Only 2% of the 140K migrants who have come to NYC have applied for work permits

They come here with their palms out to taxpayers.
Democrats are the ones who should be footing the bill!

I have seen a few what I am sure are illegals, in my city standing at street corners holding signs out for money. It just pisses me off that these people can come here illegally and then expect US citizens to support them.
Why work when you everything for free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are contradicting yourself.
In spanish news channels these so call immigrants say it very clearly. en nuestros paises no hay trabajos y tenemos derecho a buscar una mejor vida. translated to in our countries there are no jobs and we have the right to look for a better life. they cross several countries where they are offered asylum but no they want to come to the USA.
Because they are claiming asylum.
that is exactly why they are committing fraud. they do not qualify for asylum. looking for work and good paying jobs do not qualify them for asylum. they are using fraudulent asylum claims to gain entry into the USA. that is their scam.
They come here with their palms out to taxpayers.
Democrats are the ones who should be footing the bill!

Did anybody expect otherwise? They can't work without dumping legal citizens' wages into the toilet, which of course only drives legal voters away from the Democrats even more. Not to worry, though, since as usual the GOP isn't doing squat about it except making noises and doing nothing of any real substance, except trying to jack up taxes on the lower income brackets to pay for all that corporate welfare in the Biden bill they helped pass; it had tax breaks for hedge fund managers in it so they had no problems rounding up enough hacks in safe districts to vote that one through.
Maybe the dems really do want to replace the blacks.

lol yes,but as we can see from our resident posters LARPing as 'Angry black yoofs' here on usmb, they still think they're going to get 'reparations n stuff' from Democrats and exemptions for criminal violence and thievery. It's hilarious how butt stupid they are.
You don't know that. That's why we have due process.

WE do know it, and we know it's an organized effort at overwhelming our legal system, and keeps legit asylum seekers waiting for years to get into court as we pander to millions of scum just here for the freebies. Your heroes are wrecking due process deliberately.
That's for an immigration court to decide on a case by case basis.
When you open the borders and illegal aliens enter the country there are not enough immigration courts and never will b

Bleeding heart lbs are the cause of most problems in America and the illegal alien problem is no exception
When you open the borders and illegal aliens enter the country there are not enough immigration courts and never will b
Then maybe it would be a good idea to better control the borders, as is the government's responsibility.

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