Only Black Senator Not Invited to March on Washington

Scott fucked up because he was looking to get good optics from the base.

Only problem is................he just alienated those people the GOP was hoping to get, and he was the one who could possibly pull them in.

I feel sorry for the GOP in 2014, they're gonna lose their asses.

Well...never underestimate the Democrats' ability to screw up at the wrong moment.
It's amazing how the organizers sent out the last minute invites, just days ahead of the event to the Republicans when they had been planning the event for year.

And sending a "We're having this shin-dig, you can come if you want" letter to the Congress isn't exactly the same as inviting a particular person to come and speak... Oh.. and it had to a Republican "worthy" of standing on the same stage as Clinton and Carter... Just any Republican wouldn't do.

Clinton and Carter aren't worthy of being on the same stage as what I scrap off the bottom of my shoes... Any Elected Republican should have been more than worthy of standing on that stage.

What day did they send the invites out? And what was the wording on the invites?

You seem to know these things so I am asking you.
IMO...the absolutely saddest thing about this is the Republicans brought this on themselves.

OK, don't show up.....but THEN don't WHINE about not being invited when the evidence is there for all to see that you were indeed invited and

So you're still standing by the lie that Scott WASN'T invited to speak.

Is that correct?

Yes, do I need to repost it?

Event organizers say they assumed Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., couldn’t attend, based on a failure to RSVP to an earlier, more general invitation. But his office says he was never actually invited to speak, and he may have been able to attend if he was formally invited.

GOP Official: March on Washington Organizers Ignored Suggestions - ABC News

I find it odd that the office of someone who didn't receive an invite would decline an invite they didn't receive.

Of we want to know what they might mean by "formally invited."

you are running over the same ground for several pages now. the links are out them again, read the language/words they are using and how they are using them, not what you want them to, to win an argument on the interwebz that no one will see or care about in a week :D

you continue to conflate separate actions/issues, being asked- invited to attend an event is not being asked to speak, they could not possibly have accommodated 535 plus the presidents, laz raza, nea, seiu, afl-cio etc. they sent a general form letter/email to 'representatives' ( congress, both houses) they were invites to the event, NOT requests to speak.

If you read the links his response was perfectly consistent - He got his general invite to attend ( as a spectator) said no thx. He made whatever plans there after.
Yes, do I need to repost it?

I find it odd that the office of someone who didn't receive an invite would decline an invite they didn't receive.

Of we want to know what they might mean by "formally invited."

you are running over the same ground for several pages now. the links are out them again, read the language/words they are using and how they are using them, not what you want them to, to win an argument on the interwebz that no one will see or care about in a week :D

you continue to conflate separate actions/issues, being asked- invited to attend an event is not being asked to speak, they could not possibly have accommodated 535 plus the presidents, laz raza, nea, seiu, afl-cio etc. they sent a general form letter/email to 'representatives' ( congress, both houses) they were invites to the event, NOT requests to speak.

If you read the links his response was perfectly consistent - He got his general invite to attend ( as a spectator) said no thx. He made whatever plans there after.

The fact that WE (not just me) are still talking this over seems to be bothering you. Well, it IS a little embarassing, I suppose.
:lol: Of course, we all know that you're not a real black person unless you're a Democrat. Just one more example of why we don't need to take these fools seriously about anything they say or want.

Nation?s only black Senator not invited to speak at March on Washington
This, of course, is a complete lie, scripted by the GOP and spread by their hate media network and swallowed by gullible fools who stupidly spread it in public forums.

Every Congressman and Senator was invited and the GOP leadership was invited to speak. GHW and GW Bush were also invited to speak but both were recovering from medical problems, so Jeb Bush was invited to speak in their place. The entire GOP boycotted the event, not only refusing to speak but also refusing to attend.

And now after boycotting the event the GOP play the perpetual VICTIM card yet again. The GOP are loathsome scum!!!

so invited and invited to speak are 2 different things...glad we got that straight:rolleyes:
I find it odd that the office of someone who didn't receive an invite would decline an invite they didn't receive.

Of we want to know what they might mean by "formally invited."

you are running over the same ground for several pages now. the links are out them again, read the language/words they are using and how they are using them, not what you want them to, to win an argument on the interwebz that no one will see or care about in a week :D

you continue to conflate separate actions/issues, being asked- invited to attend an event is not being asked to speak, they could not possibly have accommodated 535 plus the presidents, laz raza, nea, seiu, afl-cio etc. they sent a general form letter/email to 'representatives' ( congress, both houses) they were invites to the event, NOT requests to speak.

If you read the links his response was perfectly consistent - He got his general invite to attend ( as a spectator) said no thx. He made whatever plans there after.

The fact that WE (not just me) are still talking this over seems to be bothering you.

Ah, another tack.

Uhm, I am still talking it too:eusa_shifty:

Well, it IS a little embarassing, I suppose.

Tell me about it.... I just got some PMs reminding me that I nominated and fought hard to make you a moderator, politics wasn't a question , but your uber partisanship/pugnacity via not being very bright, didn't see it then...yea, I own that ,:redface: I should be in a horsehair shirt.
Another tactical blunder from a party desperately trying to draw the minority vote

A celebration of one of the most respected patriots in our history on his greatest day and Republicans conduct a "Seperate but equal" event
Another tactical blunder from a party desperately trying to draw the minority vote

A celebration of one of the most respected patriots in our history on his greatest day and Republicans conduct a "Seperate but equal" event

:lol: no one has heard a word about ANYTHING the gop did that day, I can't tell you where or what any of them did, so your equal is, a tad skewed...but what do you care, all of the usual grievances made it out there, Mission Accomplished :lol: the continued march to have Hispanics seen by the public as just another minority on par civil rights wise with blacks ( which as a black person would piss me off to no end ala the gay "civil' rights thang)...Oh and obamas dip back into his faux accent inflections etc.....

and really, who wants the party of evil rich white guys and voter ID at an event for a man they despised, becasue , well, they're all racists anyway, everyone knows that....:eusa_whistle::rolleyes:

so, in all seriousness, another one of those moments of honesty/clarity RW, like that post from the other day,;) really- how hard do you think the event planners worked at organizing gopers/cons compared to reaching out/organizing doing same for others?
you are running over the same ground for several pages now. the links are out them again, read the language/words they are using and how they are using them, not what you want them to, to win an argument on the interwebz that no one will see or care about in a week :D

you continue to conflate separate actions/issues, being asked- invited to attend an event is not being asked to speak, they could not possibly have accommodated 535 plus the presidents, laz raza, nea, seiu, afl-cio etc. they sent a general form letter/email to 'representatives' ( congress, both houses) they were invites to the event, NOT requests to speak.

If you read the links his response was perfectly consistent - He got his general invite to attend ( as a spectator) said no thx. He made whatever plans there after.

Ah, another tack.

Uhm, I am still talking it too:eusa_shifty:

Well, it IS a little embarassing, I suppose.

Tell me about it.... I just got some PMs reminding me that I nominated and fought hard to make you a moderator, politics wasn't a question , but your uber partisanship/pugnacity via not being very bright, didn't see it then...yea, I own that ,:redface: I should be in a horsehair shirt.

Now I am confused. What does this topic have to do with me being nominated as a mod at one time? :confused:
Another tactical blunder from a party desperately trying to draw the minority vote

A celebration of one of the most respected patriots in our history on his greatest day and Republicans conduct a "Seperate but equal" event

:lol: no one has heard a word about ANYTHING the gop did that day, I can't tell you where or what any of them did, so your equal is, a tad skewed...but what do you care, all of the usual grievance came it out there, the continued march to have Hispanics seen by the public as just another minority on par civil rights wise with blacks ( which as a black person would piss me off to no end ala the gay "civil' rights thang)...Oh and obamas dip back into his faux accent inflections etc......

so, in all seriousness, another one of those moments of honesty/clarity RW, like that post from the other day,;) really- how hard do you think the event planners worked at organizing gopers/cons compared to reaching out/organizing doing same for others?

Too bad all Republicans invited to attend and speak declined their invitations then, isn't it?
Ah, another tack.

Uhm, I am still talking it too:eusa_shifty:

Tell me about it.... I just got some PMs reminding me that I nominated and fought hard to make you a moderator, politics wasn't a question , but your uber partisanship/pugnacity via not being very bright, didn't see it then...yea, I own that ,:redface: I should be in a horsehair shirt.

Now I am confused. What does this topic have to do with me being nominated as a mod at one time? :confused:

I can see that, were you being topical? I missed it.....I took the appeal/remark to emotion thing and ran with it....and, when you're right, you're right, I am embarrassed.....*shrugs* you got me.
Now I am confused. What does this topic have to do with me being nominated as a mod at one time? :confused:

I can see that, were you being topical? I missed it.....I took the appeal/remark to emotion thing and ran with it....and, when you're right, you're right, I am embarrassed.....*shrugs* you got me.

So....are you saying it has nothing to do with this topic? Or is there some connection I missed?
Poor 'publicans.


The same amount as black Democrat Senators.
Another tactical blunder from a party desperately trying to draw the minority vote

A celebration of one of the most respected patriots in our history on his greatest day and Republicans conduct a "Seperate but equal" event

:lol: no one has heard a word about ANYTHING the gop did that day, I can't tell you where or what any of them did, so your equal is, a tad skewed...but what do you care, all of the usual grievance came it out there, the continued march to have Hispanics seen by the public as just another minority on par civil rights wise with blacks ( which as a black person would piss me off to no end ala the gay "civil' rights thang)...Oh and obamas dip back into his faux accent inflections etc......

so, in all seriousness, another one of those moments of honesty/clarity RW, like that post from the other day,;) really- how hard do you think the event planners worked at organizing gopers/cons compared to reaching out/organizing doing same for others?

Too bad all Republicans invited to attend and speak declined their invitations then, isn't it?

:lol: so now you're down to running them together - "invited to attend and speak" thats hilarious... :lol:

syria is calling and this has become, sans no new information, a circular argument ( call me if anything pops up) kids have fun.

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