Only an imbecile would vote for a 70 percent tax.....Link included fool

70% after you bank 10 million. Seems like a pretty good deal to me.
I think her proposal works like this:
The first $10 million is taxed like now, anything OVER that get taxed at 70%.
I think her proposal works like this:
The first $10 million is taxed like now, anything OVER that get taxed at 70%.
She has schizophrenia, the dems want her to shut up...………

Let her ramble on, and on and on and on and on and on...……………………….
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this

Since the 70% only applies to wages in excess of $10 million, your scenario doesn't apply. Perhaps if you took the time or trouble to find out what she meant before you made yourself look like a complete imbecile, it would help.

That's why you post links. So you can prove that you're not setting up phony premise, like this one.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this

Since the 70% only applies to wages in excess of $10 million, your scenario doesn't apply. Perhaps if you took the time or trouble to find out what she meant before you made yourself look like a complete imbecile, it would help.

That's why you post links. So you can prove that you're not setting up phony premise, like this one.
Actually if you tax everyone with money the people who own the companies that much.

They will all move out of the USA and unemployment here will be 50 percent, and with all the rich people gone, who will suffer.

Grow up kid it can not happen, though it did in Cuba and Venezuela
70% after you bank 10 million. Seems like a pretty good deal to me.

Did you read the article? They are already planning on how to shield their money from the tax, before it is even enacted.

Your system doesn't work. Stop pushing failed policies.
70% after you bank 10 million. Seems like a pretty good deal to me.

Did you read the article? They are already planning on how to shield their money from the tax, before it is even enacted.

Your system doesn't work. Stop pushing failed policies.
Some people are moving and putting their money in Swiss accounts too

How does this help America
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this

Since the 70% only applies to wages in excess of $10 million, your scenario doesn't apply. Perhaps if you took the time or trouble to find out what she meant before you made yourself look like a complete imbecile, it would help.

That's why you post links. So you can prove that you're not setting up phony premise, like this one.

Really!? Do you folks have any common sense at all. True, the 70% would only apply to wages in excess of $10 million. Everyone else's would go up a lesser percent. So in all your wisdom, how much would you like your taxes going up?
70% after you bank 10 million. Seems like a pretty good deal to me.

Did you read the article? They are already planning on how to shield their money from the tax, before it is even enacted.

Your system doesn't work. Stop pushing failed policies.
Some people are moving and putting their money in Swiss accounts too

How does this help America

It won't. What will help America, is reducing regulations and taxes, so that it is profitable to invest here.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this

Since the 70% only applies to wages in excess of $10 million, your scenario doesn't apply. Perhaps if you took the time or trouble to find out what she meant before you made yourself look like a complete imbecile, it would help.

That's why you post links. So you can prove that you're not setting up phony premise, like this one.
Actually if you tax everyone with money the people who own the companies that much.

They will all move out of the USA and unemployment here will be 50 percent, and with all the rich people gone, who will suffer.

Grow up kid it can not happen, though it did in Cuba and Venezuela

No, you stupid cow, this is NOT what happened in Cuba or Venezuela. Why don’t you learn some facts before spreading ignorance and stupidity in every thread.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70 Percent Tax Plan: How Investors Could Protect Their Portfolios |

Great idea raise the minimum wage to 15.00 per hour and take home 4.50

Go ahead and tell me that anyone who is not a moron would vote for this

Since the 70% only applies to wages in excess of $10 million, your scenario doesn't apply. Perhaps if you took the time or trouble to find out what she meant before you made yourself look like a complete imbecile, it would help.

That's why you post links. So you can prove that you're not setting up phony premise, like this one.
Actually if you tax everyone with money the people who own the companies that much.

They will all move out of the USA and unemployment here will be 50 percent, and with all the rich people gone, who will suffer.

Grow up kid it can not happen, though it did in Cuba and Venezuela

No, you stupid cow, this is NOT what happened in Cuba or Venezuela. Why don’t you learn some facts before spreading ignorance and stupidity in every thread.

Your opinion is cherished by communist everywhere
I think her proposal works like this:
The first $10 million is taxed like now, anything OVER that get taxed at 70%.
Tax like now? Then they’re probably paying nothing. We know the tax rate on the top 5% is nothing like the tax rate on the middle class.
I think her proposal works like this:
The first $10 million is taxed like now, anything OVER that get taxed at 70%.
Tax like now? Then they’re probably paying nothing. We know the tax rate on the top 5% is nothing like the tax rate on the middle class.

Wow, always nice to hear from someone that has NO fricken clue.
70% after you bank 10 million. Seems like a pretty good deal to me.

Yes!!! Let's take capital away from people who know how to put it to use in order to fund more public housing employees unions with a $30 Billion capital shortfall!

Dean! You're a Venezuelan genius!

What's the worst that can happen?

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