Only strong Christianity can save Western World and stop Islam!

We must go back to our roots and the Traditional Believe and Values if we want save our Great Christian Western Civilization. In the time of apostasy we do not need traitorous PC 'churches' and their 'churchianity'.The Holy Bible with Holy Spirit and God can help us to take necessary decisions and to change our societies for our surviving. Our policymakers shall commit themselves to erection of Christian societies, otherwise our posterity will study Koran and enjoy life like in seventh century.
Also, the solution is easy: more true fundamentalist churches, more born-again Christians, more Bible reading in the Schools.

You should take a better look--Jesus taught-- return evil for evil to no one, he taught to return--LOVE.
The world needs to face facts---Gods kingdom is mankinds only remaining hope--- but the blind put their trust into the image of the beast.
Christian societies--that is a farce--the bloodguilt has amassed to the heavens. And it takes throwing Jesus away to accomplish it.
Wtf? Huh?

What don't you understand?
God is too big to be contained by one dogma. If you limit God to only one religion, you are limiting God.

I like the way Richard Bach put it in his book "Illusions Confessions of a Reluctant Messiah" when he wrote "the only sin is to limit the Is. Don't."
A story from 1 Samuel.

Once upon a time God was the ruler of the nation of Israel. God took care of the people's needs and even fed them manna. They tired of all of God's laws and rebelled against His rule. They demanded a human man be their king as the other nations around them had. God gave over to their demands and took the Ark of the Covenant away from them and left. They picked a man called Saul to be their king.

One day they got into a battle with their enemy the Phillistines. The Phillistines defeated the Israelites and killed 35,000 of the Israelites in one battle. The Phillistines then went throughout the nation of Israel and killed all the smiths in the land. They then disarmed the Israelites.
Without a smith left alive, the Israelites could not forge swords with which to fight. (1) Unarm the people under you.

The Philistines allowed the Israelites to farm but having no smiths, the Israelites were forced to go to the Philistines whenever they wanted their farm tools sharpened. The philistines would loan the Israelite farmer a file to sharpen his how, ax, or Maddox with. (2) Make the people under you dependent upon you.

New story: There was another country built on Biblical principles. These people sent missionaries into all the world spreading the gospel. They built churches and helped the poor and were a champion unto all the peoples of the world. God blessed these people and made them prosper.

These people grew tired of God and though he did not exist. They grew vain and thought they had made their own successes through their knowledge and technology. They turned against God. Item (2) has come before item (1) but our own Saul is working on item (1) as we read.

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