Only 2% of Americans have gotten latest COVID shot. What happened to the PRO VAXXERS?

Your misuse of the language is your own issue, not mine.

A VAX is a computer platform, created in the late 1970s by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), as a successor to its PDP-11 line. DEC ended up being bought out by Compaq, which, in turn, was bought out by Hewlett Packard (HP). HP ended production of the VAX line in 2005.
I think the COVID shot is similar to the flu shot. It builds antibody’s to help the body fight off the infection better. For some that may mean no symptoms, for others it may me less sever symptoms.

It’s not a full proof protector nor is it advertised that way

The more shots you get, the more infections you get
Really? Where did you hear that?

Here I'll send you straight to fact check to read the pathetic excuse. They found the data but oh! hey! It could be other factors.

What an utter trainwreck

I took my Aunt Betty, age 97, to get her 3rd COVID booster yesterday. And today she reports she is amazed. Absolutely zero side effects. No sore arm. Nothing. So she drove herself to the grocery store this morning and stocked up. She is immune compromised due to the Methotrexate she has to take for a rare form of arthritis she has had for decades, so her doctor recommended the booster. But otherwise her blood work looks great, she never catches anything, and she has energy and seems healthy as a horse.
Yep that's what I felt, I just got the latest (lost count) booster.
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Here I'll send you straight to fact check to read the pathetic excuse. They found the data but oh! hey! It could be other factors.

What an utter trainwreck

Geez......Translation: "We don't have a clue"
Here I'll send you straight to fact check to read the pathetic excuse. They found the data but oh! hey! It could be other factors.

What an utter trainwreck

Haha, did you actually read it?! Here’s a few sections. The first from the author of the study that you think backs up your point…

Shrestha said the finding in his study on prior doses and infection risk “should certainly give us some pause.” But he also said that “a study like this, one study, is not going to prove any cause-effect relationship.” The goal in presenting the findings, he said, was to prompt other researchers to also look at the relationship between past doses and infection risk.

One typical difference, Fox said, is that people who do not get vaccines may be less likely to seek out testing if they get infected. This could make it look like people with fewer vaccines were at lower risk of infection when they really weren’t.
Yep that's what I felt, I just got the latest (lost count) booster.
I think that would be booster #3 :) Hopefully this thing will continue to subside until they aren't needed anymore.
I think the COVID shot is similar to the flu shot. It builds antibody’s to help the body fight off the infection better. For some that may mean no symptoms, for others it may me less sever symptoms.

It’s not a full proof protector nor is it advertised that way
with every clot shot your chance of dying went up.

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