Ooops...the pro-vaccine group were WRONG.

You have no idea what youre talking about. mRNA segments cannot penetrate the nucleus of human cells to modify your DNA. Under very rare conditions, if the mRNA strand is taken up by say "a tumor" -- some think it's possible it will replicate within that abnormal cell (WITHOUT genetically modifying anything). If that cell DIES -- than the Covid signature that immune system remembers will stimulate a "clean up" response on the remnants of the dying cell.

THe amount of mRNA in an injection IS SUPPOSED to create an immune response. Whether that occurs in the arm muscle or elsewhere, the body response is the same.

There ARE tailored therapeutic techniques that USE A FULL LIVE VIRUS to penetrate the nucleus and CHANGE DNA !!!

That's ONE form of gene therapy. The Covid mRNA vaxxes are NOT THAT...
No they are NOT!

They are GENE THERAPY and the best biological warfare doctors in the world have confirmed this and every piece that ppl try telling you guys this you deny it. This is killing people ALL OF THEM.
The sources that provide this same information you all are well trained to deny it.
Experts are not telling their other doctors the truth , these hospitals are getting money for many things off ppl health now because of “COVID KICKBACKS” . Please dig deeper.



You guys REFUSE to research, research , research your stuck on on source man we keep telling you guys
but like we said sooner or later it will come out and it will be proven be it the Nuremberg code 2.0
or ones personal closeness with somone croaking from it and it’s undeniable like the father who lost his son.

PPL aren’t idiots they know when osmeone has died or gets sick right after a jab or not long after a jab.
I know my sisters baby use to get seizures from these vaccines every single time she took her to get them.
So nobody can ever tell me these jabs for decades have caused damage.
More vaccine doses=less death and illness. As it was. As it is. As it will be in the future. All of your hostility isn't going to change that.

I'll bet all those Euros who suffered thru the deadliest flu waves of the 19th Century believed that doing raw blood transfusions saved them when they attempted this after the biggest waves had already passed.

If you WANNA BELIEVE this -- remain stupid. OR -- you might show me the POSITIVE TEST RATE from anywhere in the US SHOWING that there CURRENTLY IS abundant Covid of ANY strain present. If there is -- nobody's talking about it.

And LORD KNOWS Brandon is TRYING to import new strains in bulk thru the UNVACCINATED, largely UNTESTED invasion of our Souther Border.

If I remember after the 1st wave (Dec to about April of 2020) our death rate ALSO DIVED to near zero for 3 or 4 months BEFORE the vaccines were available. Did the virus chicken out when it found out we created a vaccine and we're about to release it?

You're gaps in understanding the "wave nature" of pandemics and that other "bothersome crap" would make you stupid if didn't realize that this isn't the 1st or last time deaths would near zero.
More vaccine doses=less death and illness. As it was. As it is. As it will be in the future. All of your hostility isn't going to change that.

Also -- you purposely ignore that the efficacy of vaxes in protecting from severe and death are NEARING 50/50 with the later waves. Why do you THINK they're pushing more and more doses for VAXXED people as each wave rolls in? Because it DOES NOT WORK NEAR AS WELL AS IT DID for about the 1st 6 to 8 months where folks were 1st vaccinated.

The virus isn't even CLOSE to the mRNA snippet they chose for the vaccines.
If I remember after the 1st wave (Dec to about April of 2020) our death rate ALSO DIVED to near zero for 3 or 4 months BEFORE the vaccines were available. Did the virus chicken out when it found out we created a vaccine and we're about to release it?
Oh, you mean when we were actually social distancing and locking down?

Yeah, when we were actually avoiding contact with one another...amazingly....the virus stopped spreading. Shocking (for you)...I know!!!

Well all we can say is good luck to those of you who took this chit and or keep taking it.
Sadly your health more than likely will plummet each day that goes by . May you all be blessed
and this gene therapy bs gets out of you. No matter what it is the entire thing is MAN MADE!!

Also -- you purposely ignore that the efficacy of vaxes in protecting from severe and death are NEARING 50/50 with the later waves. Why do you THINK they're pushing more and more doses for VAXXED people as each wave rolls in? Because it DOES NOT WORK NEAR AS WELL AS IT DID for about the 1st 6 to 8 months where folks were 1st vaccinated.

The virus isn't even CLOSE to the mRNA snippet they chose for the vaccines.

She keeps ignoring the several BOOSTER shots that the CDC pushes after two years from the original "vaccine" while the death rate by the month hardly changed for TWO years anyway until this month when it is finally going down sharply as shown in the link for the DAILY Deaths chart showing that after the first year of the vaccination project (March 2020) the death rate had DOUBLED a year later (February 2021) that means it went from around 6,000 daily (March 2020) to about 17,000 daily (January 2021) 11 months later this after millions of people are vaccinated the rate went for another 1 1/2 years afterwards.


Her correlation argument is nonsense.
Oh, you mean when we were actually social distancing and locking down?

Yeah, when we were actually avoiding contact with one another...amazingly....the virus stopped spreading. Shocking (for you)...I know!!!

That is because it has been changing into other forms as delta and other variants.

Your ignorance it shocking.
No they are NOT!

They are GENE THERAPY and the best biological warfare doctors in the world have confirmed this and every piece that ppl try telling you guys this you deny it. This is killing people ALL OF THEM.
The sources that provide this same information you all are well trained to deny it.
Experts are not telling their other doctors the truth , these hospitals are getting money for many things off ppl health now because of “COVID KICKBACKS” . Please dig deeper.

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You guys REFUSE to research, research , research your stuck on on source man we keep telling you guys
but like we said sooner or later it will come out and it will be proven be it the Nuremberg code 2.0
or ones personal closeness with somone croaking from it and it’s undeniable like the father who lost his son.

PPL aren’t idiots they know when osmeone has died or gets sick right after a jab or not long after a jab.
I know my sisters baby use to get seizures from these vaccines every single time she took her to get them.
So nobody can ever tell me these jabs for decades have caused damage.

About the only true thing in that rant is about the govt collusion with the pharma. That's NOT NEW tho.. The rest of it is conspiracy land and whoever is Medical Professionals and Health who wrote a REQUEST for a FOIA -- does NOT CHANGE anything I told you.

There's no rebuttal to my assertions because they are true.
About the only true thing in that rant is about the govt collusion with the pharma. That's NOT NEW tho.. The rest of it is conspiracy land and whoever is Medical Professionals and Health who wrote a REQUEST for a FOIA -- does NOT CHANGE anything I told you.

There's no rebuttal to my assertions because they are true.

Well thanks anyway. I do hope you stay safe as well as anybody who takes this kill shot.
Those of you who refused the vaccination and are left who haven't died yet you mean.

Less than 20% of the population got infected at all, and the lethality rate is less than 1% of those that got infected.
So an insignificant number of unvaccinated people died.
And these days, with over 60% of the population vaccinated, now it is vaccinated people who are dying in the majority.
That is because the vax only helps for the first 6 months.
Less than 20% of the population got infected at all, and the lethality rate is less than 1% of those that got infected.
So an insignificant number of unvaccinated people died.
This may be the first time in history a million deaths was called "insignificant"
And these days, with over 60% of the population vaccinated, now it is vaccinated people who are dying in the majority.
That is because the vax only helps for the first 6 months.
Incredibly false.

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