Oops!… Obama Adminstration Admits Killing 16 Year-Old Denver Boy in Drone Strike Was


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
by Jim Hoft
March 10, 2013

Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki, a 16-year-old American citizen from Denver, was killed in a drone strike while eating dinner at an outdoor restaurant in Yemen. Abdulrahman Al-Aulaqi was the son of terrorist Anwar al-Aulaqi. He did not have a trial. He was never waterboarded. He was sixteen.

Barack Obama dropped a bomb on his head.

Barack Obama is the official who makes the final call on overseas drone strikes.

This weekend, The New York Times reported that US officials now admit that the drone bombing of the Denver teen was a mistake.

The New York Times reported:
"another drone strike mistakenly killed Mr. Awlaki’s 16-year-old son,"


Read more:
Oops!? Obama Adminstration Admits Killing 16 Year-Old Denver Boy in Drone Strike Was a Mistake | The Gateway Pundit
Of course Lakhota wouldn't be asking about the god who was supposed to be protecting this teenager from Oblamer.
Not to worry. This is just collateral damage in the War on Terror.

Our country is safer with drone strikes.
by Jim Hoft
March 10, 2013

Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki, a 16-year-old American citizen from Denver, was killed in a drone strike while eating dinner at an outdoor restaurant in Yemen. Abdulrahman Al-Aulaqi was the son of terrorist Anwar al-Aulaqi. He did not have a trial. He was never waterboarded. He was sixteen.

Barack Obama dropped a bomb on his head.

Barack Obama is the official who makes the final call on overseas drone strikes.

This weekend, The New York Times reported that US officials now admit that the drone bombing of the Denver teen was a mistake.

The New York Times reported:
"another drone strike mistakenly killed Mr. Awlaki’s 16-year-old son,"


Read more:
Oops!? Obama Adminstration Admits Killing 16 Year-Old Denver Boy in Drone Strike Was a Mistake | The Gateway Pundit

And here I was just assured by a member of this board that he was a terrorist at a training camp in Yemen at the time of his death. Go figure.
"A group of men who had just finished breakfast scrambled to get to their trucks. One was Anwar al-Awlaki, the firebrand preacher, born in New Mexico, who had evolved from a peddler of Internet hatred to a senior operative in Al Qaeda’s branch in Yemen. Another was Samir Khan, another American citizen who had moved to Yemen from North Carolina and was the creative force behind Inspire, the militant group’s English-language Internet magazine.

Two of the Predator drones pointed lasers on the trucks to pinpoint the targets, while the larger Reapers took aim. The Reaper pilots, operating their planes from thousands of miles away, readied for the missile shots, and fired."


"Then, on Oct. 14, a missile apparently intended for an Egyptian Qaeda operative, Ibrahim al-Banna, hit a modest outdoor eating place in Shabwa. The intelligence was bad: Mr. Banna was not there, and among about a dozen men killed was the young Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, who had no connection to terrorism and would never have been deliberately targeted.

It was a tragic error and, for the Obama administration, a public relations disaster, further muddying the moral clarity of the previous strike on his father and fueling skepticism about American assertions of drones’ surgical precision."
A lot of innocent children have been killed by drone strikes. Rather than tell you their names, the Right Wing propaganda machine just called them all by the name "Collateral Damage".

The Right Wing propaganda machine never minded before. Why the sudden change of heart?

Oh, yeah. "Because Obama".
Holy freakin' sausage haha!!!

Never in my wildest dreams did I think that Republicans would be critical of a military strike in a Middle East nation that targeted the meeting of a few terrorist minded Muslims.

Wow how times have changed........since 2009 anyway.
Holy freakin' sausage haha!!!

Never in my wildest dreams did I think that Republicans would be critical of a military strike in a Middle East nation that targeted the meeting of a few terrorist minded Muslims.

Wow how times have changed........since 2009 anyway.

Republican and Democratic Leadership are nothing but competing CORPORATE INTERESTS. They often align and agree on most things.

The sooner you sheep wake up and embrace the Libertarian movement, the better off we all shall be.
Since when does America have a problem with killing children?

It's not America. It's the progressives that have no use for life. Planned Parenthood, abortion on demand, and cities like Detroit, Chicago, New York, Cleveland, Washington D.C., and Los Angeles. All governed by Progressive Liberal Democrats.
BTW did yuou hear Kuwame Kilpatrick jusdt caught another 20 years in jail. Another good Democrat like Jesse Jackson Jr., and his wife.
Then again we have an Attorney General and President who feel that American lives are cheap and easily done away with.

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