Only 20% of Physics PhDs in 2012 were earned by women


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Physics is the hardest and most important of all majors and women just don't have the brains for it. Instead they get degrees in easy crap like education and then whine cuz men make more.

Percent of Physics PhDs Earned by Women, 1983 through 2012 | American Institute of Physics

Most PHD's in important fields like Physics, math and chemistry need 130+ iq in order to become one. Women far less likely to have such iq's compared to males.

Women are far less innovative for the same reason and this is why they end up not creating successful ideas that lead to success.
Uncle Ferd says, "Yeah...

... not too many womens know much `bout physics"...

... Granny says he flunked it in high school.
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Both of you are a joke.

HAHA. The board notes that all you have is namecalling. Thanks for admitting i'm right.

So explain why there are so few females in physics. And spare us any of your GIANT CONSPIRACY talk. No one is keeping them out.
The OP has never even tried to claim so much as a middle school education.
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Most PHD's in important fields like Physics, math and chemistry need 130+ iq in order to become one. Women far less likely to have such iq's compared to males. Women are far less innovative for the same reason and this is why they end up not creating successful ideas that lead to success.
Reality or prejudice?

Women coders do better than men in gender-blind study

So why do women only get 27% of the doctorates in math and computer science??

Women Lead in Doctorates
Notes what?
These Women Should Win a Nobel Prize in Physics
Ten Historic Female Scientists You Should Know | Science | Smithsonian

Both of you are a joke.

HAHA. The board notes that all you have is namecalling. Thanks for admitting i'm right.

So explain why there are so few females in physics. And spare us any of your GIANT CONSPIRACY talk. No one is keeping them out.
Most PHD's in important fields like Physics, math and chemistry need 130+ iq in order to become one. Women far less likely to have such iq's compared to males. Women are far less innovative for the same reason and this is why they end up not creating successful ideas that lead to success.
Reality or prejudice?

Women coders do better than men in gender-blind study

So why do women only get 27% of the doctorates in math and computer science??

Women Lead in Doctorates
A lot of it is social or spiritual conditioning. Women are socialized to focus on personal relationships. Some of it is because women's brains use both sides and excel in interpersonal relationships and multitasking. Because the needs and demands for caretakers are constant, the pressure on women to take care of these priorities becomes more time consuming where everything else comes second. Men are made fun of if they take on this role of managing households and family full time. Women are criticized if they dont take care of their kids and family first. Women would need to afford the time to put career and education first as men are expected to do.

I guess an equivalent social bias, ShootSpeeders is why are more of the criminal, prison, and violent crime population MEN? Why are men more conditioned to compete physically for survival where this shows in the crime rate. Does that make men inferior socially to women by statistics ?
Most PHD's in important fields like Physics, math and chemistry need 130+ iq in order to become one. Women far less likely to have such iq's compared to males.

Women are far less innovative for the same reason and this is why they end up not creating successful ideas that lead to success.
You are a proven fact that is not true!
Most PHD's in important fields like Physics, math and chemistry need 130+ iq in order to become one. Women far less likely to have such iq's compared to males. Women are far less innovative for the same reason and this is why they end up not creating successful ideas that lead to success.
Reality or prejudice?

Women coders do better than men in gender-blind study

Ignore all the mindless crap the previous poster said.

To your article.... there is some truth to the article.

However, the conclusions made by the article are false.

To illustrate, here's a story.

Two men, work at a software company. Both are aged 30. Both have college degrees. They are educated in the same college. One is highly skilled with natural talent. The other is decent, and steady. Both were hired on at the same time.

Now at first glance, without accounting for anything else, you would say the highly skilled one, is far better and thus paid far more.

But the reality is the opposite. The lesser skilled employee, is paid far more.

Why is this? Because the highly skilled coder, has a habit of leaving work to go help his parents. He also tends to take months off work.

The lesser skilled coder, shows up every single day, and comes in on weekends. He also goes and earns certifications from Microsoft and Cisco. While these certifications do not make him a more skilled coder, it does give the customers that his company services, a sense that he can get the job done, and thus brings the company more customers.

So even though the other coder is likely better at coding even without the certification, and even though he clearly more skilled.... the lesser skilled coder earns far more money.

This is a story that is true. I worked with them.

In a similarly, women have the same problem. They may be better skilled at some task, but that doesn't mean they are more valuable, because doing the task is only one part of the whole that determines your wages.

The most obvious example of this was a lady I worked with, who was an engineer. She was paid a low wage for an engineer. Well one day, she decided she wanted to earn more money, and put out her resume to some really big name companies (which I won't list here).

She landed a job, earning nearly double her wage. It was a really big company, with a really big salary. Ten months later, she called up and asked for her job back.

She came back, taking a 50% pay cut.

Why? In her own words, they wanted her to work a full 5 days a week. She couldn't take days off to be with her son, or her family. She had to work. They wanted her there open to close, like all the other engineers. She couldn't go pick up the kids because school let out early. She couldn't leave every time someone coughed.

So she got her old job back, that was flexible. Of course.... working at a place where you can take off a day or two, and be with the kids, means you are not paid as much. Leaving early, or coming in late because Timmy missed the bus, means you do not earn as much.

Refusing to go to get certified by Cisco because you are not ditching your family for a month of training.... means you are not paid as much.

This is why women are not as desirable as men. Yes, you might be 100X times better at doing your job, than someone else. But if you are not at work consistently... if you can't be counted on.... if you have to leave early, or come in late, because the kids need picked up or delivered..... then you are not going to earn as much as someone else with less skill, who is there when they are needed.

Men even get this problem. I ran into this guy, who was all bitter and angry, because he had been passed over for promotion, for years. He was ticked off because the people that got the promotion, were not nearly as good at their job, as he was.

Well it turns out that every time the boss asked people to come in on Saturday, or stay over to finish up a project, he refused. The other guys, even with less ability, always agreed to come in, or stay over. So they got promoted, while he did not.

This is how it works. Being skilled is only one element of the wage equation.
Most PHD's in important fields like Physics, math and chemistry need 130+ iq in order to become one. Women far less likely to have such iq's compared to males. Women are far less innovative for the same reason and this is why they end up not creating successful ideas that lead to success.
Reality or prejudice?

Women coders do better than men in gender-blind study

Ignore all the mindless crap the previous poster said.

To your article.... there is some truth to the article.

However, the conclusions made by the article are false.

To illustrate, here's a story.

Two men, work at a software company. Both are aged 30. Both have college degrees. They are educated in the same college. One is highly skilled with natural talent. The other is decent, and steady. Both were hired on at the same time.

Now at first glance, without accounting for anything else, you would say the highly skilled one, is far better and thus paid far more.

But the reality is the opposite. The lesser skilled employee, is paid far more.

Why is this? Because the highly skilled coder, has a habit of leaving work to go help his parents. He also tends to take months off work.

The lesser skilled coder, shows up every single day, and comes in on weekends. He also goes and earns certifications from Microsoft and Cisco. While these certifications do not make him a more skilled coder, it does give the customers that his company services, a sense that he can get the job done, and thus brings the company more customers.

So even though the other coder is likely better at coding even without the certification, and even though he clearly more skilled.... the lesser skilled coder earns far more money.

This is a story that is true. I worked with them.

In a similarly, women have the same problem. They may be better skilled at some task, but that doesn't mean they are more valuable, because doing the task is only one part of the whole that determines your wages.

The most obvious example of this was a lady I worked with, who was an engineer. She was paid a low wage for an engineer. Well one day, she decided she wanted to earn more money, and put out her resume to some really big name companies (which I won't list here).

She landed a job, earning nearly double her wage. It was a really big company, with a really big salary. Ten months later, she called up and asked for her job back.

She came back, taking a 50% pay cut.

Why? In her own words, they wanted her to work a full 5 days a week. She couldn't take days off to be with her son, or her family. She had to work. They wanted her there open to close, like all the other engineers. She couldn't go pick up the kids because school let out early. She couldn't leave every time someone coughed.

So she got her old job back, that was flexible. Of course.... working at a place where you can take off a day or two, and be with the kids, means you are not paid as much. Leaving early, or coming in late because Timmy missed the bus, means you do not earn as much.

Refusing to go to get certified by Cisco because you are not ditching your family for a month of training.... means you are not paid as much.

This is why women are not as desirable as men. Yes, you might be 100X times better at doing your job, than someone else. But if you are not at work consistently... if you can't be counted on.... if you have to leave early, or come in late, because the kids need picked up or delivered..... then you are not going to earn as much as someone else with less skill, who is there when they are needed.

Men even get this problem. I ran into this guy, who was all bitter and angry, because he had been passed over for promotion, for years. He was ticked off because the people that got the promotion, were not nearly as good at their job, as he was.

Well it turns out that every time the boss asked people to come in on Saturday, or stay over to finish up a project, he refused. The other guys, even with less ability, always agreed to come in, or stay over. So they got promoted, while he did not.

This is how it works. Being skilled is only one element of the wage equation.
Interesting but not entirely relevant since the OP was about talent not income.
Most PHD's in important fields like Physics, math and chemistry need 130+ iq in order to become one. Women far less likely to have such iq's compared to males. Women are far less innovative for the same reason and this is why they end up not creating successful ideas that lead to success.
Reality or prejudice?

Women coders do better than men in gender-blind study

So why do women only get 27% of the doctorates in math and computer science??

Women Lead in Doctorates
A lot of it is social or spiritual conditioning. Women are socialized to focus on personal relationships. Some of it is because women's brains use both sides and excel in interpersonal relationships and multitasking. Because the needs and demands for caretakers are constant, the pressure on women to take care of these priorities becomes more time consuming where everything else comes second. Men are made fun of if they take on this role of managing households and family full time. Women are criticized if they dont take care of their kids and family first. Women would need to afford the time to put career and education first as men are expected to do.

I guess an equivalent social bias, ShootSpeeders is why are more of the criminal, prison, and violent crime population MEN? Why are men more conditioned to compete physically for survival where this shows in the crime rate. Does that make men inferior socially to women by statistics ?

I don't believe that. This is the same nonsense that came out in the 1970s, where you are supposed to give tanks to girls, and barbie dolls to boys, and then magically girls will be boys, and boys will be girls.

Give me a break. You don't believe that. You can't possibly believe that.

Decades ago, there was this guy who was born with screwed up genitalia. His parents were modern thinkers, being advised by modern doctors, to just raise him as a girl.

So they raised this boy, as a girl, and he was screwed up and suicidal for literally 18 years.

After a failed suicide attempt, his parents confessed that he was a boy. In his own words he said, everything started making sense. He got surgery, and found a wife, and started living a happy life.

This idiotic fiction, that women are just conditioned by society, is ridiculous. Women have the same social aspects across the planet. There is no magic place, where all the women are all nuclear physicist, and the men are all nurses. There is no society on the planet, or throughout all human history, where men all stayed at home, and the women went to the field to work.

Has nothing to do with 'conditions of society'. Anyone who doubts that, should go to the darkest forests where there is no 'society' to create the 'conditions' and shocking.... bafflingly..... women and men both have the same predispositions.

Worse than that, when you meet women who have broken the model.... they are rarely happy people. They play it up at the party, about how saticified they are in life. But you get them alone, where they can talk about how life really is, they are all miserable.

Even the pagans are noticing this and starting to ask questions.

Why are women who have it all so unhappy? | Daily Mail Online

In the 1970s, polls showed that women were reporting higher levels of happiness than men. Overall, generally speaking, women were happier than men.

Today it's the reverse. Women have more choices and options than ever. More women are in high paying, high level jobs, than ever before. More women CEOs than ever beffore. They have the fame, the wealth, the position, the title... they have fitness and plastic surgery....

And they are miserable. The more they get away from what women have done for thousands on thousands of years... the more miserable and unhappy they are in life.

It's not society. It's not 'conditions'. It's nature.
Decades ago, there was this guy who was born with screwed up genitalia. His parents were modern thinkers, being advised by modern doctors, to just raise him as a girl.

So they raised this boy, as a girl, and he was screwed up and suicidal for literally 18 years.

After a failed suicide attempt, his parents confessed that he was a boy. In his own words he said, everything started making sense. He got surgery, and found a wife, and started living a happy life.

I read a book about that guy years ago. Very good read but it's still just one guy and doesn't prove anything. He may have been mixed up for lots of reasons.

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