Only 14% say Biden’s policies have helped them.

The Ds could say the same thing. Either of these two shit candidates would be soundly beaten if either party ran anyone who wasn’t dogshit.
I disagree. Any candidate put up people will consider dog shit.
14% say Tater’s policies have helped them.

A record number of Americans say they are worse off under Tater.

Worst President in history.
You have it backwards.
EXPLAIN stock market riding high, Big business is booming, Profits high for them,
Where is our trickle down promised by Republican politicians?
The GOP politicans aren't in charge, the Demafascsit are...any profits, are eaten up by their policies and not getting to the vast majority of the country who are worse off since Xiden took office.
Because we keep putting up dogshit candidates
Both parties had a dozen choices. They chose Biden over Kamala, Buttigieg, Warren and many others. They chose Trump over Christie, Halley, Desantis and many others.
Both parties had a dozen choices. They chose Biden over Kamala, Buttigieg, Warren and many others.
Thanks for the list of dogshit candidates. Can you honestly say any of those individuals are visionary history changing leaders?
They chose Trump over Christie, Halley, Desantis and many others.
Again, dogshit. DeSantis didn’t run last time. Not sure Halley did either.
I could care less if you give credit to the tooth fairy. As long as you are willing to admit that under Biden the economy is doing well we are square. Who's responsible is partisan opinion. The data that it is doing well is facts.
May you get a Bidenomics lump of coal in your Christmas stocking for spewing propaganda.
If you’re looking to a president to make your life better, you’re looking in the wrong place.
The issue is that there are a lot of people who voted for Joe who say this and if you watch how they voted for their people in Congress and state and local elections, it seems they learned nothing.

When has any Cult member learned prior to leaving their Cult?
Your photoshopping needs work, vermin.


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