Only a liberal could think a "man" can give birth

Yes, I have and o laugh at him but I also feel a bit guilty because he's obviously - how shall I say it?

One sick puppy.

Steve, you might feel better if you stopped searching out these stories that upset you. Yes, a man had a baby. If it makes you feel better not to believe or to blame on those mean ole LIB-rules, by all means, go right ahead.

But jeeeez, you have some real problems to deal with.
Yes, I have and o laugh at him but I also feel a bit guilty because he's obviously - how shall I say it?

One sick puppy.

Steve, you might feel better if you stopped searching out these stories that upset you. Yes, a man had a baby. If it makes you feel better not to believe or to blame on those mean ole LIB-rules, by all means, go right ahead.

But jeeeez, you have some real problems to deal with.

It's also interesting how everything he doesn't like in his life is a liberal conspiracy.

Come on novasteve, you know you're rewinded this part hundreds of times...
Can I take a wild guess that you unhinged, liberal fucked in the head deviants support pedophiles too?
Can I take a wild guess that you unhinged, liberal fucked in the head deviants support pedophiles too?

...and even more clues are coming to the surface. Notice he didn't refute that his first sexual experience was with a man. Add into it the odd religious component he keeps screaming about. The only question is was it a family member and his parents forced religion into him to override all this or if it was someone of the church who fucked him all up?
I'm sure you practice saying "would you fuck me, I'd fuck me hard" in your woman suit every night..

Ahh interesting you know the exact lines from that scene very well, they came up second nature to you didn't they?

Rewind... watch... rewind... watch... rewind... watch....
Can I take a wild guess that you unhinged, liberal fucked in the head deviants support pedophiles too?

...and even more clues are coming to the surface. Notice he didn't refute that his first sexual experience was with a man. Add into it the odd religious component he keeps screaming about. The only question is was it a family member and his parents forced religion into him to override all this or if it was someone of the church who fucked him all up?

And, why does he use the women's restroom?

Must be part of that Great Liberal Conspiracy.
Can I take a wild guess that you unhinged, liberal fucked in the head deviants support pedophiles too?

...and even more clues are coming to the surface. Notice he didn't refute that his first sexual experience was with a man. Add into it the odd religious component he keeps screaming about. The only question is was it a family member and his parents forced religion into him to override all this or if it was someone of the church who fucked him all up?

I'm Jewish you mother fucking liberal dipshit.

Now go fuckyourself. Good night.

I notice you didn't refute that you are a pedophile. Two can play are your stupid, childish game.
Can I take a wild guess that you unhinged, liberal fucked in the head deviants support pedophiles too?

...and even more clues are coming to the surface. Notice he didn't refute that his first sexual experience was with a man. Add into it the odd religious component he keeps screaming about. The only question is was it a family member and his parents forced religion into him to override all this or if it was someone of the church who fucked him all up?

I'm Jewish you mother fucking liberal dipshit.

Now go fuckyourself. Good night.

I notice you didn't refute that you are a pedophile. Two can play are your stupid, childish game.

I show no signs of being a pedophile while you're just ticking with psychological tells that you have some major psychological problems relating to LBGTs and your own sexuality. What does Judaism have to do with anything? Religion is religion and it's clear you've been fucked by it (maybe literally) before.
Are you literate? She also sat in the next stall to me. Did you forgot the hearing her voice part?

How did you know she was wearing a skirt if you were in a stall?

Because in the USA the stalls are only partial. They don't go to the floor. When she was walking I could see her legs. When she sat next to me I could see a skirt. If it makes it any more helpful to you, her boyfriend was waiting outside of the stall, making farting sounds and blaming it on me to embarass me.

Why were you looking underneath the stall door at another person?

You creepy fuck.
Why do you have such a fascination with transgendered people?

Every time you ask this question, I reply telling you that it's because I'm being forced to deny reality. That's why. If I demanded that you think I'm a space alien, would you want to be forced to agree with me? If I thought I was the President of the United States, should I have the force of law behind me to FORCE you to accept that I am?

What is it with liberals like you DENYING reality?

How can a fucking man give birth? Just try to think logically. how?

You should really just give in and suck a dick. I think the tension is driving you insane as evidenced by this post.

I'm guessing he already has (lots of them). That's his issue. He knows he loves to gobble massive cock, but hates himself for it; so, he tries to make up for it by bashing gays.
Are you literate? She also sat in the next stall to me. Did you forgot the hearing her voice part?

How did you know she was wearing a skirt if you were in a stall?

Because in the USA the stalls are only partial. They don't go to the floor. When she was walking I could see her legs. When she sat next to me I could see a skirt. If it makes it any more helpful to you, her boyfriend was waiting outside of the stall, making farting sounds and blaming it on me to embarass me.


Possibly the best post in USMB history

This thread reminds me so much of that great scene in Life Of Brian

"Why do you want to be Loretta, Stan?"

"I want to have babies"

" wanna have babies??!!"

"It's every man's right to have babies if he wants them"

"But, you can't have babies!!!"

"Don't you oppress me!"

"I'm not oppressing you Stan, you haven't got a womb...where's the foetus gonna gestate, ya gonna keep it in a box?"

[ame=]Monty Python's The life of Brian - I want to be a woman - YouTube[/ame]
This doesn't affect you in any way, shape or form, so why are you so offended?

If liberals had their way, me saying that is not a man would be considered jailable hate speech. So it does or could impact me. And it certainly impacts people in bathrooms.

Don't force your mental illness onto others. I don't care if you fucking think you are a reindeer, but don't force me to have to believe it too.

Liberal deviant mentally ill fruitcakes.

How can you be so fucked in the head to think that someone with a PENiS. I repeat a FUCKING PENIS can be a woman. And now you t hink a "man" can get prenant and give birth?

How fucking mentally ill are you liberals?

We notice you never mention :doubt:your mother, Lad.
According to the link provided by the OP, Matthew conceived while still a woman, and the pregnancy was unplanned. I don't see how the pregnancy has anything to do with promoting an agenda.
She is still a woman. There is just some sort of fiction that the law can change reality. It can't.

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