Only self declared "intellectuals" could argue for boys using girls bathrooms

Transgender is a bullshit and useless term. He is NOT a she, no matter what he wants it to be. Biological fact is fact. Other people should not be required to ignore reality because you do not want to acknowledge it. That is rather insane. As long as we are going to segregate people based on gender, the biological reality is all that really matters and all that should ever matter.

If this person wants to be something else, fine but that is a decision that he is going to have to live with including things like dealing with the men’s bathroom.
Parents allowing such young children to become transgendered with an operation and all are clearly engaging in child abuse. The child is not old enough to make such an important decision and any parent who OK's it should be locked up.

Let the child make the decision when they are of full age...anything sooner would be premature.
^they can't make the decision when they come of age because hormones have kicked it, and they have gone through puberty, meaning any attempt to quash those male traits, for example, will be much more difficult.
The earlier treatment begins, the better the outcome.

The girl is fifteen and has been living as a female for a long time, since she was a small child. I'd say that she doesn't have a mental illness, and is old enough to consent to treatment. She has been acting and living as a girl for so long, it would be ridiculous to treat her as a male right now.
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^they can't make the decision when they come of age because hormones have kicked it, and they have gone through puberty, meaning any attempt to quash those male traits, for example, will be much more difficult.
The earlier treatment begins, the better the outcome.

The girl is fifteen and has been living as a female for a long time, since she was a small child. I'd say that she doesn't have a mental illness, and is old enough to consent to treatment. She has been acting and living as a girl for so long, it would be ridiculous to treat her as a male right now.

It has nothing to do with acting or preference. It is biological fact. As long as he has a penis, it is a he. There is no amount of wishing, acting or wanting that changes that reality. I can’t fathom the need for these people to demand that the rest of us simply ignore fact or reality. That is asinine. He can ignore it all he wishes but the rest of us are under no such requirement. Period.

Lastly, that is not ‘treatment’ as that implies there is something to treat. There is nothing there to treat. Being a male is not a medical condition that needs to be rectified. It is a reality. There is nothing wrong with being a male. There is nothing that needs to be medically addressed. The want to change to a female might be a personal decision but it is not more than that. Cosmetic.
^they can't make the decision when they come of age because hormones have kicked it, and they have gone through puberty, meaning any attempt to quash those male traits, for example, will be much more difficult.
The earlier treatment begins, the better the outcome.

The girl is fifteen and has been living as a female for a long time, since she was a small child. I'd say that she doesn't have a mental illness, and is old enough to consent to treatment. She has been acting and living as a girl for so long, it would be ridiculous to treat her as a male right now.

I always thought that liberals believed in evolution and survival of the fittest?

Personally, I believe in both concepts; however, others are free to believe in creationism if so they choose. As a mathematician, I see it to be impossible that human beings developed through random mutations, you would need tens of trillions of year to get to this point, and the earth hasn't even been habitable for more than 3 billion years, which is tens of thousand times smaller than ten trillion.

Evidently, there was some sort of intelligent intervention in the mutation of human DNA. The dinosaur era are about as complex as a biosphere as nature could ever randomly achieve without intelligent intervention. But hey wtf! Free to believe what you want!
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I always thought that liberals believed in evolution and survival of the fittest?


Good point. But I'd guess that they'd prefer to have had some kind of governmental bureaucracy over the last few hundred million years that would have decided what was "fair" and could have chosen the winner and loser species because it would know what was "best".

We probably would have had to hyphenate the species, too, or be called a dinosaur racist. Or maybe a "speciest".

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^they can't make the decision when they come of age because hormones have kicked it, and they have gone through puberty, meaning any attempt to quash those male traits, for example, will be much more difficult.
The earlier treatment begins, the better the outcome.

The girl is fifteen and has been living as a female for a long time, since she was a small child. I'd say that she doesn't have a mental illness, and is old enough to consent to treatment. She has been acting and living as a girl for so long, it would be ridiculous to treat her as a male right now.

Living as or choosing does not change your genetic makeup.. as explained SO many times before...

Xy or XYY or XXY or even the exceedingly rare XYYY are MALE.. PERIOD... whether they want to chop off their penis and surgically construct a vagina, grow boobs, and dress as a female or not.. whether they WANT to live as something else or not

And 'mental illness' may not be the best term... that is true.. but it is not genetic... and if it is not a genetic trait, it then must be either a learned behavior, choice, environmental interference/issue, or disorder...
^they can't make the decision when they come of age because hormones have kicked it, and they have gone through puberty, meaning any attempt to quash those male traits, for example, will be much more difficult.
The earlier treatment begins, the better the outcome.

The girl is fifteen and has been living as a female for a long time, since she was a small child. I'd say that she doesn't have a mental illness, and is old enough to consent to treatment. She has been acting and living as a girl for so long, it would be ridiculous to treat her as a male right now.

It has nothing to do with acting or preference. It is biological fact. As long as he has a penis, it is a he. There is no amount of wishing, acting or wanting that changes that reality. I can’t fathom the need for these people to demand that the rest of us simply ignore fact or reality. That is asinine. He can ignore it all he wishes but the rest of us are under no such requirement. Period.

Lastly, that is not ‘treatment’ as that implies there is something to treat. There is nothing there to treat. Being a male is not a medical condition that needs to be rectified. It is a reality. There is nothing wrong with being a male. There is nothing that needs to be medically addressed. The want to change to a female might be a personal decision but it is not more than that. Cosmetic.

A baby is born with a penis, but has ovaries. Male or female?
The girl is fifteen and has been living as a female for a long time, since she was a small child

In the article I read about this situation, they also quoted a 6 year old transgendered. Now...I barely could recite the pledge of allegiance at 6 years old, much less make such an important decision about my gender! My God...that's a life decision that a 6 year old just shouldn't be able to make at that age. Nor should a parent make it for them! It's just too important and will follow them the rest of their lives. These kids need to have the mind of an adult before engaging in such important decisions for their life.
^they can't make the decision when they come of age because hormones have kicked it, and they have gone through puberty, meaning any attempt to quash those male traits, for example, will be much more difficult.
The earlier treatment begins, the better the outcome.

The girl is fifteen and has been living as a female for a long time, since she was a small child. I'd say that she doesn't have a mental illness, and is old enough to consent to treatment. She has been acting and living as a girl for so long, it would be ridiculous to treat her as a male right now.

I think you don't remember being 15. Or remember being a minor for that matter. The things that were important to me when I was a minor were quickly of no importance upon reaching adulthood. Children make a lot of dumb decisions. This child should have not been allowed to pretend to be something that he isn't. If he chose to do this as an adult then fine, but not as a child. This is a healthy boy who should be taught to love who he is, not told there is something wrong. There is no treatment to make him a girl. You can cut him up and help him pretend to be a girl, but never a real girl. Is he ever going to menstruate? Can he ever have a baby? Why promote this fantasy?

Boys room it is. Gender is black and white, no need to try to blur the line between them.
^they can't make the decision when they come of age because hormones have kicked it, and they have gone through puberty, meaning any attempt to quash those male traits, for example, will be much more difficult.
The earlier treatment begins, the better the outcome.

The girl is fifteen and has been living as a female for a long time, since she was a small child. I'd say that she doesn't have a mental illness, and is old enough to consent to treatment. She has been acting and living as a girl for so long, it would be ridiculous to treat her as a male right now.

Living as or choosing does not change your genetic makeup.. as explained SO many times before...

Xy or XYY or XXY or even the exceedingly rare XYYY are MALE.. PERIOD... whether they want to chop off their penis and surgically construct a vagina, grow boobs, and dress as a female or not.. whether they WANT to live as something else or not

And 'mental illness' may not be the best term... that is true.. but it is not genetic... and if it is not a genetic trait, it then must be either a learned behavior, choice, environmental interference/issue, or disorder...

Its not a mental illness, the brain is not aligned with the body. Its that simple. You cannot change the brain but you can alter the body.
^they can't make the decision when they come of age because hormones have kicked it, and they have gone through puberty, meaning any attempt to quash those male traits, for example, will be much more difficult.
The earlier treatment begins, the better the outcome.

The girl is fifteen and has been living as a female for a long time, since she was a small child. I'd say that she doesn't have a mental illness, and is old enough to consent to treatment. She has been acting and living as a girl for so long, it would be ridiculous to treat her as a male right now.

I think you don't remember being 15. Or remember being a minor for that matter. The things that were important to me when I was a minor were quickly of no importance upon reaching adulthood. Children make a lot of dumb decisions. This child should have not been allowed to pretend to be something that he isn't. If he chose to do this as an adult then fine, but not as a child. This is a healthy boy who should be taught to love who he is, not told there is something wrong. There is no treatment to make him a girl. You can cut him up and help him pretend to be a girl, but never a real girl. Is he ever going to menstruate? Can he ever have a baby? Why promote this fantasy?

Boys room it is. Gender is black and white, no need to try to blur the line between them.

Children play games of pretend all the time. But a game of pretend doesn't last a decade or more, does it? There comes a time when you have to get it through your head that it isn't a game, that it is serious, and there is no point in trying to change it.
^they can't make the decision when they come of age because hormones have kicked it, and they have gone through puberty, meaning any attempt to quash those male traits, for example, will be much more difficult.
The earlier treatment begins, the better the outcome.

The girl is fifteen and has been living as a female for a long time, since she was a small child. I'd say that she doesn't have a mental illness, and is old enough to consent to treatment. She has been acting and living as a girl for so long, it would be ridiculous to treat her as a male right now.

It has nothing to do with acting or preference. It is biological fact. As long as he has a penis, it is a he. There is no amount of wishing, acting or wanting that changes that reality. I can’t fathom the need for these people to demand that the rest of us simply ignore fact or reality. That is asinine. He can ignore it all he wishes but the rest of us are under no such requirement. Period.

Lastly, that is not ‘treatment’ as that implies there is something to treat. There is nothing there to treat. Being a male is not a medical condition that needs to be rectified. It is a reality. There is nothing wrong with being a male. There is nothing that needs to be medically addressed. The want to change to a female might be a personal decision but it is not more than that. Cosmetic.

A baby is born with a penis, but has ovaries. Male or female?

Check the chromosomes
^they can't make the decision when they come of age because hormones have kicked it, and they have gone through puberty, meaning any attempt to quash those male traits, for example, will be much more difficult.
The earlier treatment begins, the better the outcome.

The girl is fifteen and has been living as a female for a long time, since she was a small child. I'd say that she doesn't have a mental illness, and is old enough to consent to treatment. She has been acting and living as a girl for so long, it would be ridiculous to treat her as a male right now.

Living as or choosing does not change your genetic makeup.. as explained SO many times before...

Xy or XYY or XXY or even the exceedingly rare XYYY are MALE.. PERIOD... whether they want to chop off their penis and surgically construct a vagina, grow boobs, and dress as a female or not.. whether they WANT to live as something else or not

And 'mental illness' may not be the best term... that is true.. but it is not genetic... and if it is not a genetic trait, it then must be either a learned behavior, choice, environmental interference/issue, or disorder...

Its not a mental illness, the brain is not aligned with the body. Its that simple. You cannot change the brain but you can alter the body.

I did not say mental illness... now did I??? I specifically laid it out what it CAN be...

And 'brain not aligned with the body', sounds like you are trying to call it a disorder... and if so, then why is it OK to treat other disorders but not this one?? Because yes you INDEED CAN treat the brain for 'change'... ask any parent of a kid with ADD, epilepsy, etc...
It has nothing to do with acting or preference. It is biological fact. As long as he has a penis, it is a he. There is no amount of wishing, acting or wanting that changes that reality. I can’t fathom the need for these people to demand that the rest of us simply ignore fact or reality. That is asinine. He can ignore it all he wishes but the rest of us are under no such requirement. Period.

Lastly, that is not ‘treatment’ as that implies there is something to treat. There is nothing there to treat. Being a male is not a medical condition that needs to be rectified. It is a reality. There is nothing wrong with being a male. There is nothing that needs to be medically addressed. The want to change to a female might be a personal decision but it is not more than that. Cosmetic.

A baby is born with a penis, but has ovaries. Male or female?

Check the chromosomes

Its not that simple, despite the fact you think it is.

The chromosomes could say that the child is a male, but what happens if the child says they are female?
A baby is born with a penis, but has ovaries. Male or female?

Check the chromosomes

Its not that simple, despite the fact you think it is.

The chromosomes could say that the child is a male, but what happens if the child says they are female?

Yes, it is

XX.. female.. period.. there is no question

XY, XYY, XXY, and the ever rare XYYY are indeed male.. PERIOD

What you SAY you are is NOTHING.. you can say you are a fucking cheetah, it does not make it so... I do not get to SAY I am black, even though genetically I am not, and get protection and advantage from it

And btw.. if you SAY you are something, that is a choice, now isn't it??
^they can't make the decision when they come of age because hormones have kicked it, and they have gone through puberty, meaning any attempt to quash those male traits, for example, will be much more difficult.
The earlier treatment begins, the better the outcome.

The girl is fifteen and has been living as a female for a long time, since she was a small child. I'd say that she doesn't have a mental illness, and is old enough to consent to treatment. She has been acting and living as a girl for so long, it would be ridiculous to treat her as a male right now.

I think you don't remember being 15. Or remember being a minor for that matter. The things that were important to me when I was a minor were quickly of no importance upon reaching adulthood. Children make a lot of dumb decisions. This child should have not been allowed to pretend to be something that he isn't. If he chose to do this as an adult then fine, but not as a child. This is a healthy boy who should be taught to love who he is, not told there is something wrong. There is no treatment to make him a girl. You can cut him up and help him pretend to be a girl, but never a real girl. Is he ever going to menstruate? Can he ever have a baby? Why promote this fantasy?

Boys room it is. Gender is black and white, no need to try to blur the line between them.

Children play games of pretend all the time. But a game of pretend doesn't last a decade or more, does it? There comes a time when you have to get it through your head that it isn't a game, that it is serious, and there is no point in trying to change it.

Apparently it lasts a decade or more if you allow it to. Parents should not however. Cause as I mentioned it is the reality. Letting a child pretend like this is damaging. He will NEVER be a woman. That is the reality. You should feel ashamed for promoting cutting up some poor child who is perfectly healthy. Every surgery is dangerous, people even die for removing wisdom teeth.
You should feel ashamed for promoting cutting up some poor child who is perfectly healthy.

Let's call it what it is...child abuse.
^they can't make the decision when they come of age because hormones have kicked it, and they have gone through puberty, meaning any attempt to quash those male traits, for example, will be much more difficult.
The earlier treatment begins, the better the outcome.

The girl is fifteen and has been living as a female for a long time, since she was a small child. I'd say that she doesn't have a mental illness, and is old enough to consent to treatment. She has been acting and living as a girl for so long, it would be ridiculous to treat her as a male right now.

It has nothing to do with acting or preference. It is biological fact. As long as he has a penis, it is a he. There is no amount of wishing, acting or wanting that changes that reality. I can’t fathom the need for these people to demand that the rest of us simply ignore fact or reality. That is asinine. He can ignore it all he wishes but the rest of us are under no such requirement. Period.

Lastly, that is not ‘treatment’ as that implies there is something to treat. There is nothing there to treat. Being a male is not a medical condition that needs to be rectified. It is a reality. There is nothing wrong with being a male. There is nothing that needs to be medically addressed. The want to change to a female might be a personal decision but it is not more than that. Cosmetic.

A baby is born with a penis, but has ovaries. Male or female?

So, in essence, you are taking this to a case that actually does have a medical problem. In that case, there is usually a dominate sex. One that is not fully developed or somehow nonfunctioning.

The case where one could potentially be both and still function as both is so are that I am not even sure that it has occurred. This has nothing to do with the thread or what I have stated BTW. This is a case of a boy demanding that he be accepted as a girl. That is simply wrong, PERIOD.

Let me ask, when it is time for gym and HE must share the shower facilities do you actually think that HE should be in the female locker rooms? Shower with the women? Or are we now demanding that there be MORE concessions? I can tell you I would raise hell if I had a daughter and she felt forced to shower with a man that she did not want to be in that situation with. I assume that all others, including you, would say the same. Why is it now suddenly different when addressing the other gender specific facilities? Would that be because you know as well as I do that he is a he and NOT a she?

Do you not see how asinine this train of thought is. HE has no right to demand others accept HIM as a her. His only right is to act as he wishes where it is legal and continue to abide by the laws and standards that are required. That would include using the correct facilities.

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