One Welsh death from vax."More likely to be killed by an asteroid"

3 million who might have died.

Because one person opted out of a vaccine shot? At BEST, all the vaccine does is lessen the symptoms of the very sick and susceptible to increase their chances of surviving it. Do you have 3 million very sick people in Wales?
Because one person opted out of a vaccine shot? At BEST, all the vaccine does is lessen the symptoms of the very sick and susceptible to increase their chances of surviving it. Do you have 3 million very sick people in Wales?
You are grasping at straws here. Your original nonsense was that the vax is a poison. It patently isnt.
Now you have shifted to sniping. You hve been routed.
You are grasping at straws here.
No Tommy. Just the sane, calm FACTS.

Your original nonsense was that the vax is a poison. It patently isnt.
Now you've slipped a rail Tommy, confusing or lumping me in with everyone else here who knows you are full of crap as if we are all just one person, one argument. No where no time did I EVER say the vax was a poison. Prove me wrong, buttercup, I DARE you.

Now you have shifted to sniping. You hve been routed.
Now you have shifted again to using excuses for not being able to answer concerted questions because they CHALLENGE your rogue claims because you just can't back them up, so you resort to LABELING the arguments of others as something less than refutable because you HAVE no refutation of the deserved questions!

For a scientific theorem claimed to be valid, it must be proven to hold up to the maximal scrutiny rather than the minimal.


Well there you have it. You are more likely to be killed by an asteroid than the vax. You are more likely to be killed by an alien on an e scooter thnn the vax.In the US you are more likely to be gunned down by a toddler than by the vax.

The evil fear mongers who sought to kill people by denying them life saving medecine should burn in hell for the pain they have caused.

For shame.

I'm now calling bullshit on the story. Complete and utter bullshit. I hadn't actually read it until just now, and now that I have, it demonstrates, at best, an extremely sloppy and negligent approach to the claimed statistics. It's based on one source of reported deaths from the fake “vaccine”, with no evidence at all that any effort was made at any point to investigate any other deaths not directly reported to that one source, to see if they might be linked as well.

The methodology used here surely has missed, by at least a couple orders of magnitude, more possible mRNA-related deaths than what it counted. Realistically, extrapolating what I can from the story, we're not looking at seventy-five mRNA deaths in all of the UK, one in Wales. We're looking at thousands, at the very least, maybe tens of thousands.

And just to add a nice touch, there's a completely made-up statistic about your chance of being killed by an asteroid, tossed in just to claim that your chances of being killed that way are greater than of dying from this dangerous RNA shit. The way it is tossed in there and used ought to be a huge red flag to anyone with better than a room-temperature/Tainted-Tommy-level IQ.

Assuming for the moment, that in all of the UK, only 75 Brits have died from this mRNA shit, as the article lies. In the same time that this mRNA shit has been in use, how many Brits have died from being struck by asteroids? The numbers used in this article, 1 chance in 2,000,000 of dying from the mRNA shit compared to 1 chance in 250,000 of dying from an asteroid. That an 8× difference. Eight times as likely to die from an asteroid as from mRNA.

So, if 75 Brits have died from mRNA, then for these statistics to hold true, there must be about six hundred Brits who have died, in the same time period, from asteroids.

How many Brits really have died in that time frame, from asteroids?

And how can someone, even one as profoundly stupid as Tainted Tommy, believe anything that he reads from an article that is this blatantly and unabashedly dishonest and non-credible?
I'm now calling bullshit on the story. Complete and utter bullshit. I hadn't actually read it until just now, and now that I have, it demonstrates, at best, an extremely sloppy and negligent approach to the claimed statistics. It's based on one source of reported deaths from the fake “vaccine”, with no evidence at all that any effort was made at any point to investigate any other deaths not directly reported to that one source, to see if they might be linked as well.

The methodology used here surely has missed, by at least a couple orders of magnitude, more possible mRNA-related deaths than what it counted. Realistically, extrapolating what I can from the story, we're not looking at seventy-five mRNA deaths in all of the UK, one in Wales. We're looking at thousands, at the very least, maybe tens of thousands.

And just to add a nice touch, there's a completely made-up statistic about your chance of being killed by an asteroid, tossed in just to claim that your chances of being killed that way are greater than of dying from this dangerous RNA shit. The way it is tossed in there and used ought to be a huge red flag to anyone with better than a room-temperature/Tainted-Tommy-level IQ.

Assuming for the moment, that in all of the UK, only 75 Brits have died from this mRNA shit, as the article lies. In the same time that this mRNA shit has been in use, how many Brits have died from being struck by asteroids? The numbers used in this article, 1 chance in 2,000,000 of dying from the mRNA shit compared to 1 chance in 250,000 of dying from an asteroid. That an 8× difference. Eight times as likely to die from an asteroid as from mRNA.

So, if 75 Brits have died from mRNA, then for these statistics to hold true, there must be about six hundred Brits who have died, in the same time period, from asteroids.

How many Brits really have died in that time frame, from asteroids?

And how can someone, even one as profoundly stupid as Tainted Tommy, believe anything that he reads from an article that is this blatantly and unabashedly dishonest and non-credible?

If you take a look at the comment section attached to the article, it appears nobody else is buying it either. Some are even pointing out other errors that undermine the entire credibility of the article, that I missed.

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