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One Term Donnie

How do you think steel is made?

You know,. West, I'm getting sick of crackpots who call it a conspiracy theory to believe America was attacked by a known terror organization, with thousands of pages and people and years of documentation all intricately supporting it, then go on in the same breath to claim that the "truth" is that the WTC was taken down by some unlikely, bizarre, obscure, devious plot involving massive planning and preparation to an unthinkably fantastic level that no one detected, there are no first hand witnesses to and no evidence for at all other than a few crank conspiracy websites!

The nation is in real danger when the unwashed masses would rather prefer believing in conspiracies as facts while claiming the facts to be conspiracy theories, not able to tell the one from other then believing it is "brainwashing" to actually take the facts on their face value.

All lies. Stop being a dupe for the oligarchs.

You know, Gipper, I'm getting sick of STATISTS who swallow establishment lies when the Deep State uses cointelpro to have Americans attacked with exotic technologies and the terrorist organizations that the Deep State created, while at the same time have the self same government that funds these Deep State agencies "investigate" their nefarious activities to lie to the public about their activities. Then, in the same breath, it will with some bizarre logic, which Americans can see right in front of them, after it is classified, shredded and otherwise obfuscated, are told does not exist when thousands of scientists, engineers, airline pilots, experts, whistle-blowers and witnesses. . . . (the ones that are not mysteriously dying, killed, or disappeared,) tell them first accounts otherwise.

The nation is in real danger when the psychopathic elites would rather have the nations mass hypnotized by lies in order to scare them into decades of endless and pointless wars for the ruling elites, not able to tell one from the other, believing the government "conspiracy theory," when they actually see, read, or hear rational proof of how silly the government conspiracy theory actually is, and the reason they Deep State is selling it.

IMITATION AND COPYING IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF FLATTERY. All I really need is just the SLIGHTEST credible, verifiable proof that the USA woke up one day and decided to kill Saddam Hussein by going in at night, rigging hundreds of bombs throughout the WTC with no one's knowledge, rig planes with bombs, hire a dozen people around the world to agree to commit suicide, then fly said planes into thousands of important, innocent people and do billions of dollars of damage to half of Manhattan, kill hundreds of police and fire fighters, and destroy a large part of the Pentagon, all so they could justify going over to Iraq and bomb them for a few days, fight fires in Kuwait, to eventually find Saddam hiding in a hole so they could bring him back, let the Iraqis give him a fair trial and NOT take any of the Middle East's oil! Then stay another 20 years so they could let thousands more soldiers die at a cost of billions of dollars! And best of all, no one on the inside ever spilled the beans or blew the whistle! Yet someone blew a whistle on Trump just because he wanted to delay some aid a little while until he was sure there was no corruption, by them, or by a former VP connected to them!

View attachment 300559 View attachment 300560 View attachment 300561

How do you think steel is made?

You know,. West, I'm getting sick of crackpots who call it a conspiracy theory to believe America was attacked by a known terror organization, with thousands of pages and people and years of documentation all intricately supporting it, then go on in the same breath to claim that the "truth" is that the WTC was taken down by some unlikely, bizarre, obscure, devious plot involving massive planning and preparation to an unthinkably fantastic level that no one detected, there are no first hand witnesses to and no evidence for at all other than a few crank conspiracy websites!

The nation is in real danger when the unwashed masses would rather prefer believing in conspiracies as facts while claiming the facts to be conspiracy theories, not able to tell the one from other then believing it is "brainwashing" to actually take the facts on their face value.
All lies. Stop being a dupe for the oligarchs.

You know, Gipper, I'm getting sick of STATISTS who swallow establishment lies when the Deep State uses cointelpro to have Americans attacked with exotic technologies and the terrorist organizations that the Deep State created, while at the same time have the self same government that funds these Deep State agencies "investigate" their nefarious activities to lie to the public about their activities. Then, in the same breath, it will with some bizarre logic, which Americans can see right in front of them, after it is classified, shredded and otherwise obfuscated, are told does not exist when thousands of scientists, engineers, airline pilots, experts, whistle-blowers and witnesses. . . . (the ones that are not mysteriously dying, killed, or disappeared,) tell them first accounts otherwise.

The nation is in real danger when the psychopathic elites would rather have the nations mass hypnotized by lies in order to scare them into decades of endless and pointless wars for the ruling elites, not able to tell one from the other, believing the government "conspiracy theory," when they actually see, read, or hear rational proof of how silly the government conspiracy theory actually is, and the reason they Deep State is selling it.

IMITATION AND COPYING IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF FLATTERY. All I really need is just the SLIGHTEST credible, verifiable proof that the USA woke up one day and decided to kill Saddam Hussein by going in at night, rigging hundreds of bombs throughout the WTC with no one's knowledge, rig planes with bombs, hire a dozen people around the world to agree to commit suicide, then fly said planes into thousands of important, innocent people and do billions of dollars of damage to half of Manhattan, kill hundreds of police and fire fighters, and destroy a large part of the Pentagon, all so they could justify going over to Iraq and bomb them for a few days, fight fires in Kuwait, to eventually find Saddam hiding in a hole so they could bring him back, let the Iraqis give him a fair trial and NOT take any of the Middle East's oil! Then stay another 20 years so they could let thousands more soldiers die at a cost of billions of dollars! And best of all, no one on the inside ever spilled the beans or blew the whistle! Yet someone blew a whistle on Trump just because he wanted to delay some aid a little while until he was sure there was no corruption, by them, or by a former VP connected to them!

View attachment 300559 View attachment 300560 View attachment 300561

Just trying to show you how dumb you sound.

(btw, not going to refute another post full of lies.)
good thing you don't read your own posts then. you wouldn't have to do that either.
What I see is a government dupe. Don’t be a dupe.

Paulie thinks Iranians are going to become Christian Democrats. . . . :71:
You’re such an idiot. The vast majority of Muslims want to live in peace just like the rest of the vast majority of the world. The NWO was going to usher in a new world religion called Chrislam which was based on Aleister Crowley’s Thelema.. “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”. It’s luciferian in principle. They’ve been playing Muslims, jews, and Christians against each other so they could ignite hate to the point of being able to bring in their “solution” to the problem. By freeing people of religious oppression, this agenda dies. And it’s such a shame that you can’t see that because all you see is NWO everywhere. Guess what my friend.. there are only a small fraction of bad people in this world. The overwhelming majority of people do not want religious oppression, war, etc. It only takes 3% of a population to overthrow oppression. We have exponentially more than that in countless counties now. The world is waking up. If you can’t see that then I really don’t know what to tell you.

That statement I would agree with. . .

The fact you cannot see that Trump is working for the global elites? Makes me laugh though.

You still have never explained that Bolivian shit.
Ok so explain to me in your own words how he’s working for the global elites? I don’t want 50 different links and copy pastes images I want your own thoughts on it. Just like I give you mine.

As far as Bolivia, it doesn’t concern me. It was a communist dictatorship aligned with the Madura regime in Venezuela. I don’t have a single problem intervening for the sake of ridding the world of that shit. Communism and socialism have no place in this world. As long as we aren’t sending our troops to die in a senseless war over it I’m fine with doing anything we can to help free people of the horrible oppression of that ideology. People starve and die under that ideology. They don’t have religious freedom. They have to resort to eating pets to survive. I used to be 100% against foreign intervention but that was in previous administrations where it was clear to me we weren’t freeing anyone from anything. I showed you how there’s a real possibility that we got rid of the bad actors in Saudi Arabia and ended the petrodollar agreement. We don’t need their oil anymore and trump is the first president in how long that has allowed domestic production to take place. Your problem is you don’t think outside the box. You search for websites that confirm the bias you already have that he’s NWO and that doesn’t allow you to break the cognitive dissonance. You WANT to believe he’s NWO because for some reason you want to think we’re all just fucked with no way out. I on the other hand spent an untold amount of time researching and fence sitting and questioning everything I was seeing and it took me quite a while to determine that what we’re seeing is something different. Im the furthest thing from your typical trump worshipper who thinks he can do no wrong. In fact it’s been 3 years of his presidency and I’ve only come to be a supporter of him over the last several months. So o have done MORE than my fair share of due diligence on the situation to come to my position on him.

Now again, let’s hear your take on why you think he’s NWO with just your own words and thoughts. If that’s possible for you.

The very FACT that you need to exclude Bolivia from your reality paradigm is part of the problem. Trump said he would not invade nation's or nation build anymore. It does not matter to me what or how a nation is ruled, nor what political ideology they have. It is immoral to invade, or take them over based on what a people vote to lead them. It is immoral and unethical to sanction, seize, and make them suffer based on what they choose.

I don't care what your beliefs are, YOU LIVE IN THE U.S., NOT OVER THERE. You have no moral right to impose your rights on other nations.

Trump has always been a member of the ruling elite, his family has always been. Hotels international laundered money for the mob, and was bought by Meyer Lansky who has connections to the CIA. The person that help bailed Trump out of his bankruptcy troubles of his casino's was Rothschild banker, and his now Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross.

You never showed anyone any agreement about anything ending the Petrodollar agreement. Just because we don't need someone's oil anymore, does not mean that the price of oil, and oil markets are not critical to the economy and debt of the U.S. Oil is a commodity, it is fungible. We MUST control all energy, and the price of it on the planet, or else the U.S. will go bankrupt, AGAIN. When this happens, we will be forced to negotiate with the Russians, Chinese, Brazilian, Indian and yes, Iranians, about the new reserve currency. (Or link dollars with something else.)

The living standard of everyone in the U.S. will drop like a stone. It is only though war and bullying we keep the U.S. petrodollar the reserve currency, that we have a living standard higher than most of the world, as we do not produce as much as we should for this living standard.

You have written some pretty evil shit. .. stuff you have been FORCED to write, in order to justify your support of DJT. I feel sorry for you. Ideologues often have to.

I don't care what you think of socialism, Islam, Communism, etc. Unless they attack us? There is NO EXCUSE for killing innocent civilians, starting wars, placing sanctions that starve children and families, etc.

When people choose to do things voluntarily? There is nothing wrong with anything vis-à-vis others. I shop at a food co-op. I do my banking at credit union. If I were not so poor, and had to purchase my own medical? I would probably do it through a Christian Health co-operative like Medishare. All of these are examples of SOCIALISM. It is not socialism that is the problem you dumb as Ideologue, it is government FORCING PEOPLE.

If all these indigenous folks WANT IT? It is not our place to tell them no.

Trump is a part of the Deep State when he uses violence and is seizing international institutions and breaking international law.

If he was not hurting people, INNOCENT PEOPLE? If he did what he said he was going to do when he campaigned? Then sure, you would be right. But he isn't.

International politics is about three things. It is about G.O.D. GOLD OIL DRUGS.

Trump has made sure the gold is still flowing. He hasn't stopped that CIA's clandestine drug trade. IN fact, that is what this whole, "WALL" thing is about, the administration wants to cut out the competition and be damn sure the black op agencies and casino's get their laundered loot.

The opioid epidemic he gave lip service too? It has only gotten worse. The sure way to END IT? Give Afghanistan BACK to the Taliban, instead of having our troops protect the poppy crops. The Taliban has a proven record of cutting the supply to the Anglo-American drug trade.

He said he would. . . . OBL is dead. . . what the hell?

Don't even get me started on his hypocrisy on the gun control shit.

He doesn't give a shit about the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. I don't think he has ever even read them. Why are you fooling yourself? Does he have that much hypnotic power over you?

I judge by what someone says they are going to do and results. Not propaganda and rhetoric.

Troops and bases are still where they are, and nothing is any different than it was under Obama.
so you aren't a humanitarian? You would allow the nazi killing of millions and sit and watch huh? thanks for that explanation of who you are.

How do you think steel is made?

You know,. West, I'm getting sick of crackpots who call it a conspiracy theory to believe America was attacked by a known terror organization, with thousands of pages and people and years of documentation all intricately supporting it, then go on in the same breath to claim that the "truth" is that the WTC was taken down by some unlikely, bizarre, obscure, devious plot involving massive planning and preparation to an unthinkably fantastic level that no one detected, there are no first hand witnesses to and no evidence for at all other than a few crank conspiracy websites!

The nation is in real danger when the unwashed masses would rather prefer believing in conspiracies as facts while claiming the facts to be conspiracy theories, not able to tell the one from other then believing it is "brainwashing" to actually take the facts on their face value.

All lies. Stop being a dupe for the oligarchs.

You know, Gipper, I'm getting sick of STATISTS who swallow establishment lies when the Deep State uses cointelpro to have Americans attacked with exotic technologies and the terrorist organizations that the Deep State created, while at the same time have the self same government that funds these Deep State agencies "investigate" their nefarious activities to lie to the public about their activities. Then, in the same breath, it will with some bizarre logic, which Americans can see right in front of them, after it is classified, shredded and otherwise obfuscated, are told does not exist when thousands of scientists, engineers, airline pilots, experts, whistle-blowers and witnesses. . . . (the ones that are not mysteriously dying, killed, or disappeared,) tell them first accounts otherwise.

The nation is in real danger when the psychopathic elites would rather have the nations mass hypnotized by lies in order to scare them into decades of endless and pointless wars for the ruling elites, not able to tell one from the other, believing the government "conspiracy theory," when they actually see, read, or hear rational proof of how silly the government conspiracy theory actually is, and the reason they Deep State is selling it.


Paulie thinks Iranians are going to become Christian Democrats. . . . :71:
You’re such an idiot. The vast majority of Muslims want to live in peace just like the rest of the vast majority of the world. The NWO was going to usher in a new world religion called Chrislam which was based on Aleister Crowley’s Thelema.. “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”. It’s luciferian in principle. They’ve been playing Muslims, jews, and Christians against each other so they could ignite hate to the point of being able to bring in their “solution” to the problem. By freeing people of religious oppression, this agenda dies. And it’s such a shame that you can’t see that because all you see is NWO everywhere. Guess what my friend.. there are only a small fraction of bad people in this world. The overwhelming majority of people do not want religious oppression, war, etc. It only takes 3% of a population to overthrow oppression. We have exponentially more than that in countless counties now. The world is waking up. If you can’t see that then I really don’t know what to tell you.

That statement I would agree with. . .

The fact you cannot see that Trump is working for the global elites? Makes me laugh though.

You still have never explained that Bolivian shit.
Ok so explain to me in your own words how he’s working for the global elites? I don’t want 50 different links and copy pastes images I want your own thoughts on it. Just like I give you mine.

As far as Bolivia, it doesn’t concern me. It was a communist dictatorship aligned with the Madura regime in Venezuela. I don’t have a single problem intervening for the sake of ridding the world of that shit. Communism and socialism have no place in this world. As long as we aren’t sending our troops to die in a senseless war over it I’m fine with doing anything we can to help free people of the horrible oppression of that ideology. People starve and die under that ideology. They don’t have religious freedom. They have to resort to eating pets to survive. I used to be 100% against foreign intervention but that was in previous administrations where it was clear to me we weren’t freeing anyone from anything. I showed you how there’s a real possibility that we got rid of the bad actors in Saudi Arabia and ended the petrodollar agreement. We don’t need their oil anymore and trump is the first president in how long that has allowed domestic production to take place. Your problem is you don’t think outside the box. You search for websites that confirm the bias you already have that he’s NWO and that doesn’t allow you to break the cognitive dissonance. You WANT to believe he’s NWO because for some reason you want to think we’re all just fucked with no way out. I on the other hand spent an untold amount of time researching and fence sitting and questioning everything I was seeing and it took me quite a while to determine that what we’re seeing is something different. Im the furthest thing from your typical trump worshipper who thinks he can do no wrong. In fact it’s been 3 years of his presidency and I’ve only come to be a supporter of him over the last several months. So o have done MORE than my fair share of due diligence on the situation to come to my position on him.

Now again, let’s hear your take on why you think he’s NWO with just your own words and thoughts. If that’s possible for you.

The very FACT that you need to exclude Bolivia from your reality paradigm is part of the problem. Trump said he would not invade nation's or nation build anymore. It does not matter to me what or how a nation is ruled, nor what political ideology they have. It is immoral to invade, or take them over based on what a people vote to lead them. It is immoral and unethical to sanction, seize, and make them suffer based on what they choose.

I don't care what your beliefs are, YOU LIVE IN THE U.S., NOT OVER THERE. You have no moral right to impose your rights on other nations.

Trump has always been a member of the ruling elite, his family has always been. Hotels international laundered money for the mob, and was bought by Meyer Lansky who has connections to the CIA. The person that help bailed Trump out of his bankruptcy troubles of his casino's was Rothschild banker, and his now Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross.

You never showed anyone any agreement about anything ending the Petrodollar agreement. Just because we don't need someone's oil anymore, does not mean that the price of oil, and oil markets are not critical to the economy and debt of the U.S. Oil is a commodity, it is fungible. We MUST control all energy, and the price of it on the planet, or else the U.S. will go bankrupt, AGAIN. When this happens, we will be forced to negotiate with the Russians, Chinese, Brazilian, Indian and yes, Iranians, about the new reserve currency. (Or link dollars with something else.)

The living standard of everyone in the U.S. will drop like a stone. It is only though war and bullying we keep the U.S. petrodollar the reserve currency, that we have a living standard higher than most of the world, as we do not produce as much as we should for this living standard.

You have written some pretty evil shit. .. stuff you have been FORCED to write, in order to justify your support of DJT. I feel sorry for you. Ideologues often have to.

I don't care what you think of socialism, Islam, Communism, etc. Unless they attack us? There is NO EXCUSE for killing innocent civilians, starting wars, placing sanctions that starve children and families, etc.

When people choose to do things voluntarily? There is nothing wrong with anything vis-à-vis others. I shop at a food co-op. I do my banking at credit union. If I were not so poor, and had to purchase my own medical? I would probably do it through a Christian Health co-operative like Medishare. All of these are examples of SOCIALISM. It is not socialism that is the problem you dumb as Ideologue, it is government FORCING PEOPLE.

If all these indigenous folks WANT IT? It is not our place to tell them no.

Trump is a part of the Deep State when he uses violence and is seizing international institutions and breaking international law.

If he was not hurting people, INNOCENT PEOPLE? If he did what he said he was going to do when he campaigned? Then sure, you would be right. But he isn't.

International politics is about three things. It is about G.O.D. GOLD OIL DRUGS.

Trump has made sure the gold is still flowing. He hasn't stopped that CIA's clandestine drug trade. IN fact, that is what this whole, "WALL" thing is about, the administration wants to cut out the competition and be damn sure the black op agencies and casino's get their laundered loot.

The opioid epidemic he gave lip service too? It has only gotten worse. The sure way to END IT? Give Afghanistan BACK to the Taliban, instead of having our troops protect the poppy crops. The Taliban has a proven record of cutting the supply to the Anglo-American drug trade.

He said he would. . . . OBL is dead. . . what the hell?

Don't even get me started on his hypocrisy on the gun control shit.

He doesn't give a shit about the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. I don't think he has ever even read them. Why are you fooling yourself? Does he have that much hypnotic power over you?

I judge by what someone says they are going to do and results. Not propaganda and rhetoric.

Troops and bases are still where they are, and nothing is any different than it was under Obama.
so you aren't a humanitarian? You would allow the nazi killing of millions and sit and watch huh? thanks for that explanation of who you are.
How do you think steel is made?

You know,. West, I'm getting sick of crackpots who call it a conspiracy theory to believe America was attacked by a known terror organization, with thousands of pages and people and years of documentation all intricately supporting it, then go on in the same breath to claim that the "truth" is that the WTC was taken down by some unlikely, bizarre, obscure, devious plot involving massive planning and preparation to an unthinkably fantastic level that no one detected, there are no first hand witnesses to and no evidence for at all other than a few crank conspiracy websites!

The nation is in real danger when the unwashed masses would rather prefer believing in conspiracies as facts while claiming the facts to be conspiracy theories, not able to tell the one from other then believing it is "brainwashing" to actually take the facts on their face value.
All lies. Stop being a dupe for the oligarchs.

You know, Gipper, I'm getting sick of STATISTS who swallow establishment lies when the Deep State uses cointelpro to have Americans attacked with exotic technologies and the terrorist organizations that the Deep State created, while at the same time have the self same government that funds these Deep State agencies "investigate" their nefarious activities to lie to the public about their activities. Then, in the same breath, it will with some bizarre logic, which Americans can see right in front of them, after it is classified, shredded and otherwise obfuscated, are told does not exist when thousands of scientists, engineers, airline pilots, experts, whistle-blowers and witnesses. . . . (the ones that are not mysteriously dying, killed, or disappeared,) tell them first accounts otherwise.

The nation is in real danger when the psychopathic elites would rather have the nations mass hypnotized by lies in order to scare them into decades of endless and pointless wars for the ruling elites, not able to tell one from the other, believing the government "conspiracy theory," when they actually see, read, or hear rational proof of how silly the government conspiracy theory actually is, and the reason they Deep State is selling it.
I'm not mueller.
You’re such an idiot. The vast majority of Muslims want to live in peace just like the rest of the vast majority of the world. The NWO was going to usher in a new world religion called Chrislam which was based on Aleister Crowley’s Thelema.. “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”. It’s luciferian in principle. They’ve been playing Muslims, jews, and Christians against each other so they could ignite hate to the point of being able to bring in their “solution” to the problem. By freeing people of religious oppression, this agenda dies. And it’s such a shame that you can’t see that because all you see is NWO everywhere. Guess what my friend.. there are only a small fraction of bad people in this world. The overwhelming majority of people do not want religious oppression, war, etc. It only takes 3% of a population to overthrow oppression. We have exponentially more than that in countless counties now. The world is waking up. If you can’t see that then I really don’t know what to tell you.

That statement I would agree with. . .

The fact you cannot see that Trump is working for the global elites? Makes me laugh though.

You still have never explained that Bolivian shit.
Ok so explain to me in your own words how he’s working for the global elites? I don’t want 50 different links and copy pastes images I want your own thoughts on it. Just like I give you mine.

As far as Bolivia, it doesn’t concern me. It was a communist dictatorship aligned with the Madura regime in Venezuela. I don’t have a single problem intervening for the sake of ridding the world of that shit. Communism and socialism have no place in this world. As long as we aren’t sending our troops to die in a senseless war over it I’m fine with doing anything we can to help free people of the horrible oppression of that ideology. People starve and die under that ideology. They don’t have religious freedom. They have to resort to eating pets to survive. I used to be 100% against foreign intervention but that was in previous administrations where it was clear to me we weren’t freeing anyone from anything. I showed you how there’s a real possibility that we got rid of the bad actors in Saudi Arabia and ended the petrodollar agreement. We don’t need their oil anymore and trump is the first president in how long that has allowed domestic production to take place. Your problem is you don’t think outside the box. You search for websites that confirm the bias you already have that he’s NWO and that doesn’t allow you to break the cognitive dissonance. You WANT to believe he’s NWO because for some reason you want to think we’re all just fucked with no way out. I on the other hand spent an untold amount of time researching and fence sitting and questioning everything I was seeing and it took me quite a while to determine that what we’re seeing is something different. Im the furthest thing from your typical trump worshipper who thinks he can do no wrong. In fact it’s been 3 years of his presidency and I’ve only come to be a supporter of him over the last several months. So o have done MORE than my fair share of due diligence on the situation to come to my position on him.

Now again, let’s hear your take on why you think he’s NWO with just your own words and thoughts. If that’s possible for you.

The very FACT that you need to exclude Bolivia from your reality paradigm is part of the problem. Trump said he would not invade nation's or nation build anymore. It does not matter to me what or how a nation is ruled, nor what political ideology they have. It is immoral to invade, or take them over based on what a people vote to lead them. It is immoral and unethical to sanction, seize, and make them suffer based on what they choose.

I don't care what your beliefs are, YOU LIVE IN THE U.S., NOT OVER THERE. You have no moral right to impose your rights on other nations.

Trump has always been a member of the ruling elite, his family has always been. Hotels international laundered money for the mob, and was bought by Meyer Lansky who has connections to the CIA. The person that help bailed Trump out of his bankruptcy troubles of his casino's was Rothschild banker, and his now Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross.

You never showed anyone any agreement about anything ending the Petrodollar agreement. Just because we don't need someone's oil anymore, does not mean that the price of oil, and oil markets are not critical to the economy and debt of the U.S. Oil is a commodity, it is fungible. We MUST control all energy, and the price of it on the planet, or else the U.S. will go bankrupt, AGAIN. When this happens, we will be forced to negotiate with the Russians, Chinese, Brazilian, Indian and yes, Iranians, about the new reserve currency. (Or link dollars with something else.)

The living standard of everyone in the U.S. will drop like a stone. It is only though war and bullying we keep the U.S. petrodollar the reserve currency, that we have a living standard higher than most of the world, as we do not produce as much as we should for this living standard.

You have written some pretty evil shit. .. stuff you have been FORCED to write, in order to justify your support of DJT. I feel sorry for you. Ideologues often have to.

I don't care what you think of socialism, Islam, Communism, etc. Unless they attack us? There is NO EXCUSE for killing innocent civilians, starting wars, placing sanctions that starve children and families, etc.

When people choose to do things voluntarily? There is nothing wrong with anything vis-à-vis others. I shop at a food co-op. I do my banking at credit union. If I were not so poor, and had to purchase my own medical? I would probably do it through a Christian Health co-operative like Medishare. All of these are examples of SOCIALISM. It is not socialism that is the problem you dumb as Ideologue, it is government FORCING PEOPLE.

If all these indigenous folks WANT IT? It is not our place to tell them no.

Trump is a part of the Deep State when he uses violence and is seizing international institutions and breaking international law.

If he was not hurting people, INNOCENT PEOPLE? If he did what he said he was going to do when he campaigned? Then sure, you would be right. But he isn't.

International politics is about three things. It is about G.O.D. GOLD OIL DRUGS.

Trump has made sure the gold is still flowing. He hasn't stopped that CIA's clandestine drug trade. IN fact, that is what this whole, "WALL" thing is about, the administration wants to cut out the competition and be damn sure the black op agencies and casino's get their laundered loot.

The opioid epidemic he gave lip service too? It has only gotten worse. The sure way to END IT? Give Afghanistan BACK to the Taliban, instead of having our troops protect the poppy crops. The Taliban has a proven record of cutting the supply to the Anglo-American drug trade.

He said he would. . . . OBL is dead. . . what the hell?

Don't even get me started on his hypocrisy on the gun control shit.

He doesn't give a shit about the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. I don't think he has ever even read them. Why are you fooling yourself? Does he have that much hypnotic power over you?

I judge by what someone says they are going to do and results. Not propaganda and rhetoric.

Troops and bases are still where they are, and nothing is any different than it was under Obama.
so you aren't a humanitarian? You would allow the nazi killing of millions and sit and watch huh? thanks for that explanation of who you are.
you really are, thanks for admitting it! what about the OP now? five more years of trump, your ass will really be chaffed.

I would say after next Friday, you all have but one option left. which of you is the brave one I wonder. How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?.........
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Paulie thinks Iranians are going to become Christian Democrats. . . . :71:
You’re such an idiot. The vast majority of Muslims want to live in peace just like the rest of the vast majority of the world. The NWO was going to usher in a new world religion called Chrislam which was based on Aleister Crowley’s Thelema.. “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”. It’s luciferian in principle. They’ve been playing Muslims, jews, and Christians against each other so they could ignite hate to the point of being able to bring in their “solution” to the problem. By freeing people of religious oppression, this agenda dies. And it’s such a shame that you can’t see that because all you see is NWO everywhere. Guess what my friend.. there are only a small fraction of bad people in this world. The overwhelming majority of people do not want religious oppression, war, etc. It only takes 3% of a population to overthrow oppression. We have exponentially more than that in countless counties now. The world is waking up. If you can’t see that then I really don’t know what to tell you.

That statement I would agree with. . .

The fact you cannot see that Trump is working for the global elites? Makes me laugh though.

You still have never explained that Bolivian shit.
Ok so explain to me in your own words how he’s working for the global elites? I don’t want 50 different links and copy pastes images I want your own thoughts on it. Just like I give you mine.

As far as Bolivia, it doesn’t concern me. It was a communist dictatorship aligned with the Madura regime in Venezuela. I don’t have a single problem intervening for the sake of ridding the world of that shit. Communism and socialism have no place in this world. As long as we aren’t sending our troops to die in a senseless war over it I’m fine with doing anything we can to help free people of the horrible oppression of that ideology. People starve and die under that ideology. They don’t have religious freedom. They have to resort to eating pets to survive. I used to be 100% against foreign intervention but that was in previous administrations where it was clear to me we weren’t freeing anyone from anything. I showed you how there’s a real possibility that we got rid of the bad actors in Saudi Arabia and ended the petrodollar agreement. We don’t need their oil anymore and trump is the first president in how long that has allowed domestic production to take place. Your problem is you don’t think outside the box. You search for websites that confirm the bias you already have that he’s NWO and that doesn’t allow you to break the cognitive dissonance. You WANT to believe he’s NWO because for some reason you want to think we’re all just fucked with no way out. I on the other hand spent an untold amount of time researching and fence sitting and questioning everything I was seeing and it took me quite a while to determine that what we’re seeing is something different. Im the furthest thing from your typical trump worshipper who thinks he can do no wrong. In fact it’s been 3 years of his presidency and I’ve only come to be a supporter of him over the last several months. So o have done MORE than my fair share of due diligence on the situation to come to my position on him.

Now again, let’s hear your take on why you think he’s NWO with just your own words and thoughts. If that’s possible for you.

The very FACT that you need to exclude Bolivia from your reality paradigm is part of the problem. Trump said he would not invade nation's or nation build anymore. It does not matter to me what or how a nation is ruled, nor what political ideology they have. It is immoral to invade, or take them over based on what a people vote to lead them. It is immoral and unethical to sanction, seize, and make them suffer based on what they choose.

I don't care what your beliefs are, YOU LIVE IN THE U.S., NOT OVER THERE. You have no moral right to impose your rights on other nations.

Trump has always been a member of the ruling elite, his family has always been. Hotels international laundered money for the mob, and was bought by Meyer Lansky who has connections to the CIA. The person that help bailed Trump out of his bankruptcy troubles of his casino's was Rothschild banker, and his now Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross.

You never showed anyone any agreement about anything ending the Petrodollar agreement. Just because we don't need someone's oil anymore, does not mean that the price of oil, and oil markets are not critical to the economy and debt of the U.S. Oil is a commodity, it is fungible. We MUST control all energy, and the price of it on the planet, or else the U.S. will go bankrupt, AGAIN. When this happens, we will be forced to negotiate with the Russians, Chinese, Brazilian, Indian and yes, Iranians, about the new reserve currency. (Or link dollars with something else.)

The living standard of everyone in the U.S. will drop like a stone. It is only though war and bullying we keep the U.S. petrodollar the reserve currency, that we have a living standard higher than most of the world, as we do not produce as much as we should for this living standard.

You have written some pretty evil shit. .. stuff you have been FORCED to write, in order to justify your support of DJT. I feel sorry for you. Ideologues often have to.

I don't care what you think of socialism, Islam, Communism, etc. Unless they attack us? There is NO EXCUSE for killing innocent civilians, starting wars, placing sanctions that starve children and families, etc.

When people choose to do things voluntarily? There is nothing wrong with anything vis-à-vis others. I shop at a food co-op. I do my banking at credit union. If I were not so poor, and had to purchase my own medical? I would probably do it through a Christian Health co-operative like Medishare. All of these are examples of SOCIALISM. It is not socialism that is the problem you dumb as Ideologue, it is government FORCING PEOPLE.

If all these indigenous folks WANT IT? It is not our place to tell them no.

Trump is a part of the Deep State when he uses violence and is seizing international institutions and breaking international law.

If he was not hurting people, INNOCENT PEOPLE? If he did what he said he was going to do when he campaigned? Then sure, you would be right. But he isn't.

International politics is about three things. It is about G.O.D. GOLD OIL DRUGS.

Trump has made sure the gold is still flowing. He hasn't stopped that CIA's clandestine drug trade. IN fact, that is what this whole, "WALL" thing is about, the administration wants to cut out the competition and be damn sure the black op agencies and casino's get their laundered loot.

The opioid epidemic he gave lip service too? It has only gotten worse. The sure way to END IT? Give Afghanistan BACK to the Taliban, instead of having our troops protect the poppy crops. The Taliban has a proven record of cutting the supply to the Anglo-American drug trade.

He said he would. . . . OBL is dead. . . what the hell?

Don't even get me started on his hypocrisy on the gun control shit.

He doesn't give a shit about the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. I don't think he has ever even read them. Why are you fooling yourself? Does he have that much hypnotic power over you?

I judge by what someone says they are going to do and results. Not propaganda and rhetoric.

Troops and bases are still where they are, and nothing is any different than it was under Obama.
There’s a lot in here I disagree with, and see much differently than you do based on dots I’ve connected. I really don’t care to keep debating it because no one changes their mind on the internet anyway and I’d rather be united than divided over differing opinions. But I appreciate your effort in providing your own personal thoughts on it. We’re just going to have to wait and see what happens. Trumps base is expecting prison sentences for crimes against humanity and corruption. It’s only going to be so long before they begin to take matters into their own hands if he doesn’t come through. I’ve seen the chatter all over the internet. The right, the gun owners of America, have had enough and are about as close as it’s ever come to revolution since the 1700’s. He’s clearly going to get 4 more years so the ball is going to be in his court. But if Virginia is any kind of example, we can expect that the military is absolutely NOT going to comply with any orders to disarm or engage American citizens. That much we can be pretty sure about.

We’ll see when we see.

This much we agree on.

I tell you this much. . . no one is going to jail, no pedo rings are going to be busted, and the sustainable green agenda, the Glogalist UN technocracy agenda will move forward just as soon as Trump is gone.

They WILL continue, bit by bit, to put more restrictions on gun sales and use. I imagine it will be done by restricting the ability of folks to buy ammunition and by requiring folks to purchase very expensive liability insurance that only security contracting companies that protect politicians and celebrities can afford.

. . . but you are right, we shall see, won't we?

Your reading of this is all wrong Paulie.
Paulie thinks Iranians are going to become Christian Democrats. . . . :71:
You’re such an idiot. The vast majority of Muslims want to live in peace just like the rest of the vast majority of the world. The NWO was going to usher in a new world religion called Chrislam which was based on Aleister Crowley’s Thelema.. “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”. It’s luciferian in principle. They’ve been playing Muslims, jews, and Christians against each other so they could ignite hate to the point of being able to bring in their “solution” to the problem. By freeing people of religious oppression, this agenda dies. And it’s such a shame that you can’t see that because all you see is NWO everywhere. Guess what my friend.. there are only a small fraction of bad people in this world. The overwhelming majority of people do not want religious oppression, war, etc. It only takes 3% of a population to overthrow oppression. We have exponentially more than that in countless counties now. The world is waking up. If you can’t see that then I really don’t know what to tell you.

That statement I would agree with. . .

The fact you cannot see that Trump is working for the global elites? Makes me laugh though.

You still have never explained that Bolivian shit.
Ok so explain to me in your own words how he’s working for the global elites? I don’t want 50 different links and copy pastes images I want your own thoughts on it. Just like I give you mine.

As far as Bolivia, it doesn’t concern me. It was a communist dictatorship aligned with the Madura regime in Venezuela. I don’t have a single problem intervening for the sake of ridding the world of that shit. Communism and socialism have no place in this world. As long as we aren’t sending our troops to die in a senseless war over it I’m fine with doing anything we can to help free people of the horrible oppression of that ideology. People starve and die under that ideology. They don’t have religious freedom. They have to resort to eating pets to survive. I used to be 100% against foreign intervention but that was in previous administrations where it was clear to me we weren’t freeing anyone from anything. I showed you how there’s a real possibility that we got rid of the bad actors in Saudi Arabia and ended the petrodollar agreement. We don’t need their oil anymore and trump is the first president in how long that has allowed domestic production to take place. Your problem is you don’t think outside the box. You search for websites that confirm the bias you already have that he’s NWO and that doesn’t allow you to break the cognitive dissonance. You WANT to believe he’s NWO because for some reason you want to think we’re all just fucked with no way out. I on the other hand spent an untold amount of time researching and fence sitting and questioning everything I was seeing and it took me quite a while to determine that what we’re seeing is something different. Im the furthest thing from your typical trump worshipper who thinks he can do no wrong. In fact it’s been 3 years of his presidency and I’ve only come to be a supporter of him over the last several months. So o have done MORE than my fair share of due diligence on the situation to come to my position on him.

Now again, let’s hear your take on why you think he’s NWO with just your own words and thoughts. If that’s possible for you.

The very FACT that you need to exclude Bolivia from your reality paradigm is part of the problem. Trump said he would not invade nation's or nation build anymore. It does not matter to me what or how a nation is ruled, nor what political ideology they have. It is immoral to invade, or take them over based on what a people vote to lead them. It is immoral and unethical to sanction, seize, and make them suffer based on what they choose.

I don't care what your beliefs are, YOU LIVE IN THE U.S., NOT OVER THERE. You have no moral right to impose your rights on other nations.

Trump has always been a member of the ruling elite, his family has always been. Hotels international laundered money for the mob, and was bought by Meyer Lansky who has connections to the CIA. The person that help bailed Trump out of his bankruptcy troubles of his casino's was Rothschild banker, and his now Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross.

You never showed anyone any agreement about anything ending the Petrodollar agreement. Just because we don't need someone's oil anymore, does not mean that the price of oil, and oil markets are not critical to the economy and debt of the U.S. Oil is a commodity, it is fungible. We MUST control all energy, and the price of it on the planet, or else the U.S. will go bankrupt, AGAIN. When this happens, we will be forced to negotiate with the Russians, Chinese, Brazilian, Indian and yes, Iranians, about the new reserve currency. (Or link dollars with something else.)

The living standard of everyone in the U.S. will drop like a stone. It is only though war and bullying we keep the U.S. petrodollar the reserve currency, that we have a living standard higher than most of the world, as we do not produce as much as we should for this living standard.

You have written some pretty evil shit. .. stuff you have been FORCED to write, in order to justify your support of DJT. I feel sorry for you. Ideologues often have to.

I don't care what you think of socialism, Islam, Communism, etc. Unless they attack us? There is NO EXCUSE for killing innocent civilians, starting wars, placing sanctions that starve children and families, etc.

When people choose to do things voluntarily? There is nothing wrong with anything vis-à-vis others. I shop at a food co-op. I do my banking at credit union. If I were not so poor, and had to purchase my own medical? I would probably do it through a Christian Health co-operative like Medishare. All of these are examples of SOCIALISM. It is not socialism that is the problem you dumb as Ideologue, it is government FORCING PEOPLE.

If all these indigenous folks WANT IT? It is not our place to tell them no.

Trump is a part of the Deep State when he uses violence and is seizing international institutions and breaking international law.

If he was not hurting people, INNOCENT PEOPLE? If he did what he said he was going to do when he campaigned? Then sure, you would be right. But he isn't.

International politics is about three things. It is about G.O.D. GOLD OIL DRUGS.

Trump has made sure the gold is still flowing. He hasn't stopped that CIA's clandestine drug trade. IN fact, that is what this whole, "WALL" thing is about, the administration wants to cut out the competition and be damn sure the black op agencies and casino's get their laundered loot.

The opioid epidemic he gave lip service too? It has only gotten worse. The sure way to END IT? Give Afghanistan BACK to the Taliban, instead of having our troops protect the poppy crops. The Taliban has a proven record of cutting the supply to the Anglo-American drug trade.

He said he would. . . . OBL is dead. . . what the hell?

Don't even get me started on his hypocrisy on the gun control shit.

He doesn't give a shit about the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. I don't think he has ever even read them. Why are you fooling yourself? Does he have that much hypnotic power over you?

I judge by what someone says they are going to do and results. Not propaganda and rhetoric.

Troops and bases are still where they are, and nothing is any different than it was under Obama.
so you aren't a humanitarian? You would allow the nazi killing of millions and sit and watch huh? thanks for that explanation of who you are.

WTF are you even talking about?

Who the hell is killing millions? Where is there genocide going on?


Christ man, put down the crack pipe.
That statement I would agree with. . .

The fact you cannot see that Trump is working for the global elites? Makes me laugh though.

You still have never explained that Bolivian shit.
Ok so explain to me in your own words how he’s working for the global elites? I don’t want 50 different links and copy pastes images I want your own thoughts on it. Just like I give you mine.

As far as Bolivia, it doesn’t concern me. It was a communist dictatorship aligned with the Madura regime in Venezuela. I don’t have a single problem intervening for the sake of ridding the world of that shit. Communism and socialism have no place in this world. As long as we aren’t sending our troops to die in a senseless war over it I’m fine with doing anything we can to help free people of the horrible oppression of that ideology. People starve and die under that ideology. They don’t have religious freedom. They have to resort to eating pets to survive. I used to be 100% against foreign intervention but that was in previous administrations where it was clear to me we weren’t freeing anyone from anything. I showed you how there’s a real possibility that we got rid of the bad actors in Saudi Arabia and ended the petrodollar agreement. We don’t need their oil anymore and trump is the first president in how long that has allowed domestic production to take place. Your problem is you don’t think outside the box. You search for websites that confirm the bias you already have that he’s NWO and that doesn’t allow you to break the cognitive dissonance. You WANT to believe he’s NWO because for some reason you want to think we’re all just fucked with no way out. I on the other hand spent an untold amount of time researching and fence sitting and questioning everything I was seeing and it took me quite a while to determine that what we’re seeing is something different. Im the furthest thing from your typical trump worshipper who thinks he can do no wrong. In fact it’s been 3 years of his presidency and I’ve only come to be a supporter of him over the last several months. So o have done MORE than my fair share of due diligence on the situation to come to my position on him.

Now again, let’s hear your take on why you think he’s NWO with just your own words and thoughts. If that’s possible for you.

The very FACT that you need to exclude Bolivia from your reality paradigm is part of the problem. Trump said he would not invade nation's or nation build anymore. It does not matter to me what or how a nation is ruled, nor what political ideology they have. It is immoral to invade, or take them over based on what a people vote to lead them. It is immoral and unethical to sanction, seize, and make them suffer based on what they choose.

I don't care what your beliefs are, YOU LIVE IN THE U.S., NOT OVER THERE. You have no moral right to impose your rights on other nations.

Trump has always been a member of the ruling elite, his family has always been. Hotels international laundered money for the mob, and was bought by Meyer Lansky who has connections to the CIA. The person that help bailed Trump out of his bankruptcy troubles of his casino's was Rothschild banker, and his now Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross.

You never showed anyone any agreement about anything ending the Petrodollar agreement. Just because we don't need someone's oil anymore, does not mean that the price of oil, and oil markets are not critical to the economy and debt of the U.S. Oil is a commodity, it is fungible. We MUST control all energy, and the price of it on the planet, or else the U.S. will go bankrupt, AGAIN. When this happens, we will be forced to negotiate with the Russians, Chinese, Brazilian, Indian and yes, Iranians, about the new reserve currency. (Or link dollars with something else.)

The living standard of everyone in the U.S. will drop like a stone. It is only though war and bullying we keep the U.S. petrodollar the reserve currency, that we have a living standard higher than most of the world, as we do not produce as much as we should for this living standard.

You have written some pretty evil shit. .. stuff you have been FORCED to write, in order to justify your support of DJT. I feel sorry for you. Ideologues often have to.

I don't care what you think of socialism, Islam, Communism, etc. Unless they attack us? There is NO EXCUSE for killing innocent civilians, starting wars, placing sanctions that starve children and families, etc.

When people choose to do things voluntarily? There is nothing wrong with anything vis-à-vis others. I shop at a food co-op. I do my banking at credit union. If I were not so poor, and had to purchase my own medical? I would probably do it through a Christian Health co-operative like Medishare. All of these are examples of SOCIALISM. It is not socialism that is the problem you dumb as Ideologue, it is government FORCING PEOPLE.

If all these indigenous folks WANT IT? It is not our place to tell them no.

Trump is a part of the Deep State when he uses violence and is seizing international institutions and breaking international law.

If he was not hurting people, INNOCENT PEOPLE? If he did what he said he was going to do when he campaigned? Then sure, you would be right. But he isn't.

International politics is about three things. It is about G.O.D. GOLD OIL DRUGS.

Trump has made sure the gold is still flowing. He hasn't stopped that CIA's clandestine drug trade. IN fact, that is what this whole, "WALL" thing is about, the administration wants to cut out the competition and be damn sure the black op agencies and casino's get their laundered loot.

The opioid epidemic he gave lip service too? It has only gotten worse. The sure way to END IT? Give Afghanistan BACK to the Taliban, instead of having our troops protect the poppy crops. The Taliban has a proven record of cutting the supply to the Anglo-American drug trade.

He said he would. . . . OBL is dead. . . what the hell?

Don't even get me started on his hypocrisy on the gun control shit.

He doesn't give a shit about the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. I don't think he has ever even read them. Why are you fooling yourself? Does he have that much hypnotic power over you?

I judge by what someone says they are going to do and results. Not propaganda and rhetoric.

Troops and bases are still where they are, and nothing is any different than it was under Obama.
so you aren't a humanitarian? You would allow the nazi killing of millions and sit and watch huh? thanks for that explanation of who you are.
you really are, thanks for admitting it! what about the OP now? five more years of trump, your ass will really be chaffed.

I would say after next Friday, you all have but one option left. which of you is the brave one I wonder. How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?.........
Really dumb.
You’re such an idiot. The vast majority of Muslims want to live in peace just like the rest of the vast majority of the world. The NWO was going to usher in a new world religion called Chrislam which was based on Aleister Crowley’s Thelema.. “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”. It’s luciferian in principle. They’ve been playing Muslims, jews, and Christians against each other so they could ignite hate to the point of being able to bring in their “solution” to the problem. By freeing people of religious oppression, this agenda dies. And it’s such a shame that you can’t see that because all you see is NWO everywhere. Guess what my friend.. there are only a small fraction of bad people in this world. The overwhelming majority of people do not want religious oppression, war, etc. It only takes 3% of a population to overthrow oppression. We have exponentially more than that in countless counties now. The world is waking up. If you can’t see that then I really don’t know what to tell you.

That statement I would agree with. . .

The fact you cannot see that Trump is working for the global elites? Makes me laugh though.

You still have never explained that Bolivian shit.
Ok so explain to me in your own words how he’s working for the global elites? I don’t want 50 different links and copy pastes images I want your own thoughts on it. Just like I give you mine.

As far as Bolivia, it doesn’t concern me. It was a communist dictatorship aligned with the Madura regime in Venezuela. I don’t have a single problem intervening for the sake of ridding the world of that shit. Communism and socialism have no place in this world. As long as we aren’t sending our troops to die in a senseless war over it I’m fine with doing anything we can to help free people of the horrible oppression of that ideology. People starve and die under that ideology. They don’t have religious freedom. They have to resort to eating pets to survive. I used to be 100% against foreign intervention but that was in previous administrations where it was clear to me we weren’t freeing anyone from anything. I showed you how there’s a real possibility that we got rid of the bad actors in Saudi Arabia and ended the petrodollar agreement. We don’t need their oil anymore and trump is the first president in how long that has allowed domestic production to take place. Your problem is you don’t think outside the box. You search for websites that confirm the bias you already have that he’s NWO and that doesn’t allow you to break the cognitive dissonance. You WANT to believe he’s NWO because for some reason you want to think we’re all just fucked with no way out. I on the other hand spent an untold amount of time researching and fence sitting and questioning everything I was seeing and it took me quite a while to determine that what we’re seeing is something different. Im the furthest thing from your typical trump worshipper who thinks he can do no wrong. In fact it’s been 3 years of his presidency and I’ve only come to be a supporter of him over the last several months. So o have done MORE than my fair share of due diligence on the situation to come to my position on him.

Now again, let’s hear your take on why you think he’s NWO with just your own words and thoughts. If that’s possible for you.

The very FACT that you need to exclude Bolivia from your reality paradigm is part of the problem. Trump said he would not invade nation's or nation build anymore. It does not matter to me what or how a nation is ruled, nor what political ideology they have. It is immoral to invade, or take them over based on what a people vote to lead them. It is immoral and unethical to sanction, seize, and make them suffer based on what they choose.

I don't care what your beliefs are, YOU LIVE IN THE U.S., NOT OVER THERE. You have no moral right to impose your rights on other nations.

Trump has always been a member of the ruling elite, his family has always been. Hotels international laundered money for the mob, and was bought by Meyer Lansky who has connections to the CIA. The person that help bailed Trump out of his bankruptcy troubles of his casino's was Rothschild banker, and his now Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross.

You never showed anyone any agreement about anything ending the Petrodollar agreement. Just because we don't need someone's oil anymore, does not mean that the price of oil, and oil markets are not critical to the economy and debt of the U.S. Oil is a commodity, it is fungible. We MUST control all energy, and the price of it on the planet, or else the U.S. will go bankrupt, AGAIN. When this happens, we will be forced to negotiate with the Russians, Chinese, Brazilian, Indian and yes, Iranians, about the new reserve currency. (Or link dollars with something else.)

The living standard of everyone in the U.S. will drop like a stone. It is only though war and bullying we keep the U.S. petrodollar the reserve currency, that we have a living standard higher than most of the world, as we do not produce as much as we should for this living standard.

You have written some pretty evil shit. .. stuff you have been FORCED to write, in order to justify your support of DJT. I feel sorry for you. Ideologues often have to.

I don't care what you think of socialism, Islam, Communism, etc. Unless they attack us? There is NO EXCUSE for killing innocent civilians, starting wars, placing sanctions that starve children and families, etc.

When people choose to do things voluntarily? There is nothing wrong with anything vis-à-vis others. I shop at a food co-op. I do my banking at credit union. If I were not so poor, and had to purchase my own medical? I would probably do it through a Christian Health co-operative like Medishare. All of these are examples of SOCIALISM. It is not socialism that is the problem you dumb as Ideologue, it is government FORCING PEOPLE.

If all these indigenous folks WANT IT? It is not our place to tell them no.

Trump is a part of the Deep State when he uses violence and is seizing international institutions and breaking international law.

If he was not hurting people, INNOCENT PEOPLE? If he did what he said he was going to do when he campaigned? Then sure, you would be right. But he isn't.

International politics is about three things. It is about G.O.D. GOLD OIL DRUGS.

Trump has made sure the gold is still flowing. He hasn't stopped that CIA's clandestine drug trade. IN fact, that is what this whole, "WALL" thing is about, the administration wants to cut out the competition and be damn sure the black op agencies and casino's get their laundered loot.

The opioid epidemic he gave lip service too? It has only gotten worse. The sure way to END IT? Give Afghanistan BACK to the Taliban, instead of having our troops protect the poppy crops. The Taliban has a proven record of cutting the supply to the Anglo-American drug trade.

He said he would. . . . OBL is dead. . . what the hell?

Don't even get me started on his hypocrisy on the gun control shit.

He doesn't give a shit about the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. I don't think he has ever even read them. Why are you fooling yourself? Does he have that much hypnotic power over you?

I judge by what someone says they are going to do and results. Not propaganda and rhetoric.

Troops and bases are still where they are, and nothing is any different than it was under Obama.
so you aren't a humanitarian? You would allow the nazi killing of millions and sit and watch huh? thanks for that explanation of who you are.

WTF are you even talking about?

Who the hell is killing millions? Where is there genocide going on?


Christ man, put down the crack pipe.
wow, the little man can't even stand up to his own post. you fking loser. when a one liner takes down a poster.

you said, He doesn't give a shit about the Bill of Rights or the Constitution.

Who doesn't and what is your evidence? And I rest my case.
That statement I would agree with. . .

The fact you cannot see that Trump is working for the global elites? Makes me laugh though.

You still have never explained that Bolivian shit.
Ok so explain to me in your own words how he’s working for the global elites? I don’t want 50 different links and copy pastes images I want your own thoughts on it. Just like I give you mine.

As far as Bolivia, it doesn’t concern me. It was a communist dictatorship aligned with the Madura regime in Venezuela. I don’t have a single problem intervening for the sake of ridding the world of that shit. Communism and socialism have no place in this world. As long as we aren’t sending our troops to die in a senseless war over it I’m fine with doing anything we can to help free people of the horrible oppression of that ideology. People starve and die under that ideology. They don’t have religious freedom. They have to resort to eating pets to survive. I used to be 100% against foreign intervention but that was in previous administrations where it was clear to me we weren’t freeing anyone from anything. I showed you how there’s a real possibility that we got rid of the bad actors in Saudi Arabia and ended the petrodollar agreement. We don’t need their oil anymore and trump is the first president in how long that has allowed domestic production to take place. Your problem is you don’t think outside the box. You search for websites that confirm the bias you already have that he’s NWO and that doesn’t allow you to break the cognitive dissonance. You WANT to believe he’s NWO because for some reason you want to think we’re all just fucked with no way out. I on the other hand spent an untold amount of time researching and fence sitting and questioning everything I was seeing and it took me quite a while to determine that what we’re seeing is something different. Im the furthest thing from your typical trump worshipper who thinks he can do no wrong. In fact it’s been 3 years of his presidency and I’ve only come to be a supporter of him over the last several months. So o have done MORE than my fair share of due diligence on the situation to come to my position on him.

Now again, let’s hear your take on why you think he’s NWO with just your own words and thoughts. If that’s possible for you.

The very FACT that you need to exclude Bolivia from your reality paradigm is part of the problem. Trump said he would not invade nation's or nation build anymore. It does not matter to me what or how a nation is ruled, nor what political ideology they have. It is immoral to invade, or take them over based on what a people vote to lead them. It is immoral and unethical to sanction, seize, and make them suffer based on what they choose.

I don't care what your beliefs are, YOU LIVE IN THE U.S., NOT OVER THERE. You have no moral right to impose your rights on other nations.

Trump has always been a member of the ruling elite, his family has always been. Hotels international laundered money for the mob, and was bought by Meyer Lansky who has connections to the CIA. The person that help bailed Trump out of his bankruptcy troubles of his casino's was Rothschild banker, and his now Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross.

You never showed anyone any agreement about anything ending the Petrodollar agreement. Just because we don't need someone's oil anymore, does not mean that the price of oil, and oil markets are not critical to the economy and debt of the U.S. Oil is a commodity, it is fungible. We MUST control all energy, and the price of it on the planet, or else the U.S. will go bankrupt, AGAIN. When this happens, we will be forced to negotiate with the Russians, Chinese, Brazilian, Indian and yes, Iranians, about the new reserve currency. (Or link dollars with something else.)

The living standard of everyone in the U.S. will drop like a stone. It is only though war and bullying we keep the U.S. petrodollar the reserve currency, that we have a living standard higher than most of the world, as we do not produce as much as we should for this living standard.

You have written some pretty evil shit. .. stuff you have been FORCED to write, in order to justify your support of DJT. I feel sorry for you. Ideologues often have to.

I don't care what you think of socialism, Islam, Communism, etc. Unless they attack us? There is NO EXCUSE for killing innocent civilians, starting wars, placing sanctions that starve children and families, etc.

When people choose to do things voluntarily? There is nothing wrong with anything vis-à-vis others. I shop at a food co-op. I do my banking at credit union. If I were not so poor, and had to purchase my own medical? I would probably do it through a Christian Health co-operative like Medishare. All of these are examples of SOCIALISM. It is not socialism that is the problem you dumb as Ideologue, it is government FORCING PEOPLE.

If all these indigenous folks WANT IT? It is not our place to tell them no.

Trump is a part of the Deep State when he uses violence and is seizing international institutions and breaking international law.

If he was not hurting people, INNOCENT PEOPLE? If he did what he said he was going to do when he campaigned? Then sure, you would be right. But he isn't.

International politics is about three things. It is about G.O.D. GOLD OIL DRUGS.

Trump has made sure the gold is still flowing. He hasn't stopped that CIA's clandestine drug trade. IN fact, that is what this whole, "WALL" thing is about, the administration wants to cut out the competition and be damn sure the black op agencies and casino's get their laundered loot.

The opioid epidemic he gave lip service too? It has only gotten worse. The sure way to END IT? Give Afghanistan BACK to the Taliban, instead of having our troops protect the poppy crops. The Taliban has a proven record of cutting the supply to the Anglo-American drug trade.

He said he would. . . . OBL is dead. . . what the hell?

Don't even get me started on his hypocrisy on the gun control shit.

He doesn't give a shit about the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. I don't think he has ever even read them. Why are you fooling yourself? Does he have that much hypnotic power over you?

I judge by what someone says they are going to do and results. Not propaganda and rhetoric.

Troops and bases are still where they are, and nothing is any different than it was under Obama.
so you aren't a humanitarian? You would allow the nazi killing of millions and sit and watch huh? thanks for that explanation of who you are.

WTF are you even talking about?

Who the hell is killing millions? Where is there genocide going on?


Christ man, put down the crack pipe.
wow, the little man can't even stand up to his own post. you fking loser. when a one liner takes down a poster.

you said, He doesn't give a shit about the Bill of Rights or the Constitution.

Who doesn't and what is your evidence? And I rest my case.
If only you would rest and STFU
That statement I would agree with. . .

The fact you cannot see that Trump is working for the global elites? Makes me laugh though.

You still have never explained that Bolivian shit.
Ok so explain to me in your own words how he’s working for the global elites? I don’t want 50 different links and copy pastes images I want your own thoughts on it. Just like I give you mine.

As far as Bolivia, it doesn’t concern me. It was a communist dictatorship aligned with the Madura regime in Venezuela. I don’t have a single problem intervening for the sake of ridding the world of that shit. Communism and socialism have no place in this world. As long as we aren’t sending our troops to die in a senseless war over it I’m fine with doing anything we can to help free people of the horrible oppression of that ideology. People starve and die under that ideology. They don’t have religious freedom. They have to resort to eating pets to survive. I used to be 100% against foreign intervention but that was in previous administrations where it was clear to me we weren’t freeing anyone from anything. I showed you how there’s a real possibility that we got rid of the bad actors in Saudi Arabia and ended the petrodollar agreement. We don’t need their oil anymore and trump is the first president in how long that has allowed domestic production to take place. Your problem is you don’t think outside the box. You search for websites that confirm the bias you already have that he’s NWO and that doesn’t allow you to break the cognitive dissonance. You WANT to believe he’s NWO because for some reason you want to think we’re all just fucked with no way out. I on the other hand spent an untold amount of time researching and fence sitting and questioning everything I was seeing and it took me quite a while to determine that what we’re seeing is something different. Im the furthest thing from your typical trump worshipper who thinks he can do no wrong. In fact it’s been 3 years of his presidency and I’ve only come to be a supporter of him over the last several months. So o have done MORE than my fair share of due diligence on the situation to come to my position on him.

Now again, let’s hear your take on why you think he’s NWO with just your own words and thoughts. If that’s possible for you.

The very FACT that you need to exclude Bolivia from your reality paradigm is part of the problem. Trump said he would not invade nation's or nation build anymore. It does not matter to me what or how a nation is ruled, nor what political ideology they have. It is immoral to invade, or take them over based on what a people vote to lead them. It is immoral and unethical to sanction, seize, and make them suffer based on what they choose.

I don't care what your beliefs are, YOU LIVE IN THE U.S., NOT OVER THERE. You have no moral right to impose your rights on other nations.

Trump has always been a member of the ruling elite, his family has always been. Hotels international laundered money for the mob, and was bought by Meyer Lansky who has connections to the CIA. The person that help bailed Trump out of his bankruptcy troubles of his casino's was Rothschild banker, and his now Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross.

You never showed anyone any agreement about anything ending the Petrodollar agreement. Just because we don't need someone's oil anymore, does not mean that the price of oil, and oil markets are not critical to the economy and debt of the U.S. Oil is a commodity, it is fungible. We MUST control all energy, and the price of it on the planet, or else the U.S. will go bankrupt, AGAIN. When this happens, we will be forced to negotiate with the Russians, Chinese, Brazilian, Indian and yes, Iranians, about the new reserve currency. (Or link dollars with something else.)

The living standard of everyone in the U.S. will drop like a stone. It is only though war and bullying we keep the U.S. petrodollar the reserve currency, that we have a living standard higher than most of the world, as we do not produce as much as we should for this living standard.

You have written some pretty evil shit. .. stuff you have been FORCED to write, in order to justify your support of DJT. I feel sorry for you. Ideologues often have to.

I don't care what you think of socialism, Islam, Communism, etc. Unless they attack us? There is NO EXCUSE for killing innocent civilians, starting wars, placing sanctions that starve children and families, etc.

When people choose to do things voluntarily? There is nothing wrong with anything vis-à-vis others. I shop at a food co-op. I do my banking at credit union. If I were not so poor, and had to purchase my own medical? I would probably do it through a Christian Health co-operative like Medishare. All of these are examples of SOCIALISM. It is not socialism that is the problem you dumb as Ideologue, it is government FORCING PEOPLE.

If all these indigenous folks WANT IT? It is not our place to tell them no.

Trump is a part of the Deep State when he uses violence and is seizing international institutions and breaking international law.

If he was not hurting people, INNOCENT PEOPLE? If he did what he said he was going to do when he campaigned? Then sure, you would be right. But he isn't.

International politics is about three things. It is about G.O.D. GOLD OIL DRUGS.

Trump has made sure the gold is still flowing. He hasn't stopped that CIA's clandestine drug trade. IN fact, that is what this whole, "WALL" thing is about, the administration wants to cut out the competition and be damn sure the black op agencies and casino's get their laundered loot.

The opioid epidemic he gave lip service too? It has only gotten worse. The sure way to END IT? Give Afghanistan BACK to the Taliban, instead of having our troops protect the poppy crops. The Taliban has a proven record of cutting the supply to the Anglo-American drug trade.

He said he would. . . . OBL is dead. . . what the hell?

Don't even get me started on his hypocrisy on the gun control shit.

He doesn't give a shit about the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. I don't think he has ever even read them. Why are you fooling yourself? Does he have that much hypnotic power over you?

I judge by what someone says they are going to do and results. Not propaganda and rhetoric.

Troops and bases are still where they are, and nothing is any different than it was under Obama.
so you aren't a humanitarian? You would allow the nazi killing of millions and sit and watch huh? thanks for that explanation of who you are.
you really are, thanks for admitting it! what about the OP now? five more years of trump, your ass will really be chaffed.

I would say after next Friday, you all have but one option left. which of you is the brave one I wonder. How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?.........
That statement I would agree with. . .

The fact you cannot see that Trump is working for the global elites? Makes me laugh though.

You still have never explained that Bolivian shit.
Ok so explain to me in your own words how he’s working for the global elites? I don’t want 50 different links and copy pastes images I want your own thoughts on it. Just like I give you mine.

As far as Bolivia, it doesn’t concern me. It was a communist dictatorship aligned with the Madura regime in Venezuela. I don’t have a single problem intervening for the sake of ridding the world of that shit. Communism and socialism have no place in this world. As long as we aren’t sending our troops to die in a senseless war over it I’m fine with doing anything we can to help free people of the horrible oppression of that ideology. People starve and die under that ideology. They don’t have religious freedom. They have to resort to eating pets to survive. I used to be 100% against foreign intervention but that was in previous administrations where it was clear to me we weren’t freeing anyone from anything. I showed you how there’s a real possibility that we got rid of the bad actors in Saudi Arabia and ended the petrodollar agreement. We don’t need their oil anymore and trump is the first president in how long that has allowed domestic production to take place. Your problem is you don’t think outside the box. You search for websites that confirm the bias you already have that he’s NWO and that doesn’t allow you to break the cognitive dissonance. You WANT to believe he’s NWO because for some reason you want to think we’re all just fucked with no way out. I on the other hand spent an untold amount of time researching and fence sitting and questioning everything I was seeing and it took me quite a while to determine that what we’re seeing is something different. Im the furthest thing from your typical trump worshipper who thinks he can do no wrong. In fact it’s been 3 years of his presidency and I’ve only come to be a supporter of him over the last several months. So o have done MORE than my fair share of due diligence on the situation to come to my position on him.

Now again, let’s hear your take on why you think he’s NWO with just your own words and thoughts. If that’s possible for you.

The very FACT that you need to exclude Bolivia from your reality paradigm is part of the problem. Trump said he would not invade nation's or nation build anymore. It does not matter to me what or how a nation is ruled, nor what political ideology they have. It is immoral to invade, or take them over based on what a people vote to lead them. It is immoral and unethical to sanction, seize, and make them suffer based on what they choose.

I don't care what your beliefs are, YOU LIVE IN THE U.S., NOT OVER THERE. You have no moral right to impose your rights on other nations.

Trump has always been a member of the ruling elite, his family has always been. Hotels international laundered money for the mob, and was bought by Meyer Lansky who has connections to the CIA. The person that help bailed Trump out of his bankruptcy troubles of his casino's was Rothschild banker, and his now Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross.

You never showed anyone any agreement about anything ending the Petrodollar agreement. Just because we don't need someone's oil anymore, does not mean that the price of oil, and oil markets are not critical to the economy and debt of the U.S. Oil is a commodity, it is fungible. We MUST control all energy, and the price of it on the planet, or else the U.S. will go bankrupt, AGAIN. When this happens, we will be forced to negotiate with the Russians, Chinese, Brazilian, Indian and yes, Iranians, about the new reserve currency. (Or link dollars with something else.)

The living standard of everyone in the U.S. will drop like a stone. It is only though war and bullying we keep the U.S. petrodollar the reserve currency, that we have a living standard higher than most of the world, as we do not produce as much as we should for this living standard.

You have written some pretty evil shit. .. stuff you have been FORCED to write, in order to justify your support of DJT. I feel sorry for you. Ideologues often have to.

I don't care what you think of socialism, Islam, Communism, etc. Unless they attack us? There is NO EXCUSE for killing innocent civilians, starting wars, placing sanctions that starve children and families, etc.

When people choose to do things voluntarily? There is nothing wrong with anything vis-à-vis others. I shop at a food co-op. I do my banking at credit union. If I were not so poor, and had to purchase my own medical? I would probably do it through a Christian Health co-operative like Medishare. All of these are examples of SOCIALISM. It is not socialism that is the problem you dumb as Ideologue, it is government FORCING PEOPLE.

If all these indigenous folks WANT IT? It is not our place to tell them no.

Trump is a part of the Deep State when he uses violence and is seizing international institutions and breaking international law.

If he was not hurting people, INNOCENT PEOPLE? If he did what he said he was going to do when he campaigned? Then sure, you would be right. But he isn't.

International politics is about three things. It is about G.O.D. GOLD OIL DRUGS.

Trump has made sure the gold is still flowing. He hasn't stopped that CIA's clandestine drug trade. IN fact, that is what this whole, "WALL" thing is about, the administration wants to cut out the competition and be damn sure the black op agencies and casino's get their laundered loot.

The opioid epidemic he gave lip service too? It has only gotten worse. The sure way to END IT? Give Afghanistan BACK to the Taliban, instead of having our troops protect the poppy crops. The Taliban has a proven record of cutting the supply to the Anglo-American drug trade.

He said he would. . . . OBL is dead. . . what the hell?

Don't even get me started on his hypocrisy on the gun control shit.

He doesn't give a shit about the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. I don't think he has ever even read them. Why are you fooling yourself? Does he have that much hypnotic power over you?

I judge by what someone says they are going to do and results. Not propaganda and rhetoric.

Troops and bases are still where they are, and nothing is any different than it was under Obama.
so you aren't a humanitarian? You would allow the nazi killing of millions and sit and watch huh? thanks for that explanation of who you are.

WTF are you even talking about?

Who the hell is killing millions? Where is there genocide going on?


Christ man, put down the crack pipe.
wow, the little man can't even stand up to his own post. you fking loser. when a one liner takes down a poster.

you said, He doesn't give a shit about the Bill of Rights or the Constitution.

Who doesn't and what is your evidence? And I rest my case.
Wow, you are as dumb as the POTUS.

Ok so explain to me in your own words how he’s working for the global elites? I don’t want 50 different links and copy pastes images I want your own thoughts on it. Just like I give you mine.

As far as Bolivia, it doesn’t concern me. It was a communist dictatorship aligned with the Madura regime in Venezuela. I don’t have a single problem intervening for the sake of ridding the world of that shit. Communism and socialism have no place in this world. As long as we aren’t sending our troops to die in a senseless war over it I’m fine with doing anything we can to help free people of the horrible oppression of that ideology. People starve and die under that ideology. They don’t have religious freedom. They have to resort to eating pets to survive. I used to be 100% against foreign intervention but that was in previous administrations where it was clear to me we weren’t freeing anyone from anything. I showed you how there’s a real possibility that we got rid of the bad actors in Saudi Arabia and ended the petrodollar agreement. We don’t need their oil anymore and trump is the first president in how long that has allowed domestic production to take place. Your problem is you don’t think outside the box. You search for websites that confirm the bias you already have that he’s NWO and that doesn’t allow you to break the cognitive dissonance. You WANT to believe he’s NWO because for some reason you want to think we’re all just fucked with no way out. I on the other hand spent an untold amount of time researching and fence sitting and questioning everything I was seeing and it took me quite a while to determine that what we’re seeing is something different. Im the furthest thing from your typical trump worshipper who thinks he can do no wrong. In fact it’s been 3 years of his presidency and I’ve only come to be a supporter of him over the last several months. So o have done MORE than my fair share of due diligence on the situation to come to my position on him.

Now again, let’s hear your take on why you think he’s NWO with just your own words and thoughts. If that’s possible for you.

The very FACT that you need to exclude Bolivia from your reality paradigm is part of the problem. Trump said he would not invade nation's or nation build anymore. It does not matter to me what or how a nation is ruled, nor what political ideology they have. It is immoral to invade, or take them over based on what a people vote to lead them. It is immoral and unethical to sanction, seize, and make them suffer based on what they choose.

I don't care what your beliefs are, YOU LIVE IN THE U.S., NOT OVER THERE. You have no moral right to impose your rights on other nations.

Trump has always been a member of the ruling elite, his family has always been. Hotels international laundered money for the mob, and was bought by Meyer Lansky who has connections to the CIA. The person that help bailed Trump out of his bankruptcy troubles of his casino's was Rothschild banker, and his now Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross.

You never showed anyone any agreement about anything ending the Petrodollar agreement. Just because we don't need someone's oil anymore, does not mean that the price of oil, and oil markets are not critical to the economy and debt of the U.S. Oil is a commodity, it is fungible. We MUST control all energy, and the price of it on the planet, or else the U.S. will go bankrupt, AGAIN. When this happens, we will be forced to negotiate with the Russians, Chinese, Brazilian, Indian and yes, Iranians, about the new reserve currency. (Or link dollars with something else.)

The living standard of everyone in the U.S. will drop like a stone. It is only though war and bullying we keep the U.S. petrodollar the reserve currency, that we have a living standard higher than most of the world, as we do not produce as much as we should for this living standard.

You have written some pretty evil shit. .. stuff you have been FORCED to write, in order to justify your support of DJT. I feel sorry for you. Ideologues often have to.

I don't care what you think of socialism, Islam, Communism, etc. Unless they attack us? There is NO EXCUSE for killing innocent civilians, starting wars, placing sanctions that starve children and families, etc.

When people choose to do things voluntarily? There is nothing wrong with anything vis-à-vis others. I shop at a food co-op. I do my banking at credit union. If I were not so poor, and had to purchase my own medical? I would probably do it through a Christian Health co-operative like Medishare. All of these are examples of SOCIALISM. It is not socialism that is the problem you dumb as Ideologue, it is government FORCING PEOPLE.

If all these indigenous folks WANT IT? It is not our place to tell them no.

Trump is a part of the Deep State when he uses violence and is seizing international institutions and breaking international law.

If he was not hurting people, INNOCENT PEOPLE? If he did what he said he was going to do when he campaigned? Then sure, you would be right. But he isn't.

International politics is about three things. It is about G.O.D. GOLD OIL DRUGS.

Trump has made sure the gold is still flowing. He hasn't stopped that CIA's clandestine drug trade. IN fact, that is what this whole, "WALL" thing is about, the administration wants to cut out the competition and be damn sure the black op agencies and casino's get their laundered loot.

The opioid epidemic he gave lip service too? It has only gotten worse. The sure way to END IT? Give Afghanistan BACK to the Taliban, instead of having our troops protect the poppy crops. The Taliban has a proven record of cutting the supply to the Anglo-American drug trade.

He said he would. . . . OBL is dead. . . what the hell?

Don't even get me started on his hypocrisy on the gun control shit.

He doesn't give a shit about the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. I don't think he has ever even read them. Why are you fooling yourself? Does he have that much hypnotic power over you?

I judge by what someone says they are going to do and results. Not propaganda and rhetoric.

Troops and bases are still where they are, and nothing is any different than it was under Obama.
so you aren't a humanitarian? You would allow the nazi killing of millions and sit and watch huh? thanks for that explanation of who you are.
you really are, thanks for admitting it! what about the OP now? five more years of trump, your ass will really be chaffed.

I would say after next Friday, you all have but one option left. which of you is the brave one I wonder. How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?.........
Really dumb.
yes you are. wow adjectives now.
Ok so explain to me in your own words how he’s working for the global elites? I don’t want 50 different links and copy pastes images I want your own thoughts on it. Just like I give you mine.

As far as Bolivia, it doesn’t concern me. It was a communist dictatorship aligned with the Madura regime in Venezuela. I don’t have a single problem intervening for the sake of ridding the world of that shit. Communism and socialism have no place in this world. As long as we aren’t sending our troops to die in a senseless war over it I’m fine with doing anything we can to help free people of the horrible oppression of that ideology. People starve and die under that ideology. They don’t have religious freedom. They have to resort to eating pets to survive. I used to be 100% against foreign intervention but that was in previous administrations where it was clear to me we weren’t freeing anyone from anything. I showed you how there’s a real possibility that we got rid of the bad actors in Saudi Arabia and ended the petrodollar agreement. We don’t need their oil anymore and trump is the first president in how long that has allowed domestic production to take place. Your problem is you don’t think outside the box. You search for websites that confirm the bias you already have that he’s NWO and that doesn’t allow you to break the cognitive dissonance. You WANT to believe he’s NWO because for some reason you want to think we’re all just fucked with no way out. I on the other hand spent an untold amount of time researching and fence sitting and questioning everything I was seeing and it took me quite a while to determine that what we’re seeing is something different. Im the furthest thing from your typical trump worshipper who thinks he can do no wrong. In fact it’s been 3 years of his presidency and I’ve only come to be a supporter of him over the last several months. So o have done MORE than my fair share of due diligence on the situation to come to my position on him.

Now again, let’s hear your take on why you think he’s NWO with just your own words and thoughts. If that’s possible for you.

The very FACT that you need to exclude Bolivia from your reality paradigm is part of the problem. Trump said he would not invade nation's or nation build anymore. It does not matter to me what or how a nation is ruled, nor what political ideology they have. It is immoral to invade, or take them over based on what a people vote to lead them. It is immoral and unethical to sanction, seize, and make them suffer based on what they choose.

I don't care what your beliefs are, YOU LIVE IN THE U.S., NOT OVER THERE. You have no moral right to impose your rights on other nations.

Trump has always been a member of the ruling elite, his family has always been. Hotels international laundered money for the mob, and was bought by Meyer Lansky who has connections to the CIA. The person that help bailed Trump out of his bankruptcy troubles of his casino's was Rothschild banker, and his now Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross.

You never showed anyone any agreement about anything ending the Petrodollar agreement. Just because we don't need someone's oil anymore, does not mean that the price of oil, and oil markets are not critical to the economy and debt of the U.S. Oil is a commodity, it is fungible. We MUST control all energy, and the price of it on the planet, or else the U.S. will go bankrupt, AGAIN. When this happens, we will be forced to negotiate with the Russians, Chinese, Brazilian, Indian and yes, Iranians, about the new reserve currency. (Or link dollars with something else.)

The living standard of everyone in the U.S. will drop like a stone. It is only though war and bullying we keep the U.S. petrodollar the reserve currency, that we have a living standard higher than most of the world, as we do not produce as much as we should for this living standard.

You have written some pretty evil shit. .. stuff you have been FORCED to write, in order to justify your support of DJT. I feel sorry for you. Ideologues often have to.

I don't care what you think of socialism, Islam, Communism, etc. Unless they attack us? There is NO EXCUSE for killing innocent civilians, starting wars, placing sanctions that starve children and families, etc.

When people choose to do things voluntarily? There is nothing wrong with anything vis-à-vis others. I shop at a food co-op. I do my banking at credit union. If I were not so poor, and had to purchase my own medical? I would probably do it through a Christian Health co-operative like Medishare. All of these are examples of SOCIALISM. It is not socialism that is the problem you dumb as Ideologue, it is government FORCING PEOPLE.

If all these indigenous folks WANT IT? It is not our place to tell them no.

Trump is a part of the Deep State when he uses violence and is seizing international institutions and breaking international law.

If he was not hurting people, INNOCENT PEOPLE? If he did what he said he was going to do when he campaigned? Then sure, you would be right. But he isn't.

International politics is about three things. It is about G.O.D. GOLD OIL DRUGS.

Trump has made sure the gold is still flowing. He hasn't stopped that CIA's clandestine drug trade. IN fact, that is what this whole, "WALL" thing is about, the administration wants to cut out the competition and be damn sure the black op agencies and casino's get their laundered loot.

The opioid epidemic he gave lip service too? It has only gotten worse. The sure way to END IT? Give Afghanistan BACK to the Taliban, instead of having our troops protect the poppy crops. The Taliban has a proven record of cutting the supply to the Anglo-American drug trade.

He said he would. . . . OBL is dead. . . what the hell?

Don't even get me started on his hypocrisy on the gun control shit.

He doesn't give a shit about the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. I don't think he has ever even read them. Why are you fooling yourself? Does he have that much hypnotic power over you?

I judge by what someone says they are going to do and results. Not propaganda and rhetoric.

Troops and bases are still where they are, and nothing is any different than it was under Obama.
so you aren't a humanitarian? You would allow the nazi killing of millions and sit and watch huh? thanks for that explanation of who you are.

WTF are you even talking about?

Who the hell is killing millions? Where is there genocide going on?


Christ man, put down the crack pipe.
wow, the little man can't even stand up to his own post. you fking loser. when a one liner takes down a poster.

you said, He doesn't give a shit about the Bill of Rights or the Constitution.

Who doesn't and what is your evidence? And I rest my case.
If only you would rest and STFU
so nothing huh? Imagine that.
Ok so explain to me in your own words how he’s working for the global elites? I don’t want 50 different links and copy pastes images I want your own thoughts on it. Just like I give you mine.

As far as Bolivia, it doesn’t concern me. It was a communist dictatorship aligned with the Madura regime in Venezuela. I don’t have a single problem intervening for the sake of ridding the world of that shit. Communism and socialism have no place in this world. As long as we aren’t sending our troops to die in a senseless war over it I’m fine with doing anything we can to help free people of the horrible oppression of that ideology. People starve and die under that ideology. They don’t have religious freedom. They have to resort to eating pets to survive. I used to be 100% against foreign intervention but that was in previous administrations where it was clear to me we weren’t freeing anyone from anything. I showed you how there’s a real possibility that we got rid of the bad actors in Saudi Arabia and ended the petrodollar agreement. We don’t need their oil anymore and trump is the first president in how long that has allowed domestic production to take place. Your problem is you don’t think outside the box. You search for websites that confirm the bias you already have that he’s NWO and that doesn’t allow you to break the cognitive dissonance. You WANT to believe he’s NWO because for some reason you want to think we’re all just fucked with no way out. I on the other hand spent an untold amount of time researching and fence sitting and questioning everything I was seeing and it took me quite a while to determine that what we’re seeing is something different. Im the furthest thing from your typical trump worshipper who thinks he can do no wrong. In fact it’s been 3 years of his presidency and I’ve only come to be a supporter of him over the last several months. So o have done MORE than my fair share of due diligence on the situation to come to my position on him.

Now again, let’s hear your take on why you think he’s NWO with just your own words and thoughts. If that’s possible for you.

The very FACT that you need to exclude Bolivia from your reality paradigm is part of the problem. Trump said he would not invade nation's or nation build anymore. It does not matter to me what or how a nation is ruled, nor what political ideology they have. It is immoral to invade, or take them over based on what a people vote to lead them. It is immoral and unethical to sanction, seize, and make them suffer based on what they choose.

I don't care what your beliefs are, YOU LIVE IN THE U.S., NOT OVER THERE. You have no moral right to impose your rights on other nations.

Trump has always been a member of the ruling elite, his family has always been. Hotels international laundered money for the mob, and was bought by Meyer Lansky who has connections to the CIA. The person that help bailed Trump out of his bankruptcy troubles of his casino's was Rothschild banker, and his now Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross.

You never showed anyone any agreement about anything ending the Petrodollar agreement. Just because we don't need someone's oil anymore, does not mean that the price of oil, and oil markets are not critical to the economy and debt of the U.S. Oil is a commodity, it is fungible. We MUST control all energy, and the price of it on the planet, or else the U.S. will go bankrupt, AGAIN. When this happens, we will be forced to negotiate with the Russians, Chinese, Brazilian, Indian and yes, Iranians, about the new reserve currency. (Or link dollars with something else.)

The living standard of everyone in the U.S. will drop like a stone. It is only though war and bullying we keep the U.S. petrodollar the reserve currency, that we have a living standard higher than most of the world, as we do not produce as much as we should for this living standard.

You have written some pretty evil shit. .. stuff you have been FORCED to write, in order to justify your support of DJT. I feel sorry for you. Ideologues often have to.

I don't care what you think of socialism, Islam, Communism, etc. Unless they attack us? There is NO EXCUSE for killing innocent civilians, starting wars, placing sanctions that starve children and families, etc.

When people choose to do things voluntarily? There is nothing wrong with anything vis-à-vis others. I shop at a food co-op. I do my banking at credit union. If I were not so poor, and had to purchase my own medical? I would probably do it through a Christian Health co-operative like Medishare. All of these are examples of SOCIALISM. It is not socialism that is the problem you dumb as Ideologue, it is government FORCING PEOPLE.

If all these indigenous folks WANT IT? It is not our place to tell them no.

Trump is a part of the Deep State when he uses violence and is seizing international institutions and breaking international law.

If he was not hurting people, INNOCENT PEOPLE? If he did what he said he was going to do when he campaigned? Then sure, you would be right. But he isn't.

International politics is about three things. It is about G.O.D. GOLD OIL DRUGS.

Trump has made sure the gold is still flowing. He hasn't stopped that CIA's clandestine drug trade. IN fact, that is what this whole, "WALL" thing is about, the administration wants to cut out the competition and be damn sure the black op agencies and casino's get their laundered loot.

The opioid epidemic he gave lip service too? It has only gotten worse. The sure way to END IT? Give Afghanistan BACK to the Taliban, instead of having our troops protect the poppy crops. The Taliban has a proven record of cutting the supply to the Anglo-American drug trade.

He said he would. . . . OBL is dead. . . what the hell?

Don't even get me started on his hypocrisy on the gun control shit.

He doesn't give a shit about the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. I don't think he has ever even read them. Why are you fooling yourself? Does he have that much hypnotic power over you?

I judge by what someone says they are going to do and results. Not propaganda and rhetoric.

Troops and bases are still where they are, and nothing is any different than it was under Obama.
so you aren't a humanitarian? You would allow the nazi killing of millions and sit and watch huh? thanks for that explanation of who you are.
you really are, thanks for admitting it! what about the OP now? five more years of trump, your ass will really be chaffed.

I would say after next Friday, you all have but one option left. which of you is the brave one I wonder. How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?, How far will go?.........
Iraq did have WMDs, they were moved out of country. Slick Willie had the evidence. you forget that part. And yes, invading Iraq was wrong. But it was only wrong because they didn't have an end game. And that was irresponsible. But it wasn't illegal. the dems signed off on it. I give a shit what their excuses are today. can't rewrite your life today. Monday morning QB'ing huh?

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