One Welsh death from vax."More likely to be killed by an asteroid"

Really? I rather liked the food myself. Lots of eggs, sausage, meats, beans and vegetables! Plus the crumpets and something called bubbles and squeak!

OK, well maybe I just a had a bad experience once during a London stop over...
had those beans and a baked potato sold on the street and I got kind of queezy in the stomach.
I didnt stick around long enough to try the other food
OK, well maybe I just a had a bad experience once during a London stop over...
had those beans and a baked potato sold on the street and I got kind of queezy in the stomach.
I didnt stick around long enough to try the other food

Doesn't sound like anything I saw or had while there. Most actually eat their beans spread on toast. Now if you want some rougher food, head west to Wales where they dine on faggots (little meatballs made with liver and heart) served over mashed potatoes (tatties) and gravy, and seaweed and such. And leeks, don't forget the leeks. Actually, if you are ever there again, try the pancakes--- they are thin, not fluffy, and are made with a little vinegar in them, then some are dusted with sugar, others with lemon. Delicious.
You would be dim if you could not see that Tummy is a low level schill , useful to some sort of fringe group for reasons not even I could guess.
He is predictably stupid and , as this topic tells you, he produces patently rubbish threads ,of complete garbage .Most notably recently where three times he had a crackpot thread removed when it tried to link Trump and Putin from the formers interest in golf and club ownership .

As long as The Tummy is known only as a figure of fun and stupidity ,let the sad old man ramble

Somewhat dangerous to have fools tampering with the truth on such an important matter as this , but Tummy is so transparently naive and gullible that he wears the Clown's costume clearly enough to give laughter rather than anything else .And his ability to obviously believe every word of his garbage is strangely fascinating -- like the man about to always disappear down the man hole cover that is missing on the pavement than to ever learn from his mistakes
Like the man said, you can run but you cant hide

Tainted Tommy cannot even run. He only has one leg.

Now that I think of it, it is ironic that a creature that has taken such poor care of its own health to allow that to happen to it, feels qualified to preach to us about the use of dangerous experimental drugs.

Even more ironic: Given what is now known of the harmful side effects of this mRNA shit, it is entirely plausible to suppose that being “vaxxed” may very well have contributed to the loss of his leg.
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You misread the figures. It is more of a risk to NOT take the vax.
I would like to add that this is a conservative paper I am quoting..

I know it destroys the anti vax bollox but it must be a relief to find out it is safe ?
Baloney kook.
It is more of a risk to NOT take the vax.

Seeing how your own link proves you can DIE from the vax, and that risks from Covid are practically nil for people middle aged and younger, then your statement is blatantly FOOLISHLY WRONG, as a young person is safer to just not take the vax, avoid high risk covid situations and wash behind the ears.
Tainted Tommy cannot even run. He only has one leg.

Now that I think of it, it is ironic that a creature that has taken such poor care of its own health to allow that to happen to it, feels qualified to preach to us about the use of dangerous experimental drugs.

Even more ironic: Given what is now known of the harmful side effects of this mRNA shit, it is entirely plausible to suppose that being “vaxxed” may very well have contributed to the loss of his leg.
You would be lost without being able to mock my disability Bob.I ont think you are a great advert for the mormon church.
Seeing how your own link proves you can DIE from the vax, and that risks from Covid are practically nil for people middle aged and younger, then your statement is blatantly FOOLISHLY WRONG, as a young person is safer to just not take the vax, avoid high risk covid situations and wash behind the ears.
Only 1 death from the vax.Many from covid. Its a simple proposition.
You would be lost without being able to mock my disability Bob.I ont think you are a great advert for the mormon church.

You never have told us what you do for a living. Given how you've denigrated my profession, along with one or two related, equally respectable professions that you've falsely attributed to me.

Don't you think you should state from what lofty profession you look down on me and other honest hard workers?

What do you do for a living, that you think makes you better than I for what I do for a living?
You never have told us what you do for a living. Given how you've denigrated my profession, along with one or two related, equally respectable professions that you've falsely attributed to me.

Don't you think you should state from what lofty profession you look down on me and other honest hard workers?

What do you do for a living, that you think makes you better than I for what I do for a living?
Why do you mock the afflicted ? Is it in the book of mormon ?
You never have told us what you do for a living. Given how you've denigrated my profession, along with one or two related, equally respectable professions that you've falsely attributed to me.
Don't you think you should state from what lofty profession you look down on me and other honest hard workers?
What do you do for a living, that you think makes you better than I for what I do for a living?
Why do you mock the afflicted ? Is it in the book of mormon ?

Why do you, a burdensome welfare parasite, mock honest workers in respectable professions?

Do you understand that if not for honest workers, there would be no wealth generated, to support the government handouts on which you live? You'd starve along with everyone else.
Why do you, a burdensome welfare parasite, mock honest workers in respectable professions?

Do you understand that if not for honest workers, there would be no wealth generated, to support the government handouts on which you live? You'd starve along with everyone else.
Did your God tell you to mock the afflicted ? does it give you a hard on ?
Did your God tell you to mock the afflicted ? does it give you a hard on ?

What place to you have to demand an answer from me, when you will not answer from what lofty profession you presume to look down on me for mine?

What do you do for a living? What do you contribute to the economy?

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.
I dont see Wales on any of those charts.

Here's a great chart for Wales:


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