Only 5 percent of O voters want tax hikes without spending cuts.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Go figure.

"Just 5 percent of Obama supporters favor tax increases alone to solve the deficit, half the number who back an approach that relies entirely on spending cuts."

"In comparison to his first term, 47 percent said that they hope he is more moderate in his second four years."

"Remarkably, 43 percent of Obama voters agreed with the statement that “Programs such as welfare and unemployment benefits are making people too dependent on government.”

Poll: President Obama voters split on deficit - Print View

"Americans still widely prefer a system based on private insurance to one run by the government. Currently, 57% prefer a private system and 36% a government-run system, essentially the same as in 2010 and 2011."

Polls: Nation that re-elected Obama wants more spending cuts than tax hikes, still hates Obamacare « Hot Air
Hey KosherGirl--

I assume you want significant spending cuts. Tell us what you want to cut that will make a substantial dent in the deficit number without damaging consumer spending (which is about 2/3 of our economic activity).
Cut Obamacare.

You believe we should abandon health care reform legislation? I assume you mean to abandon the entire piece of legislation.

I also assume that you didn't personally experience any problems with the health care system as it existed prior to reform.
The lack of balance in the approach is disturbing...especially when we know that the proposed hikes will amount to only 80 billion a year in revenue while our annual deficit is in the 1.2 trillion dollar range. hikes are a must...we have no choice....but that doesnt mean we should write laws that are solely directed to one class of people.

Romneys approiach is the right approach.....cap deductions. It will apply to ALL Americans....but only those that deduct more than say 60K (arbitrary number) will be affected. And if you deduct more than are wealthy.

I dont get it where people think it is American to write laws that specify only one group of people.

What would the outrage be if a law was SUGGESTED...saying that anyone over 300 pounds is not allowed to fly becuase it is dagerous to the rest of the passengers...

Why is no one addressing the idea that a law, for the first time, will be passed that SPECIFIES a class of people?
The lack of balance in the approach is disturbing...especially when we know that the proposed hikes will amount to only 80 billion a year in revenue while our annual deficit is in the 1.2 trillion dollar range. hikes are a must...we have no choice....but that doesnt mean we should write laws that are solely directed to one class of people.

Romneys approiach is the right approach.....cap deductions. It will apply to ALL Americans....but only those that deduct more than say 60K (arbitrary number) will be affected. And if you deduct more than are wealthy.

I dont get it where people think it is American to write laws that specify only one group of people.

What would the outrage be if a law was SUGGESTED...saying that anyone over 300 pounds is not allowed to fly becuase it is dagerous to the rest of the passengers...

Why is no one addressing the idea that a law, for the first time, will be passed that SPECIFIES a class of people?

What law is being written that specifies a specific group of people? I see proposals that are aimed at income levels but thats nothing new. We've had a progressive tax system for quite some time obviously.
Hey KosherGirl--

I assume you want significant spending cuts. Tell us what you want to cut that will make a substantial dent in the deficit number without damaging consumer spending (which is about 2/3 of our economic activity).

Whatever the asnswer is will mean people will get hurt. No doubt about it. But that is the point. There will have to be what generation should endure the pain? The next generation?

Our generation allowed our greed to get us in trouble. The housing bubble? Blame anyone you want, but the bottom line is if the greed of the people did not push them into buying something they couldnt afford, we would not be in this position. So our children should suffer?

Our desire for "stuff" such as flat screens and iPods and bigger and better pushed millions of people to borrow billions of dollars using otheir over inflated homes as now our generation should suffer.

So what needs to be cut?

welfare needs to be reformed..

And waste...we keep hearing about cutting if they know it is there and they klnow they can cut it...what are they waiting for?

And fraud....they say they will eliminate fraud...really? They know it exists and they kjnow how to eliminate it...but they are waiting for....what?
Cut Obamacare.

You believe we should abandon health care reform legislation? I assume you mean to abandon the entire piece of legislation.

I also assume that you didn't personally experience any problems with the health care system as it existed prior to reform.

I assume you're an idiot.

Do you have to alienate everyone that asks you a question? If you don't know the answer or don't have an opinion, can't you just say so? Why do you feel the need to be an outright asshole?
Wow, even the President agrees that a balance approach, increase in revenue and spending cuts is the only real solution. So who are the 5%ers and why should I care?
The lack of balance in the approach is disturbing...especially when we know that the proposed hikes will amount to only 80 billion a year in revenue while our annual deficit is in the 1.2 trillion dollar range. hikes are a must...we have no choice....but that doesnt mean we should write laws that are solely directed to one class of people.

Romneys approiach is the right approach.....cap deductions. It will apply to ALL Americans....but only those that deduct more than say 60K (arbitrary number) will be affected. And if you deduct more than are wealthy.

I dont get it where people think it is American to write laws that specify only one group of people.

What would the outrage be if a law was SUGGESTED...saying that anyone over 300 pounds is not allowed to fly becuase it is dagerous to the rest of the passengers...

Why is no one addressing the idea that a law, for the first time, will be passed that SPECIFIES a class of people?

What law is being written that specifies a specific group of people? I see proposals that are aimed at income levels but thats nothing new. We've had a progressive tax system for quite some time obviously.

the White House refers to it as "the wealthiest Americans.
Statistically, it is the top 2 percent
Dollar is those Americans earning 250K.

Now...if they want to change the tax code...and part of it is changing the tax rate for those earning above 250K...that is one thing.

But they want legisaltion saying "the Bush tax cuts will become permanent for all except for the welathiest Americans...the top 2%....those making over 250K."

That is writing legislation specifically directed to one class of people.

Let me ask you this...and I support this...if the same revenue can be acheived by writing legislation that caps deduictions at 60K.....what is wrong with that?

Why is the President dead set against that?
You believe we should abandon health care reform legislation? I assume you mean to abandon the entire piece of legislation.

I also assume that you didn't personally experience any problems with the health care system as it existed prior to reform.

I assume you're an idiot.

Do you have to alienate everyone that asks you a question? If you don't know the answer or don't have an opinion, can't you just say so? Why do you feel the need to be an outright asshole?

Actually, he/she asked one question...but then opted to proceed to answer it for her with an admitted assumption...and then he made another admitted assumption.

Both assumptions were inappropriate for an honest debate.

And yes, her response was inappropriate as well.
You gotta remember KG - Obama supporters will buy whatever he tells them.
He tells them his offer includes $400bn in cuts...they believe it. Even though I honestly doubt there is a single time in the past 50 years (at least) where unspecified cuts announced ever actually happened. Not once, and would not this time either.
To think that this Presidents offer to address serious deficit spending - is an increase in spending - and it doesnt even faze his supporters or the media.
You believe we should abandon health care reform legislation? I assume you mean to abandon the entire piece of legislation.

I also assume that you didn't personally experience any problems with the health care system as it existed prior to reform.

I assume you're an idiot.

Do you have to alienate everyone that asks you a question? If you don't know the answer or don't have an opinion, can't you just say so? Why do you feel the need to be an outright asshole?

Is KosherGirl a troll? I've noticed that he/she often does a "drive by" original post, but then cannot respond to rebuttals.

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