Onward marches the Great Pause Global temperature update

Did you not notice where your map comes from? weather-forecast.com
The Arctic Weather Map below shows the weather forecast for the next 10 days.
Those are forecasts, not measured temperatures.

Besides which, your cold temps are areas surrounding the pole. The unseasonably warm weather is closer to the pole. The weather surrounding the pole is unusually cold. That has been the described condition for several days now.

Where is the notice of your bad satellite Frank?
Did you not notice where your map comes from? weather-forecast.com
The Arctic Weather Map below shows the weather forecast for the next 10 days.
Those are forecasts, not measured temperatures.

Besides which, your cold temps are areas surrounding the pole. The unseasonably warm weather is closer to the pole. The weather surrounding the pole is unusually cold. That has been the described condition for several days now.

Where is the notice of your bad satellite Frank?

Did you miss the "Temperature now" sign right above the map?
I see only one side posting their data...where's yours?

It's been posted many times before, and declared by deniers to be a conspiracy theory every single time. That's how it works with deniers and data that contradicts them, which is all the data, which is why they keep declaring how everything is part of a socialist conspiracy plot.

But since you asked, here's a comparison of raw vs. adjusted data. Given that they're basically identical, it's insane to pretend that warming is due to data corrections.


And if you're interested in a beginner's guide to the science of getting a global temperature average, several bloggers have some good tutorial kind of things.


Tales from the Thermometer « Open Mind

Best Estimates « Open Mind


moyhu: The necessity of TOBS




Half a degree in 35 years? That's not at all what we were warned about in an inconvenient truth. Or by 95% of climate models from 5 years ago
It isn't? Show us 95% of climate models indicating something different.


Note the red hatched area in the middle graph. Likely range for annual means. Out to 2035 it is not past a 0.5C anomaly.
It isn't? Show us 95% of climate models indicating something different.


Note the red hatched area in the middle graph. Likely range for annual means. Out to 2035 it is not past a 0.5C anomaly.
Another chart showing 0C increase these past 2 decades.

Good find!
It isn't? Show us 95% of climate models indicating something different.


Note the red hatched area in the middle graph. Likely range for annual means. Out to 2035 it is not past a 0.5C anomaly.

Report: 95 Percent Of Global Warming Models Are Wrong

So you find the 5% and claim it's what the 95% show?

Oh yea and in the article I posted it references the 97% of scientist have a consensus on global warming. Well it turns out that bit was some fake news the left has been using that no ones going to tell you about.

Global Warming Alarmists Caught Doctoring '97-Percent Consensus' Claims
Oh look, a Forbes article rehashing Spencer's crap. How original.

Don't you think it sad, that you have to ignore the whole world and depend on the debunked opinion of one man? It's so good to be on the rational side. We're not forced to ignore all the data in the world because it doesn't agree with a political agenda.

Oh yea and in the article I posted it references the 97% of scientist have a consensus on global warming. Well it turns out that bit was some fake news the left has been using that no ones going to tell you about.

Cultists, no matter what the cult is, always invoke conspiracy theories to explain why all the data disagrees with their cult dogma. Like you just did.

You had a good run of it, you know. You managed a couple days of pretending you were willing to talk science, before you started invoking conspiracy theories. That's better than most of the cultists do.
Oh look, a Forbes article rehashing Spencer's crap. How original.

Don't you think it sad, that you have to ignore the whole world and depend on the debunked opinion of one man? It's so good to be on the rational side. We're not forced to ignore all the data in the world because it doesn't agree with a political agenda.

Oh yea and in the article I posted it references the 97% of scientist have a consensus on global warming. Well it turns out that bit was some fake news the left has been using that no ones going to tell you about.

Cultists, no matter what the cult is, always invoke conspiracy theories to explain why all the data disagrees with their cult dogma. Like you just did.

You had a good run of it, you know. You managed a couple days of pretending you were willing to talk science, before you started invoking conspiracy theories. That's better than most of the cultists do.
The models are wrong.

CO2 does not drive the climate:

1. The temperature fell 10 million years ago while CO2 was increasing.

2. Antarctic thawing occurred while CO2 values dropped at the OI/Mio transition and never fell below levels of the OI.

3. The glacial-interglacial cycles of the past 500,000 years began while atmospheric CO2 was greater than 400 ppm.

4. It took 12 million years for the temperature to fall to the temperature predicted by radiative forcing of CO2 when CO2 dropped from 3500 ppm to 600 ppm. .
Oh look, a Forbes article rehashing Spencer's crap. How original.

Don't you think it sad, that you have to ignore the whole world and depend on the debunked opinion of one man? It's so good to be on the rational side. We're not forced to ignore all the data in the world because it doesn't agree with a political agenda.

Oh yea and in the article I posted it references the 97% of scientist have a consensus on global warming. Well it turns out that bit was some fake news the left has been using that no ones going to tell you about.

Cultists, no matter what the cult is, always invoke conspiracy theories to explain why all the data disagrees with their cult dogma. Like you just did.

You had a good run of it, you know. You managed a couple days of pretending you were willing to talk science, before you started invoking conspiracy theories. That's better than most of the cultists do.

Ad hominem...nice. I doubt you read the article that actually did time to research the claim that 97% of scientist confirm AGW. Do your own research, and then tell me where that claim came from if your so right. Didn't think AGW had to resort to ad hominems, but please be my guest...where did that claim come from?
Now all the Scientific Societies state in their policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. As do all the world's National Academies of Science. As do all the major Universities in the world. Now that represents a lot of the scientists of the world. But, I suppose that you see a vast left wing conspiracy by all these scientists from different nations and cultures. Don't forget the foil for your little tin hats on your next trip to the grocery store.
Now all the Scientific Societies state in their policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. As do all the world's National Academies of Science. As do all the major Universities in the world. Now that represents a lot of the scientists of the world. But, I suppose that you see a vast left wing conspiracy by all these scientists from different nations and cultures. Don't forget the foil for your little tin hats on your next trip to the grocery store.

It's all coming from this one paper... as I posted in the article earlier. Quit beating up your straw man, and read where this claim that 97% of scientist confirm AGW actually came from. See how that was pushed, and how everyone else followed suit...because hey 97% of scientist are saying it, it's probably true.

Now I'm not even an AGW denier, I haven't believed the alarmist version that's being pushed, I'm also not sold on AGW, but the jury is still out for me. The main reasons are is the laws we are creating in the name of AGW are only helping the large energy companies, and oil cartels. Actually cheap, clean, and practical energy is being shut out, energy that would greatly benefit us all, but hurt the big guys in energy and the oil cartels. So find out for yourself where this claim came from. If I'm so wrong about it, you should easily disprove the article
Now all the Scientific Societies state in their policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. As do all the world's National Academies of Science. As do all the major Universities in the world. Now that represents a lot of the scientists of the world. But, I suppose that you see a vast left wing conspiracy by all these scientists from different nations and cultures. Don't forget the foil for your little tin hats on your next trip to the grocery store.

It's all coming from this one paper... as I posted in the article earlier. Quit beating up your straw man, and read where this claim that 97% of scientist confirm AGW actually came from. See how that was pushed, and how everyone else followed suit...because hey 97% of scientist are saying it, it's probably true.

Now I'm not even an AGW denier, I haven't believed the alarmist version that's being pushed, I'm also not sold on AGW, but the jury is still out for me. The main reasons are is the laws we are creating in the name of AGW are only helping the large energy companies, and oil cartels. Actually cheap, clean, and practical energy is being shut out, energy that would greatly benefit us all, but hurt the big guys in energy and the oil cartels. So find out for yourself where this claim came from. If I'm so wrong about it, you should easily disprove the article
Oh come on. That was an extraodinarily silly post. Both wind and solar are now cheaper than even dirty coal. Both are scalable in ways that nuclear and coal are not.

World Energy Hits a Turning Point: Solar That's Cheaper Than Wind

Grid scale storage makes both wind and solar 24/7, and much cheaper than even natural gas. The fact that they are scalable means that you can, with a backup like Tesla's Powerwall, have just enough of one or the other, or a combination, for your home, and be off the grid, even in the city. Except in those states like Florida, that have already made it illegal to be off the grid. In fact, the laws actually favor the fossil fuels, and always have. And the orange clown will try to make even more laws like that.
Now all the Scientific Societies state in their policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. As do all the world's National Academies of Science. As do all the major Universities in the world. Now that represents a lot of the scientists of the world. But, I suppose that you see a vast left wing conspiracy by all these scientists from different nations and cultures. Don't forget the foil for your little tin hats on your next trip to the grocery store.

It's all coming from this one paper... as I posted in the article earlier. Quit beating up your straw man, and read where this claim that 97% of scientist confirm AGW actually came from. See how that was pushed, and how everyone else followed suit...because hey 97% of scientist are saying it, it's probably true.

Now I'm not even an AGW denier, I haven't believed the alarmist version that's being pushed, I'm also not sold on AGW, but the jury is still out for me. The main reasons are is the laws we are creating in the name of AGW are only helping the large energy companies, and oil cartels. Actually cheap, clean, and practical energy is being shut out, energy that would greatly benefit us all, but hurt the big guys in energy and the oil cartels. So find out for yourself where this claim came from. If I'm so wrong about it, you should easily disprove the article
Oh come on. That was an extraodinarily silly post. Both wind and solar are now cheaper than even dirty coal. Both are scalable in ways that nuclear and coal are not.

World Energy Hits a Turning Point: Solar That's Cheaper Than Wind

Grid scale storage makes both wind and solar 24/7, and much cheaper than even natural gas. The fact that they are scalable means that you can, with a backup like Tesla's Powerwall, have just enough of one or the other, or a combination, for your home, and be off the grid, even in the city. Except in those states like Florida, that have already made it illegal to be off the grid. In fact, the laws actually favor the fossil fuels, and always have. And the orange clown will try to make even more laws like that.

None of this has been tested, so the claim is essentially pie in the sky. One thing you're leaving out is the 100% fossil fuel backup power required by all "green energy" sources. What's the cost of that?
Now all the Scientific Societies state in their policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. As do all the world's National Academies of Science. As do all the major Universities in the world. Now that represents a lot of the scientists of the world. But, I suppose that you see a vast left wing conspiracy by all these scientists from different nations and cultures. Don't forget the foil for your little tin hats on your next trip to the grocery store.

It's all coming from this one paper... as I posted in the article earlier. Quit beating up your straw man, and read where this claim that 97% of scientist confirm AGW actually came from. See how that was pushed, and how everyone else followed suit...because hey 97% of scientist are saying it, it's probably true.

Now I'm not even an AGW denier, I haven't believed the alarmist version that's being pushed, I'm also not sold on AGW, but the jury is still out for me. The main reasons are is the laws we are creating in the name of AGW are only helping the large energy companies, and oil cartels. Actually cheap, clean, and practical energy is being shut out, energy that would greatly benefit us all, but hurt the big guys in energy and the oil cartels. So find out for yourself where this claim came from. If I'm so wrong about it, you should easily disprove the article
Oh come on. That was an extraodinarily silly post. Both wind and solar are now cheaper than even dirty coal. Both are scalable in ways that nuclear and coal are not.

World Energy Hits a Turning Point: Solar That's Cheaper Than Wind

Grid scale storage makes both wind and solar 24/7, and much cheaper than even natural gas. The fact that they are scalable means that you can, with a backup like Tesla's Powerwall, have just enough of one or the other, or a combination, for your home, and be off the grid, even in the city. Except in those states like Florida, that have already made it illegal to be off the grid. In fact, the laws actually favor the fossil fuels, and always have. And the orange clown will try to make even more laws like that.

None of this has been tested, so the claim is essentially pie in the sky. One thing you're leaving out is the 100% fossil fuel backup power required by all "green energy" sources. What's the cost of that?
LOL Just what the hell are you talking about, Pattycake? No, the renewables, with grid scale storage, does not require fossil fuel backup. Not only that, Tesla is right now selling Grid Scale units. And Oncor, the largest utility in Texas, stated that at $350 kw/hr, grid scale storage is viable. Tesla is selling the units right now at $250 kw/hr. And expects the price to fall to $150 by 2020.
The recent attempt at modifying the constitution in Florida in favor of the power companies failed. It is not illegal to be off the grid.
Now all the Scientific Societies state in their policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. As do all the world's National Academies of Science. As do all the major Universities in the world. Now that represents a lot of the scientists of the world. But, I suppose that you see a vast left wing conspiracy by all these scientists from different nations and cultures. Don't forget the foil for your little tin hats on your next trip to the grocery store.

It's all coming from this one paper... as I posted in the article earlier. Quit beating up your straw man, and read where this claim that 97% of scientist confirm AGW actually came from. See how that was pushed, and how everyone else followed suit...because hey 97% of scientist are saying it, it's probably true.

Now I'm not even an AGW denier, I haven't believed the alarmist version that's being pushed, I'm also not sold on AGW, but the jury is still out for me. The main reasons are is the laws we are creating in the name of AGW are only helping the large energy companies, and oil cartels. Actually cheap, clean, and practical energy is being shut out, energy that would greatly benefit us all, but hurt the big guys in energy and the oil cartels. So find out for yourself where this claim came from. If I'm so wrong about it, you should easily disprove the article
Oh come on. That was an extraodinarily silly post. Both wind and solar are now cheaper than even dirty coal. Both are scalable in ways that nuclear and coal are not.

World Energy Hits a Turning Point: Solar That's Cheaper Than Wind

Grid scale storage makes both wind and solar 24/7, and much cheaper than even natural gas. The fact that they are scalable means that you can, with a backup like Tesla's Powerwall, have just enough of one or the other, or a combination, for your home, and be off the grid, even in the city. Except in those states like Florida, that have already made it illegal to be off the grid. In fact, the laws actually favor the fossil fuels, and always have. And the orange clown will try to make even more laws like that.

None of this has been tested, so the claim is essentially pie in the sky. One thing you're leaving out is the 100% fossil fuel backup power required by all "green energy" sources. What's the cost of that?

Yup. What was the cost to Australia when rapid fluctuations in wind power crashed the grid? Especially to the aluminum smelters that gummed up with solid metal.
Now all the Scientific Societies state in their policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. As do all the world's National Academies of Science. As do all the major Universities in the world. Now that represents a lot of the scientists of the world. But, I suppose that you see a vast left wing conspiracy by all these scientists from different nations and cultures. Don't forget the foil for your little tin hats on your next trip to the grocery store.

It's all coming from this one paper... as I posted in the article earlier. Quit beating up your straw man, and read where this claim that 97% of scientist confirm AGW actually came from. See how that was pushed, and how everyone else followed suit...because hey 97% of scientist are saying it, it's probably true.

Now I'm not even an AGW denier, I haven't believed the alarmist version that's being pushed, I'm also not sold on AGW, but the jury is still out for me. The main reasons are is the laws we are creating in the name of AGW are only helping the large energy companies, and oil cartels. Actually cheap, clean, and practical energy is being shut out, energy that would greatly benefit us all, but hurt the big guys in energy and the oil cartels. So find out for yourself where this claim came from. If I'm so wrong about it, you should easily disprove the article
Oh come on. That was an extraodinarily silly post. Both wind and solar are now cheaper than even dirty coal. Both are scalable in ways that nuclear and coal are not.

World Energy Hits a Turning Point: Solar That's Cheaper Than Wind

Grid scale storage makes both wind and solar 24/7, and much cheaper than even natural gas. The fact that they are scalable means that you can, with a backup like Tesla's Powerwall, have just enough of one or the other, or a combination, for your home, and be off the grid, even in the city. Except in those states like Florida, that have already made it illegal to be off the grid. In fact, the laws actually favor the fossil fuels, and always have. And the orange clown will try to make even more laws like that.

None of this has been tested, so the claim is essentially pie in the sky. One thing you're leaving out is the 100% fossil fuel backup power required by all "green energy" sources. What's the cost of that?
LOL Just what the hell are you talking about, Pattycake? No, the renewables, with grid scale storage, does not require fossil fuel backup. Not only that, Tesla is right now selling Grid Scale units. And Oncor, the largest utility in Texas, stated that at $350 kw/hr, grid scale storage is viable. Tesla is selling the units right now at $250 kw/hr. And expects the price to fall to $150 by 2020.

Pie-in-the sky claims that have never been tested. AGW dumbasses have been telling us wind and solar are economically viable for 30 years now. They are still wrong.
It is you that is now wrong Paddie. SolarPV and wind are now fully competitive with fossil fuels. Energy with zero fuel costs is pretty tough to beat.
Now all the Scientific Societies state in their policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. As do all the world's National Academies of Science. As do all the major Universities in the world. Now that represents a lot of the scientists of the world. But, I suppose that you see a vast left wing conspiracy by all these scientists from different nations and cultures. Don't forget the foil for your little tin hats on your next trip to the grocery store.

It's all coming from this one paper... as I posted in the article earlier. Quit beating up your straw man, and read where this claim that 97% of scientist confirm AGW actually came from. See how that was pushed, and how everyone else followed suit...because hey 97% of scientist are saying it, it's probably true.

Now I'm not even an AGW denier, I haven't believed the alarmist version that's being pushed, I'm also not sold on AGW, but the jury is still out for me. The main reasons are is the laws we are creating in the name of AGW are only helping the large energy companies, and oil cartels. Actually cheap, clean, and practical energy is being shut out, energy that would greatly benefit us all, but hurt the big guys in energy and the oil cartels. So find out for yourself where this claim came from. If I'm so wrong about it, you should easily disprove the article
Oh come on. That was an extraodinarily silly post. Both wind and solar are now cheaper than even dirty coal. Both are scalable in ways that nuclear and coal are not.

World Energy Hits a Turning Point: Solar That's Cheaper Than Wind

Grid scale storage makes both wind and solar 24/7, and much cheaper than even natural gas. The fact that they are scalable means that you can, with a backup like Tesla's Powerwall, have just enough of one or the other, or a combination, for your home, and be off the grid, even in the city. Except in those states like Florida, that have already made it illegal to be off the grid. In fact, the laws actually favor the fossil fuels, and always have. And the orange clown will try to make even more laws like that.

I'm not talking about wind a solar. I'm talking hydrogen combustible engines, kinetic power plants micro and macro, micro nuclear power plants, and much better nuclear power plants than the 70 year old versions were have now...all of these have been done, are super cheap, with ZERO emissions. The current laws passed and being passed only keep competition out for the major energy companies.

And yes that Florida law is bs, and they're going for that in New York and jersey I believe as well. The Telsa power wall is wonderful too, but we could have had that a looong time ago. Musk became famous and popular for going against ridiculous dealership laws on the book, and become a hero for doing so which is why no one is saying squat about him inventing something late or trying to regulate him out.

And again read the article and found out where that claim came from
For the second time, the constitutional amendment our power companies were attempting to pass down here in Florida relating to home solar installations LOST. It is NOT law.

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