Only in Left's Fantasy Land


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2013
Watched Tucker Carlson last night. He had this Pelosi supporter on who actually made the claim that bringing immigrants into the country creates jobs. Couldn't explain that fine philosophy, but stuck to it the entire interview. You fks on the left really aren't very bright, maybe this is why you continue losing.

So here's the message, we need more jobs, so bring in immigrants. I kid you not, this is the left message.

you can't make this shit up.
remember when:

Pelosi fires back at Gingrich over food stamps – CNN Political Ticker ...
Oct 6, 2010 - (CNN) -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Wednesday strongly ... For every dollar a person receives in food stamps, Pelosi said that $1.79 is put ...
Pelosi: Extending Unemployment 'One of Best Ways to Grow the ...
Dec 6, 2013 - House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) ... For every dollar spent on unemployment benefits, the economy grows by, according ... But Pelosi said House Democrats "want to extend the hand of .... Expanding food stamps and the Welfare State are clearly the tickets for achieving Nancy's utopian dreams.
Pelosi: Food Stamps Give 'Biggest Bang for Our Buck' - Fox Nation
Oct 8, 2010 - Nancy Pelosi proudly defended the welfare party: ... For every dollar a person receives infood stamps, Pelosi said that $1.79 is put back into ...

a dollar seventy nine....
When you bring new people into the country, they start occupying the jobs which already exist and this way they subtract certain amount of existing jobs and certainly don't add to the amount of the existing jobs.

Liberals need to learn some first grade math. And those ignorant people have been ruling the country for 8 years and badly wanted to keep ruling. Thank you, American people, for kicking their ignorant butts out of WH, Senate and the House.
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When you bring new people into the country, they start occupying the jobs which already exist and this way they subtract certain amount of existing jobs and certainly don't add to the amount of the existing jobs.

Liberals need to learn some first grade math.
well they are the party that says 2+2 =5. just remember that.
Watched Tucker Carlson last night. He had this Pelosi supporter on who actually made the claim that bringing immigrants into the country creates jobs. Couldn't explain that fine philosophy, but stuck to it the entire interview. You fks on the left really aren't very bright, maybe this is why you continue losing.

So here's the message, we need more jobs, so bring in immigrants. I kid you not, this is the left message.

you can't make this shit up.

Democratic Press Secretary ( who cares ):eek:

Yeah I love how Tucker gets someone with little experience to debate with so the dummies watching will agree with him . I hate Tucker, it is a fake ass illusion of a news show....with all the bells and whistles..
Watched Tucker Carlson last night. He had this Pelosi supporter on who actually made the claim that bringing immigrants into the country creates jobs. Couldn't explain that fine philosophy, but stuck to it the entire interview. You fks on the left really aren't very bright, maybe this is why you continue losing.

So here's the message, we need more jobs, so bring in immigrants. I kid you not, this is the left message.

you can't make this shit up.

Democratic Press Secretary ( who cares ):eek:

Yeah I love how Tucker gets someone with little experience to debate with so the dummies watching will agree with him . I hate Tucker, it is a fake ass illusion of a news show....with all the bells and whistles..

dude too special. so why then don't you tell us what the dems message is. I'd expect the press secretary to have that. but apparently you don't.
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Hey why stop there? Not only do immigrants create more jobs, they lower your health care costs, lower the crime rate and make your skin silky smooth. C'mon DEMs if you are going to lie, do it bigly.

Illegal immigration does have some undeniably negative economic effects. Similarly skilled native-born workers are faced with a choice of either accepting lower pay or not working in the field at all. Labor economists have concluded that undocumented workers have lowered the wages of U.S. adults without a high-school diploma — 25 million of them — by anywhere between 0.4 to 7.4 percent.

The impact on everyone else, though, is surprisingly positive.[...]

The impact on everyone else, though, is surprisingly positive. Giovanni Peri, an economist at the University of California, Davis, has written a series of influential papers comparing the labor markets in states with high immigration levels to those with low ones. He concluded that undocumented workers do not compete with skilled laborers — instead, they complement them. Economies, as Adam Smith argued in “Wealth of Nations,” work best when workers become specialized and divide up tasks among themselves. Pedro Chan’s ability to take care of routine tasks on a work site allows carpenters and electricians to focus on what they do best. In states with more undocumented immigrants, Peri said, skilled workers made more money and worked more hours; the economy’s productivity grew. From 1990 to 2007, undocumented workers increased legal workers’ pay in complementary jobs by up to 10 percent.

Do Illegal Immigrants Actually Hurt the U.S. Economy?

Illegal immigration does have some undeniably negative economic effects. Similarly skilled native-born workers are faced with a choice of either accepting lower pay or not working in the field at all. Labor economists have concluded that undocumented workers have lowered the wages of U.S. adults without a high-school diploma — 25 million of them — by anywhere between 0.4 to 7.4 percent.

The impact on everyone else, though, is surprisingly positive.[...]

The impact on everyone else, though, is surprisingly positive. Giovanni Peri, an economist at the University of California, Davis, has written a series of influential papers comparing the labor markets in states with high immigration levels to those with low ones. He concluded that undocumented workers do not compete with skilled laborers — instead, they complement them. Economies, as Adam Smith argued in “Wealth of Nations,” work best when workers become specialized and divide up tasks among themselves. Pedro Chan’s ability to take care of routine tasks on a work site allows carpenters and electricians to focus on what they do best. In states with more undocumented immigrants, Peri said, skilled workers made more money and worked more hours; the economy’s productivity grew. From 1990 to 2007, undocumented workers increased legal workers’ pay in complementary jobs by up to 10 percent.

Do Illegal Immigrants Actually Hurt the U.S. Economy?
see, you can't make this up.
Watched Tucker Carlson last night. He had this Pelosi supporter on who actually made the claim that bringing immigrants into the country creates jobs. Couldn't explain that fine philosophy, but stuck to it the entire interview. You fks on the left really aren't very bright, maybe this is why you continue losing.

So here's the message, we need more jobs, so bring in immigrants. I kid you not, this is the left message.

you can't make this shit up.

Watched Tucker Carlson last night. He had this Pelosi supporter on who actually made the claim that bringing immigrants into the country creates jobs. Couldn't explain that fine philosophy, but stuck to it the entire interview. You fks on the left really aren't very bright, maybe this is why you continue losing.

So here's the message, we need more jobs, so bring in immigrants. I kid you not, this is the left message.

you can't make this shit up.

Democratic Press Secretary ( who cares ):eek:

Yeah I love how Tucker gets someone with little experience to debate with so the dummies watching will agree with him . I hate Tucker, it is a fake ass illusion of a news show....with all the bells and whistles..

Oh make no mistake about it, illegals DO create more jobs.
More social workers are needed to help them steal welfare from REAL American's
More public school faculty to provide them with taxpayer funded educations
More iCE agents are needed
More health care professionals to provide FREE health care for them and deliver the shit-ton of silver tooth anchor babies they spit out
Huggies sells a shit-ton more diapers to taxpayers for the anchor babies
More police and prison personnel are required
More abortion clinics and employees are needed
More Walmart employees that speak jibber-jabber are required
More pit bull breeders are needed to supply that demand
More employees are needed at Budweiser and Tapatio
More Dodger Stadium and Raider Stadium security employees are needed
More turquoise and orange house paint is produced and sold

It just occurred to me...illegals DO create a ton of jobs here...they're AWESOME for our economy!
Watched Tucker Carlson last night. He had this Pelosi supporter on who actually made the claim that bringing immigrants into the country creates jobs. Couldn't explain that fine philosophy, but stuck to it the entire interview. You fks on the left really aren't very bright, maybe this is why you continue losing.

So here's the message, we need more jobs, so bring in immigrants. I kid you not, this is the left message.

you can't make this shit up.

Watched Tucker Carlson last night. He had this Pelosi supporter on who actually made the claim that bringing immigrants into the country creates jobs. Couldn't explain that fine philosophy, but stuck to it the entire interview. You fks on the left really aren't very bright, maybe this is why you continue losing.

So here's the message, we need more jobs, so bring in immigrants. I kid you not, this is the left message.

you can't make this shit up.

Democratic Press Secretary ( who cares ):eek:

Yeah I love how Tucker gets someone with little experience to debate with so the dummies watching will agree with him . I hate Tucker, it is a fake ass illusion of a news show....with all the bells and whistles..

Oh make no mistake about it, illegals DO create more jobs.
More social workers are needed to help them steal welfare from REAL American's
More public school faculty to provide them with taxpayer funded educations
More iCE agents are needed
More health care professionals to provide FREE health care for them and deliver the shit-ton of silver tooth anchor babies they spit out
Huggies sells a shit-ton more diapers to taxpayers for the anchor babies
More police and prison personnel are required
More abortion clinics and employees are needed
More Walmart employees that speak jibber-jabber are required
More pit bull breeders are needed to supply that demand
More employees are needed at Budweiser and Tapatio
More Dodger Stadium and Raider Stadium security employees are needed
More turquoise and orange house paint is produced and sold

It just occurred to me...illegals DO create a ton of jobs here...they're AWESOME for our economy!
Notice that the Trumpfloakes have been able to do nothing in Congress? That's due to Pelosi. That's why the Trumpflakes and their media suckups have all been weeping extra hard about her right lately. On every issue, Pelosi represents mainstream America. That's basically why Republicans hate her.

And saying "San Francisco values" is a dogwhistle for "I'm a sick bigot who hates gay people, so you other bigots should vote for me", in case anyone was unclear on that.
Notice that the Trumpfloakes have been able to do nothing in Congress? That's due to Pelosi. That's why the Trumpflakes and their media suckups have all been weeping extra hard about her right lately. On every issue, Pelosi represents mainstream America. That's basically why Republicans hate her.

And saying "San Francisco values" is a dogwhistle for "I'm a sick bigot who hates gay people, so you other bigots should vote for me", in case anyone was unclear on that.
yes, take that message to your base. yep we kept obummerfail failing, we stopped tax breaks you all would have received to ease your purses.

WE made sure no wall was built so more illegals could take your jobs. nice message.

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