Only One Man Has a Plan To Protect Us From Islamic Terrorism


Donald Trump on Brussels Attacks: ‘I Would Close up Our Borders’

“I would close up our borders,” Trump said on Fox News. “We are taking in people without real documentation. We don’t know where they’re from or who they are.

“We have to be very, very vigilant with who we let into this country,” he continued. “Brussels is a great example. Brussels was an absolutely crime-free city, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. And now you look at it and it’s just a disaster.”

The Republican frontrunner, who had called for a temporary ban on all Muslims entering the United States last year following the terror attacks in Paris, reiterated his vow that if elected president, the United States would bring back waterboarding to interrogate suspected terrorists.
Considering that the majority of terrorists carrying out the attacks in Brussels and Paris were citizens of Belgium and France, I fail to see how it will be the "answer." Belgium and France DO admit the problem of radicalization involves the lack of assimilation of Muslims into their society. And the arrests they've been making this week? Tips from Muslims in the neighborhoods where these creeps were living and working. Learn from all of this horrible experience, not just the easy solution, which is to lock the door and hide in the cellar until they all go away. We have allowed only about 1,000 Syrian refugees into the country so far this year, because we ARE being extremely careful. Refugees aren't the only problem. Keeping them out isn't going to make you safer.

No one said that refugees are the only problem.

That being said, not letting them in, reduces to zero the chance that terrorists will infiltrate among them, or that they or their children will be radicalized down the road.

So quick to defend muslims you dont know with little care for fellow countrymen.......shameful
I have no shame in confronting fellow countrymen who would unfairly attack an entire religion. That is part of what America is about.
And yet your side does it unrelentingly in regards to Christianity.....and you have yet to articulate a serious policy proposal to identify which muslim is peaceful and which is not,,,,,simply let them all in and hope for the best....pathetic
We are very carefully vetting every refugee entering this country. So far, knock wood, we do not have a situation like Brussels where Muslim neighborhoods are insular and hostile to American culture. We have spooks and LE crawling all over social media and Muslim communities, stopping homegrown terrorists before they attack. What more needs to be done? We are at war. There are going to be some attacks. America is already doing a good job of keeping us safe. A terrorist attack in Europe is no reason for you to become unglued. If you want to keep out all Muslims, what do you do with the Muslims who already live here, who are our important allies in the fight against ISIS? Are they going to remain our friends? Think for a minute about what you're proposing. I would love to know how to keep us 100% safe, but ending Muslim immigration to this country is NOT going to do the trick.
So quick to defend muslims you dont know with little care for fellow countrymen.......shameful
I have no shame in confronting fellow countrymen who would unfairly attack an entire religion. That is part of what America is about.
And yet your side does it unrelentingly in regards to Christianity.....and you have yet to articulate a serious policy proposal to identify which muslim is peaceful and which is not,,,,,simply let them all in and hope for the best....pathetic
I'm not sure what 'side' you are referring to, but I don't recall attacking any Christians lately.
So quick to defend muslims you dont know with little care for fellow countrymen.......shameful
I have no shame in confronting fellow countrymen who would unfairly attack an entire religion. That is part of what America is about.
And yet your side does it unrelentingly in regards to Christianity.....and you have yet to articulate a serious policy proposal to identify which muslim is peaceful and which is not,,,,,simply let them all in and hope for the best....pathetic
We are very carefully vetting every refugee entering this country. So far, knock wood, we do not have a situation like Brussels where Muslim neighborhoods are insular and hostile to American culture. We have spooks and LE crawling all over social media and Muslim communities, stopping homegrown terrorists before they attack. What more needs to be done? We are at war. There are going to be some attacks. America is already doing a good job of keeping us safe. A terrorist attack in Europe is no reason for you to become unglued. If you want to keep out all Muslims, what do you do with the Muslims who already live here, who are our important allies in the fight against ISIS? Are they going to remain our friends? Think for a minute about what you're proposing. I would love to know how to keep us 100% safe, but ending Muslim immigration to this country is NOT going to do the trick.

Tell the victims of the Boston Bombers how well we vet people and having had any failures.

No one said closing the border would keep US 100% safe.

But ending Muslim immigration into this country would obviously make US safER.
So quick to defend muslims you dont know with little care for fellow countrymen.......shameful
I have no shame in confronting fellow countrymen who would unfairly attack an entire religion. That is part of what America is about.
And yet your side does it unrelentingly in regards to Christianity.....and you have yet to articulate a serious policy proposal to identify which muslim is peaceful and which is not,,,,,simply let them all in and hope for the best....pathetic
We are very carefully vetting every refugee entering this country. So far, knock wood, we do not have a situation like Brussels where Muslim neighborhoods are insular and hostile to American culture. We have spooks and LE crawling all over social media and Muslim communities, stopping homegrown terrorists before they attack. What more needs to be done? We are at war. There are going to be some attacks. America is already doing a good job of keeping us safe. A terrorist attack in Europe is no reason for you to become unglued. If you want to keep out all Muslims, what do you do with the Muslims who already live here, who are our important allies in the fight against ISIS? Are they going to remain our friends? Think for a minute about what you're proposing. I would love to know how to keep us 100% safe, but ending Muslim immigration to this country is NOT going to do the trick.
That is an outright lie as proven by San Bernadino,.......wife should have never been let in
So quick to defend muslims you dont know with little care for fellow countrymen.......shameful
I have no shame in confronting fellow countrymen who would unfairly attack an entire religion. That is part of what America is about.
And yet your side does it unrelentingly in regards to Christianity.....and you have yet to articulate a serious policy proposal to identify which muslim is peaceful and which is not,,,,,simply let them all in and hope for the best....pathetic
We are very carefully vetting every refugee entering this country. So far, knock wood, we do not have a situation like Brussels where Muslim neighborhoods are insular and hostile to American culture. We have spooks and LE crawling all over social media and Muslim communities, stopping homegrown terrorists before they attack. What more needs to be done? We are at war. There are going to be some attacks. America is already doing a good job of keeping us safe. A terrorist attack in Europe is no reason for you to become unglued. If you want to keep out all Muslims, what do you do with the Muslims who already live here, who are our important allies in the fight against ISIS? Are they going to remain our friends? Think for a minute about what you're proposing. I would love to know how to keep us 100% safe, but ending Muslim immigration to this country is NOT going to do the trick.

DHS admits ISIS is in all 50 states...great job ya did there great job Brownie
So quick to defend muslims you dont know with little care for fellow countrymen.......shameful
I have no shame in confronting fellow countrymen who would unfairly attack an entire religion. That is part of what America is about.
And yet your side does it unrelentingly in regards to Christianity.....and you have yet to articulate a serious policy proposal to identify which muslim is peaceful and which is not,,,,,simply let them all in and hope for the best....pathetic
We are very carefully vetting every refugee entering this country. So far, knock wood, we do not have a situation like Brussels where Muslim neighborhoods are insular and hostile to American culture. We have spooks and LE crawling all over social media and Muslim communities, stopping homegrown terrorists before they attack. What more needs to be done? We are at war. There are going to be some attacks. America is already doing a good job of keeping us safe. A terrorist attack in Europe is no reason for you to become unglued. If you want to keep out all Muslims, what do you do with the Muslims who already live here, who are our important allies in the fight against ISIS? Are they going to remain our friends? Think for a minute about what you're proposing. I would love to know how to keep us 100% safe, but ending Muslim immigration to this country is NOT going to do the trick.
We know many if not most are not our friends........OMG
So quick to defend muslims you dont know with little care for fellow countrymen.......shameful
I have no shame in confronting fellow countrymen who would unfairly attack an entire religion. That is part of what America is about.
And yet your side does it unrelentingly in regards to Christianity.....and you have yet to articulate a serious policy proposal to identify which muslim is peaceful and which is not,,,,,simply let them all in and hope for the best....pathetic
I'm not sure what 'side' you are referring to, but I don't recall attacking any Christians lately.
Your side...islamic apologist side got it O suing nuns got it....nneed anymore cases
Gotta link on that tips part...I've heard the muslims have been fighting the cops in streets
It was on the news last night, but I don't remember which (I scan several). If I remember right, it was about the apprehension of the guy outside Paris. I didn't hear anywhere that the Muslims were fighting cops in the streets. What news do you watch?
Have not seen any such assertion
I answered your question the best I could. Per usual, I'm not getting an answer to mine. Are they perhaps thousands of Muslims you saw in the streets of New Jersey?

you have some questions about the muslim population in NEW JERSEY?
Feel free to ask me
I was being a wiseass, Rosie. Manonthestreet has heard Muslims are fighting the cops in the streets but doesn't seem to want to share where he learned this.
Happy Easter, by the way.

being wiseass about what? You do seem confused about the muslim population
in New Jersey
I agree the solution of stopping Muslims from immigrating into this country sounds like a common sense solution. I get the argument that it would keep us safER by limiting potential terrorists.
Practically speaking, though, I have some questions.
So, how do we tell if someone is actually Muslim when they apply for entry? Logistically, how do we verify someone from the Middle East is actually a Christian--or instead a lying Muslim--when they check No on their form? Do we have agents in every flea bitten town in the Middle East checking with the Imams? Will each Mosque allow registration of all their members and share it with US Immigration so we can keep all Muslims out?
How do our Muslim allies in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, etc.) react when we ban them from the United States? Who is fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria? Whose feet are on the ground? Muslims. Who do we need to build coalitions with to bring more boots on the ground to defeat ISIS? Muslims. So will it upset them that we are locking them out of our country?
Since we have decided Muslims are so dangerous, what do we do with the Muslims who already live here and are US citizens? Camps like the Japanese in WWII?
I'm just asking. You may think I'm a stupid, bleeding heart moron for my views, but the practical application of your idea is full of stumbling blocks. Unless you have figured out ways around all these pitfalls and more.
Let's hear it.
I agree the solution of stopping Muslims from immigrating into this country sounds like a common sense solution. I get the argument that it would keep us safER by limiting potential terrorists.
Practically speaking, though, I have some questions.
So, how do we tell if someone is actually Muslim when they apply for entry? Logistically, how do we verify someone from the Middle East is actually a Christian--or instead a lying Muslim--when they check No on their form? Do we have agents in every flea bitten town in the Middle East checking with the Imams? Will each Mosque allow registration of all their members and share it with US Immigration so we can keep all Muslims out?
How do our Muslim allies in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, etc.) react when we ban them from the United States? Who is fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria? Whose feet are on the ground? Muslims. Who do we need to build coalitions with to bring more boots on the ground to defeat ISIS? Muslims. So will it upset them that we are locking them out of our country?
Since we have decided Muslims are so dangerous, what do we do with the Muslims who already live here and are US citizens? Camps like the Japanese in WWII?
I'm just asking. You may think I'm a stupid, bleeding heart moron for my views, but the practical application of your idea is full of stumbling blocks. Unless you have figured out ways around all these pitfalls and more.
Let's hear it.

1. I am glad you get it that limiting potential terrorists would keep us safer. Thus the OP is correct. Only Trump has a real plan to protect US.

2. Ban all immigrants from Muslim majority nations. Potential Muslims from other nations, do the back ground checks you can. Social media is everywhere. Monitor US mosques to see if they go. Check with co-workers if they pray in Muslim manner. for starters.

3. I do not think they will respond much at all. Alliances are built on common interests, not hurt or unhurt feelings.

4. Monitor them and their mosques.

Donald Trump on Brussels Attacks: ‘I Would Close up Our Borders’

“I would close up our borders,” Trump said on Fox News. “We are taking in people without real documentation. We don’t know where they’re from or who they are.

“We have to be very, very vigilant with who we let into this country,” he continued. “Brussels is a great example. Brussels was an absolutely crime-free city, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. And now you look at it and it’s just a disaster.”

The Republican frontrunner, who had called for a temporary ban on all Muslims entering the United States last year following the terror attacks in Paris, reiterated his vow that if elected president, the United States would bring back waterboarding to interrogate suspected terrorists.
Considering that the majority of terrorists carrying out the attacks in Brussels and Paris were citizens of Belgium and France, I fail to see how it will be the "answer." Belgium and France DO admit the problem of radicalization involves the lack of assimilation of Muslims into their society. And the arrests they've been making this week? Tips from Muslims in the neighborhoods where these creeps were living and working. Learn from all of this horrible experience, not just the easy solution, which is to lock the door and hide in the cellar until they all go away. We have allowed only about 1,000 Syrian refugees into the country so far this year, because we ARE being extremely careful. Refugees aren't the only problem. Keeping them out isn't going to make you safer.

There is a real problem found in terrorists taking advantage of using the Syrian refugee crisis to "slip in" and gain access, when security is not so prominent. This was confirmed by those investigating the attack in France, and exploiting a weakness within the crisis that plagued several European countries and led to the closing of some of those nation's borders. This eliminates the excuse that the United States would in fact be acting alone, by looking into similar actions to protect their own citizens from unguarded entry points that could result in more similar acts of terrorism or establishing a stronger foothold for personal radicalization.

Terrorist ringleader got into EU as 'refugee'

France - Paris attack terrorists used refugee chaos to enter France, says PM Valls
So quick to defend muslims you dont know with little care for fellow countrymen.......shameful
I have no shame in confronting fellow countrymen who would unfairly attack an entire religion. That is part of what America is about.
And yet your side does it unrelentingly in regards to Christianity.....and you have yet to articulate a serious policy proposal to identify which muslim is peaceful and which is not,,,,,simply let them all in and hope for the best....pathetic
We are very carefully vetting every refugee entering this country. So far, knock wood, we do not have a situation like Brussels where Muslim neighborhoods are insular and hostile to American culture. We have spooks and LE crawling all over social media and Muslim communities, stopping homegrown terrorists before they attack. What more needs to be done? We are at war. There are going to be some attacks. America is already doing a good job of keeping us safe. A terrorist attack in Europe is no reason for you to become unglued. If you want to keep out all Muslims, what do you do with the Muslims who already live here, who are our important allies in the fight against ISIS? Are they going to remain our friends? Think for a minute about what you're proposing. I would love to know how to keep us 100% safe, but ending Muslim immigration to this country is NOT going to do the trick.

It's hard to care for Syrian refugees, when our nation doesn't know how to properly tend to the overflow of immigrants we already have. Do you plan on opening your home in support of your president's plan of reaching out to meet those refugees' needs? Let's at least try and have a plan to care for our own before we bring the world's problems INTO the United States.

Six military bases to house illegal immigrants
Ted Cruz is a parrot. He now has changed his mind on closing the borders to "patrolling Muslim neighborhoods" He parroted Trump on closing the borders and then flip flopped on it. Trump's right, we need to close the borders. The Muslims already here can be dealt with in a couple of different ways. No, not camps, not killing them either. Deportations would depend entirely on them, and what they decided their views and priorities are. The US is a sovereign Nation with it's own Culture, traditions, views, and yes the English language is spoken here. We've been made to feel it's wrong to demand that immigrants conform to a certain set of values, and it's bad to demand loyalty to the US by forcing them to give up their customs and traditions. Newsflash: Did you immigrate here willingly? Did you come to the US because you love the US and you want to be an American citizen? Then there should be no problem. If you've immigrated to this Country purely for economic reasons and you don't approve of the American culture, and American values, then you need to leave, you're not the kind of ppl this Country needs. By encouraging "diversity" your encouraging division. A divided Nation cannot stand. The biggest mistake the US made was getting rid of the English only mandate, it needs brought back. Government correspondence should be printed in 1 language, English. That's the language of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, THAT'S the language the founders decided to use. All other immigrants to this Country learned English to function in society, immigrants today are no better.
The bottom line is: If your loyal to any other flag but the US flag, you need to leave. US needs to shut down the borders and STOP importing people who do not like this Country, and have no intention of assimilating. Another thing that needs to stop is the cancelation of traditional Holiday celebrations so others don't feel "left out" that's ludicrous. You take away from the majority to satisfy the minority? No, you do NOT. Again, this is our Culture, our traditions. Immigrants who don't celebrate these holidays need to stay home, we do not change our value system for ANY group. In the end, what would it mean to be American? What would Americans stand for? As I said at the beginning, a divided Nation cannot stand. This open border policy is killing the American culture, along with the GLOBALISTS who don't want Sovereign Nations. I'm a very proud Nationalist, I stand for freedom. Every American should stand for freedom, if they don't, they shouldn't be here.

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When I saw the title of this thread, I thought to myself "of course, but I don't happen to be running for president".
So quick to defend muslims you dont know with little care for fellow countrymen.......shameful

It represents nothing more than a conditioned response. When illiberal leftists defend Islamism, they receive props from their equally ignorant little peeps for doing so. Tolerating female genital mutilation, honor killings, mass murder and desire to destroy liberal, western civilization is the "In" thing these days. Even the slightest objection to these desires and practices elicits an equally Pavlovian condemnation as an "extreme right winger" a "racist", an "Islamophobe and who knows what else as the mindless drones show their solidarity through shared platitudes.

It is just politics as a fashion statement by those more interested in appearing fashionable than understanding much of anything at all.

Donald Trump on Brussels Attacks: ‘I Would Close up Our Borders’

“I would close up our borders,” Trump said on Fox News. “We are taking in people without real documentation. We don’t know where they’re from or who they are.

“We have to be very, very vigilant with who we let into this country,” he continued. “Brussels is a great example. Brussels was an absolutely crime-free city, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. And now you look at it and it’s just a disaster.”

The Republican frontrunner, who had called for a temporary ban on all Muslims entering the United States last year following the terror attacks in Paris, reiterated his vow that if elected president, the United States would bring back waterboarding to interrogate suspected terrorists.

So, in order to close our borders, does that mean not only a wall along the Mexican border and also a wall along the Canadian border?
Good luck with that one? Is Trump going to force both Canada and Mexico to pay for those walls? How many decades is that going to take to accomplish? How many trillion dollars?
So quick to defend muslims you dont know with little care for fellow countrymen.......shameful

It represents nothing more than a conditioned response. When illiberal leftists defend Islamism, they receive props from their equally ignorant little peeps for doing so. Tolerating female genital mutilation, honor killings, mass murder and desire to destroy liberal, western civilization is the "In" thing these days. Even the slightest objection to these desires and practices elicits an equally Pavlovian condemnation as an "extreme right winger" a "racist", an "Islamophobe and who knows what else as the mindless drones show their solidarity through shared platitudes.

It is just politics as a fashion statement by those more interested in appearing fashionable than understanding much of anything at all.
It's about compassion and respect for the fact that every human being is, well, a human being. It's about the Golden Rule. It has nothing to do with being fashionable, at least not for this poster. You can denigrate and dehumanize Muslims and your left-wing enemies alike; it shows little about your enemies but a lot about yourself. You will reap what you sow.

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