Only Fascists Assail Free Speech

Pick one word to represent'd probably pick some iteration of "freedom."
The aspect of 'freedom' most often mentioned is freedom of speech.

Sadly, the stronger the Left's influence abounds, the less of that free speech is available.

1. "Americans were asked what they believed was the single most important freedom that citizens enjoy. The majority (47%) of people named freedom of speech as the most important freedom, followed by freedom of religion (10%); freedom of choice (7%); right to vote (5%); right to bear arms (5%); right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (3%), and freedom of the press (1%). Women were twice as likely as men to name freedom of religion as the most important freedom. Thirteen percent of women named freedom of religion, whereas only 6% of men did.

2. Asked to name the five specific freedoms in the First Amendment, 59% of Americans could name freedom of speech, followed by 24% who could name freedom of religion, 14% freedom of the press, 11% the right to assemble, and 4% the right to petition. Thirty-six percent of Americans cannot name any of the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment.

3. The majority of Americans believes that the First Amendment does not go too far in the rights it guarantees. The gap between those who believe it goes too far and not too far has generally increased over time; however, this year there was a significant increase in those who claimed that the First Amendment goes too far in protecting individual rights.

a. Higher percentages of young Americans tend to agree with the statement that the First Amendment goes too far in the rights that it guarantees. Forty-seven percent of 18-30-year-olds agree, while 44% of 31-45-year-olds, 24% of 46-60-year-olds and 23% of people over 60 agree that the First Amendment goes too far.

b. Additionally, African-Americans and Hispanics are more likely to say that the First Amendment goes too far in the rights it guarantees. Fifty-two percent of African-Americans and 50% of Hispanics agree, while only 29% of whites agree that the First Amendment goes too far.

4. Americans who identify as liberal or moderate are more likely than those who identify as conservative to agree that the news media attempt to report stories without bias. Fifty-one percent of liberals, 50% of moderates and 37% of conservatives support the statement."

Where Liberalism is strongest, one is least likely to find free speech.

Let's start again.

There is nothing in the OP that supports the thread title.
Let's start again; examples of the Left stifling free speech are endless.

Start with obama's IRS scandal; THAT was all about stifling the free speech rights of conservatives
3. The majority of Americans believes that the First Amendment does not go too far in the rights it guarantees. The gap between those who believe it goes too far and not too far has generally increased over time; however, this year there was a significant increase in those who claimed that the First Amendment goes too far in protecting individual rights.

Note the highlighted above, that PC also highlighted,

but she edited out of the text of the study the reason WHY there was an increase 'this year'.

"It is important to note that this survey was conducted in May, shortly after the Boston Marathon bombing. This jump in the percentage of individuals who think the First Amendment goes too far represents Americans’ increased willingness to give up their rights and freedoms in return for greater security when they feel threatened. An even greater increase in willingness to trade freedom for security occurred after the September 2001 terrorist attacks, as shown in the graph below."

So, according to the survey, the number that PC is complaining about, i.e., more people thinking the 1st Amendment goes too far,

are related to reactions to terrorist attacks.
Let's start again; examples of the Left stifling free speech are endless.

Start with obama's IRS scandal; THAT was all about stifling the free speech rights of conservatives

There was no anti-conservative IRS scandal except the one the Right invented.
Let's start again; examples of the Left stifling free speech are endless.

Start with obama's IRS scandal; THAT was all about stifling the free speech rights of conservatives

There was no anti-conservative IRS scandal except the one the Right invented.

yes loon; she took the FIFTH REPEATEDLY and lawyered up just because she wasnt in talkative mood
Let's start again; examples of the Left stifling free speech are endless.

Start with obama's IRS scandal; THAT was all about stifling the free speech rights of conservatives

There was no anti-conservative IRS scandal except the one the Right invented.

yes loon; she took the FIFTH REPEATEDLY and lawyered up just because she wasnt in talkative mood

What does that prove? Guilty until proven innocent?
Let's start again; examples of the Left stifling free speech are endless.

Start with obama's IRS scandal; THAT was all about stifling the free speech rights of conservatives

There was no anti-conservative IRS scandal except the one the Right invented.

yes loon; she took the FIFTH REPEATEDLY and lawyered up just because she wasnt in talkative mood

What does that prove? Guilty until proven innocent?

Coming from the same nutjobs still talking about 'lied to go to war" making idiotic charges of racism you can never back up...etc............................comical
Let's start again; examples of the Left stifling free speech are endless.

Start with obama's IRS scandal; THAT was all about stifling the free speech rights of conservatives
Didn't know you needed a tax break to have free speech? The things you learn here...
Let's start again; examples of the Left stifling free speech are endless.

Start with obama's IRS scandal; THAT was all about stifling the free speech rights of conservatives

There was no anti-conservative IRS scandal except the one the Right invented.

yes loon; she took the FIFTH REPEATEDLY and lawyered up just because she wasnt in talkative mood

What does that prove? Guilty until proven innocent?

The Left is never able to connect those dots.

Let's start again; examples of the Left stifling free speech are endless.

Start with obama's IRS scandal; THAT was all about stifling the free speech rights of conservatives

There was no anti-conservative IRS scandal except the one the Right invented.

Of course, that is a lie.

How many times must I hear from Obama apologists that 'there isn't a smidgen of evidence against Obama in the IRS scandal???

Let's begin today's lesson with "Cui bono," the Latin phrase meaning "to whose benefit?"

And, keep in mind, that, just as in most cases presented to a jury, circumstantial evidence is dispositive, meaning that a confession is not necessary.

1. White House Visitors Log :March 31, 2010.
According to the White House Visitors Log, provided here in searchable form by U.S. News and World Report, the president of the anti-Tea Party National Treasury Employees Union, Colleen Kelley, visited the White House at 12:30pm that Wednesday noon time of March 31st.

a. "For me, it's about collaboration."-- National Treasury Employees Union President Colleen Kelley on the relationship between theanti-Tea Party IRS union and the Obama White House

b.The very next day after her White House meeting with the President,according to the Treasury Department’s Inspector General’s Report, IRS employees -- the same employees who belong to the NTEU -- set to work in earnest targeting the Tea Party and conservative groups around America. The IG report wrote it up this way:
April 1-2, 2010: The new Acting Manager, Technical Unit, suggested the need for aSensitive Case Report on the Tea Party cases.The Determinations Unit Program Manager Agreed."
Obama and the IRS: The Smoking Gun? | The American Spectator

Because the White House understood what was coming in the mid term elections, 2010.

2. What did Obama foresee in the 2010 midterm elections, and the 2012 re-election campaign, that could necessitate such illegality?

"Due to the attention that the Tea Party focused on his policies, he received a terrible defeat in the 2010 midterm elections.
"President Obama had a blunt response when asked Wednesday to explain how it felt to watch the Democratic Party suffer the worst electoral defeat in the House in more than half a century."
Obama admits he got a ?shellacking,? but shows no sign of budging on core agenda | The Daily Caller

3. "The obvious question instantly arises with the revelation that Kelley was meeting with the President personally -- the day before the IRS kicked into high gear with its “Sensitive Case Report on the Tea Party”.

The NTEU, through its political action committee, raised $613,633 in the 2010 cycle, giving 98% of its contributions to anti-Tea Party Democrats.
In 2012 the figure was $729,708, with 94% going to anti-Tea Party candidates. One NTEU candidate after another, as discussed last week in this space, campaigned vigorously against the Tea Party.

So the motivations here -- defeating the Tea Party in 2010, and failing at that, making sure that the news of the metastasizing cancer in the IRS was kept quiet until after the 2012 presidential election was over -- are clear."

It would be a lie for an intelligent person claim not to be able to connect those dots.

I said intelligent person.
You're excused.

"About one-third of these applications included "Tea Party," "Patriots," or "9/12" in their names, while the remainder didn't, the report said."
FBI Opens Criminal Probe of IRS Monitoring of Tea-Party Groups - WSJ

"...100 percent of the tax-exempt applications with Tea Party, Patriots, or 9/12 in their names were processed as potential political cases" during the audit's time frame."
IRS: Liberal groups got less scrutiny than Tea Party
Let's start again; examples of the Left stifling free speech are endless.

Start with obama's IRS scandal; THAT was all about stifling the free speech rights of conservatives
Didn't know you needed a tax break to have free speech? The things you learn here...

if you're tying to get out a message and the other Political Party doesnt allow it then yea leftard

you learned something today
Let's start again; examples of the Left stifling free speech are endless.

Start with obama's IRS scandal; THAT was all about stifling the free speech rights of conservatives
Didn't know you needed a tax break to have free speech? The things you learn here...

"On Jan. 15, 2012 the agency decided to target "political action type organizations involved in limiting/expanding Government, educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, social economic reform movement.," according to the appendix in the IG report, which was requested by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and has yet to be released."
IRS targeted groups that criticized the government, IG report says - The Washington Post

"...educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights,...."

I look forward to your comment excoriating the Obama administration with reference to the above....

...because, you know....only a socialist/fascist would endorse same.
Let's start again; examples of the Left stifling free speech are endless.

Start with obama's IRS scandal; THAT was all about stifling the free speech rights of conservatives
Didn't know you needed a tax break to have free speech? The things you learn here...

if you're tying to get out a message and the other Political Party doesnt allow it then yea leftard

you learned something today
They didn't have free speech because they couldn't get tax exempt status? If only the Founders of this nation had understood that eh?
Let's start again; examples of the Left stifling free speech are endless.

Start with obama's IRS scandal; THAT was all about stifling the free speech rights of conservatives
Didn't know you needed a tax break to have free speech? The things you learn here...

if you're tying to get out a message and the other Political Party doesnt allow it then yea leftard

you learned something today
They didn't have free speech because they couldn't get tax exempt status? If only the Founders of this nation had understood that eh?


your so-called most transparent administration in history denied them the right to free speech in time for an election
Let's start again; examples of the Left stifling free speech are endless.

Start with obama's IRS scandal; THAT was all about stifling the free speech rights of conservatives
Didn't know you needed a tax break to have free speech? The things you learn here...

"On Jan. 15, 2012 the agency decided to target "political action type organizations involved in limiting/expanding Government, educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, social economic reform movement.," according to the appendix in the IG report, which was requested by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and has yet to be released."
IRS targeted groups that criticized the government, IG report says - The Washington Post

"...educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights,...."

I look forward to your comment excoriating the Obama administration with reference to the above....

...because, you know....only a socialist/fascist would endorse same.
Obama doesn't run the IRS, and considering the scam organizations the right brings about, i.e. Center for Medical Progress, I'd check them right down to their tighty whities...
your so-called most transparent administration in history denied them the right to free speech in time for an election
Not possible. No one told them they couldn't shoot their mouths off. No one tells you either, loudmouth.
Let's start again; examples of the Left stifling free speech are endless.

Start with obama's IRS scandal; THAT was all about stifling the free speech rights of conservatives
Didn't know you needed a tax break to have free speech? The things you learn here...

"On Jan. 15, 2012 the agency decided to target "political action type organizations involved in limiting/expanding Government, educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, social economic reform movement.," according to the appendix in the IG report, which was requested by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and has yet to be released."
IRS targeted groups that criticized the government, IG report says - The Washington Post

"...educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights,...."

I look forward to your comment excoriating the Obama administration with reference to the above....

...because, you know....only a socialist/fascist would endorse same.
Obama doesn't run the IRS, and considering the scam organizations the right brings about, i.e. Center for Medical Progress, I'd check them right down to their tighty whities...

"Obama doesn't run the IRS"

That fib is the best defense you can come up with????

Time for a B12 shot.

"No, the IRS is not an “Independent Agency”
No, the IRS is not an “Independent Agency” - Executive Branch Project more lying, y'hear!
Let's start again; examples of the Left stifling free speech are endless.

Start with obama's IRS scandal; THAT was all about stifling the free speech rights of conservatives
Didn't know you needed a tax break to have free speech? The things you learn here...

"On Jan. 15, 2012 the agency decided to target "political action type organizations involved in limiting/expanding Government, educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, social economic reform movement.," according to the appendix in the IG report, which was requested by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and has yet to be released."
IRS targeted groups that criticized the government, IG report says - The Washington Post

"...educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights,...."

I look forward to your comment excoriating the Obama administration with reference to the above....

...because, you know....only a socialist/fascist would endorse same.
Obama doesn't run the IRS, and considering the scam organizations the right brings about, i.e. Center for Medical Progress, I'd check them right down to their tighty whities...

"Obama doesn't run the IRS"

That fib is the best defense you can come up with????

Time for a B12 shot.

"No, the IRS is not an “Independent Agency”
No, the IRS is not an “Independent Agency” - Executive Branch Project more lying, y'hear!
When you can tell the IRS you made your money pimping out whores and selling drugs, but they aren't allowed to tell the police, that's pretty independent. Sorry Charlie, you don't need a tax exemption to have free speech. It was around long before the IRS.

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