Only Voters Can Hold Obama Accountable for Illegal Amnesty Policy

knock it off Jake, now you're sounding like a idiot broken record

you're not fooling anyone

No, Steph. That would be you and Willow and naturegirl. The three of you should form a group and call it, "The new 3 stooges". There isn't an ounce of sense among you.

well it's good to see you spreading your hate around...not that it matters what you think of anybody.

You have to say it is hate or it would be hard to live with yourself. It's the truth, Steph.
And since Obama is actually trying to address the issue, they're more likely to support Obama instead of the guy who thinks they should all self-deport.

Obama isn't adressing the issue. He's making things worse. He's say it's alright to break our laws by coming here.
A good question that will expose them for being full of shit and trying desperate to throw shit against a wall (a fan in their case)to see if it will stick.

A very good question indeed.. and the answer is that LEGAL immigrants are Americans.. illegals are from some other country and are not Americans..

Some are from North, South and Central America, so they are indeed Americans.

ahhh so you think you got me huh?? way to go..
No, Steph. That would be you and Willow and naturegirl. The three of you should form a group and call it, "The new 3 stooges". There isn't an ounce of sense among you.

well it's good to see you spreading your hate around...not that it matters what you think of anybody.

You have to say it is hate or it would be hard to live with yourself. It's the truth, Steph.

Why whould it be hard to live with our selves? We aren't the ones advocating for breaking US immigration law are we?
The way to hold obama accountable is to hold obama accountable. Every college age student that couldn't get in because an illegal took the slot can vote against him. Every one that lost a job or didn't get one because of an illegal should vote against him. Everyone who is a victim of a criminal here illegally can vote against him. With the unemployment rate among blacks and the unemployment rate of black teens as high as it is, they can vote against him too.
You don't get it, katzndogz, the accountability has happened: these people stay.

If Romney is elected, he will present a comprehensive reform package by his third day office. Did you listen to Schiffer's interview of MR?

This issue is finally over, and Obama has opened the way for Romney to bring the people on board legally.
This just reinforces the belief by many, that Barack Obama is not an American. His own birthplace is still very much in question. Does he really have America's best interests at heart? Millions of Americans are now doubting he does.
I would caution the right on using this as a stick with which to beat Obama. I absolutely disagree with the way in which it was done, but I support finding pathways for the children of illegal immigrants to citizenship.

What I find particularly sickening is the way Obama grabbed the limelight for political point scoring. There was a bipartisan group working on a solution that both sides could support... and Obama basically grabbed it away from them just for political point scoring. Manipulating minorities like this is transparent and racist.

I agree--this was a ploy for Republicans to bite into. But at the same time--it should be no surprise to anyone. One month ago Obama endorsed gay marriage--and 2 weeks prior he stated that marriage should be between a man and a woman. Then he comes up with this tactic--basically telling U.S. Latinos--that their illegal family members and friends will get a TEMPORARY pass on deportation--or "until" after the election.

It's clear that Barack Obama is in full out panic mode. IOW--He's buying votes with policies that are way--way out there. Marco Rubio looks to be the VP for Romney--and that is going to take away millions of Hispanic votes away from Barack Obama. Obama is just getting in front of it now--with this policy statement.


  • $Immigration reform that Obama would support.jpg
    $Immigration reform that Obama would support.jpg
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I would caution the right on using this as a stick with which to beat Obama. I absolutely disagree with the way in which it was done, but I support finding pathways for the children of illegal immigrants to citizenship.

What I find particularly sickening is the way Obama grabbed the limelight for political point scoring. There was a bipartisan group working on a solution that both sides could support... and Obama basically grabbed it away from them just for political point scoring. Manipulating minorities like this is transparent and racist.

So you got outmanueverd and you're butt-hurt?

The real problem the GOP has on this is that they are trapped by their own bad behavior.

The people who really run things in the GOP WANT illegal immigration. They want cheap labor that won't complain about crappy working conditions or call OSHA or the EPA. And they want it around so they can get Americans to take lower wages and not gripe about it.

But they also want to keep white people angry about the topic. They need to keep them distracted. And I'll admit, I fell for the bullshit for years.

Sensible Republicans did see a need to fix the broken system. But they got drowned out by the angry people being manipulated, tothe point where John McCain had to renounce his own sensible immigration reform package.

Can't work up a lot of sympathy here.
I would caution the right on using this as a stick with which to beat Obama. I absolutely disagree with the way in which it was done, but I support finding pathways for the children of illegal immigrants to citizenship.

What I find particularly sickening is the way Obama grabbed the limelight for political point scoring. There was a bipartisan group working on a solution that both sides could support... and Obama basically grabbed it away from them just for political point scoring. Manipulating minorities like this is transparent and racist.

So you got outmanueverd and you're butt-hurt?

The real problem the GOP has on this is that they are trapped by their own bad behavior.

The people who really run things in the GOP WANT illegal immigration. They want cheap labor that won't complain about crappy working conditions or call OSHA or the EPA. And they want it around so they can get Americans to take lower wages and not gripe about it.

But they also want to keep white people angry about the topic. They need to keep them distracted. And I'll admit, I fell for the bullshit for years.

Sensible Republicans did see a need to fix the broken system. But they got drowned out by the angry people being manipulated, tothe point where John McCain had to renounce his own sensible immigration reform package.

Can't work up a lot of sympathy here.

so does Obama, he just gave 800,000 illegal immigrants work visas
I would caution the right on using this as a stick with which to beat Obama. I absolutely disagree with the way in which it was done, but I support finding pathways for the children of illegal immigrants to citizenship.

What I find particularly sickening is the way Obama grabbed the limelight for political point scoring. There was a bipartisan group working on a solution that both sides could support... and Obama basically grabbed it away from them just for political point scoring. Manipulating minorities like this is transparent and racist.

I agree--this was a ploy for Republicans to bite into. But at the same time--it should be no surprise to anyone. One month ago Obama endorsed gay marriage--and 2 weeks prior he stated that marriage should be between a man and a woman. Then he comes up with this tactic--basically telling U.S. Latinos--that their illegal family members and friends will get a TEMPORARY pass on deportation--or "until" after the election.

It's clear that Barack Obama is in full out panic mode. IOW--He's buying votes with policies that are way--way out there. Marco Rubio looks to be the VP for Romney--and that is going to take away millions of Hispanic votes away from Barack Obama. Obama is just getting in front of it now--with this policy statement.


first, taking Rubio doesn't get Romney all that much. Mexicans and Puerto Ricans actually resent the treatmetn Cuban Americans get. (Where the government practically begged them to defect for years.)

Second, Rubio's got a whole lot of skeletons in his closet. He'd be Sarah Palin on Roids.

Marco Rubio Not Being Vetted to Be Mitt Romney’s Running Mate - ABC News

But knowledgeable Republican sources tell me that Rubio is not being vetted by Mitt Romney’s vice presidential search team. He has not been asked to complete any questionnaires or been asked to turn over any financial documents typically required of potential vice presidential candidates.

Although it is possible that Rubio may yet be asked to go through the vetting process, it has been nearly two months since Romney named his long-time aide Beth Myers to run his vice presidential search. The fact that Rubio has not been asked to turn over any documents by now is a strong indication that he is not on Romney’s short list of potential running mates.
I would caution the right on using this as a stick with which to beat Obama. I absolutely disagree with the way in which it was done, but I support finding pathways for the children of illegal immigrants to citizenship.

What I find particularly sickening is the way Obama grabbed the limelight for political point scoring. There was a bipartisan group working on a solution that both sides could support... and Obama basically grabbed it away from them just for political point scoring. Manipulating minorities like this is transparent and racist.

So you got outmanueverd and you're butt-hurt?

The real problem the GOP has on this is that they are trapped by their own bad behavior.

The people who really run things in the GOP WANT illegal immigration. They want cheap labor that won't complain about crappy working conditions or call OSHA or the EPA. And they want it around so they can get Americans to take lower wages and not gripe about it.

But they also want to keep white people angry about the topic. They need to keep them distracted. And I'll admit, I fell for the bullshit for years.

Sensible Republicans did see a need to fix the broken system. But they got drowned out by the angry people being manipulated, tothe point where John McCain had to renounce his own sensible immigration reform package.

Can't work up a lot of sympathy here.

so does Obama, he just gave 800,000 illegal immigrants work visas

No, he resolved a legal limbo for 800K Americans who have known no other home.

But please, please, please keep harping on this issue. Kick Arizona and Nevada into the Blue column.
So you got outmanueverd and you're butt-hurt?

The real problem the GOP has on this is that they are trapped by their own bad behavior.

The people who really run things in the GOP WANT illegal immigration. They want cheap labor that won't complain about crappy working conditions or call OSHA or the EPA. And they want it around so they can get Americans to take lower wages and not gripe about it.

But they also want to keep white people angry about the topic. They need to keep them distracted. And I'll admit, I fell for the bullshit for years.

Sensible Republicans did see a need to fix the broken system. But they got drowned out by the angry people being manipulated, tothe point where John McCain had to renounce his own sensible immigration reform package.

Can't work up a lot of sympathy here.

so does Obama, he just gave 800,000 illegal immigrants work visas

No, he resolved a legal limbo for 800K Americans who have known no other home.

But please, please, please keep harping on this issue. Kick Arizona and Nevada into the Blue column.

they are not amercians if they didn't go throught the proper channels to become ONE.
so does Obama, he just gave 800,000 illegal immigrants work visas

No, he resolved a legal limbo for 800K Americans who have known no other home.

But please, please, please keep harping on this issue. Kick Arizona and Nevada into the Blue column.

they are not amercians if they didn't go throught the proper channels to become ONE.

That's your opinion.. the reality is they've lived here most of their lives, they speak English as their primary language, they were taught and brought up as Americans.

This is the problem the GOP has. It has woven this tapestry of fanatical interest groups, who don't even allow for common sense changes.

Obama will do better with Hispanics than he did in 2008. By 2020, Hispanics will tip Texas to a blue state, and teh GOP will never elect another president.
No, he resolved a legal limbo for 800K Americans who have known no other home.

But please, please, please keep harping on this issue. Kick Arizona and Nevada into the Blue column.

they are not amercians if they didn't go throught the proper channels to become ONE.

That's your opinion.. the reality is they've lived here most of their lives, they speak English as their primary language, they were taught and brought up as Americans.

This is the problem the GOP has. It has woven this tapestry of fanatical interest groups, who don't even allow for common sense changes.

Obama will do better with Hispanics than he did in 2008. By 2020, Hispanics will tip Texas to a blue state, and teh GOP will never elect another president.

well that's all that matter to you Democrats anyway, that Obama does this to get the Hispanic votes..the hell whether it's good for the legal citizens of this country..
Wow, I wonder what will happen to our youngsters if they are forced by their parents to illegally cross the border into Mexico and attend their schools, get their free medical and learn to speak the language. Yea, they'd be treated the same way, right??
Wow, I wonder what will happen to our youngsters if they are forced by their parents to illegally cross the border into Mexico and attend their schools, get their free medical and learn to speak the language. Yea, they'd be treated the same way, right??

Stupid. Are you Teapartysamouri?
No, he resolved a legal limbo for 800K Americans who have known no other home.

But please, please, please keep harping on this issue. Kick Arizona and Nevada into the Blue column.

they are not amercians if they didn't go throught the proper channels to become ONE.

That's your opinion.. the reality is they've lived here most of their lives, they speak English as their primary language, they were taught and brought up as Americans.

This is the problem the GOP has. It has woven this tapestry of fanatical interest groups, who don't even allow for common sense changes.

Obama will do better with Hispanics than he did in 2008. By 2020, Hispanics will tip Texas to a blue state, and teh GOP will never elect another president.

Repub leadership likes their base active and stupid. Curious combination.

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