Only Black Senator Not Invited to March on Washington


All right your honor....lets go over the evidence

Exhibit A: Republicans conduct an alternative March on Washington event on Monday August 26 in order to "get their ticket punched"
Exhibit B: Not a single Republican showed up for the official ceremony
Exhibit C: Republicans have made a point of not accepting invitations from the President or participating in events the President is at

I rest my case

What alternative March happened on Aug. 26th? Need evidence of such a march.

Need verifiable proof that no conservative showed up for the event.

Need proof that no republican has ever accepted a presidential invitation to any event.

Your just saying this bullshit is true doesn't make it true.

Where is the evidence?

march on washington EVENT
Scott fucked up because he was looking to get good optics from the base.

Only problem is................he just alienated those people the GOP was hoping to get, and he was the one who could possibly pull them in.

I feel sorry for the GOP in 2014, they're gonna lose their asses.

I doubt it. ObamaCare is going to destroy the Dems in 2014. People will be suffering from it across the board by then.
It really did not look good for all those Republicans to decline invites. (Tho I totally understand the reasoning behind the Bushes not coming....I wish good health and recovery to them both)
W. would have been there.
I'd like to revise and extend my remarks.

I was giving W. the benefit of the doubt, but I see him this morning participating in a charity golf tournament, and his procedure was 3 weeks ago.

If he can play golf today, he could have made the march on Wednesday.


"Now watch this drive"
Scott fucked up because he was looking to get good optics from the base.

Only problem is................he just alienated those people the GOP was hoping to get, and he was the one who could possibly pull them in.

I feel sorry for the GOP in 2014, they're gonna lose their asses.

I doubt it. ObamaCare is going to destroy the Dems in 2014. People will be suffering from it across the board by then.

I've read two of your posts in this thread...your lie of an OP and now this one. Both are pure ass talk. Clown.
All right your honor....lets go over the evidence

Exhibit A: Republicans conduct an alternative March on Washington event on Monday August 26 in order to "get their ticket punched"
Exhibit B: Not a single Republican showed up for the official ceremony
Exhibit C: Republicans have made a point of not accepting invitations from the President or participating in events the President is at

I rest my case

What alternative March happened on Aug. 26th? Need evidence of such a march.

Need verifiable proof that no conservative showed up for the event.

Need proof that no republican has ever accepted a presidential invitation to any event.

Your just saying this bullshit is true doesn't make it true.

Where is the evidence?


Please, everyone already knows where your head is at. That much is painfully obvious.
Scott fucked up because he was looking to get good optics from the base.

Only problem is................he just alienated those people the GOP was hoping to get, and he was the one who could possibly pull them in.

I feel sorry for the GOP in 2014, they're gonna lose their asses.

I doubt it. ObamaCare is going to destroy the Dems in 2014. People will be suffering from it across the board by then.

I've read two of your posts in this thread...your lie of an OP and now this one. Both are pure ass talk. Clown.

Now this one? Damn, how did you hear about my magical crystal ball? You caught me. I looked into the future this morning and saw that the Republicans are going to get their clock cleaned in the elections next year and decided to lie about it this morning on this forum.

And I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling kids!!

Scott fucked up because he was looking to get good optics from the base.

Only problem is................he just alienated those people the GOP was hoping to get, and he was the one who could possibly pull them in.

I feel sorry for the GOP in 2014, they're gonna lose their asses.

I doubt it. ObamaCare is going to destroy the Dems in 2014. People will be suffering from it across the board by then.

This is amazing to me.

Why would the Democrats be pushing hard for something that will hurt them politically?

Why are Republicans pushing so hard against something that will supposedly help them politically?

Clear the RW cobwebs, step outside the bubble, and disengage from the echo chamber until you can answer these two questions.
Scott fucked up because he was looking to get good optics from the base.

Only problem is................he just alienated those people the GOP was hoping to get, and he was the one who could possibly pull them in.

I feel sorry for the GOP in 2014, they're gonna lose their asses.

I doubt it. ObamaCare is going to destroy the Dems in 2014. People will be suffering from it across the board by then.

This is amazing to me.

Why would the Democrats be pushing hard for something that will hurt them politically?

Why are Republicans pushing so hard against something that will supposedly help them politically?

Clear the RW cobwebs, step outside the bubble, and disengage from the echo chamber until you can answer these two questions.

The majority of Americans oppose Obamacare. Which makes your questions total bullshit.
It's pretty sad to see that things here haven't really changed. The USMB Right Wingnut Brigade continues to spread easily debunked bullshit and instead of slithering away as gracefully as possible they simply double down on the derp and proceed to make bigger fools of themselves.
I doubt it. ObamaCare is going to destroy the Dems in 2014. People will be suffering from it across the board by then.

This is amazing to me.

Why would the Democrats be pushing hard for something that will hurt them politically?

Why are Republicans pushing so hard against something that will supposedly help them politically?

Clear the RW cobwebs, step outside the bubble, and disengage from the echo chamber until you can answer these two questions.

The majority of Americans oppose Obamacare. Which makes your questions total bullshit.

This false comment has nothing to do with my questions.
It's pretty sad to see that things here haven't really changed. The USMB Right Wingnut Brigade continues to spread easily debunked bullshit and instead of slithering away as gracefully as possible they simply double down on the derp and proceed to make bigger fools of themselves.

why would they change? it is working so well, hehehe
Yes, do I need to repost it?

I find it odd that the office of someone who didn't receive an invite would decline an invite they didn't receive.

Of we want to know what they might mean by "formally invited."

you are running over the same ground for several pages now. the links are out them again, read the language/words they are using and how they are using them, not what you want them to, to win an argument on the interwebz that no one will see or care about in a week :D

you continue to conflate separate actions/issues, being asked- invited to attend an event is not being asked to speak, they could not possibly have accommodated 535 plus the presidents, laz raza, nea, seiu, afl-cio etc. they sent a general form letter/email to 'representatives' ( congress, both houses) they were invites to the event, NOT requests to speak.

If you read the links his response was perfectly consistent - He got his general invite to attend ( as a spectator) said no thx. He made whatever plans there after.
You just make this shit up out of thin air!!!!
You, of course, have proof that his schedule was free BEFORE he received his invite. You do know that the GOP had their OWN competing celebration
and Scott neither attended nor spoke at that event also! Can't you just accept his own claim that he had other commitments that week?????

All right your honor....lets go over the evidence

Exhibit A: Republicans conduct an alternative March on Washington event on Monday August 26 in order to "get their ticket punched"
Exhibit B: Not a single Republican showed up for the official ceremony
Exhibit C: Republicans have made a point of not accepting invitations from the President or participating in events the President is at

I rest my case

What alternative March happened on Aug. 26th? Need evidence of such a march.

Need verifiable proof that no conservative showed up for the event.

Need proof that no republican has ever accepted a presidential invitation to any event.

Your just saying this bullshit is true doesn't make it true.

Where is the evidence?
The Right's perpetual dumb act is as tiring as their perpetual victim act.
So how long did it take before the rabid righties on here realized they had been lied to again?

Did any of them apologize, I wonder.

Weak and lame attempt to deflect. The graphic mentions Congress and you try to change it to Senate. That is because you probably know there are over 40 elected black congressmen and women in the House.

Did you take the time to view these peoples credentials? Have you listened to any of these idiots speak? What about their ethic probes?

You have Sheila Jackson Lee from Houston one of the biggest loons there. She don't know the difference between Vietnam and Korea, the moon and mars and thinks Europe is a country.

And the CBC in all their brilliance recommended her to head homeland security. Unbelievable!!

That in and of itself should tell you all you need to know about black Democrats in Congress

Seriously you have a group of unqualified, ignorant individuals representing you in Congress and you're proud of it.

Now reduced to vetting the speakers. Hey, at least they ACCEPTED their invites. :D
I find it odd that the office of someone who didn't receive an invite would decline an invite they didn't receive.

Of we want to know what they might mean by "formally invited."

you are running over the same ground for several pages now. the links are out them again, read the language/words they are using and how they are using them, not what you want them to, to win an argument on the interwebz that no one will see or care about in a week :D

you continue to conflate separate actions/issues, being asked- invited to attend an event is not being asked to speak, they could not possibly have accommodated 535 plus the presidents, laz raza, nea, seiu, afl-cio etc. they sent a general form letter/email to 'representatives' ( congress, both houses) they were invites to the event, NOT requests to speak.

If you read the links his response was perfectly consistent - He got his general invite to attend ( as a spectator) said no thx. He made whatever plans there after.
You just make this shit up out of thin air!!!!
You, of course, have proof that his schedule was free BEFORE he received his invite. You do know that the GOP had their OWN competing celebration
and Scott neither attended nor spoke at that event also! Can't you just accept his own claim that he had other commitments that week?????

It's almost like some people here think Senator Scott LIED about being out of town that week and would have said 'yes' if he'd been asked to speak. Either he was available or he was not available. Which is it?
All right your honor....lets go over the evidence

Exhibit A: Republicans conduct an alternative March on Washington event on Monday August 26 in order to "get their ticket punched"
Exhibit B: Not a single Republican showed up for the official ceremony
Exhibit C: Republicans have made a point of not accepting invitations from the President or participating in events the President is at

I rest my case

What alternative March happened on Aug. 26th? Need evidence of such a march.

Need verifiable proof that no conservative showed up for the event.

Need proof that no republican has ever accepted a presidential invitation to any event.

Your just saying this bullshit is true doesn't make it true.

Where is the evidence?
The Right's perpetual dumb act is as tiring as their perpetual victim act.

Good catch. :lol:
Because I'm not.

So if Scott showed up to speak, that would have made......
Wait a minute.....let me count

OK.....I got it

ONE Republican at the cerimony

“Quite frankly, not showing up to that event yesterday to me was abhorrent.” -Former RNC Chair Michael Steele

bush41 was invited to speak - sited health concerns and declined.

bush43 was invited to speak - sited health concerns and declined.

the boner was invited - sited scheduling conflict and declined.

cantor was invited - sited scheduling conflict and declined.

scott was invited - sited a scheduling conflict and declined.

RePugs were invited, and instead chose not to attend.

O'Lielly lives up his daily dose of lies.

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