Only self declared "intellectuals" could argue for boys using girls bathrooms

Living as or choosing does not change your genetic makeup.. as explained SO many times before...

Xy or XYY or XXY or even the exceedingly rare XYYY are MALE.. PERIOD... whether they want to chop off their penis and surgically construct a vagina, grow boobs, and dress as a female or not.. whether they WANT to live as something else or not

And 'mental illness' may not be the best term... that is true.. but it is not genetic... and if it is not a genetic trait, it then must be either a learned behavior, choice, environmental interference/issue, or disorder...

Its not a mental illness, the brain is not aligned with the body. Its that simple. You cannot change the brain but you can alter the body.

I did not say mental illness... now did I??? I specifically laid it out what it CAN be...

And 'brain not aligned with the body', sounds like you are trying to call it a disorder... and if so, then why is it OK to treat other disorders but not this one?? Because yes you INDEED CAN treat the brain for 'change'... ask any parent of a kid with ADD, epilepsy, etc...

That would be the truth of it though. It is a metal problem; that is a reality. A problem that you can choose to obey of course, dress and act as though you are something that you are not but a problem all the same. A child on the other hand, does not have the ability to make that kind of life alteration at that age in the same manner that they cannot consent to sex.
Its not a mental illness, the brain is not aligned with the body. Its that simple. You cannot change the brain but you can alter the body.

I did not say mental illness... now did I??? I specifically laid it out what it CAN be...

And 'brain not aligned with the body', sounds like you are trying to call it a disorder... and if so, then why is it OK to treat other disorders but not this one?? Because yes you INDEED CAN treat the brain for 'change'... ask any parent of a kid with ADD, epilepsy, etc...

That would be the truth of it though. It is a metal problem; that is a reality. A problem that you can choose to obey of course, dress and act as though you are something that you are not but a problem all the same. A child on the other hand, does not have the ability to make that kind of life alteration at that age in the same manner that they cannot consent to sex.

All that I am saying though.. is that 'mental illness' is a very broad term.. and a lot of people only think of it as 'crazy'... Could the behavior result from chemical imbalance like ADD or epilepsy?? Could it be learned behavior? Could it be simple choice? Could there be environmental factors? Could it be a mental disorder?? It could be any of those things or more, each with a different reason
I did not say mental illness... now did I??? I specifically laid it out what it CAN be...

And 'brain not aligned with the body', sounds like you are trying to call it a disorder... and if so, then why is it OK to treat other disorders but not this one?? Because yes you INDEED CAN treat the brain for 'change'... ask any parent of a kid with ADD, epilepsy, etc...

That would be the truth of it though. It is a metal problem; that is a reality. A problem that you can choose to obey of course, dress and act as though you are something that you are not but a problem all the same. A child on the other hand, does not have the ability to make that kind of life alteration at that age in the same manner that they cannot consent to sex.

All that I am saying though.. is that 'mental illness' is a very broad term.. and a lot of people only think of it as 'crazy'... Could the behavior result from chemical imbalance like ADD or epilepsy?? Could it be learned behavior? Could it be simple choice? Could there be environmental factors? Could it be a mental disorder?? It could be any of those things or more, each with a different reason

On the first original question, If you got junk you use the men's room, if you have no junk you use the ladies room.

As for the mental aspect, like anything in our society, if it comes to something involving sex we get all wierd about it. A person who decides they don;t want thier arms and tries to have them surgically removed would probably be committed to a mental institution, but someone who wants to get rid of thier twig and berries gets the surgery.

Not judging at this point, but you have to admit its a bit wierd.
That would be the truth of it though. It is a metal problem; that is a reality. A problem that you can choose to obey of course, dress and act as though you are something that you are not but a problem all the same. A child on the other hand, does not have the ability to make that kind of life alteration at that age in the same manner that they cannot consent to sex.

All that I am saying though.. is that 'mental illness' is a very broad term.. and a lot of people only think of it as 'crazy'... Could the behavior result from chemical imbalance like ADD or epilepsy?? Could it be learned behavior? Could it be simple choice? Could there be environmental factors? Could it be a mental disorder?? It could be any of those things or more, each with a different reason

On the first original question, If you got junk you use the men's room, if you have no junk you use the ladies room.

As for the mental aspect, like anything in our society, if it comes to something involving sex we get all wierd about it. A person who decides they don;t want thier arms and tries to have them surgically removed would probably be committed to a mental institution, but someone who wants to get rid of thier twig and berries gets the surgery.

Not judging at this point, but you have to admit its a bit wierd.

Good point. We don’t commit those people though because there is no known treatment as of yet. In some instances, they actually get their limbs removed by a doc.
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I did not say mental illness... now did I??? I specifically laid it out what it CAN be...

And 'brain not aligned with the body', sounds like you are trying to call it a disorder... and if so, then why is it OK to treat other disorders but not this one?? Because yes you INDEED CAN treat the brain for 'change'... ask any parent of a kid with ADD, epilepsy, etc...

That would be the truth of it though. It is a metal problem; that is a reality. A problem that you can choose to obey of course, dress and act as though you are something that you are not but a problem all the same. A child on the other hand, does not have the ability to make that kind of life alteration at that age in the same manner that they cannot consent to sex.

All that I am saying though.. is that 'mental illness' is a very broad term.. and a lot of people only think of it as 'crazy'... Could the behavior result from chemical imbalance like ADD or epilepsy?? Could it be learned behavior? Could it be simple choice? Could there be environmental factors? Could it be a mental disorder?? It could be any of those things or more, each with a different reason

I would say a combination of environmental, genetic and chemical imbalances. That’s just MHO though. It IS a mental issue either way though. There is clearly nothing wrong with the body but there is something wrong with the self-image.
I really don't care

They have stalls don't they?

So since there are stalls.. any guy should be able to just walk in to a women's bathroom, right??

Actually...I don't care

I have no issues with coed restrooms

Then that is consistent.. and I can appreciate that

Most people do like the separation though...

Personally, I have no issue if I have to use a restroom at the same time and same space with women... but I think it is much different with children/teens for many reasons...
^they can't make the decision when they come of age because hormones have kicked it, and they have gone through puberty, meaning any attempt to quash those male traits, for example, will be much more difficult.
The earlier treatment begins, the better the outcome.

The girl is fifteen and has been living as a female for a long time, since she was a small child. I'd say that she doesn't have a mental illness, and is old enough to consent to treatment. She has been acting and living as a girl for so long, it would be ridiculous to treat her as a male right now.

Or, when a boy whose parents wanted him to be raised as a girl gets those hormones kicking in, he might decide he's not a girl after all.
So since there are stalls.. any guy should be able to just walk in to a women's bathroom, right??

Actually...I don't care

I have no issues with coed restrooms

Then that is consistent.. and I can appreciate that

Most people do like the separation though...

Personally, I have no issue if I have to use a restroom at the same time and same space with women... but I think it is much different with children/teens for many reasons...

I think women mostly object because men stink to high hell
Actually...I don't care

I have no issues with coed restrooms

Then that is consistent.. and I can appreciate that

Most people do like the separation though...

Personally, I have no issue if I have to use a restroom at the same time and same space with women... but I think it is much different with children/teens for many reasons...

I think women mostly object because men stink to high hell


Not comparable at all. Men stink as they walk around BUT the woman’s bathroom always has a stench that can NEVER be matched by a men’s bathroom. :D

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