One walmart worker "strikes", gets arrested


companies are paying at least what the government sets as a minimum wage.

If you want to complain...complain about government, not what the companies that are paying the wage.

Its not Walmart... or any other company for that matter.... they have no obligation to profit share.

I thought I was. Ergo my saying we need to fix the problem and not expect Walmart to do so. Their competitors, too, need to pay a better wage, in fairness to all businesses.

Where Walmart loses is fewer workers whose pay is so fucking awful that Walmart is their only option. They might shop at Kroger if that's closer to home, etc.

No, they don't have to pay a "better wage" All they have to pay is minimum wage. Not profit share.

I have to laugh a bit, everyone complains that big box business put mom and pop places out of business.... do you think they would survive if the minimum wage was put up where a utopian society wants? Who doesn't want $30 an hour for stocking a shelf or flipping a burger.

Yes. I get that. Ergo my advocating a better minimum wage and not anyone paying above it that needn't feel it necessary to do so.

I don't want $30 an hour. Couldn't live on it. But neither do I advocate it as a minimum. We need to be in the range of $13 to $14.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but what it is that makes her a trespasser? If she isn't going to work there anymore, wouldn't she be considered just another customer now, especially if she were to go ahead and buy something?

God bless you and her always!!! :) :) :)

Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but what it is that makes her a trespasser? If she isn't going to work there anymore, wouldn't she be considered just another customer now, especially if she were to go ahead and buy something?

God bless you and her always!!! :) :) :)


Within a reasonable time frame of being asked to leave the property.
Seansationalistic fail Luddly

One walmart worker trespasses and gets arrested

Fixed it for ya.
Been reading here for days about how the people will rise up againt their oppressors
and strike a blow for decency and the working man.....

And one person had the you know what to actually go through with it.
Good for her.

The others....Well they have to live with their decision.
rw's will buy made-in-China-shit at WalMart BECAUSE they know it will hurt other Americans.
rw's will buy made-in-China-shit at WalMart BECAUSE they know it will hurt other Americans.

Not so, really. The thing is, when you buy goods manufactured in China, not much of you buck makes it back to China... round about 5 to 7 cents of every dollar.

The lion's share of the value chain resides right here: retail, marketing, warehouse, transport, etc.

If made here, the entire buck stays here, but due to Higher manufacturing costs, the end user price is much higher, and the market supports fewer unit sales. So fewer workers are needed along the value chain in service of that buck.

In the end, we'd lose jobs, mostly on the service sector, where job growth is the highest.

How we fix and grow the market is to make service sector jobs better paying and nearer their manufacturing jobs that had diminished. One of the upsides is we become a larger percentage of the value chain, and thus we're no longer providing Chinese goods with cheap retail workers getting their products into our markets more cheaply.
They hate people that shop there yet they shop there I'm sure.
They hate wealthy people who don't pay their "fair share"...and are hurting the country.
Yet they take every possible deduction they are entitled to.

They praise the tree hugger environmentalists that hate people who burn fossil fuels.
But when it comes to Al Gore burning jet fuel flying all over the country they are fine with that...
She worked there for 8 years and suddenly became "unhappy" and decided to strike? So, why didn't she do this 7 years and 6 months earlier? Not only is she a tad slow, she doesn't seem to be an "over achiever" either if she's been working there for 8 years and is still a baker. So, how much should a cake decorator be paid? $11.90 an hour is pretty good wages for my part of the country. No sympathy here for such a dumb ass.
She worked there for 8 years and suddenly became "unhappy" and decided to strike? So, why didn't she do this 7 years and 6 months earlier? Not only is she a tad slow, she doesn't seem to be an "over achiever" either if she's been working there for 8 years and is still a baker. So, how much should a cake decorator be paid? $11.90 an hour is pretty good wages for my part of the country. No sympathy here for such a dumb ass.

Probably around $20 an hour, since cake decorators with 8 years experience seem like high value workers.
It's part of this worker revolt mentality that gets it's marching orders from Liberal media like MSNBC
the Ed Schultz show in particular....

If you don'''t like your job and feel unappreciated and underpaid...
Quit and go look for another job elsewhere.

I only give her props if this was supposed to be a staged mass walkout and she was the only one who took part....

Well the other people who promised to walk and didn't are the lowest forms of life on the planet.
I could get pretty descriptive here but will not....

Calling them scumbags is a compliment.
I hope they fire her too!

And hire someone who wants to work.

Me too, so she qualifies for unemployment insurance.

I doubt she will ever get unemployment compensation.

Walking off the job to participate in an illegal strike is grounds for disciplinary action including removal. In Florida where I live anyone who is terminated for misconduct is not eligible for unemployment compensation. I am certain that this is the law in most states, perhaps all states.
Walmart Strikes: Lone Worker Walks Out, Receives Trespass Warning Ahead Of Black Friday

The walkout included just one worker -- Vanessa Ferreira, age 59. Ferreira informed her manager publicly Wednesday morning that she was going on strike. The other employees watched her walk out of the store, then went back to doing their jobs.

Within a half hour, Ferreira would be told by police outside that she was trespassing and ordered to leave. She's worked in the store's cake department for eight years, and she earns $11.90 an hour, she said.

"They pay low wages, then the taxpayers pick up the tab for food stamps and Medicaid," Ferreira said. "They need to take care of their people. They need to be responsible to their workers."

Welcome to Communist China cuz this sure as hell ain't the United States anymore.
When you start as an employee at Wal-Mart, you have to sign a paper saying whether or not you are willing to work holidays. If you indicate you are willing, you WILL work holidays. If you're not willing, you will not be scheduled to work.

This woman told Wal-Mart she was willing to work holidays.

Apparently, she lied.
Why the fuck would someone making $11.50 an hour need welfare? You have no clue.

They do not, nor would they qualify. But assistance with healthcare, child daycare and food assistance are far from uncommon.
We have an astonishing class in America (what should not be permitted) : working poor.

Interesting little factoid. Did you know that E-5 and below in the military, their pay scale is low enough for them to qualify for WIC? It provides not only prenatal checkups, but also provides food for the family, as well as provides free formula for the first 6 months of the childs life?

I know this, because as an E-4 in the Navy, I found out about the program and also found out that I was paid low enough to qualify. If it hadn't been for WIC providing the formula for my 2 boys, it would have been hard to make it without getting a second job.
Between the time our first was born and I sewed on E-5, we could have gotten food stamps.
Walmart Strikes: Lone Worker Walks Out, Receives Trespass Warning Ahead Of Black Friday

The walkout included just one worker -- Vanessa Ferreira, age 59. Ferreira informed her manager publicly Wednesday morning that she was going on strike. The other employees watched her walk out of the store, then went back to doing their jobs.

Within a half hour, Ferreira would be told by police outside that she was trespassing and ordered to leave. She's worked in the store's cake department for eight years, and she earns $11.90 an hour, she said.

"They pay low wages, then the taxpayers pick up the tab for food stamps and Medicaid," Ferreira said. "They need to take care of their people. They need to be responsible to their workers."

Welcome to Communist China cuz this sure as hell ain't the United States anymore.
When you start as an employee at Wal-Mart, you have to sign a paper saying whether or not you are willing to work holidays. If you indicate you are willing, you WILL work holidays. If you're not willing, you will not be scheduled to work.

This woman told Wal-Mart she was willing to work holidays.

Apparently, she lied.

Black Friday is not a holiday.
I hope they fire her too!

And hire someone who wants to work.

Me too, so she qualifies for unemployment insurance.

I doubt she will ever get unemployment compensation.

Walking off the job to participate in an illegal strike is grounds for disciplinary action including removal. In Florida where I live anyone who is terminated for misconduct is not eligible for unemployment compensation. I am certain that this is the law in most states, perhaps all states.

Nah; she'll get it but Walmart won't be dinged for it and have their UI insurance rates bumped up. That's how it goes.

Meanwhile, there is nothing illegal about striking.

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