Onward marches the Great Pause Global temperature update

The recent attempt at modifying the constitution in Florida in favor of the power companies failed. It is not illegal to be off the grid.

They definitely enforced it somewhere I think it was Long Island. Either way they still tried it.
Same data that scientists from many different countries all over the world are presenting. Get yourself fitted for a little tin cap, Pattycake. For you are sounding like a regular fruitloop.

Yeah. We know. That's why they have to keep manufacturing "data"
to support their lie.
It is you that is now wrong Paddie. SolarPV and wind are now fully competitive with fossil fuels. Energy with zero fuel costs is pretty tough to beat.
If that's the case, then let's repeal all the state and federal subsidies for wind and solar.

What do you say?
Now all the Scientific Societies state in their policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. As do all the world's National Academies of Science. As do all the major Universities in the world. Now that represents a lot of the scientists of the world. But, I suppose that you see a vast left wing conspiracy by all these scientists from different nations and cultures. Don't forget the foil for your little tin hats on your next trip to the grocery store.

It's all coming from this one paper... as I posted in the article earlier. Quit beating up your straw man, and read where this claim that 97% of scientist confirm AGW actually came from. See how that was pushed, and how everyone else followed suit...because hey 97% of scientist are saying it, it's probably true.

Now I'm not even an AGW denier, I haven't believed the alarmist version that's being pushed, I'm also not sold on AGW, but the jury is still out for me. The main reasons are is the laws we are creating in the name of AGW are only helping the large energy companies, and oil cartels. Actually cheap, clean, and practical energy is being shut out, energy that would greatly benefit us all, but hurt the big guys in energy and the oil cartels. So find out for yourself where this claim came from. If I'm so wrong about it, you should easily disprove the article
Oh come on. That was an extraodinarily silly post. Both wind and solar are now cheaper than even dirty coal. Both are scalable in ways that nuclear and coal are not.

World Energy Hits a Turning Point: Solar That's Cheaper Than Wind

Grid scale storage makes both wind and solar 24/7, and much cheaper than even natural gas. The fact that they are scalable means that you can, with a backup like Tesla's Powerwall, have just enough of one or the other, or a combination, for your home, and be off the grid, even in the city. Except in those states like Florida, that have already made it illegal to be off the grid. In fact, the laws actually favor the fossil fuels, and always have. And the orange clown will try to make even more laws like that.
:bsflag:The technology isn't available and so expensieve no one can afford it. Tell me again how its so cheep? Damn Sheep will believe any lie they are told..
Now all the Scientific Societies state in their policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. As do all the world's National Academies of Science. As do all the major Universities in the world. Now that represents a lot of the scientists of the world. But, I suppose that you see a vast left wing conspiracy by all these scientists from different nations and cultures. Don't forget the foil for your little tin hats on your next trip to the grocery store.

It's all coming from this one paper... as I posted in the article earlier. Quit beating up your straw man, and read where this claim that 97% of scientist confirm AGW actually came from. See how that was pushed, and how everyone else followed suit...because hey 97% of scientist are saying it, it's probably true.

Now I'm not even an AGW denier, I haven't believed the alarmist version that's being pushed, I'm also not sold on AGW, but the jury is still out for me. The main reasons are is the laws we are creating in the name of AGW are only helping the large energy companies, and oil cartels. Actually cheap, clean, and practical energy is being shut out, energy that would greatly benefit us all, but hurt the big guys in energy and the oil cartels. So find out for yourself where this claim came from. If I'm so wrong about it, you should easily disprove the article
The John Cook lie of the 97% consensus can only be derived by throwing out all but 77 papers of the 16,644 papers authored by climate scientists. Then claiming that of those 77 papers 74 named man as the only factor. Legates Et Al exposed John Cooks fraud very easily and looked into the Pal Review conducted by Cook where the reviewers were told what he wanted and Cook even went so far as to create identities to peer review his own work, in an effort to give it credibility.

This is the acceptable deceptive practices of the alarmists to forward their own agenda. EVERYTHING from alarmists, NOAA, NASA and the IPCC should be thoroughly vetted before relying on any of it.
Cost is moderate, it is less toxic than several other battery technologies already in use (lithium for one, lead for another, cadmium for still another), the working fluid is inexpensive and easy to replace, the electrolyte is a metal commonly used in steel alloys and easily recoverable from the battery's working fluid.

So, More Billy Boy Bullshit.
The recent attempt at modifying the constitution in Florida in favor of the power companies failed. It is not illegal to be off the grid.
Thank you. I had made the assumption that had passed. Glad to see it did not.
Now all the Scientific Societies state in their policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. As do all the world's National Academies of Science. As do all the major Universities in the world. Now that represents a lot of the scientists of the world. But, I suppose that you see a vast left wing conspiracy by all these scientists from different nations and cultures. Don't forget the foil for your little tin hats on your next trip to the grocery store.

It's all coming from this one paper... as I posted in the article earlier. Quit beating up your straw man, and read where this claim that 97% of scientist confirm AGW actually came from. See how that was pushed, and how everyone else followed suit...because hey 97% of scientist are saying it, it's probably true.

Now I'm not even an AGW denier, I haven't believed the alarmist version that's being pushed, I'm also not sold on AGW, but the jury is still out for me. The main reasons are is the laws we are creating in the name of AGW are only helping the large energy companies, and oil cartels. Actually cheap, clean, and practical energy is being shut out, energy that would greatly benefit us all, but hurt the big guys in energy and the oil cartels. So find out for yourself where this claim came from. If I'm so wrong about it, you should easily disprove the article
The John Cook lie of the 97% consensus can only be derived by throwing out all but 77 papers of the 16,644 papers authored by climate scientists. Then claiming that of those 77 papers 74 named man as the only factor. Legates Et Al exposed John Cooks fraud very easily and looked into the Pal Review conducted by Cook where the reviewers were told what he wanted and Cook even went so far as to create identities to peer review his own work, in an effort to give it credibility.

This is the acceptable deceptive practices of the alarmists to forward their own agenda. EVERYTHING from alarmists, NOAA, NASA and the IPCC should be thoroughly vetted before relying on any of it.

That's a lot of papers they threw away...what's up with that?
Now all the Scientific Societies state in their policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. As do all the world's National Academies of Science. As do all the major Universities in the world. Now that represents a lot of the scientists of the world. But, I suppose that you see a vast left wing conspiracy by all these scientists from different nations and cultures. Don't forget the foil for your little tin hats on your next trip to the grocery store.

It's all coming from this one paper... as I posted in the article earlier. Quit beating up your straw man, and read where this claim that 97% of scientist confirm AGW actually came from. See how that was pushed, and how everyone else followed suit...because hey 97% of scientist are saying it, it's probably true.

Now I'm not even an AGW denier, I haven't believed the alarmist version that's being pushed, I'm also not sold on AGW, but the jury is still out for me. The main reasons are is the laws we are creating in the name of AGW are only helping the large energy companies, and oil cartels. Actually cheap, clean, and practical energy is being shut out, energy that would greatly benefit us all, but hurt the big guys in energy and the oil cartels. So find out for yourself where this claim came from. If I'm so wrong about it, you should easily disprove the article
The John Cook lie of the 97% consensus can only be derived by throwing out all but 77 papers of the 16,644 papers authored by climate scientists. Then claiming that of those 77 papers 74 named man as the only factor. Legates Et Al exposed John Cooks fraud very easily and looked into the Pal Review conducted by Cook where the reviewers were told what he wanted and Cook even went so far as to create identities to peer review his own work, in an effort to give it credibility.

This is the acceptable deceptive practices of the alarmists to forward their own agenda. EVERYTHING from alarmists, NOAA, NASA and the IPCC should be thoroughly vetted before relying on any of it.

That's a lot of papers they threw away...what's up with that?

Cook and Co did the ultimate cherry picking...

The recent attempt at modifying the constitution in Florida in favor of the power companies failed. It is not illegal to be off the grid.
Thank you. I had made the assumption that had passed. Glad to see it did not.
how big of a battery do you need to store enough power to run a household from about 3:00 PM to 10:00 AM? I'd say it would be the size of my garage. How can that be cheap? Then what happens if you have a couple of weeks of sub-zero temperatures like we just had in Milwaukee?
It is you that is now wrong Paddie. SolarPV and wind are now fully competitive with fossil fuels. Energy with zero fuel costs is pretty tough to beat.
If that's the case, then let's repeal all the state and federal subsidies for wind and solar.

What do you say?
Sure. Just as soon as you do the same for coal, oil, and gas.
They get no subsidies that every other industry doesn't get. In other words, they get none. The claim that they do is a leftwing myth. The fossil fuel industry pays hundreds of billions in taxes to the federal government every year. How much does green energy pay?
The recent attempt at modifying the constitution in Florida in favor of the power companies failed. It is not illegal to be off the grid.
Thank you. I had made the assumption that had passed. Glad to see it did not.
how big of a battery do you need to store enough power to run a household from about 3:00 PM to 10:00 AM? I'd say it would be the size of my garage. How can that be cheap? Then what happens if you have a couple of weeks of sub-zero temperatures like we just had in Milwaukee?

The average electric household uses 3.5KW of power in dead cold winter to heat, do laundry and cook. This would require a Battery bank of over 30,000-50,000 amp/hours. this is the size of the average 2 car garage. Not to mention the need to create 15Kw of energy to charge that bank each day... In sub zero weather those batteries loose 40% of their efficiency.

These alarmist drones don't have a damn clue on sizing, location of PV arrays and wind generating or power needs of the system.. I have built them for years where I worked and maintained them for off grid telecommunications towers. IN winter you must double the size of everything as a general rule due to solar angle of incidence and needs of the system to recharge.
I thought you were a retired cop.

How much electricity does an American home use? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
How much electricity does an American home use?
In 2015, the average annual electricity consumption for a U.S. residential utility customer was 10,812 kilowatthours (kWh), an average of 901 kWh per month. Louisiana had the highest annual electricity consumption at 15,435 kWh per residential customer, and Hawaii had the lowest at 6,166 kWh per residential customer.

10,812 kWh/(365*24) = 1.25 kW for the average. Or for Louisiana, it would be
15,435/(365*24) = 1.76 kW
50 kAh would supply a Louisiana home for over 28 hours. Supplying such a home for 14 hours would take half that.

A 14 kWh Tesla Powerwall costs $5,500 and another $1,500 for installation costs. They claim it will power a 2 BR home for 24 hours. The average American home is now almost 2,600 sq feet and over 3 BR, so that might not be saying much. And, you've seen the pictures. The basic Powerwall is roughly 2' x 4' x 6". 4 cubic feet. Not a 2 car garage.

So, you were wrong on every number.
It is you that is now wrong Paddie. SolarPV and wind are now fully competitive with fossil fuels. Energy with zero fuel costs is pretty tough to beat.
If that's the case, then let's repeal all the state and federal subsidies for wind and solar.

What do you say?
Sure. Just as soon as you do the same for coal, oil, and gas.
They get no subsidies that every other industry doesn't get. In other words, they get none. The claim that they do is a leftwing myth. The fossil fuel industry pays hundreds of billions in taxes to the federal government every year. How much does green energy pay?

Their subsidies come in the form of regulations that make it way too expensive for anyone else not them to get into the industry and compete

"A fossil fuel subsidy is any government action that lowers the cost of fossil fuel energy production, raises the price received by energy producers, or lowers the price paid by energy consumers. Essentially, it’s anything that rigs the game in favor of fossil fuels compared to other energy sources."

That definition is bullshit. Furthermore, "production subsidies in developing countries" are not examples of our government subsidizing fossil fuels. "Consumption subsidies" are where the government gives money to people on low incomes to pay their fuel bill. That's like saying welfare and Social Security are subsidizing every industry in the country. Do you propose to get rid of welfare and Social Security? Does anyone claim that welfare is subsidizing the junk food industry? Of course not.

Furthermore, global warming is a con, and including the cost of a con also isn't legitimate.

As always, your numbers are made up by defining a lot of things as subsidies that really aren't.

It's fake news, in other words.
It is you that is now wrong Paddie. SolarPV and wind are now fully competitive with fossil fuels. Energy with zero fuel costs is pretty tough to beat.
If that's the case, then let's repeal all the state and federal subsidies for wind and solar.

What do you say?
Sure. Just as soon as you do the same for coal, oil, and gas.
They get no subsidies that every other industry doesn't get. In other words, they get none. The claim that they do is a leftwing myth. The fossil fuel industry pays hundreds of billions in taxes to the federal government every year. How much does green energy pay?

Their subsidies come in the form of regulations that make it way too expensive for anyone else not them to get into the industry and compete
What regulations are those? How does making the so-called "subsidized" industry expensive make it impossible for other cheaper industries to compete?

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