I don’t care what some website says. What I want to know is what YOU think about it.
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US
"You can speak with American people from Tehran too and we will do that," said Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.
Jake Johnson, staff writer
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US

Trump Administration Blocks Iran’s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had sought to give a speech condemning the U.S. assassination of Qassem Suleimani.
Trump Administration Blocks Iran’s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council

"The Trump administration is barring Iran’s top diplomat from entering the United States this week to address the United Nations Security Council about the U.S. assassination of Iran’s top military official in Baghdad, violating the terms of a 1947 headquarters agreement requiring Washington to permit foreign officials into the country to conduct U.N. business, according to three diplomatic sources.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif requested a visa a “few weeks ago” to enter the United States to attend a Jan. 9 Security Council meeting on the importance of upholding the U.N. Charter, according to a diplomatic source familiar with the matter. The Thursday meeting was to provide Tehran’s top diplomat with his first opportunity to directly address the world community since U.S. President Donald Trump ordered the Jan. 3 drone strike that killed Maj. Gen. Qassem Suleimani, a top Iraqi militia leader, among others. . . . "

The American Deep State does not want peaceful resolution, it only wants war.

In war, truth is the first casualty. Folks should watch behavior, not propaganda.
It’s amazing to me that you’ll take the word of an Iranian diplomat as gospel even though we know full fucking well that the deep state has controlled that country for decades since the Shah was removed. You people are losing your minds over the NWO. Your brains are completely fried.
The deep state controls Iran? Can you please offer evidence of this?
I offer you people nothing. I don’t debate with you anymore. If you want to straggle back with the left as being the last fucking people left in this country to wake up then by all means, make fools of yourselves.

Paulie, I am getting damn tired of repeating myself.

The only folks that get what is going on, or those who understand and; ONE oppose this carbon tax shit, and TWO oppose war for oil, are those who understand what under-girds the entire system of international finance, the petro-dollar. If you DO UNDERSTAND this all, and are logically consistent? You naturally oppose both.

If you DO NOT GET that these two issues are inter-related and both are connected to the petro-dollar, you just don't get it.

As I posted in another thread, it is all about the oily gorilla in the room that no one wants to talk about.

I am getting tired of repeating myself. No one, on the left, or on the right, will do any thinking.

Americans KNOW this.

How do we know?

Here is the oily gorilla in the room that EVERYONE knows is there.

What You Should Know About Petrodollars

Trump isn't even bothering to hide the agenda;

US Troops Staying in Syria to 'Keep the Oil' Have Already Killed Hundreds

Trump OKs wider Syria oil mission, raising legal questions

Trump’s Baffling Plan to Pillage Syria’s Oil

No matter how much you indoctrinate folks in schools and in the corporate/government media, folks can only be dumbed down so much.


Who Signs Up to Fight? Makeup of U.S. Recruits Shows Glaring Disparity
Who Signs Up to Fight? Makeup of U.S. Recruits Shows Glaring Disparity

Facts don't lie, no matter how much bullshit you parrot from your social networks, conservative radio, liberal MSM, CFR-government colluded think tanks or TEE VEE.

They need to fight wars to stabilize the petro dollar. They need to tax energy to prop up the petro dollar.

EVERYTHING is about the petro dollar.

Forget all the propaganda they tell you on the radio, in your social media, from the U.N., on the TEE VEE, it is always about the international banking cabal and the petro dollars. . . .


The petrodollar system is over. That you can’t see that isn’t my fault and all the links and pics you post about it from sky is falling NWO sites aren’t going to change that. You simply believe he’s bad because you want to. Even though your own 2 eyes should clearly be showing you that something drastically different from typical NWO business is happening literally all over the world, you still see impending doom. Never in the history of the NWO did they EVER operate by waking people up to truth, corruption, conspiracies, etc but yet all of those are what we see happening. All they had to do is put Hillary in and that was it, it was game over. The 16 year Obama/Hillary plan to destroy the republic was set. Bringing in trump to tell the people the truth about the deep state, get millions of people storming state houses to demand no mandatory vaccinations, no confiscation of guns, etc was the absolute LAST thing they ever would’ve wanted. I fail to see how Donald trumps presidency in ANY WAY helps advance the NWO agenda. An awakened population is, was, and always will be their biggest threat. So go ahead and search the internet for every confirmed bias you can find that paints him in a bad light.. I’ll continue using my own 2 eyes and my intuition that tell me otherwise. Enjoy that miserable existence.

So, this is about your support for Trump. LOL.

Trump isn’t emptying the swamp. He’s expanding it.

Trump is continuing our government’s long standing policy of total adherence to the petro dollar. His deranged attacks on Iran, Iraq, and Venezuela should dissuade you of your position. His alliance with the Saudis and the other gulf states, should also be a clue.
Make your own case Beale. All you ever do is link to NWO is bad sites. For once use your own fucking words and describe what you think is happening. I don’t care what some website says. What I want to know is what YOU think about it.

I already did, that is what post #639 was all about.

You can't just make the unqualified statement, "the petrodollar system is over," when the people of Venezuela are put under global sanctions, start to suffer, and the people of Iran riot in November because of it. . .

You clearly show you have no idea what is going on. . .
I offer you people nothing. I don’t debate with you anymore. If you want to straggle back with the left as being the last fucking people left in this country to wake up then by all means, make fools of yourselves.
You made a huge accusation, but offered no proof. Now you refuse to offer proof. Do you fail to see how silly that is?
What I fail to see is how you aren’t capable of seeing that the Iranians are empowered to fight for their freedom from their oppressive regime for the first time in decades. This is what they’ve been waiting for. It’s been well known that those people have been ripe for revolution and that all it would’ve taken was a little assistance on our part to provide them with the security they would need to be able to pull it off, but we never did anything. All we ever did was use that horrible regime as a fear ploy to scare our own citizens into accepting more war. We’re clearly seeing that we don’t need to go to war with Iran, but that instead their own people can revolt and take control of their own country. Turn the corporate news off, it’s rotting your brain so much that you’re literally turning into a liberal right before our eyes on this board. I don’t know if you’re drinking excessive amounts of fluoride laden water or what, but you’ve literally become exactly what you used to rail against and you either don’t even realize it or don’t care. Either way it’s pathetic.
What I see is a government dupe. Don’t be a dupe.

Paulie thinks Iranians are going to become Christian Democrats. . . . :71:
You’re such an idiot. The vast majority of Muslims want to live in peace just like the rest of the vast majority of the world. The NWO was going to usher in a new world religion called Chrislam which was based on Aleister Crowley’s Thelema.. “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”. It’s luciferian in principle. They’ve been playing Muslims, jews, and Christians against each other so they could ignite hate to the point of being able to bring in their “solution” to the problem. By freeing people of religious oppression, this agenda dies. And it’s such a shame that you can’t see that because all you see is NWO everywhere. Guess what my friend.. there are only a small fraction of bad people in this world. The overwhelming majority of people do not want religious oppression, war, etc. It only takes 3% of a population to overthrow oppression. We have exponentially more than that in countless counties now. The world is waking up. If you can’t see that then I really don’t know what to tell you.

That statement I would agree with. . .

The fact you cannot see that Trump is working for the global elites? Makes me laugh though.

You still have never explained that Bolivian shit.
which country is the power country? who shot at us first? Why is it you give up your patriotism for a country of terrorists? I don't get it.

Gripper has it in for America ever since the government forced him off food stamps years ago and made him look for a job, then when he tried to apply with the Postal Service as a letter carrier, they deemed him too unreliable and incompetent.
Retired and living the good life. No doubt my net worth is way more than yours. I’m also exponentially smarter than you.

Only a really dumb statist would believe the government’s 9/11 story. You have my sympathies.
yeah cause on an internet message board everyone is who they say they are right? too fking funny. you lost all credibility you earned over the years. what a fking tool.

BTW, anytime you want to debate, I'm open big guy!!!

we know you have lost all credibiliyt,no need to brag about it.LOL you cant debate,like all cowards that have come on here and attacked him,you cowardly ran off with your tail between your legs when misterbeal took everyone to school the media was lying as they always do on page 6 i think it was where he proved trump was a murderer.a link NOBODY here has been able to counter.:rolleyes:
I go nowhere. I stand and fight, ask anyone on here. Gippshits lost

yeah your idea of fighting is posting one liners after evading the evidence.LOL thats been proven throughout the whole thread.LOL
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US
"You can speak with American people from Tehran too and we will do that," said Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.
Jake Johnson, staff writer
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US

Trump Administration Blocks Iran’s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had sought to give a speech condemning the U.S. assassination of Qassem Suleimani.
Trump Administration Blocks Iran’s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council

"The Trump administration is barring Iran’s top diplomat from entering the United States this week to address the United Nations Security Council about the U.S. assassination of Iran’s top military official in Baghdad, violating the terms of a 1947 headquarters agreement requiring Washington to permit foreign officials into the country to conduct U.N. business, according to three diplomatic sources.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif requested a visa a “few weeks ago” to enter the United States to attend a Jan. 9 Security Council meeting on the importance of upholding the U.N. Charter, according to a diplomatic source familiar with the matter. The Thursday meeting was to provide Tehran’s top diplomat with his first opportunity to directly address the world community since U.S. President Donald Trump ordered the Jan. 3 drone strike that killed Maj. Gen. Qassem Suleimani, a top Iraqi militia leader, among others. . . . "

The American Deep State does not want peaceful resolution, it only wants war.

In war, truth is the first casualty. Folks should watch behavior, not propaganda.
It’s amazing to me that you’ll take the word of an Iranian diplomat as gospel even though we know full fucking well that the deep state has controlled that country for decades since the Shah was removed. You people are losing your minds over the NWO. Your brains are completely fried.
The deep state controls Iran? Can you please offer evidence of this?
I offer you people nothing. I don’t debate with you anymore. If you want to straggle back with the left as being the last fucking people left in this country to wake up then by all means, make fools of yourselves.
You made a huge accusation, but offered no proof. Now you refuse to offer proof. Do you fail to see how silly that is?

You made a huge accusation, but offered no proof. Now you refuse to offer proof. Do you fail to see how silly that is?[/QUOTE]
yep,yep and yep.comedy gold isnt it?:lmao::laughing0301::muahaha:

The REASON he doesnt debate with you anymore is he got frustrated by all the constant ass beatings he suffered from you like this latest one where he could not back up his ramblings..:abgg2q.jpg:
Last edited:
The Democratic party is a complete joke and a global embarrassment.
Not unlike the R party.

yeah he is obviously another one of those brainwashed sheep that has been brainwashed by our corrupt school system that there is a difference in the corrupt two party system,clueless how they are one in the same,only just have a different name for the appearance of looking better.:lmao::laughing0301::muahaha:
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US
"You can speak with American people from Tehran too and we will do that," said Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.
Jake Johnson, staff writer
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US

Trump Administration Blocks Iran’s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had sought to give a speech condemning the U.S. assassination of Qassem Suleimani.
Trump Administration Blocks Iran’s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council

"The Trump administration is barring Iran’s top diplomat from entering the United States this week to address the United Nations Security Council about the U.S. assassination of Iran’s top military official in Baghdad, violating the terms of a 1947 headquarters agreement requiring Washington to permit foreign officials into the country to conduct U.N. business, according to three diplomatic sources.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif requested a visa a “few weeks ago” to enter the United States to attend a Jan. 9 Security Council meeting on the importance of upholding the U.N. Charter, according to a diplomatic source familiar with the matter. The Thursday meeting was to provide Tehran’s top diplomat with his first opportunity to directly address the world community since U.S. President Donald Trump ordered the Jan. 3 drone strike that killed Maj. Gen. Qassem Suleimani, a top Iraqi militia leader, among others. . . . "

The American Deep State does not want peaceful resolution, it only wants war.

In war, truth is the first casualty. Folks should watch behavior, not propaganda.
It’s amazing to me that you’ll take the word of an Iranian diplomat as gospel even though we know full fucking well that the deep state has controlled that country for decades since the Shah was removed. You people are losing your minds over the NWO. Your brains are completely fried.
The deep state controls Iran? Can you please offer evidence of this?
I offer you people nothing. I don’t debate with you anymore. If you want to straggle back with the left as being the last fucking people left in this country to wake up then by all means, make fools of yourselves.

Paulie, I am getting damn tired of repeating myself.

The only folks that get what is going on, or those who understand and; ONE oppose this carbon tax shit, and TWO oppose war for oil, are those who understand what under-girds the entire system of international finance, the petro-dollar. If you DO UNDERSTAND this all, and are logically consistent? You naturally oppose both.

If you DO NOT GET that these two issues are inter-related and both are connected to the petro-dollar, you just don't get it.

As I posted in another thread, it is all about the oily gorilla in the room that no one wants to talk about.

I am getting tired of repeating myself. No one, on the left, or on the right, will do any thinking.

Americans KNOW this.

How do we know?

Here is the oily gorilla in the room that EVERYONE knows is there.

What You Should Know About Petrodollars

Trump isn't even bothering to hide the agenda;

US Troops Staying in Syria to 'Keep the Oil' Have Already Killed Hundreds

Trump OKs wider Syria oil mission, raising legal questions

Trump’s Baffling Plan to Pillage Syria’s Oil

No matter how much you indoctrinate folks in schools and in the corporate/government media, folks can only be dumbed down so much.


Who Signs Up to Fight? Makeup of U.S. Recruits Shows Glaring Disparity
Who Signs Up to Fight? Makeup of U.S. Recruits Shows Glaring Disparity

Facts don't lie, no matter how much bullshit you parrot from your social networks, conservative radio, liberal MSM, CFR-government colluded think tanks or TEE VEE.

They need to fight wars to stabilize the petro dollar. They need to tax energy to prop up the petro dollar.

EVERYTHING is about the petro dollar.

Forget all the propaganda they tell you on the radio, in your social media, from the U.N., on the TEE VEE, it is always about the international banking cabal and the petro dollars. . . .


Yeah Paulie obviously has Alzheimers diseace,as you said so well,you already took him to school on this earlier.Is it YOUR fault he ignored it and doesn't remember that post and you just have to keep repeating the same thing over and over again only to watch him do THIS-:scared1:

all the time everytime you take him to school?:rolleyes:

cant teach a student who refuses to memorize the facts the teacher taught him.:abgg2q.jpg:
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US
"You can speak with American people from Tehran too and we will do that," said Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.
Jake Johnson, staff writer
'They Fear Someone Will Go There and Tell the Truth,' Says Iran's Top Diplomat as Trump White House Bars Him From US

Trump Administration Blocks Iran’s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had sought to give a speech condemning the U.S. assassination of Qassem Suleimani.
Trump Administration Blocks Iran’s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council

"The Trump administration is barring Iran’s top diplomat from entering the United States this week to address the United Nations Security Council about the U.S. assassination of Iran’s top military official in Baghdad, violating the terms of a 1947 headquarters agreement requiring Washington to permit foreign officials into the country to conduct U.N. business, according to three diplomatic sources.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif requested a visa a “few weeks ago” to enter the United States to attend a Jan. 9 Security Council meeting on the importance of upholding the U.N. Charter, according to a diplomatic source familiar with the matter. The Thursday meeting was to provide Tehran’s top diplomat with his first opportunity to directly address the world community since U.S. President Donald Trump ordered the Jan. 3 drone strike that killed Maj. Gen. Qassem Suleimani, a top Iraqi militia leader, among others. . . . "

The American Deep State does not want peaceful resolution, it only wants war.

In war, truth is the first casualty. Folks should watch behavior, not propaganda.
It’s amazing to me that you’ll take the word of an Iranian diplomat as gospel even though we know full fucking well that the deep state has controlled that country for decades since the Shah was removed. You people are losing your minds over the NWO. Your brains are completely fried.
The deep state controls Iran? Can you please offer evidence of this?
I offer you people nothing. I don’t debate with you anymore. If you want to straggle back with the left as being the last fucking people left in this country to wake up then by all means, make fools of yourselves.
You made a huge accusation, but offered no proof. Now you refuse to offer proof. Do you fail to see how silly that is?
to you he said. reading is now an issue for you. fk an A.
Gripper has it in for America ever since the government forced him off food stamps years ago and made him look for a job, then when he tried to apply with the Postal Service as a letter carrier, they deemed him too unreliable and incompetent.
Retired and living the good life. No doubt my net worth is way more than yours. I’m also exponentially smarter than you.

Only a really dumb statist would believe the government’s 9/11 story. You have my sympathies.
yeah cause on an internet message board everyone is who they say they are right? too fking funny. you lost all credibility you earned over the years. what a fking tool.

BTW, anytime you want to debate, I'm open big guy!!!

we know you have lost all credibiliyt,no need to brag about it.LOL you cant debate,like all cowards that have come on here and attacked him,you cowardly ran off with your tail between your legs when misterbeal took everyone to school the media was lying as they always do on page 6 i think it was where he proved trump was a murderer.a link NOBODY here has been able to counter.:rolleyes:
I go nowhere. I stand and fight, ask anyone on here. Gippshits lost

yeah your idea of fighting is posting one liners after evading the evidence.LOL thats been proven throughout the whole thread.LOL
Son, you wouldn't know what evidence looked like. You are certainly one lost parrot. got out of the cage huh?
It’s amazing to me that you’ll take the word of an Iranian diplomat as gospel even though we know full fucking well that the deep state has controlled that country for decades since the Shah was removed. You people are losing your minds over the NWO. Your brains are completely fried.
The deep state controls Iran? Can you please offer evidence of this?
I offer you people nothing. I don’t debate with you anymore. If you want to straggle back with the left as being the last fucking people left in this country to wake up then by all means, make fools of yourselves.

Paulie, I am getting damn tired of repeating myself.

The only folks that get what is going on, or those who understand and; ONE oppose this carbon tax shit, and TWO oppose war for oil, are those who understand what under-girds the entire system of international finance, the petro-dollar. If you DO UNDERSTAND this all, and are logically consistent? You naturally oppose both.

If you DO NOT GET that these two issues are inter-related and both are connected to the petro-dollar, you just don't get it.

As I posted in another thread, it is all about the oily gorilla in the room that no one wants to talk about.

I am getting tired of repeating myself. No one, on the left, or on the right, will do any thinking.

Americans KNOW this.

How do we know?

Here is the oily gorilla in the room that EVERYONE knows is there.

What You Should Know About Petrodollars

Trump isn't even bothering to hide the agenda;

US Troops Staying in Syria to 'Keep the Oil' Have Already Killed Hundreds

Trump OKs wider Syria oil mission, raising legal questions

Trump’s Baffling Plan to Pillage Syria’s Oil

No matter how much you indoctrinate folks in schools and in the corporate/government media, folks can only be dumbed down so much.


Who Signs Up to Fight? Makeup of U.S. Recruits Shows Glaring Disparity
Who Signs Up to Fight? Makeup of U.S. Recruits Shows Glaring Disparity

Facts don't lie, no matter how much bullshit you parrot from your social networks, conservative radio, liberal MSM, CFR-government colluded think tanks or TEE VEE.

They need to fight wars to stabilize the petro dollar. They need to tax energy to prop up the petro dollar.

EVERYTHING is about the petro dollar.

Forget all the propaganda they tell you on the radio, in your social media, from the U.N., on the TEE VEE, it is always about the international banking cabal and the petro dollars. . . .


The petrodollar system is over. That you can’t see that isn’t my fault and all the links and pics you post about it from sky is falling NWO sites aren’t going to change that. You simply believe he’s bad because you want to. Even though your own 2 eyes should clearly be showing you that something drastically different from typical NWO business is happening literally all over the world, you still see impending doom. Never in the history of the NWO did they EVER operate by waking people up to truth, corruption, conspiracies, etc but yet all of those are what we see happening. All they had to do is put Hillary in and that was it, it was game over. The 16 year Obama/Hillary plan to destroy the republic was set. Bringing in trump to tell the people the truth about the deep state, get millions of people storming state houses to demand no mandatory vaccinations, no confiscation of guns, etc was the absolute LAST thing they ever would’ve wanted. I fail to see how Donald trumps presidency in ANY WAY helps advance the NWO agenda. An awakened population is, was, and always will be their biggest threat. So go ahead and search the internet for every confirmed bias you can find that paints him in a bad light.. I’ll continue using my own 2 eyes and my intuition that tell me otherwise. Enjoy that miserable existence.

So, this is about your support for Trump. LOL.

Trump isn’t emptying the swamp. He’s expanding it.

Trump is continuing our government’s long standing policy of total adherence to the petro dollar. His deranged attacks on Iran, Iraq, and Venezuela should dissuade you of your position. His alliance with the Saudis and the other gulf states, should also be a clue.


Paulie will REALLY go into meltdown mode now after you gave him this major ass beating he just suffered from you.:abgg2q.jpg::lmao::laughing0301:

Love it how he asks Misterbeal to not post any links and give you evidence in his OWN words and when you just did that FOR Beal and took him to school there,he got quiet all of a sudden knowing he has no answers for this excellent post.:iyfyus.jpg:

something else that can be added on as well that needs no links that Trump is a traiter to america same as Bush and Obama.

Not only has he expanded the swamp,like every president since Lyndon Johnson, he is pals with warmonger Israel.

Our last real president,patriotic JFK, cut off aide to Israel and paid the deadly price for doing so.Trump is the most transparent lover of warmonger Israel worse than any president before him. He made that clear when he cut off aide to the victems of Israels warmongering ways the palestinans yet did not cut off aide to Israel. Fucking traiter as presidents ALWAYS are,serving THEIR interests instead of ours.:mad:

IF Trump was any different than Bush and Obama,he would have remained impartial to it and cut off aide to both Palestine AND and Israel.

Even after all that i still gave him the benefit of the doubt but after all the events you just mentioned,anybody who thinks this guy is not a servant to the deep state still after all this time after this excellent post you just made,:2up: is too far gone to be reasoned with obviously.:rolleyes:

Every president since Johnson has all given aide to Israel hense WHY they are all still alive,plus the fact they have all not tried to get rid of the fed since Johnson which Paulie has failed miserably to prove that Trump is doing that.:rolleyes::abgg2q.jpg:
Last edited:
Retired and living the good life. No doubt my net worth is way more than yours. I’m also exponentially smarter than you.

Only a really dumb statist would believe the government’s 9/11 story. You have my sympathies.
yeah cause on an internet message board everyone is who they say they are right? too fking funny. you lost all credibility you earned over the years. what a fking tool.

BTW, anytime you want to debate, I'm open big guy!!!

we know you have lost all credibiliyt,no need to brag about it.LOL you cant debate,like all cowards that have come on here and attacked him,you cowardly ran off with your tail between your legs when misterbeal took everyone to school the media was lying as they always do on page 6 i think it was where he proved trump was a murderer.a link NOBODY here has been able to counter.:rolleyes:
I go nowhere. I stand and fight, ask anyone on here. Gippshits lost

yeah your idea of fighting is posting one liners after evading the evidence.LOL thats been proven throughout the whole thread.LOL
Son, you wouldn't know what evidence looked like. You are certainly one lost parrot. got out of the cage huh?

misterbeal and gipper gave you that troll,quit lying.
yeah cause on an internet message board everyone is who they say they are right? too fking funny. you lost all credibility you earned over the years. what a fking tool.

BTW, anytime you want to debate, I'm open big guy!!!

we know you have lost all credibiliyt,no need to brag about it.LOL you cant debate,like all cowards that have come on here and attacked him,you cowardly ran off with your tail between your legs when misterbeal took everyone to school the media was lying as they always do on page 6 i think it was where he proved trump was a murderer.a link NOBODY here has been able to counter.:rolleyes:
I go nowhere. I stand and fight, ask anyone on here. Gippshits lost

yeah your idea of fighting is posting one liners after evading the evidence.LOL thats been proven throughout the whole thread.LOL
Son, you wouldn't know what evidence looked like. You are certainly one lost parrot. got out of the cage huh?

misterbeal and gipper gave you that troll,quit lying.
evidence of what then?
  1. 1-Term Donnie.
  2. Cowardly.
  3. Stupid Cold-Blooded Killing.
  4. Needlessly inflamed.
  5. American will die.
Are you willing to lay down a bet he won't be reelected? What are you willing to put up?

Coward. Support that claim with facts, not emotions.

Cold-Blooded Killing. You mean like the hundreds of Americans the general killed that you were OK with?

Needlessly inflamed. Oh you mean we should have just left well enough alone like before when they were just trying to burn down our embassy, attack out ships, while chanting death to America?

Americans will die. Hey DUMBASS, Americans were already dying. Why don't you go lick some Ayatollah ass, since you seem to like it so much.
Yet another dumb fuck American totally clueless, thanks to consuming propaganda generated by billionaires and a criminal government.

The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser
The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser

In reality there’s no evidence for any of the reasons we’ve been offered for why Iran needed to be provoked into an almost inevitable retaliation that Trump is currently tweeting will result in all-out war:

  • The claim that Soleimani posed an “imminent threat” is completely without evidence, rumored to be “razor thin“, and entirely debunked in this excellent essay by Craig Murray.
  • Mike Pence’s claim that Soleimani assisted 9/11 terrorists is so ridiculous that even the war-loving Washington Post dismissed it.
  • There’s no proof that Soleimani directed the strike that allegedly killed a US contractor, or that that contractor even existed.
  • There’s no proof that Soleimani was involved in any “attack” on any US embassy, leaving aside the obvious fact that a little graffiti on the walls wouldn’t justify his assassination if he did.
  • The “hundreds of American deaths” line you hear regurgitated by everyone from Trump to Elizabeth Warren actually refers to Iraqis defending themselves from an illegal US invasion with some training from Iran. The claim that Iran was behind Iraqi bombs is withoutevidence and wouldn’t matter if it were true; claiming the inhabitants of an invaded nation don’t have the right to defend themselves is absurd, regardless of where they got their weaponry.
  • The claim that Soleimani was “a terrorist” is only made because the branch of the Iranian military he commanded was arbitrarily designated a terrorist organization by the US government last year, a designation that any foreign government could just as easily make for any branch of the US military. He was actually a fearsome enemy of ISIS and al-Qaeda and played a massive role in halting the spread of ISIS.

taking everyone to school AGAIN.:2up:
I’m afraid they haven’t learned a fucking thing.

Rs and cons like to complain about fake news, then they gullibly swallow the government’s lies about Iran. I really didn’t think them this stupid.

I’m ashamed to admit I was once a con.

yeah they are so far gone brainwashed and in denial mode,they always change the subject and act like they did not see your post when you give them hard evidence that Bush was the same as Obama.That he lied about reversing Bushs policys only expanding them including the middle east war.this act of Trumps makes him no different than those warmongers. the ONLY difference between trump getting elected and HITLERY is Hitlery would have done this a LONG time ago in year one,she would not have put it off for three in half years so this was the one time i am happy that one candidate got elected over the other one.

Like when Romney and Obama ran against each other,i did not give a shit which got in same with mccain and Obama.did not give a crap.so I still dont regret I wanted trump in over Hitlery since as i said,she would have ALREADY have done that a long time ago.
It’s truly amazing how similar the Obamabots and Trumpettes are. They love their man no matter what.

so very true sadly,beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.:rolleyes:
  1. 1-Term Donnie.
  2. Cowardly.
  3. Stupid Cold-Blooded Killing.
  4. Needlessly inflamed.
  5. American will die.
Are you willing to lay down a bet he won't be reelected? What are you willing to put up?

Coward. Support that claim with facts, not emotions.

Cold-Blooded Killing. You mean like the hundreds of Americans the general killed that you were OK with?

Needlessly inflamed. Oh you mean we should have just left well enough alone like before when they were just trying to burn down our embassy, attack out ships, while chanting death to America?

Americans will die. Hey DUMBASS, Americans were already dying. Why don't you go lick some Ayatollah ass, since you seem to like it so much.
Yet another dumb fuck American totally clueless, thanks to consuming propaganda generated by billionaires and a criminal government.

The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser
The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser

In reality there’s no evidence for any of the reasons we’ve been offered for why Iran needed to be provoked into an almost inevitable retaliation that Trump is currently tweeting will result in all-out war:

  • The claim that Soleimani posed an “imminent threat” is completely without evidence, rumored to be “razor thin“, and entirely debunked in this excellent essay by Craig Murray.
  • Mike Pence’s claim that Soleimani assisted 9/11 terrorists is so ridiculous that even the war-loving Washington Post dismissed it.
  • There’s no proof that Soleimani directed the strike that allegedly killed a US contractor, or that that contractor even existed.
  • There’s no proof that Soleimani was involved in any “attack” on any US embassy, leaving aside the obvious fact that a little graffiti on the walls wouldn’t justify his assassination if he did.
  • The “hundreds of American deaths” line you hear regurgitated by everyone from Trump to Elizabeth Warren actually refers to Iraqis defending themselves from an illegal US invasion with some training from Iran. The claim that Iran was behind Iraqi bombs is withoutevidence and wouldn’t matter if it were true; claiming the inhabitants of an invaded nation don’t have the right to defend themselves is absurd, regardless of where they got their weaponry.
  • The claim that Soleimani was “a terrorist” is only made because the branch of the Iranian military he commanded was arbitrarily designated a terrorist organization by the US government last year, a designation that any foreign government could just as easily make for any branch of the US military. He was actually a fearsome enemy of ISIS and al-Qaeda and played a massive role in halting the spread of ISIS.

taking everyone to school AGAIN.:2up:
I’m afraid they haven’t learned a fucking thing.

Rs and cons like to complain about fake news, then they gullibly swallow the government’s lies about Iran. I really didn’t think them this stupid.

I’m ashamed to admit I was once a con.

yeah they are so far gone brainwashed and in denial mode,they always change the subject and act like they did not see your post when you give them hard evidence that Bush was the same as Obama.That he lied about reversing Bushs policys only expanding them including the middle east war.this act of Trumps makes him no different than those warmongers. the ONLY difference between trump getting elected and HITLERY is Hitlery would have done this a LONG time ago in year one,she would not have put it off for three in half years so this was the one time i am happy that one candidate got elected over the other one.

Like when Romney and Obama ran against each other,i did not give a shit which got in same with mccain and Obama.did not give a crap.so I still dont regret I wanted trump in over Hitlery since as i said,she would have ALREADY have done that a long time ago.
It’s truly amazing how similar the Obamabots and Trumpettes are. They love their man no matter what.
and yet they are 180 degrees apart. you're fk'd in the head dude.

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