Zone1 "Only God can fix things" But doesn't God need some help?

Conveniently for Christian’s, no matter what mankind accomplishes, they can always just say it was God’s doing
"Christian" responses are every bit as varied as those of the devil worshipper

I say, this life is our time of testing where we are being judged daily
Conveniently for Christian’s, no matter what mankind accomplishes, they can always just say it was God’s doing
More accurately, Christians note God in the midst of what we are doing. Sometimes--perhaps--merely as an onlooker.
Conveniently for Christian’s, no matter what mankind accomplishes, they can always just say it was God’s doing
I rarely if ever say that

All the evil in the world is due to humans who don't love God and refuse to obey His Laws, which are written on the heart... so man is without excuse

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