Only Black Senator Not Invited to March on Washington

Not even ONE, "well, I guess I was wrong."l

Because I'm not.
So you're still standing by the lie that Scott WASN'T invited to speak.

Is that correct?

Yes, do I need to repost it?

Event organizers say they assumed Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., couldn’t attend, based on a failure to RSVP to an earlier, more general invitation. But his office says he was never actually invited to speak, and he may have been able to attend if he was formally invited.

GOP Official: March on Washington Organizers Ignored Suggestions - ABC News
"Miscommunication and lack of coordination appear to have played a role"

That's playing with words.

Now we have a situation where the event planners said they invited him, but his office is saying that he didn't get the invitation, but they were sure to add that "had he gotten the invitation he MAY have been able to attend."

What's telling is that even AFTER the event, his office, who should know whether or not he WOULD have been able to attend DEFINITIVELY are saying that he MAY have been able to attend.

Someone is lying here.

RWers like Taz are going to believe that they didn't invite Scott for political reasons.

Others are going to realize that he was invited and turned it down.

Unless and until some paperwork comes out proving it beyond the shadow of a doubt, that's just the way it's going to go.
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Because I'm not.
So you're still standing by the lie that Scott WASN'T invited to speak.

Is that correct?

Yes, do I need to repost it?

Event organizers say they assumed Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., couldn’t attend, based on a failure to RSVP to an earlier, more general invitation. But his office says he was never actually invited to speak, and he may have been able to attend if he was formally invited.

GOP Official: March on Washington Organizers Ignored Suggestions - ABC News

I find it odd that the office of someone who didn't receive an invite would decline an invite they didn't receive.

Of we want to know what they might mean by "formally invited."
It may just be me....but if I am a prominent member of a minority and they are about to have this huge shindig for the 50th anniversary of a key moment in that minority's the town I work in. I'd have my calendar clear for that event whether I got an invite or not. Just sayin'
What she said. ^
Scott fucked up because he was looking to get good optics from the base.

Only problem is................he just alienated those people the GOP was hoping to get, and he was the one who could possibly pull them in.

I feel sorry for the GOP in 2014, they're gonna lose their asses.
Scott fucked up because he was looking to get good optics from the base.

Only problem is................he just alienated those people the GOP was hoping to get, and he was the one who could possibly pull them in.

I feel sorry for the GOP in 2014, they're gonna lose their asses.
Yup. He fucked up big time, and now he's playing the pity poor me routine.
Poor 'publicans.

:lol: Of course, we all know that you're not a real black person unless you're a Democrat. Just one more example of why we don't need to take these fools seriously about anything they say or want.

Nation?s only black Senator not invited to speak at March on Washington
This, of course, is a complete lie, scripted by the GOP and spread by their hate media network and swallowed by gullible fools who stupidly spread it in public forums.

Every Congressman and Senator was invited and the GOP leadership was invited to speak. GHW and GW Bush were also invited to speak but both were recovering from medical problems, so Jeb Bush was invited to speak in their place. The entire GOP boycotted the event, not only refusing to speak but also refusing to attend.

And now after boycotting the event the GOP play the perpetual VICTIM card yet again. The GOP are loathsome scum!!!
It's amazing how the organizers sent out the last minute invites, just days ahead of the event to the Republicans when they had been planning the event for year.

And sending a "We're having this shin-dig, you can come if you want" letter to the Congress isn't exactly the same as inviting a particular person to come and speak... Oh.. and it had to a Republican "worthy" of standing on the same stage as Clinton and Carter... Just any Republican wouldn't do.

Clinton and Carter aren't worthy of being on the same stage as what I scrap off the bottom of my shoes... Any Elected Republican should have been more than worthy of standing on that stage.
“Thank you for extending to Senator Tim Scott the invitation to the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington on August 28th. Unfortunately, the Senator will be in South Carolina during this time, so he will be unable to attend the event. Please do, however, keep him in mind for future events you may be hosting.”
Tim Scott Declined Invite to Attend MLK March as Spectator | The World's Greatest Deliberative Body


Republican Party officials reached out to organizers of this week’s March on Washington commemoration with a series of suggestions for possible GOP speakers, but several of the people they recommended were never contacted with invitations to speak, according to Republican National Committee officials.

Miscommunication and lack of coordination appear to have played a role in at least some of the invites not going out to Republican office-holders. Event organizers say they assumed Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., couldn’t attend, based on a failure to RSVP to an earlier, more general invitation. But his office says he was never actually invited to speak, and he may have been able to attend if he was formally invited.

More than half a dozen different prominent Republicans were invited to speak, but several of the invitations went out quite late in the planning. All sent their regrets.

GOP Official: March on Washington Organizers Ignored Suggestions - ABC News
Gee, after the entire GOP boycotted the event, do you really think the RNC are going to tell the truth???
It's amazing how the organizers sent out the last minute invites, just days ahead of the event to the Republicans when they had been planning the event for year.

August 8th the invite was sent out to Scott. The next day his office declined. You think he didn't know about the anniversary?

Why did he decline? Why did all the others? Why did they not attend?

And sending a "We're having this shin-dig, you can come if you want" letter to the Congress isn't exactly the same as inviting a particular person to come and speak... Oh.. and it had to a Republican "worthy" of standing on the same stage as Clinton and Carter... Just any Republican wouldn't do.

Clinton and Carter aren't worthy of being on the same stage as what I scrap off the bottom of my shoes... Any Elected Republican should have been more than worthy of standing on that stage.

Yet they didn't. Didn't even bother to attend.

We know why.

And now they cry.
Now it can be told: All the prominent black Republicans in America really can fit into one room. In fairness, it was a pretty big room.

Republicans, who got just 6 percent of the African American vote in 2012, saw this week’s 50th anniversary celebration of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr’s March on Washington passing them by. So they held their own commemoration.

They sent an invitation “far and wide,” as one party official put it, asking black conservatives to lunch at party headquarters. About 150 accepted the invitation for chicken, cheesecake and cheeky suggestions that the late civil rights leader would have supported the causes of today’s conservatives.

Unfortunately, the Party of Lincoln discovered that its technical capability was still rather 19th century. The wireless sound system failed, and the microphone picked up only every few words. The national anthem became: “O’er the rampar . . . ah . . . ah . . . nn . . . oof . . . nigh . . . that . . . ill . . . of the . . . ay.” The hymn “Lift Every Voice and Sing” came out, in part, like this: “Skies . . . ow . . . ow . . . ing see . . . aw . . . ah . . . sing a song . . . rah . . . nah.” Its final verse went something like, “Lest our hearts . . . drunk . . . vil . . . eh . . . ub . . . eh . . . eeh . . . shadow . . . meeeeee.”

As the speakers fired staccato fragments of the speeches at the participants, techs scurried to repair the system, an RNC official sighed and the droning of a power drill on a nearby floor added to the mayhem.

Dana Milbank: Black Republicans try to appropriate Martin Luther King - The Washington Post

It's amazing how the organizers sent out the last minute invites, just days ahead of the event to the Republicans when they had been planning the event for year.

August 8th the invite was sent out to Scott. The next day his office declined. You think he didn't know about the anniversary?

Why did he decline? Why did all the others? Why did they not attend?

And sending a "We're having this shin-dig, you can come if you want" letter to the Congress isn't exactly the same as inviting a particular person to come and speak... Oh.. and it had to a Republican "worthy" of standing on the same stage as Clinton and Carter... Just any Republican wouldn't do.

Clinton and Carter aren't worthy of being on the same stage as what I scrap off the bottom of my shoes... Any Elected Republican should have been more than worthy of standing on that stage.

Yet they didn't. Didn't even bother to attend.

We know why.

And now they cry.

Amazing that of almost 300 Republican legislators, every single one was too busy to attend. Their constituents should be proud that Republicans are working so hard on their behalf

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