Only 17 days left for Soetero!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Under 3 weeks left: Obama in closing stretch of presidency

dang s0ns.......its finally so close, we can taste it now!! And is it not so rejuvenating.........after 8 full years of the full intersection of incapable and incompetent!!:spinner:The perfect emoticon to illustrate the last 8 years.

Some idiot professor at some college in NC said yesterday that Trump supporters are experiencing "too much winning".

The real winning for the America people happens in 17 days when this America hating racist leaves the world stage for good!!!:rock::rock::rock:

Almost see ya time s0n!!!!:up:
Under 3 weeks left: Obama in closing stretch of presidency

dang s0ns.......its finally so close, we can taste it now!! And is it not so rejuvenating.........after 8 full years of the full intersection of incapable and incompetent!!:spinner:The perfect emoticon to illustrate the last 8 years.

Some idiot professor at some college in NC said yesterday that Trump supporters are experiencing "too much winning".

The real winning for the America people happens in 17 days when this America hating racist leaves the world stage for good!!!:rock::rock::rock:

Almost see ya time s0n!!!!:up:

I'd add about three more happy spinners but I get migraines

Jim.....any special celebration plans? Its going to be a glorious day in the history of America..........and to think back to exactly 8 years prior!! ( add high-tech special effects of nuclear detonations to the mall crowed that day )

Wonder if we are going to hear from those idiot Soetero supporters who told his they were so happy they'd be getting new kitchens and new cars!!:coffee:They HAVE To go find those meatheads on January 20th!!
Jim.....any special celebration plans? Its going to be a glorious day in the history of America..........and to think back to exactly 8 years prior!! ( add high-tech special effects of nuclear detonations to the mall crowed that day )

Wonder if we are going to hear from those idiot Soetero supporters who told his they were so happy they'd be getting new kitchens and new cars!!:coffee:They HAVE To go find those meatheads on January 20th!!
I might go down and crash the thing as I live right by in Fredericksburg. aka F'Burg.
no more .........

1. Operation Fast and Furious
2. Benghazi
3. The IRS targeted conservative organizations
4. The DOJ seized Associated Press phone records as well as phone and email records from Fox News reporter James Rosen
5. The NSA conducted mass surveillance against American citizens without a warrant
6. The Obama administration paid ransom to Iran for hostages, and lied to the American people about it
7. Hillary's email scandal
8. The Environmental Protection Agency poisoned a Colorado river
9. The EPA also broke federal law in promoting a regulation
10. The GSA scandal
11. The Secret Service scandal
That bastard will try to do untold damage in these last days. I pray to God the new government nails his sorry hide to the wall!
~casually flips stocks around~ Also, I'm still looking to invest in a lower 48 business, PM me with your business plan! ( If I did it locally it wouldn't have much impact, Alaskan's in general are already doing well financially.)
That bastard will try to do untold damage in these last days. I pray to God the new government nails his sorry hide to the wall!

licenses to illegal immigrants
release of terrorists
thousands more refugees
protection of sanctuary cities, and county
billions in more red tape regulations
money paid directly to deported illegal immigrants
tying up Obama care in more red tape to make it harder to undo
risks to troops in the middle east by recalling navy
another payment to Iran
massive land transfer
recess his supreme court judge....maybe
recognition at UN of palestine, and jerusalem as its capital....maybe

trying to start a global war
That bastard will try to do untold damage in these last days. I pray to God the new government nails his sorry hide to the wall!

licenses to illegal immigrants
release of terrorists
thousands more refugees
protection of sanctuary cities, and county
billions in more red tape regulations
money paid directly to deported illegal immigrants
tying up Obama care in more red tape to make it harder to undo
risks to troops in the middle east by recalling navy
another payment to Iran
massive land transfer
recess his supreme court judge....maybe
recognition at UN of palestine, and jerusalem as its capital....maybe

trying to start a global war
Right now, thanks to obastard, we have no carrier at sea.
At least 50 congressional Democrats are pushing Obama to take the rare if not unprecedented step of granting pardons to the young immigrants who have stepped forward to identify themselves in exchange for a promise that they’d be safe from deportation. The White House, though, has repeatedly ruled that out.

Several Republican lawmakers are crafting legislative proposals to solidify the place of these immigrants, sometimes called Dreamers, before Donald Trump takes office Jan. 20. Similar efforts have repeatedly failed, even with Democratic majorities in both chambers of Congress, so the likelihood of a legislative Hail Mary isn’t great.

That leaves more than 741,000 immigrants wondering what’s next.

Trump’s plans for Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program are unclear. As a candidate, he pledged an immediate end to what he called an “illegal executive amnesty.” But as the president-elect, he has softened that stance.<<

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