Only 2% of Americans have gotten latest COVID shot. What happened to the PRO VAXXERS?

I am not interested because there were never enough to report on. They were freak accidents. They are not anymore. But you go find the numbers and let us know.
You’re not interested?! Really? What if the stats prior to COVID were the exact same? It would mean COVID and/or the shots had no effect. I guess that’s why you’re not interested.
You’re not interested?! Really? What if the stats prior to COVID were the exact same? It would mean COVID and/or the shots had no effect. I guess that’s why you’re not interested.
How could they be? Instead of asking me take your lazy ass and find out.
How could they be? Instead of asking me take your lazy ass and find out.
Haha, how could they be? Easily. And if I were going to make the extraordinary claims that you’re making that would be the first thing that I’d checked the fact that you didn’t and that you’re not interested in checking just shows your agenda. And weak minded argument
How could they be? Instead of asking me take your lazy ass and find out.
I’ve been coaching high school sports since 2017 and since then I had to take regular courses one of which is totaled “sudden cardiac arrest”…. This was before COVID and before your dreaded shots. This course exists because it does happen.

Here you go, educate yourself:
I’ve been coaching high school sports since 2017 and since then I had to take regular courses one of which is totaled “sudden cardiac arrest”…. This was before COVID and before your dreaded shots. This course exists because it does happen.

Here you go, educate yourself:
Nice an article pushing the narrative. Shove that crap.
Nice an article pushing the narrative. Shove that crap.
Hahaha, want me to show you one from before COVID. Before there was a “narrative”?

No problem… here’s one from 2011

But keep attatcking the headline without reading the substance. It makes you sound super smart!!!! 👍
Hahaha, want me to show you one from before COVID. Before there was a “narrative”?

No problem… here’s one from 2011

But keep attatcking the headline without reading the substance. It makes you sound super smart!!!! 👍
Do the math. To make what you say true there must be almost 83 million athletes.
My wife and I both got the first round of the vaccine because my wife has Lupus and was at risk. We even got the booster shot. Our PCP recommended that we do it.

However, no more COVID vaccines for either. Our PCP says that COVID can be treated like any other flu nowadays and the risk of complications with the vaccine is so great as to not warrant taking the risk.
Our friends were fully vaccinated against COVID and went to Europe this summer on vacation.

Upon returning they both came down with it. Although elderly they both were treated at home and are fully recovered now.

They said they wasted their time getting the COVID vaccine.
i know exactly what you're doing. and i believe the very people that lied to you

I asked you to source serious studies.

You've quoted a bullshit article from nutbag mill that misrepresented a medical study.

I showed to you what the study ACTUALLY said.

And you reply is "I know what you doing."??

I'm showing you the facts, thats what I'm doing. DUH. :dunno:
Our friends were fully vaccinated against COVID and went to Europe this summer on vacation.

Upon returning they both came down with it. Although elderly they both were treated at home and are fully recovered now.

They said they wasted their time getting the COVID vaccine.
I think the COVID shot is similar to the flu shot. It builds antibody’s to help the body fight off the infection better. For some that may mean no symptoms, for others it may me less sever symptoms.

It’s not a full proof protector nor is it advertised that way
I did most of my college coursework on a VAX. I have forgotten more about a VAX than you will ever come close to knowing.
You've forgotten everything you've ever learned and are often drooling in a cup.

Vax rates up. Death rates down. Live it. Love it. Know it.

And get your booster.
I did most of my college coursework on a VAX. I have forgotten more about a VAX than you will ever come close to knowing.
You've forgotten everything you've ever learned and are often drooling in a cup.
Vax rates up. Death rates down. Live it. Love it. Know it.

Hewlett Packard stopped building VAXes in 2005. How can VAX rates be up? Many remain in service, but they are now rather seriously obsolete.
Hewlett Packard stopped building VAXes in 2005. How can VAX rates be up? Many remain in service, but for the most part, they are now rather seriously obsolete.
We in the medical field use VAX as a shorthand for vaccinations. You should get an award for being so dense.
We in the medical field use VAX as a shorthand for vaccinations. You should get an award for being so dense.

Your misuse of the language is your own issue, not mine.

A VAX is a computer platform, created in the late 1970s by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), as a successor to its PDP-11 line. DEC ended up being bought out by Compaq, which, in turn, was bought out by Hewlett Packard (HP). HP ended production of the VAX line in 2005.

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