Only strong Christianity can save Western World and stop Islam!

We must go back to our roots and the Traditional Believe and Values if we want save our Great Christian Western Civilization. In the time of apostasy we do not need traitorous PC 'churches' and their 'churchianity'.The Holy Bible with Holy Spirit and God can help us to take necessary decisions and to change our societies for our surviving. Our policymakers shall commit themselves to erection of Christian societies, otherwise our posterity will study Koran and enjoy life like in seventh century.
Also, the solution is easy: more true fundamentalist churches, more born-again Christians, more Bible reading in the Schools.

No thank you!

Than folks shall prepare themselves either to embracing of Islam or to loosing of heads.

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth

I would rather be headless than be forced to embrace any form of radicalism!

Bring on the sword, and remember I am a screamer!

Horses scream? :crybaby:

You're so funny!!! ( Not really )


It should have been does a Horses Ass Scream?
We must go back to our roots and the Traditional Believe and Values if we want save our Great Christian Western Civilization. In the time of apostasy we do not need traitorous PC 'churches' and their 'churchianity'.The Holy Bible with Holy Spirit and God can help us to take necessary decisions and to change our societies for our surviving. Our policymakers shall commit themselves to erection of Christian societies, otherwise our posterity will study Koran and enjoy life like in seventh century.
Also, the solution is easy: more true fundamentalist churches, more born-again Christians, more Bible reading in the Schools.
What roots would those be? Inquisition?

We're due another Inquisition in Europa....who'll be our Ferdinand and Isabella this time I wonder.

Protestant churches do not need inquisition, it would be enough if we have moral values of 1950-1960 years.

Muslims know that secularism is but a step to conversion. That's why Islam is fastest growing in countries that are secular. It's easy to replace nothing with something.
We must go back to our roots and the Traditional Believe and Values if we want save our Great Christian Western Civilization. In the time of apostasy we do not need traitorous PC 'churches' and their 'churchianity'.The Holy Bible with Holy Spirit and God can help us to take necessary decisions and to change our societies for our surviving. Our policymakers shall commit themselves to erection of Christian societies, otherwise our posterity will study Koran and enjoy life like in seventh century.
Also, the solution is easy: more true fundamentalist churches, more born-again Christians, more Bible reading in the Schools.

I agree however I believe America is already under too strong a demonic influence to turn again to God. I can also see that this might be according to God's great plan for bringing everything to a final closure before the return of Christ. We are now most probably one of the most ungodly and profane peoples in the world today. We murder our young and distribute 65% of the world's pornography and are constantly engaged in war. Our drug abuse rate is staggering. Our murder rate is astronomical for aa supposedly educated and civilized nation. I believe the America you and I grew up in is finished forever.
If that is the case I think RC is the answer. Fundy's are the problem in every religion.

Christian fundys founded US and make it a Great country.
Muslim fundys will destroy it and make it to a country of Muhammad time.

Yes the only RC in the president was assassinated, Kennedy, and the KKK were protestants. No than you. The bible belt fundamentalists are not for me. Why do you think mental is in the word "fundamentalist"

I don't think Kennedy was assassinated because he was Roman Catholic.

If that is the case I think RC is the answer. Fundy's are the problem in every religion.

Christian fundys founded US and make it a Great country.
Muslim fundys will destroy it and make it to a country of Muhammad time.

Yes the only RC in the president was assassinated, Kennedy, and the KKK were protestants. No than you. The bible belt is not for me.

So will live America after embracing of Islam. All Muslim countries are dirty assholes without help of western governments and technologies.

What is that pic of , a war torn country after an American strike?
We must go back to our roots and the Traditional Believe and Values if we want save our Great Christian Western Civilization. In the time of apostasy we do not need traitorous PC 'churches' and their 'churchianity'.The Holy Bible with Holy Spirit and God can help us to take necessary decisions and to change our societies for our surviving. Our policymakers shall commit themselves to erection of Christian societies, otherwise our posterity will study Koran and enjoy life like in seventh century.
Also, the solution is easy: more true fundamentalist churches, more born-again Christians, more Bible reading in the Schools.
What roots would those be? Inquisition?

We're due another Inquisition in Europa....who'll be our Ferdinand and Isabella this time I wonder.

Protestant churches do not need inquisition, it would be enough if we have moral values of 1950-1960 years.

What morals? Facade of humans acting pious and never really subjecting themselves to true moral duplication of the Messiah?
We must go back to our roots and the Traditional Believe and Values if we want save our Great Christian Western Civilization. In the time of apostasy we do not need traitorous PC 'churches' and their 'churchianity'.The Holy Bible with Holy Spirit and God can help us to take necessary decisions and to change our societies for our surviving. Our policymakers shall commit themselves to erection of Christian societies, otherwise our posterity will study Koran and enjoy life like in seventh century.
Also, the solution is easy: more true fundamentalist churches, more born-again Christians, more Bible reading in the Schools.
What roots would those be? Inquisition?

We're due another Inquisition in Europa....who'll be our Ferdinand and Isabella this time I wonder.

Protestant churches do not need inquisition, it would be enough if we have moral values of 1950-1960 years.

You mean the moral values of segregation and women as second-class citizens?
We must go back to our roots and the Traditional Believe and Values if we want save our Great Christian Western Civilization. In the time of apostasy we do not need traitorous PC 'churches' and their 'churchianity'.The Holy Bible with Holy Spirit and God can help us to take necessary decisions and to change our societies for our surviving. Our policymakers shall commit themselves to erection of Christian societies, otherwise our posterity will study Koran and enjoy life like in seventh century.
Also, the solution is easy: more true fundamentalist churches, more born-again Christians, more Bible reading in the Schools.

I agree however I believe America is already under too strong a demonic influence to turn again to God. I can also see that this might be according to God's great plan for bringing everything to a final closure before the return of Christ. We are now most probably one of the most ungodly and profane peoples in the world today. We murder our young and distribute 65% of the world's pornography and are constantly engaged in war. Our drug abuse rate is staggering. Our murder rate is astronomical for aa supposedly educated and civilized nation. I believe the America you and I grew up in is finished forever.
Yeah...segregation is gone, women being treated as chattel is gone.....what's the world coming to.
We must go back to our roots and the Traditional Believe and Values if we want save our Great Christian Western Civilization. In the time of apostasy we do not need traitorous PC 'churches' and their 'churchianity'.The Holy Bible with Holy Spirit and God can help us to take necessary decisions and to change our societies for our surviving. Our policymakers shall commit themselves to erection of Christian societies, otherwise our posterity will study Koran and enjoy life like in seventh century.
Also, the solution is easy: more true fundamentalist churches, more born-again Christians, more Bible reading in the Schools.

Funniest post this week.
Western civilization is not in peril so there is no need to save it. Christian fundamentalism is not the cure for anything.
I'd rather Islam. Alcoholism is an awful disease.

And Christianism is a woman's religion. It's all about gossip and judgement. It makes men into cowards. It's shit.
We must go back to our roots and the Traditional Believe and Values if we want save our Great Christian Western Civilization. In the time of apostasy we do not need traitorous PC 'churches' and their 'churchianity'.The Holy Bible with Holy Spirit and God can help us to take necessary decisions and to change our societies for our surviving. Our policymakers shall commit themselves to erection of Christian societies, otherwise our posterity will study Koran and enjoy life like in seventh century.
Also, the solution is easy: more true fundamentalist churches, more born-again Christians, more Bible reading in the Schools.

We must go back to our roots and the Traditional Believe and Values if we want save our Great Christian Western Civilization. In the time of apostasy we do not need traitorous PC 'churches' and their 'churchianity'.The Holy Bible with Holy Spirit and God can help us to take necessary decisions and to change our societies for our surviving. Our policymakers shall commit themselves to erection of Christian societies, otherwise our posterity will study Koran and enjoy life like in seventh century.
Also, the solution is easy: more true fundamentalist churches, more born-again Christians, more Bible reading in the Schools.

No thank you!

Than folks shall prepare themselves either to embracing of Islam or to loosing of heads.

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth

Islam follows the commandments, one only looses their head for homosexuality, affairs, murder, rape, etc. You might like sharia law.

no doubt, Penelope---YOU would like shariah law------it is Nazism. strong Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Taoists and----other DECENT FOLK
are needed to overcome the filth which penelopians lick
We must go back to our roots and the Traditional Believe and Values if we want save our Great Christian Western Civilization. In the time of apostasy we do not need traitorous PC 'churches' and their 'churchianity'.The Holy Bible with Holy Spirit and God can help us to take necessary decisions and to change our societies for our surviving. Our policymakers shall commit themselves to erection of Christian societies, otherwise our posterity will study Koran and enjoy life like in seventh century.
Also, the solution is easy: more true fundamentalist churches, more born-again Christians, more Bible reading in the Schools.

I agree that only true Christianity can save the world....I'm not sure about Born-Again Christians myself. We don't seem to have many in Europa, what is the difference between an actual Christian and a Born-Again Christian exactly?

What I do know, that's that the world has many False Prophets at this time.

you are no better than a typical islamo Nazi pig------I know you
Returning back to the 1950's? Really? When hanging black people for being in the wrong town at night? When women had little to no say in how they lived their lives, because they were expected to get married, have kids and stay at home?

No thanks.

And, deciding that everyone in this country needs to adopt Christian values is very close to what Muslims feel about Islam.
We must go back to our roots and the Traditional Believe and Values if we want save our Great Christian Western Civilization. In the time of apostasy we do not need traitorous PC 'churches' and their 'churchianity'.The Holy Bible with Holy Spirit and God can help us to take necessary decisions and to change our societies for our surviving. Our policymakers shall commit themselves to erection of Christian societies, otherwise our posterity will study Koran and enjoy life like in seventh century.
Also, the solution is easy: more true fundamentalist churches, more born-again Christians, more Bible reading in the Schools.
Good luck trying to get people today to buy into that shit.

But I agree. I don't hear any mainstream Christian churches condemning Islam. They remain silent.
We must go back to our roots and the Traditional Believe and Values if we want save our Great Christian Western Civilization. In the time of apostasy we do not need traitorous PC 'churches' and their 'churchianity'.The Holy Bible with Holy Spirit and God can help us to take necessary decisions and to change our societies for our surviving. Our policymakers shall commit themselves to erection of Christian societies, otherwise our posterity will study Koran and enjoy life like in seventh century.
Also, the solution is easy: more true fundamentalist churches, more born-again Christians, more Bible reading in the Schools.

I agree that only true Christianity can save the world....I'm not sure about Born-Again Christians myself. We don't seem to have many in Europa, what is the difference between an actual Christian and a Born-Again Christian exactly?

What I do know, that's that the world has many False Prophets at this time.

you are no better than a typical islamo Nazi pig------I know you

We must go back to our roots and the Traditional Believe and Values if we want save our Great Christian Western Civilization. In the time of apostasy we do not need traitorous PC 'churches' and their 'churchianity'.The Holy Bible with Holy Spirit and God can help us to take necessary decisions and to change our societies for our surviving. Our policymakers shall commit themselves to erection of Christian societies, otherwise our posterity will study Koran and enjoy life like in seventh century.
Also, the solution is easy: more true fundamentalist churches, more born-again Christians, more Bible reading in the Schools.

We must go back to our roots and the Traditional Believe and Values if we want save our Great Christian Western Civilization. In the time of apostasy we do not need traitorous PC 'churches' and their 'churchianity'.The Holy Bible with Holy Spirit and God can help us to take necessary decisions and to change our societies for our surviving. Our policymakers shall commit themselves to erection of Christian societies, otherwise our posterity will study Koran and enjoy life like in seventh century.
Also, the solution is easy: more true fundamentalist churches, more born-again Christians, more Bible reading in the Schools.

No thank you!

Than folks shall prepare themselves either to embracing of Islam or to loosing of heads.

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth

Islam follows the commandments, one only looses their head for homosexuality, affairs, murder, rape, etc. You might like sharia law.
Utter bullshit. Their hatred knows no bounds. What were those in Paris, California, and the World Trade buildings guilty of? Were they all gay?

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